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tags: OpenDreamKit, CIRM
# Calcul Mathématique Libre / Free Computational Mathematics
## Location
All the activities will take place in the CIRM library. We use the conference room on the ground floor as main stage, and breakout space elsewhere in the library.
Beware that there may be occasional thieves around the CIRM. Do not leave valuables unattended.
## Group Photo

## [Participants](/obeixVT4TAG086Nz120aFA)
## [Software installation](/ylLz5QR5TMCQ_4VnjaFmDg)
## [Departure organization: taxi sharing](/cBy_oj7OTUydaPJslRTAnw)
If you are planning on taking a taxi to leave CIRM and seek to share it you can use the above link to synchronize with the other participants.
## Schedule
We have made the schedule voluntarily flexible to maximize opportunities for participants to discover the ecosystem, and reciprocally for developers to expose their systems. The general idea is to have short demos to give an overview of the ecosystem to all participants. And then a combination of free tutorials where we point participants to resources to explore according to their pace and taste, with support from instructors roaming around. And possibly guided tutorials or longer presentations in separate rooms. The schedule will be progressively refined according to the participants interest.
- Participants are encouraged to skip the parts that are irrelevant to them (e.g. tutorials on material they already master) to engage into parallel collaborative activities such as coding sprints.
- The planning has been designed so that participants can use their free time to enjoy the beautiful surroundings; hence the long lunch break and late work.
### Monday 11th: User interfaces and getting started
| Time | Speaker | Title |
| - | - | - |
| 09:00-10:00 | | Coffee, [Informal software installation helpdesk](/ylLz5QR5TMCQ_4VnjaFmDg) |
| 10:00-10:05 | Nicolas | Word of welcome |
| 10:10-10:55 | Fernando Perez | [The Jupyter project: scientific computing, user interfaces, and community building](/fU-1fEwvRrW2J2olkIHKFw) |
| 11:00-11:30 | | [Demos around Jupyter](https://hackmd.io/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g): Binder, CoCalc, JupyterHub, JupyterLab |
| 11:30-12:30 | | [Self guided tutorial 1: get started with Jupyter](https://hackmd.io/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g?view#Self-guided-tutorial-1-getting-started-with-Jupyter) |
| 12:30-16:15 | | Lunch break |
| 16:15-16:30 | | Coffee break |
| 16:30-17:15 | Joris Van Der Hoeven | [GNU TeXmacs](/crI_4Dr-RtqBSc2Mj2RwGg) |
| 17:15-17:30 | Everyone | [Going around the table](/obeixVT4TAG086Nz120aFA): |
| 17:30-18:15 | | [Demos around computational systems](https://hackmd.io/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g?both#Math-Computational-Systems-amp-Databases): GAP, Mathemagix, Pari/GP, SageMath, Singular |
| 18:15-19:30 | | [Self guided tutorial 2: get started with the system of your choice](/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g) |
| 19:30-20:30 | | Dinner |
| 21:00-21:45 | Anne Schilling | [Impact of computer assisted experimentation in combinatorics](/p6gZDAGfS12XEHipugNNaA) |
### Tuesday: A panorama of computational math software
| Time | Speaker | Title |
| - | - | - |
| 09:00-09:45 | Marie-Françoise Roy | [Real algebraic geometry and computations: an intricated history](https://perso.univ-rennes1.fr/marie-francoise.roy/CIRM2018.pdf)|
| 10:00-10:30 |Fredrik Johansson, Claus Fieker| [Demos around computational systems](https://hackmd.io/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g#Math-Computational-Systems-amp-Databases): Arb, Oscar, Hecke |
| 10:30-10:35 || Word of welcome from the French Mathematical Society |
| 10:35-10:50 || Coffee break |
| 10:50-11:15 |John Cremona, Éric Gourgouhlon| [Demos around computational systems](https://hackmd.io/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g#Math-Computational-Systems-amp-Databases): LMFDB, [SageManifolds](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/egourgoulhon/SageMathTour/blob/master/Notebooks/demo_manifolds.ipynb) |
