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OLS-3 Meeting Minutes: The UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre + Sarah Gibson
###### tags: `OLS-3` `Meeting` `project-leads`
- **Call time**: 10:00 - 10:30 Europe/London https://arewemeetingyet.com/London/2021-02-17/10:00/b/ols-3-mentor-mentee-meeting
- **Project name**: UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre
- **Project lead(s)**: Emma Lawrence, Roberto Santos, Jessica Sims
- **Mentor(s)**: Sarah Gibson
- **Call joining link**: https://ucl.zoom.us/j/98726405800?pwd=RWlTR21uMURvZi83Z29WdkdpUkZrUT09
**Table of contents**
## Week 0
- Please read the email sent by OLS organisers to you
- Create a [GitHub account](https://github.com/) if you don't have one already - you will need that to login to HackMD and edit this document
- Get started with HackMD using this short guide: https://hackmd.io/@openlifesci/OLS-HackMD-guide
**Preferred time and days provided by the project lead(s)**
- We have the following information from the project leads (you can make changes as needed so that your mentor can identify the most suitable time for your intro call with them):
### Homework before meeting your mentor
**Project Lead (mentee) will:**
1. Take a Self-Assessment [SURVEY](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wyVqzMSF_8fsKc-kAtmW0fLTqwmqMH90xFL3FYGgrUs/edit?usp=sharing) and share the outcome with their mentors during the call.
- [Emma's survey](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_CTMU-XXYYJ-U5ryMXAEOUc9c2TObnD8gP_f_OOK1AU/edit?usp=sharing): particularly like to learn about empowering for understanding, participation and inclusion
- [Jessica's survey](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y3qJaDUxZ03ZS2sFvoXSxs5ATkdzGdezP7oIMXL9FjM/edit?usp=sharing): I'd like to improve how I empoer for understanding in my projects
2. Based on the insights gained from the survey, set 1-2 personal open science goals for yourself in OLS (it doesn't have to be about your project).
- Emma
- Jessica: learn the capabilities of Github and how it might improve my ways of working (if not the tool, the ethos or methods)
3. State how their mentors can best support them in OLS (providing accountability, connect them with right people, share useful resources, specific skill they can help them gain either directly or with the help of OLS experts)
- [This could be a copy of what you wrote in your application]
## Week 1
**Roll call**
- Emma Lawrence ,Jessica Sims, Sarah Gibson
### Agenda and Notes for Week-1
- Introductions - get to know each other
- Sarah, RSE @ Turing, member of Turing Way and Jupyter, experience working with communities on GitHub
- Mentees, tell your mentor about yourself
- Emma, Immunology PhD, mathematical models for clinical trials, project manager, engagement manager, outreach
- Jessica, part of the project since the beginning ~6 years, background in social sciences, NICE clinical guidelines, project management, role has changed on project to co-director
- Set your overall goals for your project
- Where do you want your project to be by the end of the program (in 15 weeks)? Possible areas to think about:
- Community: Contributors / Maintainers / Members
- Product (Launch / MVP / Feature)
- Resources / Sustainability (Governance / Funding / Gifts)
- Mentees, discuss your notes from your homework
**Meeting logistics & Reminders**
- Does this time every 2 weeks work for everyone?
- Full cohort call next week (see Syllabus for details: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3)
**Assignments after this call**
- Draft a brief **vision statement** using your personal and project goals. You might address:
- The problem you’re trying to solve.
- How you think openness and open leadership will help solve it.
- How meeting your personal goals will help you and help solve the problem.
- How meeting your cultural goals for your community, organization, or project will help solve the problem.
- Add your vision statement to your repo by uploading it or copy and pasting it into your README document.
- Anything else?
