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tags: yearn_VaY_Updates
# Vaults at Yearn updates
## *strategies only*
## *vault updates*
## *Eth*
## *Removed Strats*
## *strategies only*
## *vault updates*
## *Eth*
## *Removed Strats*
- [x] v2 WETH yVault (yvWETH)
- [x] StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser
- [x] StrategyGenericLevCompFarmWeth - 0x83B62
- [x] AaveWETHLenderUSDTBorrower
- [x] ssc_eth-steth
- [x] ssc_eth_seth
- [x] StrategystETHAccumulator
- [x] StrategyMakerv2_ETH-C
- [x] Rebalancer WETH JoinProvider YFI-WETH
- [x] SingleSidedBalancer B-stETH-STABLEPool WETH
- [x] StrategyGenericLevCompFarmWeth - removed
- [x] StrategysteCurveWETHSingleSided - removed
- [x] StrategyeCurveWETHSingleSided - removed
- [x] DAI yVault 4.3
- [x] StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser
- [x] StrategyKashiMultiPairLender
- [x] GenLevCompV3
- [x] StrategyGenericLevCompFarm
- [x] ssc dai ib
- [x] SingleSidedBalancer staBAL3Pool DAI
- [x] AaveDAILenderSUSDBorrower
- [x] StrategyGenLevAAVE-Flashmint
- [x] StrategyGenLevAAVE - removed
- [x] v2 AAVE yVault (yvAAVE)
- [x] StrategyUniverseStaking
- [x] v2 SUSHI yVault (yvSUSHI)
- [x] StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser
- [x] StrategyLeagueDAOStakingSUSHI
- [x] StrategyUniverseStaking - removed
- [x] v2 YFI yVault (yvYFI) - 4.2
- [x] v2 USDT yVault (yvUSDT)
- [x] StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser
- [x] StrategyAH2EarncyUSDT
- [x] StrategyIdleUSDTYield
- [x] SingleSidedCrvUSDT
- [x] SingleSidedBalancer staBAL3Pool USDT
- [x] v2 LINK yVault (yvLINK)
- [x] StrategyLeagueDAOStakingLINK
- [x] Vesper LINK
- [x] StrategyMakerLINKDAIDelegate
- [x] AaveLenderLINKBorrowerSUSD
- [x] StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser - remove
- [x] StrategyUniverseStaking - remove
- [ ] v2 WBTC yVault (yvWBTC) - 3.5
- [x] GenLevCompV3
- [x] yvWBTCStratMMV1
- [x] StrategyGenLevAAVE
- [x] SingleSidedCrvWBTC - 0xB8541
- [x] ssc wbtc bbtc
- [x] ssc wbtc pbtc
- [x] ssc wbtc obtc
- [x] SingleSidedBalancer staBAL3-BTCPool WBTC
- [x] StrategyGenLevAAVE-Flashmint
- [x] StrategyGenericLevCompFarm - remove
- [x] StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser - Removed
- [x] AaveLenderWBTCBorrowerUSDC - Removed
- [x] StrategyMakerWBTCDAIDelegate - Removed
- [x] Strategy Vesper WBTC (2) - Removed
- [x] Strategy-Levered-AAVE-wBTC (7) - Removed
- [x] v2 SNX yVault (yvSNX)
- [s] StrategyLeaugeDAOStakingSNX
- [x] StrategySynthetixSusdMinter
- [x] StrategyUniverseStaking
- [s] StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser - removed
- [s] StrategySynthetixSusdMinter - removed
- [x] v2 TUSD yVault(yvTUSD)
- [x] StrategyKashiMultiPairLender
- [x] v2 COMP yVault (yvCOMP)
- [x] StrategyUniverseStaking
- [x] v2 UNI yVault (yvUNI)
- [x] StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser
- [x] PoolTogether Uniswap
- [x] StrategyMakerUNIDAIDelegate
- [x] Vester UNI
- [x] v2 sUSD yVault (yvsUSD)
- [x] StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser
- [x] SingleSidedCrvsUSD
- [x] SingleSidedCrvsUSD
- [x] SingleSidedCrvSynthsETH - Removed
- [x] v2 1INCH yVault (yv1INCH)
- [x] StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser
- [x] Strategy1INCHGovernance
- [x] v2 USDC yVault (yvUSDC) 3.0
- [x] StrategyAH2EarncyUSDC
- [x] GenLevCompV3
- [x] PoolTogether USD Coin
- [x] StrategyRook USD Coin
- [x] SingleSidedCrvUSDC
- [x] SingleSidedBalancer staBAL3Pool USDC
- [x] StrategyGenericLevCompFarm - remove
- [x] StrategyIdleUSDCYield - remove
- [x] IBLevComp - Removed
- [x] Yearn Compounding veCRV yVault (yvBOOST)
- [x] StrategyYearnVECRV
- [x] v2 RAI yVault (yvRAI)
- [x] StrategyIdleidleRAIYield
- [x] Curve cvxCRV Pool yVault
- [x] StrategyCurvecvxCRV
- [x] StrategyConvexcvxCRV
- [x] Curve ibGBP Pool yVault
- [x] StrategyCurveibGBP
- [x] StrategyConvexibGBP
- [x] Curve ibEUR Pool yVault
- [x] StrategyCurveibEUR
- [x] StrategyConvexibEUR
- [x] Curve ibKRW Pool yVault
- [x] StrategyCurveibKRW
