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tags: coalgebraic logic
# Logic of Ordered Neighbourhood Coalgebras
(draft ... references to be added) ... ([up](https://hackmd.io/@alexhkurz/ryrkkYZZc))
## Introduction
We write $2$ for the 2-chain $0<1$ in various ordered categories such as posets or bounded distributed lattices.
- $U:Pos\to Pos$ take upsets ordered by reverse inclusion: $UX=[X,2]^o$
- $D:Pos\to Pos$ take downsets ordered by inclusion: $DX=[X^o,2]$
- $\mathcal X$ be the category of poset
- $\mathcal A$ be the category of bounded distributive lattices
- $T=DU$
Then $Coalg(T)$ is category of (monotone) neighbourhood frames (over posets). In particular $DUX=Up\mathcal PX$ for discrete $X$. Note that $DUX=2^{2^X}$ if we define $2^X$ as the poset of monotone maps $X\to 2$.
- $P:\mathcal X\to\mathcal A$ be the contravariant functor $X\mapsto 2^X$.
- $S:\mathcal A\to\mathcal X$ the contravariant functor $A\mapsto DL(A,2)$.
- the dual $U^\partial:DL\to DL$ of $U$ is presented by operations and equations as follows. $U^\partial A$ is generated by $\{\Box a\mid a\in PX\}$ and the equations stating that $\Box$ preserves finite meets. This gives an isomorphism
$$ U^\partial PX\to UPX$$
for finite posets $X$.
- the dual $D^\partial:DL\to DL$ of $D$ is presented by operations and equations as follows. $D^\partial A$ is generated by $\{\Diamond a\mid a\in PX\}$ and the equations stating that $\Diamond$ preserves finite meets. This gives an isomorphism
$$ D^\partial PX\to DPX$$
for finite posets $X$.
## The 2-sorted view
We can also think of coalgebras
$$X \to UDX$$
as special 2-dimensional coalgebras
$$(X,Y) \to (UY,DX).$$
The dual of these coalgebras on the algebraic side are algebras
$$(D^\partial B,U^\partial A)\to (A,B)$$
**Remark:** Given functors $F$ and $G$, [Kurz-Petrisan](https://alexhkurz.github.io/papers/cmcs08-j.pdf) calls the functor which maps $(X,Y)$ to $(FY,GX)$ the symmetric composition of $F$ and $G$. While the presentation of the functor $FG$ is typically not compositional in the presentations of $F$ and $G$, the symmetric composition does have the obvious componentwise presentation.
## An adjunction
Let $Coalg(F,G)$ be the category of 2-sorted coalgebras of the kind
$$(X,Y)\to (FY,GX).$$
**Theorem**: $Coalg(FG)$ is a full reflective subcategory of $Coalg(F,G)$.
*Proof*: We map $X\to FGX$ to $(X,GX)\to (FGX,GX)$ where the second component is the identity. This functor has a left adjoint which maps $(X,Y)\to (FY,GX)$ to $X\to FY\to FGX$.
The unit of the adjunction is the obvious coalgebra morphism from $(X,Y)\to (FY,GX)$ to $(X,GX)\to (FGX,GX)$. The counit is the identity.
Moreover, the right-adjoint is full and faithful. QED
**Corollary**: $Coalg(FG)$ is closed under limits in $Coalg(F,G)$. In particular, the final coalgebra in $Coalg(F,G)$ is also the final coalgebra in $Coalg(FG)$.
**Corollary:** $Alg(FG)$ is a full co-reflective subcategory of $Alg(F,G)$.
**Corollary**: The category of $D^\partial U^\partial$-algebras is a full coreflective subcategory of $Alg(D^\partial, U^\partial)$.
**Corollary**: $Alg(FG)$ is closed under colimits in $Alg(F,G)$. In particular, the initial algebra in $Alg(F,G)$ is also the initial algebra in $Alg(FG)$.
## References
Pauly: ...
Hansen, Kupke: ...
Kurz, Petrisan: ...