The following are hypothetical networks, all organized on a proposed experimental $NANA Juicebox protocol fork, running as Revnets across EVM chains. We are all in planning mode.
Read about revnets here, follow the links to browse various descriptons:, and
The work around which each project's networks revolve vary widely, but they will each run their revenues, investments, and incentives with similar guarentees.
Their implementation on $NANA using a Revnet is meant to streamline their organizational and legal operations and expectations, and to make them more accessible to investors and customers.
The people behind all these networks are on board, but have not all yet finalized their desire to operate their project using Revnets on $NANA in production. We're all going to play on testnets to try creating revnet specifications we fully desire to make live for our respective projects. We don't take fundraising, tokenization, and business models lightly.
Though builder consent is not required – these Revnets can stand besides other forms of operations and even be fan-led without builder consent – broad alignment is important, the lack of legitimacy or planned revenue from builders may diminish an investor's confidence when choosing to support a network.
This will be the working document for shaping each of these revnets. Builders from each network will have edit access to this document and are encouraged to shape things to their liking, drop links, borrow ideas from one another, and leave questions for others to help answer.
We'll all be visting this document often to guide and ask questions. Rob, our lawyer working with $REV, is around to discuss legal risk management strategies for revnets. Investors are also welcome to drop by to help each revnet shape its tradeoffs.
Our goal is to use the month of January of 2024 to play with concepts on testnets, and get ready for production in February.
We'll use this Discord server for day-to-day comms:
We meet Thursdays at 5pm EST in the Discord for open workshops.
Each revnet is specified in scheduled stages. Each stage enforces rules that are set when the revnet is deployed. For example, a revnet could have one stage last the first month, and next stage last the next year, and a last stage that lasts forever after. Each stage must define the following:
Property | Description | Example | Tension |
Initial price | The number of $TOKENs that'll be issued per 1 unit of a base currency received, at the time the stage begins. | 1,000 $TOKENs / ETH, or 10 $TOKENs / USD |
None, this is cosmetic only. |
Price increase rate | The rate at which the price increases. | 4.2% every 28 days 1% every 24 hours |
Faster increases means larger $TOKEN access discrepancies between contributors over time. |
Exit tax intensity | Influences the amount of funds each $TOKEN can access when turned in. | 0.1 | Value must be between 0 to 1. Higher tax means less access to funds, but remaining $TOKENs benefit more from each exit. |
Boost | The amount of $TOKENS that can remain controlled, either with a premint or by reserving a % of issuance for some time. | 1,000,000 $TOKENs upfront and 30% of new $TOKENs for 3 years to mymultisig.eth. | Bigger boost means more flexibility, but less predictability or access. |
Boost operator | The address that recieves the premint, and can re-route the boost allocation. This is only set for the first stage. The operator can transfer this power, or relinquish it at any time. |
If I'm the operator, I can change the 30% of new $TOKENs being routed to mymultisig.eth to be instead 15% routed to a staking rewards contract, and 15% to a burn address. | None. The boost operator can never change the preset boost % or duration, just the allocation. |
Read more in-depth descriptions here
Juicebox v4 is a way for networks of treasury-backed token holders (JB projects) to relate across chains and forks.
The $NANA revnet will play out in 1 stage with the following specifications:
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | Forever | No changes ever. |
Initial price ceiling | 1,000,000 $NANA / ETH | Arbitrary. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 5% every 28 days | Constant gradual nudge to contribute sooner than later. Arbitrary number. |
Boost | 50% of new $NANA for 10 years | Sent to dao.jbx.eth, who can decide to use them for $JBX buybacks, growth incentives, or whatever else the DAO decides. |
Operator | dao.jbx.eth | Operated by Juicebox DAO ($JBX). |
Price floor's tax intensity | 40% | Non-trivial tax to access liquidity. |
Revnets are treasury-backed tokens that run autonomously with scheduled rules. They issue tokens when they receive investments, revenue, or donations, and only release funds from the treasury when someone turns in their tokens. Builders can reserve a subset of new tokens as they're issued. Like Bitcoin, Revnets run on a preset token policy that cant be changed. You can use revnets to express new kinds of resiliant business models and to derisk founder-investor relations for open source tools/networks.
revnet.eth is the operator of $REV. It is a research hub, dev shop, and supporter of revnets. The goal of the fundraise is to fund revnet.eth with an initial balance of $REV. It will use this $REV to develop tools and resources that make Revnets more accessible, and to fund exciting projects derisked by their revnets. Ocassionally, revnet.eth will exit from its positions back to the $REV revnet.