- [x] StrategyConvexibKRW
- [x] Curve ibAUD Pool yVault
- [x] StrategyCurveibAUD
- [x] StrategyConvexibAUD
- [x] Curve ibCHF Pool yVault
- [x] StrategyCurveibCHF
- [x] StrategyConvexibCHF
- [x] Curve ibJPY Pool yVault
- [x] StrategyCurveibJPY
- [x] StrategyConvexibJPY
- [x] Curve EURT Pool yVault
- [x] StrategyCurveEURT
- [x] StrategyConvexEURT
- [x] Curve MIM Pool yVault
- [x] StrategyConvexMIM
- [x] StrategyCurveMIM
- [x] Curve 3Crypto Pool yVault 4.3
- [x] Curvecrv3cryptoVoterProxy
- [x] StrategyConvex3Crypto
- [x] v2 Curve USDK Pool yVault (yvCurve-USDK) - 2
- [x] Curveusdk3CRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] Convexusdk3CRV (1) - 0 allocation
- [x] v2 Curve Pax Pool yVault (yvCurve-Pax) - 2
- [x] CurveypaxCrvVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexypaxCrv (1) - 0 allocation
- [x] v2 Curve RSV Pool yVault (yvCurve-RSV) - 2
- [x] Curversv3CRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] Convexrsv3CRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve USDT Pool yVault (yvCurve-USDT) - 2
- [x] CurvecDAI+cUSDC+USDTVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexcDAI+cUSDC+USDT (1) - 0 allocation
- [x] v2 Curve mUSD Pool yVault (yvCurve-mUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] Curvemusd3CRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] Convexmusd3CRV (1) - 0 allocation
- [x] v2 Curve triCrypto Pool yVault (yvCurve-triCrypto)
- [x] CurvecrvTricryptoVoterProxy
- [x] ConvexcrvTricrypto
- [x] v2 Curve EURS Pool yVault (yvCurve-EURS) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurveeursCRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexeursCRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve sUSD Pool yVault (yvCurve-sUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurvecrvPlain3andSUSDVoterProxy (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] ConvexcrvPlain3andSUSD (1)
- [x] v2 Curve AAVE Pool yVault (yvCurve-Aave) - (2 strats)
- [x] Curvea3CRVVoterProxy (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] Convexa3CRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve HUSD Pool yVault (yvCurve-HUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] Curvehusd3CRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] Convexhusd3CRV (1) - 0 allocation
- [x] v2 Curve USDN Pool yVault (yvCurve-USDN) - (2 strats)
- [x] Curveusdn3CRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] Convexusdn3CRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve rETH Pool yVault (yvCurve-rETH) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurverCRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexrCRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve ankrETH Pool yVault (yvCurve-ankrETH) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurveankrCRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexankrCRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve LINK Pool yVault (yvCurve-LINK) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurvelinkCRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexlinkCRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve alUSD Pool yVault (yvCurve-alUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurvealUSD3CRV-fVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexalUSD3CRV-f (1)
- [x] v2 Curve USDP Pool yVault (yvCurve-USDP) - (2 strats)
- [x] Curveusdp3CRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] Convexusdp3CRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve UST Pool yVault (yvCurve-UST) - (2 strats)
- [x] Curveust3CRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] Convexust3CRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve DUSD Pool yVault (yvCurve-DUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] Curvedusd3CRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] Convexdusd3CRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve TUSD Pool yVault (yvCurve-TUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurveTUSD3CRV-fVoterProxy (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] ConvexTUSD3CRV-f (1)