*Follow this [chapter from the Open Leadership Training Series (OLTS)](https://mozilla.github.io/open-leadership-training-series/articles/introduction-to-open-leadership/stating-your-project-vision/) to create your vision statement.*
## Week 3
- Agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-03
**Roll call**
- Sarah Gibson
- Emma Lawrence
- Jessica Sims
### Before this call
- review notes from the cohort call linked here: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-04
**Links to your assignments to share with your mentor**
- Link to our [issue on Github](https://github.com/open-life-science/ols-3/issues/5)
- Compare/contract assignment about current and desired community interactions and value exchanges:
- Link to our [Open Canvas](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UR_NJQVniYU5brn3kCjGrKG6iiP78a_55NZz33Robks/edit?usp=sharing)
- Reflection exercise on your role as a mentee and a project leader in ols-3
- EL
- JS
### Agenda and Notes
**TO DO**
- Establish a check-in ritual and try it. (2-3 minutes)
(Examples: weather check (my project feels like a blustery wind right now), .gif share, video share)
- (your notes)
- Establish a culture of gratitude ritual (if you have not already). (2-3 minutes)
(Examples: recognitions (recognize colleagues), sparkling moments (recognize community members), shout-outs)
- (your notes)
- Review your assignments from last week, reflect on where in your project are they applicable. (10 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Review your GitHub repo and get any help you need adding your content developed through the assignment from last week (5-10 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Review your goals and any progress you’ve made towards them. Any challenges to mention? (5 minutes)
**Project development:**
- EL updated SG with the focus on the project (i.e. UKCRC Tissue Directory API). However RB is now on extended leave and he is the main contact point for the API work. EL and JS to liaise with development team to see whether we can continue with this focus in RS's absence.
- SG wonders if 15wks is a good timeline for this project. Suggested hackathon or workshop to improve it (documentation) and engage with users.
**Personal Goals:**
- EL: Structured approach of spending time planning with users/stakeholders in mind. Planning and building collaboration.
- Comments SG: cohort calls will help with codes of conduct etc
- JS: Getting away from transactional interaction and improving collaboration throughout the process
- SG **identified an expert who might provide help**: contact who worked on a project and was trying to get away from this transactional way of working
### After this call
**Next week: Cohort call**
- Schedule, time and agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-04
**Assignments before the next cohort call**
1. Share the image/link on your GitHub issue
2. Look up at least two other projects in the issues and comment on their issues with feedback on their vision statement.
3. [Start your Roadmap](https://mozilla.github.io/open-leadership-training-series/articles/opening-your-project/start-your-project-roadmap/) and comment on your issue with your draft Roadmap.
4. Review notes from last cohort call to see if there was something else that was mentioned as homework or assignment
## Week 5
- Agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-05
**Roll call**
- SG
- EL
- JS
### Before this call
- review notes from the cohort call linked here: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-04
**Links to your assignments to share with your mentor**
- Link to our [issue on Github](https://github.com/open-life-science/ols-3/issues/5)
- Link to our [Open Canvas](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UR_NJQVniYU5brn3kCjGrKG6iiP78a_55NZz33Robks/edit?usp=sharing)
- Link to our [Roadmap](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yf8kef01_iBQiTd4mWBqJu5WeIHZSpA1e5CY3iTnlOs/edit)
### Agenda and Notes
- Check-in ritual. (2-3 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Gratitude ritual. (2-3 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Review your goals and progress you’ve made towards them. Any challenges to mention? (5 minutes)
- EL: EL and JS Met with Dev team to get the status of the API (as was unknown) and to plan the Roadmap. Were pointed to the software company implementing the API to find out more about testing. Want to know more about how it works for the user
- Have planned the activities including blog
- Challenge with communication with Dev team and so looking forward to meeting and talking to Georgia about her experiences
- Any expert to invite to the future mentor meetings (2-3 minutes).
- Georgia to join meeting in two weeks' time
- Anything else:
- SG: can add a (MIT?) license somewhere. Check with teh Dev team about their prerequisites for IP
- EL and JS to check on license : https://github.com/biobankinguk/biobankinguk/blob/main/LICENSE.md
- Discussed code of conduct
### After this call
**Next week: Cohort call**
- Shedule, time and agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-06
**Assignments before the next cohort call**
- https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-04
## Week 7
- Agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-07
**Roll call**
- EL
- JS
- SG
- GA
### Before this call
- review notes from the cohort call linked here: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-06
**Links to your assignments to share with your mentor**
### Agenda and Notes
**Expert invited:** Georgia Aitkenhead
- Any expert to invite to the future mentor meetings (2-3 minutes).
- GA - invited to today's meeting and is working on a citizen science project. Will share her experiences and tactics with working with technical teams.
- EL and JS described the project.
- GA - Issues possibly to speak on are ways of working, workflow and communication. Tips: requirements list, roadmap the list to monitor progress, Github project board (https://docs.github.com/en/github/managing-your-work-on-github/about-project-boards)
- SG suggests that we get access to the Dev team's planner board
- SG What would be achievable by the end of OLS?