Revnets are implemented as Juicebox projects configured to apply retailism.
The $REV revnet will play out in 3 stages with the following specifications:
The goal of this stage is to raise $REV to revnet.eth that'll be used to build revnet-enabling tools like, and allocate to promising revnet-based projects.
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | 72 days | Arbitrarily a short while to fundraise. |
Initial price ceiling | 1,000,000 $REV / ETH | Arbitrary. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 1% every 24 hours | Constant nudge to contribute sooner than later. Arbitrary number. |
Boost | 200,000,000 $REV upfront and 50% of new $REV | Seed treasury, recognize initial research, development, and grants, fund the porfolio. |
Boost operator | The revnet.eth multisig. | Currently consists of breadfruit.eth, filipv.eth, codalabs.eth, kmacb.eth, peacenode.eth, and dao.jbx.eth with a 3/6 policy. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 0% | Tax-free access to raised funds for the boost to access liquidity. |
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | 4 years | Arbitrary period to push the thesis with strong growth incentives. |
Initial price ceiling | 10,000 $REV / ETH | Arbitrary. Start less than the first stage to incentivize the fundraise stage. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 0.05% every 3 days (100x decrease) | Reduce but maintain the preference for earlier contributions. Arbitrary number. |
Boost | 50% of new $REV (no change) | Continues to fund revnet.eth. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 10% | Access to funds not taxed very much for continued access to liqudity. |
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | Forever | No more changes after this stage. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 10% every 3 days | Tend toward 0 issuance faster. Arbitrary number. |
Boost | 5% | Reduce the preferential issuance. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 40% | Exits taxed more. Abitrary number. |
The $REV network will be on mainnet, but issuance will also be available from Optimism and Arbitrum.
Defifa is a special configuration of Juicebox project that is in essence a game. People mint from a preset number of teams, and then the teams decide how the game's total pot will be split by agreeing on a scorecard. A socially agreed upon rubric is proposed from the start – i.e 60% of the total will go to those who minted the winner of the next world cup, 30% to second place, 10% to third, etc – but the actual spread is a function of the players themselves agreeing on the what happened, nothing else. The Defifa Gaming Network is a Revnet that tries to auto incentivize improvements and propegation of Defifa games.
The $DEFIFA mainnet revnet will have the following specification:
Property | Value |
Initial price ceiling | X $DEFIFA / ETH |
Price ceiling's increase rate | X% every X days |
Boost | X $DEFIFA upfront and X% of new $DEFIFA for X years to xxx.eth |
Boost operator | xxx.eth |
Price floor's tax intensity | X% |
The $DEFIFA Optimism revnet will follow the mainnet's issuance schedule, and will use a Sucker to pull revenues down to mainnet and distribute mainnet $DEFIFA.
Croptop sites are self-serve personal websites accessible from .eth addresses, with content feeds and revenue streams baked in. No wallet or credit card needed, just a native Mac app. The Croptop Publishing Network is a Revnet that tries to auto incentivize propegation of content published on Croptop websites. Juicebox projects can give the Croptop contract permission to post NFTs to their collections on their behalf, through which posters can add mintable content if and only if they meet certain criteria the admin sets (price, total supply, allowlist).
The $CPN mainnet revnet will have the following specification:
Property | Value |
Initial price ceiling | X $CPN / ETH |
Price ceiling's increase rate | X% every X days |
Boost | X $CPN upfront and X% of new $CPN for X years to xxx.eth |
Boost operator | xxx.eth |
Price floor's tax intensity | X% |
The $CPN Optimism revnet will follow the mainnet's issuance schedule, and will use a Sucker to pull revenues down to mainnet and distribute mainnet $CPN.
