# Call for Rings - Colorado Gathering * When: Feb 14 2019 from 10am - 5pm ish * Where: Crypto Castle (Same Venue as ETHDenver) * Website: [ethdenver.com](https://ethdenver.com) Agenda / Schedule: https://hackmd.io/s/rklzFyVX4 Session Interest: fill out the [session interest form](https://t.co/duhSUtqMFK) to help us schedule rooms. ## Purpose The purpose of this document is to develop an understanding of which rings are participating in the Council of Colorado (Mainly on the Feb 14th) and who is participating in each ring. [Further discussion here](https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/call-for-rings-council-of-colorado/2348) More broadly, don't worry too much about "rings" -- if there is a topic, EIP, or experience around the Ethereum ecosystem you'd like to discuss, please add yourself here. We'll be wrangling the agenda so everyone has room and time to meet. As well, **your job is to spread the word and get people to sign up**. You can even consider having an organizing call ahead of Denver, write up some wiki or HackMD pages, or in general prep for having productive meetings during the time we are all together in person. **Please suggest a new ring and begin to organize if you know of a set of related EIPs or significant issues in the Ethereum community.** _Exact times and rooms will be assigned as part of agenda wrangling process._ ## Agenda Timing and room scheduling of the items below are here: TBD ## Business Models Ring Discuss business models (streaming money, subscriptions, NFTs, ERC20 tokens) for dapps [Notes from 2018/10/29 in Prague](https://hackmd.io/W11KX6Y9R3idXXhN2tHFzA) [Notes from this ring during ETH Denver](https://hackmd.io/N_nZMiA5S5Gtp18gYT14FA) Objective: Create a map of business models available to web3 founders. #### Participating * [Kevin Owocki](https://twitter.com/owocki) (Gitcoin, EIP 1337) * [Joseph Bender](https://twitter.com/josephbender) (ConsenSys) * Megan Knab (VeriLedger) * [Scott Moore](https://twitter.com/notscottmoore) (Gitcoin) * [Paul Cowgill](https://twitter.com/paulcowgill) ([Tasit Labs](https://twitter.com/tasitlabs)) * [Andrew Redden](https://twitter.com/androolloyd) ([Groundhog](https://twitter.com/GroundhogPay)) * [Joao Aguiam](https://twitter.com/joaoaguiam) (Taiga Market) * [Scott Herren](https://twitter.com/scottrepreneur) * [Fredrik Haga](https://twitter.com/hagaetc) ([Dune Analytics](https://godune.co)) ## Subscriptions Ring Discuss the uses/implications of a new Subscription Standard (EIP 1337 or equivilent) on the ecosystem * [Kevin Owocki](https://twitter.com/owocki) (Gitcoin, EIP 1337) * [Andrew Redden](https://twitter.com/androolloyd) ([Groundhog](https://twitter.com/GroundhogPay)) * [Joao Aguiam](https://twitter.com/joaoaguiam) (Taiga Market) * [Scott Herren](https://twitter.com/scottrepreneur) * You! ## Data Ring Proposing to discuss data-related implications of the Ethereum 1.x proposals and state rent in particular. One key area of focus is incentivization of "evicted state archive" nodes, a discussion on the Forum has been seeded. View Notes: https://hackmd.io/s/Sy6g5I7B4# #### Resources * [Data Ring Discussions](https://ethereum-magicians.org/c/working-groups/data-ring) * [Ethereum 1.x Discussions](https://ethereum-magicians.org/c/working-groups/ethereum-1-x-ring) #### Participating * [Jamie Pitts](https://ethereum-magicians.org/u/jpitts/) * [E.G. Galano](https://twitter.com/egalano) * [Ed Mazurek](https://twitter.com/wildmolasses) * [Danno Ferrin](https://github.com/shemnon) * [Mats Olsen](https://github.com/mewwts) ## Education Ring Continue discussing direction and process flow for knowledge management in the Ethereum ecosystem. The three main directives: Educating ourselves (those currently in the Ethereum community) Educating the rest of the world (either devs or non technical community) How we bring devs to opensource (grow the technical engagement of Ethereum) Sharing progress since the Council of Prague, notes here: https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/newcomer-education/1871 https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/developer-education-sharing-repo/1749/2 #### Participating * [Simona Pop](https://twitter.com/Sim_Pop) * [Dan Shields](https://twitter.com/nukemandan) * [Scott Moore](https://twitter.com/notscottmoore) * You! ## Product Management Ring Discuss several topics and general direction of product management within the web3 ecosystem. Topics include a continuation of discussions from our community calls, and include (but not limited to): Distributed product management, Open source web3 product management, attitudes towards PM roles within the community, and organisational structures. #### Participating * [Chadwick](https://twitter.com/chadwickstrange) * [Joao Aguiam](https://twitter.com/joaoaguiam) (Taiga Market) * [Scott Herren](https://twitter.com/scottrepreneur) * Amer Ameen * Aidan Hyman * [Fredrik Haga](https://twitter.com/hagaetc) ([Dune Analytics](https://godune.co)) * You! ## Mobile Ring The aim of this ring is to get native mobile dapps, mobile dapp browsers, and wallets working together well on mobile. Onboarding new users to the Ethereum ecosystem is a large part of the motivation for this ring. *Note: Ideally the meeting time for this ring won't overlap with the Business Models Ring* View Notes: https://hackmd.io/s/SJdVG7UXE# #### Resources * [Mobile Ring charter](https://github.com/ethereum-magicians/scrolls/wiki/Mobile-Ring) * [Original post forming this ring](https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/forming-a-ring-mobile-ring/2358) * [Call for a Mobile Ring organizing call to plan our ring discussion at ETHDenver](https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/mobile-ring-organizing-call-ahead-of-ethdenver/2513) * [Notes from this ring during ETH Denver](https://hackmd.io/-DB9HE8NQUuBUh1163ErWA) #### Participating * [Paul Cowgill](https://twitter.com/paulcowgill) ([Tasit Labs](https://twitter.com/tasitlabs)) * [Patrick Gallagher](https://twitter.com/pi0neerpat) ([Terminal](terminal.co))