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W3C Solid Community Group: Weekly



Meeting Guidelines

  • W3C Solid Community Group Calendar.
  • W3C Solid Community Group Meeting Guidelines.
  • No audio or video recording, or automated transcripts without consent. Meetings are transcribed and made public. If consent is withheld by anyone, recording/retention must not occur.
  • Join queue to talk.
  • Topics can be proposed at the bottom of the agenda to be discussed as time allows. Make it known if a topic is urgent or cannot be postponed.

Participation and Code of Conduct


  • Virginia


  • name: text


Overview of today's agenda

Community Groups - Will your group meet at TPAC2023?

URL: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/CGS-TPAC2023/

  • SC: See also https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/
  • SC: Unless there is a particular objection to having a meeting, I suggest that we indicate our interest for one of the days: any day except Wednesday. Early in the week preferably.
  • SC: Will anyone be attending the event in-person? We can then make sure to have a hybrid meeting.
  • TT: Remote is all I can do.
  • SC: I'll check in following weeks if anyone is attending in person.
  • SC: There is a breakout on Wednesday. We can suggest some topics.

Solid Notifications Vocab and JSON-LD context

  • SC: Vocab is published: http://www.w3.org/ns/solid/notifications
  • SC: JSON-LD context is pending publication: https://www.w3.org/ns/solid/notification/v1
  • TBL: I published but you wanted notification (singular). I thought it was plural. I think that is confusing.
  • SC: I agree. But we cannot use the same term in the path where it could be non-container resource. The one you published is a file.
  • TBL: Yes.
  • SC: The URI is without the extension. So ??? is reserved for a file, so options are what we have now, or instead of a slash we can have -context or something. But this is becoming a common pattern from the credentials group.
  • TBL: They use plural.
  • SC: The versioning part.
  • TBL: Ontology doesn't have a version number in it.
  • SC: Right. There's only a few options: /v1 or a suffix.
  • TBL: You can't have notifications/v1 because we already have ???
  • SC: notification/v1 is okay.
  • TBL: Confusing.
  • SC: Then the option is to use a suffix but want to make sure we acknowlege version ??? was published with the assumption that /v1 would be available.
  • TBL: What's gonna go under v1? Context?
  • SC: Yes.
  • TBL: ???
  • TT: I would put it at the same URL but .jsonld at the end.
  • TBL: ???
  • TT: Does the vocab include a link to the context?
  • SC: No.
  • TT: Then it doesn't matter where you put it. A lot of this is personal taste.
  • TBL: Yes.
  • TT: ???
  • TBL: We can make it redirect to send the ttl file when you ask for the thing without slash.
  • TT: Why did the vocab get published at that URI with no file extension?
  • SC: We need to allow for content negotiation..
  • TBL: ???
  • TT: Those documents will have an extension.
  • TBL: How about we use solid/notifications/context/v1?
  • SC: I have no objection to that. The version 0.2 released ??? your suggestion will require us to make a 0.3 release.
  • TT: notification/context/v1.jsonld?

PROPOSAL: ns/solid/notifications-context/v1

  • SC: I want to raise this to notifications panel so we follow up. Including release of the spec that uses this URI. Unless we make a correction.
  • TT: +0.5 for notifications-context/v1
  • TBL: It should go back to that group because it is a big change. Should be v0.3.
  • SC: We need to improve the process. When the TR was proposed and we had 2 months to review, that includes the publication and everything else needed. We shouldn't have the case where TR is published and there are objections to these things.
  • SC: We had PRs for vocab and JSON-LD context, and version 0.2 of notifications. What's pending is the publication.
  • TBL: Why wasn't it done at 0.1.
  • SC: we didn't have it. there was an open PR for it.
  • TBL: I can only think of putting a placeholder ontology and placeholder earlier.
  • SC: We need W3C support in letting us know whether they can be published or what URI template we can use for certain documents.
  • TBL: who else is publishing JSON-LD context?
  • SC: A bunch of groups.
  • SC: We only have TimBL and PA as W3C Team contacts.
  • SC: I'll come back to TBL and PAC.

WIP Implementation Feedback

  • SC: We'll allocate some time for implementation feedback or interest to implement. Links to products/projects and demos welcome.
  • JZ: I have been working on a components framework to provide access to the SolidOS ??? and about to release the first batch of web components. Hope it will have a repo of reusable web components built on SolidOS stack. I will post when I have something to look at.

okieli dokieli

URL: https://csarven.ca/okieli-dokieli

  • SC: Article about dokieli reflecting on the past 10 years of using and contributing to open Web standards, including of course Solid specs and implementations.
  • SC: There is loads of info for someone coming at this new or interest in history.
  • TBL: reads the last paragraph out loud "dokieli has been a proof-of-concept in every sense of the word. Never a product, and never an end in itself. A playground, a laboratory, "
  • TBL: With the SolidOS when we talked about ??? making a document in dokieli is in SolidOS toolkit. I find that when I use it for blogging there are some issues. Uploading images. Did you write this blogpost in dokieli?
  • SC: Yes. But I edited the markup as well.
  • SC: The focus on dokieli was to demonstrate all these descentralized components that it works with. It wasn't trying to replicate google docs, formatting wasn't the focus. The more interest things are using notifications, annotations, profile, storage space, etc, and whether I can "save as" a whole document and its dependencies. Whether the markup is pristine is important but difficult. We need to use other libraries like Prose Mirror to do the lower-level DOM manipulation to have cleaner HTML, but embedding RDFa, fetching other documents. When there's more interest we can improve every bit that's needed so that anyone has to edit the source markup. If a compamny were to pay Google Docs or similar, they should be able to use something like dokieli and contributing to it. I think we can get beyond the challenge that we have and improving ??? Most people are probably content with whatever dokieli is doing. If you have examples of some types of documents that dokieli needs to do a better job with I can look at it to improve.
  • TBL: Should have the possibility to hide some of the more "advanced" options.
  • SC: We need widgets that are depending on the model for that documents (recipe, list, etc) and adapt. What we need is a selection where you can say what kind of document you want.
  • TBL: Which library did you say you wanted to use?
  • SC: Prose Mirror. Right now we're using Medium Editor. We need to swap. Once we have continuous development (more people), improving the editor is doable. It is really important but what we wanted to demonstrate is something else.
  • SC: A lot of people told me over the years they discovered or understood Solid through dokieli. That includes a lot of people who are active in the community.
  • VB: IMO the suggestions that Tim is making.. I think those would be great if you just blog with dokieli. And put stuff in my pod. We can make the options more friendly - and for anyone looking for alternatives, it is a great moment to capture the bigger audience.
  • TBL: Also stuff like changing user interface language, the toolbar looks weirdly positioned

Solid Protocol Release 0.11.0

URL: https://github.com/solid/specification/milestone/7

  • SC: Have started to mark items towards this milestone.
  • SC: Suggestions and commitments welcome.

Clarify normative, tentative, new Deliverables

URL: https://github.com/solid/solid-wg-charter/pull/28

  • PA: Yes, I will review this PR and try to get feedback from other W3C people about how to address this. I like the idea to list them as other "adopted" drafts; however, this might indicate a stronger commitment.

Scope needs to be tightly defined with narrow focus

URL: https://github.com/solid/solid-wg-charter/issues/9

Clarification on Solid and comparisons

URL: https://github.com/solid/solid-wg-charter/issues/5

  • SC: Editorial feedback is requested, can happen at any time.

Update mission

URL: https://github.com/solid/solid-wg-charter/issues/7

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