The Peel community of artisans designs, builds, supports, and hosts commercial access points to the Juicebox ecosystem of projects, including the cononical Inso doing, it advocates for safe and useable consumer experiences, including those of project owners, project participants, and ecosystem client developers.
The $PEEL mainnet revnet will have the following specification:
Property | Value |
Initial price ceiling | X $PEEL / ETH |
Price ceiling's increase rate | X% every X days |
Boost | X $PEEL upfront and X% of new $PEEL for X years to xxx.eth |
Boost operator | xxx.eth |
Price floor's tax intensity | X% |
The $PEEL Optimism revnet will follow the mainnet's issuance schedule, and will use a Sucker to pull revenues down to mainnet and distribute mainnet $PEEL.
Nance is a platform for running cyclic, predictable governance processes for networks of token holders who need to cordinate around onchain or offchain actions. Pairs perfectly with communities operating scheduled Juicebox rulesets.
The $NANCE mainnet revnet will have the following specification:
Property | Value |
Initial price ceiling | X $NANCE / ETH |
Price ceiling's increase rate | X% every X days |
Boost | X $NANCE upfront and X% of new $NANCE for X years to xxx.eth |
Boost operator | xxx.eth |
Price floor's tax intensity | X% |
The $NANCE Optimism revnet will follow the mainnet's issuance schedule, and will use a Sucker to pull revenues down to mainnet and distribute mainnet $NANCE.
Bannyverse is the illustrative world of Banny and friends, across screens, surfaces, and materials.
The banny.eth multisig will extend the existing conception of banny into story-driven internet content and a story-driven NFT collection.
The multisig is sagekellyn.eth, mieos.eth, dao.jbx.eth, breadfruit.eth, peri.eth, and lurkmoth.eth.
sagekellyn.eth will art direct and contribute throughout.
lurkmoth.eth will produce an initial series of 8 episodes, dropped every ~2 weeks, with shortform content in between. Watch the pilot linked above to get an idea.
Alongside, jango.eth peri.eth and mieos.eth are going to unshelf the pixel banny collection. We will sell 4 options of naked Bannys from the $BANNY revnets on Optimism and Mainnet, shown above:
Alien: 100 supply per chain, 1 ETH each.
Pink: 1000 supply per chain, 0.1 ETH each.
Orange: 10000 supply per chain, 0.01 ETH each.
Yellow: unlimited supply per chain, 0.001 ETH each.
We will then start selling accessories that naked Bannys can buy, with sales sent to the $BANNY revnet. It might or might not feel similar to the image below. We will accompany the content storyline, and include seasonal drops in small batches throughout the years, with occasional knods to currently trending Juicebox stuff. Like a 10 edition of an ice cube accessory for banny in homage to cryo, or a space suit as a knod to moondao.
breadfruit.eth is producing the project.
So much to play with from this starting point.
The $BANNY revnet will play out in 2 stages with the following specifications:
The goal of this stage is to raise $BANNY to banny.eth that'll be used to create the bannyverse through media, fabrics, and NFTs.
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | 28 days | Arbitrarily a short while to fundraise. |
Initial price ceiling | 1,000,000 $BANNY / ETH | Arbitrary. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 5% every 24 hours | Constant nudge to contribute sooner than later. Arbitrary number. |
Boost | 80,000,000 $BANNY upfront and 50% of new $BANNY | 40 million $BANNY to dao.jbx.eth in recognition of prior work. 40m $BANNY to seed banny.eth. 50% of new $BANNY to banny.eth to manage operations and growth. |
Boost operator | The banny.eth multisig. | They'll govern the boost and evolve governance as needed. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 0% | Tax-free access to raised funds for the boost to access liquidity. |
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | Forever after | Arbitrary period to push the bannyverse with strong growth incentives. |
Initial price ceiling | 100,000.00 $BANNY / ETH | Arbitrary. Start less than the first stage to incentivize the fundraise stage. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 1% every 3 days | Reduce but maintain the preference for earlier contributions. Arbitrary number. |
Boost | 50% of new $BANNY (no change) | Continues to fund banny.eth. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 20% | Access to funds not taxed very much for continued access to liqudity. |
The $BANNY network will be on mainnet, but issuance will also be available from Optimism and Arbitrum.