- [x] v2 Curve Y Pool yVault (yUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurveyDAI+yUSDC+yUSDT+yTUSDVoterProxy (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] ConvexyDAI+yUSDC+yUSDT+yTUSD (1)
- [x] v2 Curve 3Pool yVault (yvCurve-3pool) - (2 strats)
- [x] Curve3CrvVoterProxy (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] Convex3Crv (1)
- [x] v2 Curve GUSD yVault (yvCurve-GUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] Curvegusd3CRVVoterProxy (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] Convexgusd3CRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve Iron Bank yVault (yvCurve-IB) - (2 strats)
- [x] StrategyCurveIBVoterProxy (0)
- [x] StrategyConvexIronBank (1)
- [x] v2 Curve sETH Pool yvault (yveCRV) - (2 strats)
- [x] StrategyCurveEcrvVoterProxy (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] StrategyConvexsETH (1)
- [x] v2 Curve stETH Pool yVault (yvsteCRV) - (2 strats)
- [x] StrategystETHCurve (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] StrategyConvexstETH (1)
- [x] v2 Curve sBTC Pool yVault (yvCurve-sBTC) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurvecrvRenWSBTCVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexcrvRenWSBTC (1)
- [x] v2 Curve renBTC Pool yVault (yvCurve-renBTC) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurvecrvRenWBTCVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexcrvRenWBTC (1) - 0 allocation
- [x] v2 Curve oBTC Pool yVault (yvCurve-oBTC) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurveoBTC/sbtcCRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexoBTC/sbtcCRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve pBTC Pool yVault (yvCurve-pBTC) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurvepBTC/sbtcCRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexpBTC/sbtcCRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve tBTC Pool yVault (yvCurve-tBTC) - (2 strats)
- [x] Curvetbtc/sbtcCrvVoterProxy (0)
- [x] Convextbtc/sbtcCrv (1) - 0 allocation
- [x] v2 Curve FRAX Pool yVault (yvCurve-FRAX) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurveFRAX3CRV-fVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexFRAX3CRV-f (1)
- [x] v2 Curve LUSD Pool yVault (yvCurve-LUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurveLUSD3CRV-fVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexLUSD3CRV-f (1)
- [x] v2 Curve SAAVE Pool yVault (yvCurve-sAave) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurvesaCRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexsaCRV (1)
- [x] v2 Curve bBTC Pool yVault (yvCurve-bBTC) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurvebBTC/sbtcCRVVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexbBTC/sbtcCRV (1) - 0 allocation
- [x] v2 Curve BUSD Pool yVault (yvCurve-BUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurveBUSD3CRV-fVoterProxy (0)
- [x] ConvexBUSD3CRV-f (1)
- [x] v2 Curve yBUSD Pool yVault (yyDAI+yUSDC+yUSDT+yBUSD) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurveyDAI+yUSDC+yUSDT+yBUSDVoterProxy (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] ConvexyDAI+yUSDC+yUSDT+yBUSD (1)
- [x] v2 Curve Compound Pool yVault (yvCurve-Compound) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurvecDAI+cUSDCVoterProxy (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] ConvexcDAI+cUSDC (1)
- [x] v2 Curve HBTC Pool yVault (yvCurve-HBTC) - (2 strats)
- [x] CurvehCRVVoterProxy (0) - 0 allocation
- [x] ConvexhCRV (1)
- [x] v2 DAI yVault (yvDAI) - 3.0
- [x] This vault is being migrated to a newer version.
- [x] v2 WBTC yVault (yvWBTC) — 0xcb550
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v2 WETH yVault (yvWETH) — 0xa9fe4 — v0.3.2
- [x] This vault is being migrated to a newer version.
- [x] v2 HEGIC yVault (yvHEGIC)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 YFI yVault (yvYFI)
- [x] Inactive with YIP-56: Buyback and Build.