| 11:15-12:30 || [Self guided tutorials](/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g); coding sprints |
| 12:30-16:30 || Lunch break |
| 16:30-17:00 | Odile Bénassy, Sebastian Gutsche, Jeroen Demeyer| [Demos around Interactive mathematics with Jupyter Widgets](https://hackmd.io/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g#Jupyter-Widgets) |
| 17:00-19:30 || [Self guided tutorials](/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g) and coding sprints |
| 19:30-20:30 || Dinner |
| 20:30-20:45 | Han | Participate in a user interface study! |
| 20:45-22:00 | Odile Bénassy, Viviane Pons, Marie-Françoise Roy | Celebrating the Women in Sciences day: [Short presentations followed by a discussion](https://perso.univ-rennes1.fr/marie-francoise.roy/reportof12febinCIRM.pdf) . [Presentation by M.-F. Roy](https://perso.univ-rennes1.fr/marie-francoise.roy/CWM-CIRM.pdf). [Querying Wikidata with Jupyter to explore the gender gap.](https://framagit.org/odile/wd-gendergap)
| 22:00-24:00 | Samuel | Tutorial: teaching with CoCalc |
| 24:00-25:00 | Samuel | Using TeXmacs in CoCalc |
### Wednesday: Best practices for computer exploration
| Time | Speaker | Title |
| - | - | - |
| 09:00-09:30 | [François Bergeron](http://bergeron.math.uqam.ca/) | [Experimental mathematics](https://opendreamkit.org/meetings/2019-02-11-CIRM/MathExperimentale.pdf) |
| 10:00-12:30 || [Tutorial: GAP](/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g#GAP); coding sprints |
| 12:30-19:30 || Lunch break, free afternoon<br>[some (interactive) suggested hikes](https://github.com/defeo/odk-jupyter-cirm)<br> [a map](https://www.geoportail.gouv.fr/carte?c=5.454233534484868,43.22082289957439&z=14&l0=GEOGRAPHICALGRIDSYSTEMS.MAPS.SCAN25TOUR.CV::GEOPORTAIL:OGC:WMTS(1)&permalink=yes) |
| 19:30-20:30 || Dinner |
| 20:30-20:45 | Han | Participate in a user interface study! |
| 20:45-22:00 || [Tutorial: shell, version control with git (gitorial)](https://hackmd.io/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g#Basic-skills); coding sprints |
### Thursday: Share your lab notebooks and code!
| Time | Speaker | Title |
| - | - | - |
| 09:00-11:00 || Tutorial: Python |
| 11:00-12:30 | Nicolas Thiéry | [Tutorial: Some best practices for computer exploration](/DUiM8pdxQu2N0Zw9Wh4Stg) ([slides](/p/H19cXPlBN#/)) |
| 12:30-16:30 || Lunch break |
| 13:30-16:30 |Michael Torpey| [GAP tutorial pt 2](/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g#GAP) |
| 16:30-18:30 |Thierry Monteil| [Sage Tutorial](https://tmpsage.metelu.net/cirm2019/) |
| 16:30-16:45 | Michael Torpey | Demo: [pypersist](https://github.com/mtorpey/pypersist) [](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/mtorpey/pypersist/master?filepath=binder/demo.ipynb) <br>Persistent memoisation in Python/Sage|
| 16:45-17:30 | Max Horn | [Collaborative mathematical software development](/qVXPUQ8aTPuS_BIrm9oO9Q) ([slides](https://www.quendi.de/data/slides/cirm-2019-02/)) |
| 17:30-18:00 | Viviane Pons | Tutorial: teaching with Cocalc |
| 17:30-19:30 || [Tutorials](/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g); round table on software development |
| 19:30- || Gala dinner |
### Friday: Become a developer
| Time | Speaker | Title |
| - | - | - |
| 09:00-9:30 | Bill Allombert| Tutorial: [Parallel programming in PARI](https://hackmd.io/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g#PARIGP)|
| 09:30-10:00 | Thierry Monteil, Alba, Victor Marsault | Demos: [Sage Debian Live](https://sagedebianlive.metelu.net/), [Grobid](https://grobid.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Introduction/), [awali](http://vaucanson-project.org/Awali/index.html) |
| 10:00-12:15 || [Tutorials](/LNB4d6IPRXuKiEjaPq7v8g): contributing to GAP, contributing to Sage ...; coding sprints |
| 12:15-12:30 || End of official program |
| 12:30-14:00 || Lunch break |
| 14:00- || Informal tutorials; coding sprints |
[Misc notes](/d1_aC0feTSKkfioDRhctPw)