title: How to run a HackMD with docker - slide
disqus: hackmd
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<i class="fa fa-file-text"></i> HackMD
Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/PTbB46S.jpg" style="width:200px;height:200px;border-radius:50%"/>
#### Max Wu
NTUT CSIE graduate student
Current Team Lead of <i class="fa fa-file-text"></i> HackMD
> Trying to build a new world with keyboard;
> I'm dreaming instead of coding.
<i class="fa fa-file-text"></i> HackMD
Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.
- realtime (real-time) - around 10~20ms
- collaborative - work together
- markdown - let's talk about this later
- all platforms - across desktop, mobile, tablet
- More than 120,000 notes have been taken on us
- More than 72,000 users actively using us every month
- More than 4,500 people writing on us every day
- Our repo have been starred more than 1,900 times :star2:
- Thank you :+1:
- Lightweight
- Visual friendly
- Markup language
- CommonMark is hot :fire:
- Parse as you wish!
Who use it?
- GitHub <i class="fa fa-github"></i> / Bitbucket / GitLab <i class="fa fa-gitlab"></i>
- Stack Overflow <i class="fa fa-stack-overflow"></i>
- Reddit <i class="fa fa-reddit"></i>
- You :tada:
What HackMD do?
- Make markdown collaborative!
- Fulfill more engineers writing needs
- Integrate docs to workflow deeper
- Standandrize publishing via format and meta
- We would love hear you voice :heart:
What you can do with HackMD?
- Notes :notebook:
- Docs :book:
- Slides :tv:
- Blogs :b:
Why not own one?
- https://github.com/hackmdio/docker-hackmd
- First from Japanese developer
- Auto build with Docker Hub
Get started
1. You need
- `docker`
- `docker-machine`
- `docker-compose`
You can get them from:
- Docker Toolbox
- Docker Community Edition
2. Start docker with terminal
3. Get our repo via git
git clone https://github.com/hackmdio/docker-hackmd.git
4. Change directory to it
5. `docker-compose up` in your terminal
6. It will auto fetch postgresql and hackmd images
8. Open any browser and surf <machine IP>:3000
9. Now you can have it :raised_hands:
HackMD Desktop
- The fabulous desktop app of HackMD :tada:
- https://github.com/hackmdio/hackmd-desktop/releases
Connect it to your container!
1. Menu -> Edit -> Customize HackMD server
2. Type `localhost:3000` and Save
3. Feel the epic :sparkling_heart:
How To: Minimize docker image for Node.js
- Most size are from the base image
- Node.js official image are built with Debain and Alpine
- Alpine is smaller but lacking support of some package (phantom.js)
- Current LTS is boron (6.10)
- https://github.com/nodejs/docker-node
How To: Minimize docker image for Node.js (cont.)
- Every `RUN` will cause a new layer
- Concat all related commands to reduce layers
- Layers can be cached so don't make them all to one
How To: Minimize docker image for Node.js (cont.)
- <i class="fa fa-git"></i> can be fat
- Only clone the branch that you need
- Clone in `--depth 1` to use a shallow copy
- Remove `.git` directory after clone
How To: Minimize docker image for Node.js (cont.)
- The npm modules :anger:
- Please specify dev dependencies
- Clean with `npm prune --production`
How To: Minimize docker image for Node.js (cont.)
- Use https://microbadger.com to check your docker image size and layers number
# Thanks for listening :smile:
**Max Wu @ DigitalOcean Hsinchu meetup**