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# CDEvents Community Summit 2022
* [Event Page on Sched](https://sched.co/10fUW)
* [Google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iIKp_xh3Sx3Mh9hp_VYAIAyR_EkF-nVoTp2JkGkdErQ/edit#responses)
Please join CDEvents Slack channel to learn more about CDEvents, discuss your use cases, contribute to the spec, and collaborate with your fellow community members.
* CDFoundation Slack Invite: https://join.slack.com/t/cdeliveryfdn/shared_invite/zt-nwc0jjd0-G65oEpv5ynFfPD5oOX5Ogg
* CDEvents Channel: #cdevents
## Event Title and Abstract
[**CDEvents Contributor Summit**](https://sched.co/10fUW)
### Abstract
CDEvents v0.1 is coming, let’s go implement it in the wild! We are building SDKs for go, java and python - let’s use them to add CDEvents to your project. Meet at cdCon, CDEvents users and developers, to learn about CDEvents and start using them!
## Attendees
Please sign yourselves in:
* < Name, pronouns, company, timezone>
* Adam Kaplan, he/him/his, Red Hat, EDT (UTC-5:00)
* Fatih Degirmenci, he/him/his, CDFoundation, CDT
* Emil Bäckmark, he/him/his, Ericsson, CET (UTC+2)
* Jalander Ramagiri, he/him/his. Ericsson Software Technology, IST (UTC+1)
* Nicolas Favre-Felix, he/him/his. Apple (Spinnaker team), PDT
* Melissa McKay, she/her/hers, JFrog, MDT
## Agenda
- Introduction to CDEvents
- CDEvents Use Cases
- CDEvents Specification and SDKs
## Notes
- Round of introduction
- Intro to CDEvents
- \[Erik\] Story about glue-code and interoperability in CI/CD
- \[Andrea\] What is CDEvents
- \[Erik\] Interoperability use case
- \[Andrea\] Observability & Metrics use case
- \[Nicolas\] Question about links between events
- \[Nicolas\] Expecting to see structure to link events, to build a graph. Is this something that was considered or was it a consciuous decision to not include it?
- \[Emil\] We discussed about this topic - see [issue 10](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/issues/10)
- Relate events through a graph (via links)
- Relate events through a context ID of some kind
- \[Emil\] Links in [Eiffel](https://eiffel-community.github.io/). [Talk on linking events](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iHGziX1dlA&list=PL2KXbZ9-EY9TWsV-Jz8ARSt1ko0Yd36ah) to achieve traceability and data aggregation (cdCon 2021)
- \[Dave\] Potentially we could link events through context without having explicit links
- \[Dave\] Is it possible to use a tool specific UUID (e.g. Cloud Build UUID) for the CDEvents UUID or would that be a separate UUID? If separate, can the Cloud Build UUID be included in the event to that it's possible to refer it based on other events
- \[Andrea\] The Events UUID is an event specific one, unique within the source (event producer)
- \[Andrea\] The Subject UUID could host something like the cloud build UUID - it's also unique within the source
- \[Dave\] Is it possible to know that the subject UUID is specific to a certain platform?
- \[Erik\] We have source that can be used to identify the platform, and the subject may also contain other fields
- \[Andrea\] We also discussed vendor specific extensions that can be documented and a consumer could take advantage of those is they want to
- \[Andrea\] About the context vs. links
- In the [cdCon talk](https://cdcon2022.sched.com/event/10UYC/building-devops-metrics-for-your-choice-of-cd-tools-through-cdevents-andrea-frittoli-ibm-erik-sternerson-dowhile) we tried to correlate events based on subjects, without using links
- Easier for initial implementation
- Introducing links requires adding logic into the event source
- It's convenient for PoC to use adapters and not change the source
- \[Dave\] A producer having to query an event store to get the right link to produce a new event seems problematic, it would fire everything off with the context available to it
- \[Emil\] We would need an event store, it works for Eiffel
- \[Mauricio\] Producing links make sense when an event is produced as a consequence of another event, which may not always be the case
- \[Mauricio\] Lean towards having links in the spec. What is the impact on the SDK? How are we going to make it easier for developers to create these links?
- \[Dave\] For a change, we already have one ID i.e. the git sha, so we should rely on that instead of creating an extra event ID with links to it
- \[Erik\] The change ID is available for a single artifact, but in composition cases it may not be obvious what such ID might be. It has been suggested in one of the talks that it could be a pURL?
- Is there a mechanism to fetch events associated to a workflow?
- Correlation between events, solve the DORA Metrics PoC
- Versions
- SDK working group
- Requirements
- Testing
- Python SDK (needed for [4 Keys](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/fourkeys))
- Alignment across SDKs in different languages
CDEvents + OpenTelemetry interoperability
- CDEvents does not implement any OpenTelemetry use case
- Follow my change?
## Feedback
### Suggested topics
Specification discussion topics:
- (Erik) revisiting the discussion on prescriptive vs descriptive events ([issue 36](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/issues/36))
- (Andrea) implementing an event receiver
- (Emil) links/references/contexts & storage ([issue 10](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/issues/10))
### Content Brainstorming
Given that this summit is intended to be hands-on/design summit, here are few ideas to get the conversation going on.
#### Hands-on with SIG Events PoC
This would allow (new) contributors to see events in action by playing with the PoC.
What would even be cooler is that we may have Spinnaker introduced the PoC by then, giving people option to choose look at different CI/CD tools.
#### CloudEvents vs CDEvents
Relation between CloudEvents and CDEvents, how CloudEvents are extended to support CI/CD Use Cases, what to consider while working with CDEvents.
Adam +1
#### Existing Event Types and How to Introduce New Ones
A deep dive session on existing event types, why they are created and how contributors can go and propose new ones.
#### SDKs
Go and Java SDKs are already available so contributors could be assisted while navigating through the code base and hints can be provided on how to create SDKs for other languages.
#### How to Introduce CDEvents Support to Other CI/CD Tools
Like how it is done for Tekton and Keptn and how it is currently being done for Spinnaker, contributors could learn how they can introduce CDEvents support for their favorite CI/CD tools and start doing it at the event. (E.g., is the SDK available already and if so what to think about)
#### Realizing Your Use Cases
A concrete or theoretical use case for events is brought up and we workshop together on what events should be sent at what stages, and also what may be missing from the spec for the solution to be improved.
#### Settle core parts of the CDEvents protocol
There are various sub topics that could be covered here, for example:
- revisiting the discussion on prescriptive vs descriptive events ([issue 36](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/issues/36))
- subject/predicate structure ([pr 35](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/pull/35))
- links/references/contexts ([issue 10](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/issues/10))
- versioning of event types or the whole protocol ([issue 32](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/issues/32))
- aligning to SIG interop vocabulary ([issue 18](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/issues/18)), for example TaskRun vs Step
## Event Page
## Rooms Setup
## Timeline
## Agenda
## Else