Create, remix, and share AI art.
The $EDEN revnet will play out in 2 stages with the following specifications:
The goal of this stage is to raise $EDEN to eden.breadfruit.eth that'll be used to fund development.
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | 72 days | Arbitrarily a short while to fundraise. |
Initial price ceiling | 1,000,000 $EDEN / ETH | Arbitrary. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 1% every 24 hours | Constant nudge to contribute sooner than later. Arbitrary number. |
Boost | 400,000,000 $EDEN upfront and 30% of new $EDEN | Seed treasury, recognize everyone who has contributed to $EDEN thus far. |
Boost operator | The eden.breadfruit.eth multisig. | It'll govern the boost and evolve governance as needed. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 0% | Tax-free access to raised funds for the boost to access liquidity. |
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | Forever | No more changes after this stage. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 0.05% every 3 days | Arbitrary number with small issuance changes. |
Boost | 90% | Raise the boost to capture most of the donation afterwards. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 40% | Exits taxed more. Abitrary number. |
The $EDEN network will be on mainnet, but issuance will also be available from Optimism and Arbitrum.
Proxy service for decentralized sites recorded on ENS.
The $LIMO revnet will play out in 2 stages with the following specifications:
The goal of this stage is to raise $LIMO to limo.breadfruit.eth that'll be used to fund development.
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | 72 days | Arbitrarily a short while to fundraise. |
Initial price ceiling | 1,000,000 $LIMO / ETH | Arbitrary. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 1% every 24 hours | Constant nudge to contribute sooner than later. Arbitrary number. |
Boost | 400,000,000 $LIMO upfront and 30% of new $LIMO | Recognize everyone who has contributed to $LIMO thus far. |
Boost operator | The limo.breadfruit.eth multisig. | It'll govern the boost and evolve governance as needed. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 0% | Tax-free access to raised funds for the boost to access liquidity. |
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | Forever | No more changes after this stage. |
Initial price ceiling | 10,000 $EDEN / ETH | Arbitrary. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 0.05% every 3 days | Arbitrary number with small issuance changes. |
Boost | 50% | Raise the boost to capture more of the donations afterwards. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 40% | Exits taxed more. Abitrary number. |
The $LIMO network will be on mainnet, but issuance will also be available from Optimism and Arbitrum.
An NFT-based IPFS pinning service.
The $PNN mainnet revnet will have the following specification:
Property | Value |
Initial price ceiling | X $PNN / ETH |
Price ceiling's increase rate | X% every X days |
Boost | X $PNN upfront and X% of new $PNN for X years to xxx.eth |
Boost operator | xxx.eth |
Price floor's tax intensity | X% |
The $PNN Optimism revnet will follow the mainnet's issuance schedule, and will use a Sucker to pull revenues down to mainnet and distribute mainnet $PNN.
An IPFS and IPNS based blogging service.
The $PLANET mainnet revnet will have the following specification:
Property | Value |
Initial price ceiling | X $PLANET / ETH |
Price ceiling's increase rate | X% every X days |
Boost | X $PLANET upfront and X% of new $PLANET for X years to xxx.eth |
Boost operator | xxx.eth |
Price floor's tax intensity | X% |
The $PLANET Optimism revnet will follow the mainnet's issuance schedule, and will use a Sucker to pull revenues down to mainnet and distribute mainnet $PLANET.
The $PLANET mainnet revnet will have the following specification:
Property | Value |
Initial price ceiling | X $PLANET / ETH |
Price ceiling's increase rate | X% every X days |
Boost | X $PLANET upfront and X% of new $PLANET for X years to xxx.eth |
Boost operator | xxx.eth |
Price floor's tax intensity | X% |
The $PLANET Optimism revnet will follow the mainnet's issuance schedule, and will use a Sucker to pull revenues down to mainnet and distribute mainnet $PLANET.
Upload files of all sizes to be stored onchain for use across smart contracts and applications.
