[**中文教學**](/c/tutorials-tw/%2Fs%2Fhackmd-it-tw) # Browser Extension: HackMD-it ***HackMD-it*** boosts your speed using HackMD and extends your HackMD experience to your browser. You can instantly access your HackMD notes through the extension popup. >[!Note] Tell us how you think here! > This is a new product we are testing and really need your feedback. https://forms.gle/nPZKEy3dpfVSxmw16 ![extension use](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJxJ3AJPR.gif) ### Install them on your browser here: [**Chrome**](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hackmd-it/cnephjboabhkldgfpdokefccdofncdjh) [**Firefox**](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/hackmd-it/?src=search) # Hotkey Invoke 1. You can use hotkey to invoke HackMD-it. **Windows**: <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd> Shift </kbd> + <kbd> k </kbd> **macOS**: <kbd>command</kbd> + <kbd> Shift </kbd> + <kbd> k </kbd> 2. Then use your arrow keys: Up/Down or <kbd>Tab</kbd> to navigate through the list of notes. 3. Hit <kbd>Enter</kbd> or <kbd>Return</kbd> to open the note! ![](https://i.imgur.com/SuMolD7.gif) ## Customize keyboard shortcut You can also customize keyboard shortcut in the **extension keyboard shortcuts** page: `chrome://extensions/shortcuts`. ![](https://i.imgur.com/QZ15DiH.gif) ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJwQMklDA.png) >[!Note]Hint >By default, HackMD-it will show the first 10 of your recently accessed notes. # Pin Your Note You can also pin the notes you use most frequently in the extension, by clicking the pin icon <i class="fa fa-thumb-tack"></i> shown when the mouse hovers over the HackMD icon <i class="fa fa-file-text"></i>. ![](https://i.imgur.com/TKFyMIz.gif) <!-- ## Real-time Collaborate on GitHub File If you installed the extension, you will see a button <kbd><i class="fa fa-file-text"></i> Edit on HackMD</kbd> on the file view of a GitHub file. ![](https://i.imgur.com/B2zah2O.png) Clicking on the button will create a HackMD note with content imported from that GitHub file so you can collaborate with your colleagues. The edit would be synced back to GitHub in real-time. When you're done, simply commit your changes on GitHub. ![](https://i.imgur.com/662kLHL.gif) :::info :bulb: **Hint:** HackMD-it will keep track of the file-to-note pairing for you on the top of the extension, until you close both the tabs. ::: --> # Customize HackMD-it Right-click on the HackMD-it icon, and choose "**Options**"" to customize your extension. ![](https://i.imgur.com/CcXSUj1.gif) ### Option in details | Option | Description | Example Value | | --------- | ------------ | --------------- | | Language | The display language of HackMD-it browser extension | `English` | | HackMD instance URL | The instance URL of HackMD service. If you're using our EE version, you can custom the URL here. | `https://hackmd.io` | | ~~GitLab self-host instance~~ (**deprecated**) | The URL of GitLab instance. If you self host a GitLab instance, you can customize here. | `https://gitlab.com` | | ~~Show warnings when closing tabs~~ (**deprecated**) | | Checked | | Search from browsing history | To enable search history feature or not | Checked |