Release Process


Resolve Issues

  1. Create a new milestone if one doesn't exist.
  2. Open issues and filter by milestone and make sure they are either closed or moved over to the next milestone.

Update EndToEndTests

  1. Update requirements to the desired (e.g. latest) flytekit release.
  2. Build a docker image and push to
    ​​​make -C flytetester docker_build_push

Start a release PR

  1. Run Generate Flyte Manifests workflow. It’ll create a PR (example)
  2. Update docs version to match the milestone version.
  3. Create a CHANGELOG file (example)
  4. Update the sha with the latest image released in #2
  5. Wait for endtoend tests to finish then Merge PR.

Create a release

  1. Run Create Flyte Release workflow: It will create a tag and then publish all deployment manifest in github release and will create a discussion thread in github release
  2. Close the milestone
  3. Ping #core (slack channel) to: Send announcements about the milestone with the contents of the CHANGELOG to all social channels..
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