The $FS revnet will play out in 2 stages with the following specifications:
The goal of this stage is to raise $FS to fs.breadfruit.eth that'll be used to fund development.
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | 72 days | Arbitrarily a short while to fundraise. |
Initial price ceiling | 1,000,000 $FS / ETH | Arbitrary. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 1% every 24 hours | Constant nudge to contribute sooner than later. Arbitrary number. |
Boost | 50,000,000 $FS upfront and 20% of new $FS | Recognize everyone who has contributed to $FS thus far. |
Boost operator | The fs.breadfruit.eth multisig. | It'll govern the boost and evolve governance as needed. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 0% | Tax-free access to raised funds for the boost to access liquidity. |
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | Forever | No more changes after this stage. |
Initial price ceiling | 10,000 $FS / ETH | Arbitrary. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 0.05% every 3 days | Arbitrary number with small issuance changes. |
Boost | 50% | Raise the boost to capture more of the donations afterwards. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 40% | Exits taxed more. Abitrary number. |
The $FS network will be on mainnet, but issuance will also be available from Optimism and Arbitrum.
Turning degens to regens, one green pill (podcast episode) at a time. Led by Kevin Owocki.
The $GREEN revnet will play out in 2 stages with the following specifications:
The goal of this stage is to raise $FS to fs.breadfruit.eth that'll be used to fund development.
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | 72 days | Arbitrarily a short while to fundraise. |
Initial price ceiling | 1,000,000 $GREEN / ETH | Arbitrary. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 1% every 24 hours | Constant nudge to contribute sooner than later. Arbitrary number. |
Boost | 50,000,000 $GREEN upfront and 20% of new $GREEN | Recognize everyone who has contributed to $GREEN thus far. |
Boost operator | The fs.breadfruit.eth multisig. | It'll govern the boost and evolve governance as needed. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 0% | Tax-free access to raised funds for the boost to access liquidity. |
Property | Value | Reason |
Duration | Forever | No more changes after this stage. |
Initial price ceiling | 10,000 $GREEN / ETH | Arbitrary. |
Price ceiling's increase rate | 0.05% every 3 days | Arbitrary number with small issuance changes. |
Boost | 50% | Raise the boost to capture more of the donations afterwards. |
Price floor's tax intensity | 40% | Exits taxed more. Abitrary number. |
The $GREEN network will be on mainnet, but issuance will also be available from Optimism and Arbitrum.
Happy Gods is a 128 piece collection by Spanish digital painter Nacho Frades.
The $GODS mainnet revnet will have the following specification:
Property | Value |
Initial price ceiling | X $GODS / ETH |
Price ceiling's increase rate | X% every X days |
Boost | X $GODS upfront and X% of new $GODS for X years to xxx.eth |
Boost operator | xxx.eth |
Price floor's tax intensity | X% |
The $GODS Optimism revnet will follow the mainnet's issuance schedule, and will use a Sucker to pull revenues down to mainnet and distribute mainnet $GODS.
Breadfruit produces projects operating on the Juicebox protocol and the open crypto internet.
The $BREAD mainnet revnet will have the following specification:
Property | Value |
Initial price ceiling | X $BREAD / ETH |
Price ceiling's increase rate | X% every X days |
Boost | X $BREAD upfront and X% of new $BREAD for X years to xxx.eth |
Boost operator | xxx.eth |
Price floor's tax intensity | X% |
The $BREAD Optimism revnet will follow the mainnet's issuance schedule, and will use a Sucker to pull revenues down to mainnet and distribute mainnet $BREAD.
A timing protocol for objects in cislunar space.
The $SPACETIME mainnet revnet will have the following specification:
Property | Value |
Initial price ceiling | X $SPACETIME / ETH |
Price ceiling's increase rate | X% every X days |
Boost | X $SPACETIME upfront and X% of new $SPACETIME for X years to xxx.eth |
Boost operator | xxx.eth |
Price floor's tax intensity | X% |
The $SPACETIME Optimism revnet will follow the mainnet's issuance schedule, and will use a Sucker to pull revenues down to mainnet and distribute mainnet $SPACETIME.