- [x] v1 LINK yVault (yLINK)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Ethereum yVault (yvETH)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 WETH yVault (yvWETH)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve USDP yVault (yvusdp3CRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve AnkrETH Pool yVault (yvankrCRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve HUSD Pool yVault (yvhusd3CRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve BUSD Pool yVault (yvcrvBUSD)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve USDN Pool yVault (yvusdn3CRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve EURS Pool yVault (yveursCRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve sUSD Pool yVault (yvcrvSUSD)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve AAVE Pool yVault (yva3CRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve 3pool yVault (yv3Crv)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve LINK yVault (yvlinkCRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve mUSD Pool yVault (yvmusd3Crv)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve UST Pool yVault (yvust3CRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve YPool yVault (yUSD)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve GUSD Pool yVault (yvgusd3CRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve DUSD Pool yVault (yvdusd3CRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve Compound Pool yVault (yvcDAI+cUSDC)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve sBTC Pool yVault (ycrvRenWSBTC)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve renBTC Pool yVault (yvcrvRenWBTC)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve SAAVE Pool yVault (yvsaCRV)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve bBTC Pool yVault (ycrvbBTC)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve pBTC Pool yVault (ycrvpBTC)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve tBTC Pool yVault (ycrvtBTC)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
- [x] v1 Curve oBTC Pool yVault (ycrvoBTC)
- [x] This vault is no longer active.
# Ape Tax
## Fantom
✨ <img src="https://github.com/yearn/yearn-assets/blob/master/icons/tokens/0x79330397e161C67703e9bce2cA2Db73937D5fc7e/logo-128.png?raw=true" width="40">BOO yVault ([yvBOO](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x79330397e161C67703e9bce2cA2Db73937D5fc7e))
✨ [StrategyBooStakingRewards](https://ftmscan.com/address/0xf8c08cE855D1ABA492202ecf47eaa3d2a7DE2eC5)
Supplies BOO on [Spookyswap](spookyswap.finance) to earn BOO. Rewards are harvested, sold for more BOO, and re-deposited into the vault.
✨ [EsterMasterchef](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x0Edd8F5786f2AFeBa9fa56a65487bA3F6264AAA9)
Supplies BOO on [Ester.Finance](https://ester.finance) to earn EST. Rewards are harvested, sold for more BOO, and re-deposited into the vault.
✨ [ProviderOfBOOToBooJointOfWFTMBOO](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x9963F18cA33e6CC0Bb8032D2B9E2511d4931037e)
Supples BOO as half of a joint liqudity provider for the WFTM/BOO pool on [Spookyswap](spookyswap.finance). Rewards are harvested, split between the two pairs, sold for more BOO, and re-deposited into the vault.
✨ <img src="https://github.com/yearn/yearn-assets/blob/master/icons/tokens/0xE95416c54f3e313E49306486b0ea9c2C6D623157/logo-128.png?raw=true" width="40">fUSDT+DAI+USDC yVault ([yvfUSDT+DAI+USDC](https://ftmscan.com/address/0xE95416c54f3e313E49306486b0ea9c2C6D623157))
✨ [CurvefUSDT+DAI+USDC](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x65fCDb59D9dc496Fd957525B74ed427fAC110E85)
This vault accepts deposits of fUSDT+2CRV tokens obtained by supplying either DAI, USDC (or their wrapped version: 2crv), or fUSDT to the liquidity pool on [Curve](https://ftm.curve.fi) [here](https://ftm.curve.fi/fusdt/deposit) in exchange for fUSDT+2CRV tokens. fUSDT+2CRV are staked in the gauge on curve.finance to earn CRV and wFTM rewards. Rewards are swapped for one of the underlying assets and resupplied to the liquidity pool to obtain more fUSDT+2CRV.
✨ <img src="https://github.com/yearn/yearn-assets/blob/master/icons/tokens/0x0FCDAeDFb8A7DfDa2e9838564c5A1665d856AFDF/logo-128.png?raw=true" width="40">btcCRV yVault ([yvbtcCRV](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x0FCDAeDFb8A7DfDa2e9838564c5A1665d856AFDF))
✨ [CurvebtcCRV](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x98B058b2CBacF5E99bC7012DF757ea7CFEbd35BC)
This vault accepts deposits of btcCRV tokens obtained by supplying either wBTC or renBTC to the liquidity pool on [Curve](https://ftm.curve.fi) [here](https://ftm.curve.fi/ren/deposit) in exchange for btcCRV tokens. btcCRV are staked in the gauge on curve.finance to earn CRV and wFTM rewards. Rewards are swapped for one of the underlying assets and resupplied to the liquidity pool to obtain more btcCRV.