- EL roll out of an API, plus accompanying documentation and communications
- GA Suggestion about our tasks in their plan to show dependencies
- EL and JS to reflect on goals of the programme
- GA suggesting can EL and JS join dev team's standup
### After this call
**Next week: Cohort call**
- Shedule, time and agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-08
**Assignments before the next cohort call**
- CHECK HERE: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-06
## Week 9
- Agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-09
**Roll call**
### Before this call
- review notes from the cohort call linked here: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-08
**Links to your assignments to share with your mentor**
### Agenda and Notes
- Check-in ritual. (2-3 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Gratitude ritual. (2-3 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Review your goals and progress you’ve made towards them. Any challenges to mention? (5 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Review your progress in last weeks and what you would liek to present in the your final calls. (10 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Review your GitHub repo and get any help you need adding your content developed through the assignment from last week (5-10 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Any expert to invite to the future mentor meetings (2-3 minutes).
- (your notes)
- Anything else:
- (your notes)
### After this call
**Next week: Cohort call**
- Shedule, time and agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-10
**Assignments before the next cohort call**
- CHECK HERE: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-08
## Week 11
- Agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-11
**Roll call**
- EL
- SG
- JS
### Before this call
- review notes from the cohort call linked here: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-10
**Links to your assignments to share with your mentor**
### Agenda and Notes
- Review your goals and progress you’ve made towards them. Any challenges to mention? (5 minutes)
- EL - two weeks off and has caught up on the cohort calls. Mentioned training indexing based on a presentation
- JS to catch up on cohort calls.
- EL/JS discussed incremental progress in culture change within team in terms of planning development roadmap for the next year based on the OLS template. Need to catch up with Nottingham. SG suggested getting Sam on side so that updates are reaching EL/JS
- SG - shared hidden ref info: https://ucl.zoom.us/j/98726405800?pwd=RWlTR21uMURvZi83Z29WdkdpUkZrUT09
- Review your progress in last weeks and what you would liek to present in the your final calls. (10 minutes)
- SG clarified the final presentation is informal no slides necessary
### After this call
**Next week: Cohort call**
- Shedule, time and agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-12
**Assignments before the next cohort call**
- CHECK HERE: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-10
## Week 13
- Agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-13
**Roll call**
- EL
- SG
- JS
### Before this call
- review notes from the cohort call linked here: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-12
**Links to your assignments to share with your mentor**
### Agenda and Notes
- Check-in ritual. (2-3 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Gratitude ritual. (2-3 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Review your goals and progress you’ve made towards them. Any challenges to mention? (5 minutes)
- EL has started a secondment recently
- New starter to cover some of EL's work can help with applying OLS principles to content (CC on youtube videos etc)
- EL JS described persistent problems with communication with Dev team. Can improve contact through existing meeting structures (standups and check outs, fortnightly dev review mtg)
- Review your progress in last weeks and what you would like to present in the your final calls. (10 minutes)
- What we do
- What we intended to achieve
- outputs: blog, event
- What challenges we found and how we dealt with it
- the future of our resources - what they are and what they can be used for. How we can apply OLS principles
- Blog based on our graduation plan
- Review your GitHub repo and get any help you need adding your content developed through the assignment from last week (5-10 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Anything else:
- (your notes)
### After this call
**Next week: Cohort call**
- Shedule, time and agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-14
**Assignments before the next cohort call**
- CHECK HERE: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-12
## Week 15: Final ols-3 mentor-mentee call
- Agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-15
**Roll call**
### Before this call
- review notes from the cohort call linked here: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-14
**Links to your assignments to share with your mentor**
### Agenda and Notes
- Check-in ritual. (2-3 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Gratitude ritual. (2-3 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Review your goals and progress you’ve made towards them. Any challenges to mention? (5 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Review your progress in last weeks and what you would liek to present in the your final calls. (10 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Review your GitHub repo and get any help you need adding your content developed through the assignment from last week (5-10 minutes)
- (your notes)
- Final wrap up, reflections and gratitude exchange!
- (your notes)
### After this call
**Next week: Cohort call**
Final Graduation!
- Shedule, time and agenda: https://openlifesci.org/ols-3/schedule/#week-16
**Assignments before the next cohort call**
- None