![Beanow avatar](https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/497556?v=4&s=128) <!-- opening --> Hallo! I'm Robin van Boven (@Beanow), a software engineer based in the Netherlands. Currently I'm a Tauri Board Director, employed by CrabNebula, and would love to continue for another term as a Board Director. <!-- history with / relevance for Tauri --> About 2½ years ago I helped with establishing the [Tauri Programme][statutes] and joined as a Board Director. Some of the areas I worked on during this term are: - Created processes and templates for the Board, to follow regulations more easily. - Made sure we have multiple admins on important services (reducing our [bus factor] risk). - Proposed and co-authored the ["Domains and Teams" governance model][governance]. <!-- what you bring to the table --> My strengths and what I would bring to the Board are: - Passionate about the fairness, openness and resilience of Tauri. - Regular time dedicated to *doing work* for the Board. - A critical opinion based on experience in open source and software teams. <!-- Future for Tauri; What you're interested in realizing next term. --> I believe my skills are best used to strengthen what we do internally. Improving the foundations for other contributors to rely on. Some areas I would work on if elected for another term: - Investing in the new governance model, making sure we use it effectively. - A campaign to improve transparancy on all fronts, including a much more visible Board. - Make it significantly easier for the Working Group to submit proposals to the Board. A strong internal focus for me personally. Of course there is more to discuss, so I'd be happy to keep sharing my opinions and support other initiatives. [statutes]: https://dracc.commonsconservancy.org/0035/ "Statutes of Tauri" [bus factor]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor "Bus factor - Wikipedia" [governance]: https://tauri.app/about/governance "Tauri Governance"