✨ <img src="https://github.com/yearn/yearn-assets/blob/master/icons/tokens/0x0DEC85e74A92c52b7F708c4B10207D9560CEFaf0/logo-128.png?raw=true" width="40">WFTM yVault ([yvWFTM](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x0DEC85e74A92c52b7F708c4B10207D9560CEFaf0))
✨ [StrategyTarotLender](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x1922Fde0C9f09cD1AEAe20C6021a2c18a9CBD589)
Supplies wFTM on [Tarot](tarot.to) to earn TAROT. Rewards are harvested, sold for more wFTM, and re-deposited into the vault.
✨ [StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x5920892f23967728E16135c21aB8BeEC8C548927)
This strategy lends wFTM tokens on [Scream](scream.sh) to gain yield.
✨ <img src="https://github.com/yearn/yearn-assets/blob/master/icons/tokens/0x637eC617c86D24E421328e6CAEa1d92114892439/logo-128.png?raw=true" width="40">DAI yVault ([yvDAI](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x637eC617c86D24E421328e6CAEa1d92114892439))
✨ [StrategyLenderYieldOptimiser](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x754133e0f67CB51263d6d5F41f2dF1a58a9D36b7)
This strategy lends DAI tokens on [Scream](scream.sh) to gain yield.
✨ [StrategyTarotLender](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x47C004db0Dd0dCe726827CAAac71b660FFF14fAb)
Supplies DAI on [Tarot](tarot.to) to earn TAROT. Rewards are harvested, sold for more DAI, and re-deposited into the vault.
✨ <img src="https://github.com/yearn/yearn-assets/blob/master/icons/tokens/0xA6A0cA45c2ceF0c5C0E0B58A8Ddd59209378B76A/logo-128.png?raw=true" width="40">DAI+USDC yVault ([yvDAI+USDC](https://ftmscan.com/address/0xA6A0cA45c2ceF0c5C0E0B58A8Ddd59209378B76A))
✨ [2crv](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x309Bac9cC01912decf6EC286c1F17Db99926c44F)
This vault accepts deposits of DAI+USDC tokens obtained by supplying either DAI or USDC to the liquidity pool on [Curve](https://ftm.curve.fi) [here](https://ftm.curve.fi/2pool/deposit) in exchange for DAI+USDC tokens. DAI+USDC are staked in the gauge on curve.finance to earn CRV and wFTM rewards. Rewards are swapped for one of the underlying assets and resupplied to the liquidity pool to obtain more DAI+USDC.
✨ <img src="https://github.com/yearn/yearn-assets/blob/master/icons/tokens/0x2C850cceD00ce2b14AA9D658b7Cad5dF659493Db/logo-128.png?raw=true" width="40">YFI yVault ([yvYFI](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x2C850cceD00ce2b14AA9D658b7Cad5dF659493Db))
✨ [ProviderOfYFIToSpiritJointOfYFIWOOFY](https://ftmscan.com/address/0xecc1DFF0C8450A5A16E56211c43182B95580f9Cf)
Supples YFI as half of a joint liqudity provider for the YFI/WOOFY pool on [Spookyswap](spookyswap.finance). Rewards are harvested, split between the two pairs, sold for more YFI, and re-deposited into the vault.
✨ [StrategyTarotLender](https://ftmscan.com/address/0xFb96225463d2A53DC1C8747Ddb2e019BF4391897)
Supplies YFI on [Tarot](tarot.to) to earn TAROT. Rewards are harvested, sold for more YFI, and re-deposited into the vault.
✨ <img src="https://github.com/yearn/yearn-assets/blob/master/icons/tokens/0x6864355183462A0ECA10b5Ca90BC89BB1361d3CB/logo-128.png?raw=true" width="40">WOOFY yVault ([yvWOOFY](https://ftmscan.com/address/0x6864355183462A0ECA10b5Ca90BC89BB1361d3CB))
✨ [ProviderOfWOOFYToSpiritJointOfYFIWOOFY](https://ftmscan.com/address/0xaA944D01b361b25a11F185C61530937a7a9C47a6)
Supples WOOFY as half of a joint liqudity provider for the YFI/WOOFY pool on [Spookyswap](spookyswap.finance). Rewards are harvested, split between the two pairs, sold for more WOOFY, and re-deposited into the vault.
✨ [StrategyTarotLender](https://ftmscan.com/address/0xd8CA58CaD88Ac5Dc3b47B7BFfC7ce899F2c4acD8)
Supplies WOOFY on [Tarot](tarot.to) to earn TAROT. Rewards are harvested, sold for more WOOFY, and re-deposited into the vault.