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## 影響力市場之手冊 | Manual to Impact Markets
影響力市場是一個 Web3 行動集資平台。
Impact Markets help fundraise for collective action.
從鏈上互動的紀錄鑄造影響力證明 NFT,提供支持者公開透明、可驗證的影響力。
Building Impact NFTs from onchain data as proof of collective action, Supporters get real-time and transparent impact data generated from collective action.
從 g0v 開始實驗,我們 Arm0ry 希望可以用影響力市場協助社群募資。
Starting with g0v, [Arm0ry](https://twitter.com/Arm0ry_g0v) hopes to use Impact Markets to help communities fundraise for collective action.
### :blue_book: Tutorial
<summary>如何用區塊鏈參與 g0v 大松製造影響力市場? | How to participate in g0v hackath0ns onchain?</summary>
> 1. 前往 [黑客松 | Hackath0n](https://arm0ry.g0v.tw/playground/missions) 並點選 “台灣零時政府黑客松”
![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 14.12.31](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Byel4ifnT.png)
>2. 點選右上角的 “報到 | Register” 按鈕
![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 14.13.12](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BkMD4jf2T.png)
>3. 輸入你的稱呼然後按下 Start,然後等一下綠色的對話筐
![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 14.15.34](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1MlBszhT.png)
>4. Start 是一個與區塊鏈互動的按鈕,所以需要等待區塊鏈處理完成,完成後你會看到下面的對話筐
![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 14.20.46](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJ0aSjfh6.png)
>5. 上鏈成功後,回到黑客松的頁面,點選第一個大松 - “台灣零時政府第陸拾壹次龍來 Open Data Day 黑客松”
![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 14.13.12](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJoONoMnp.png)
>6. 點選右上角的 “分享 | Share” 按鈕
![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 14.22.32](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1gFLiGn6.png)
>7. 輸入報到填的名字,點選任何闖關成功的遊戲,最後分享參與大松的心得,然後 Share!
![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 22.08.12](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkOcVMQhT.png)
<summary>如何鑄造影響力報告? | How to mint Impact NFTs?</summary>
> 1. 前往 [支持 | Support](https://arm0ry.g0v.tw/playground/supporters) 並從右上角連結你的 Web3 錢包
![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 22.46.48](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rk4dhMmn6.png)
>2. 頁面滑到你想要鑄造的 NFT 區域,然後點選裡面綠色的按鈕,按鈕上面顯示的數字是購買 NFT 的價格,價格會按照 NFT 的數量和一旁紅框框裡的數學公式計算
![Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 14.00.24](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJX14l43p.png)
<summary>如何銷毀影響力報告? | How to burn Impact NFTs?</summary>
請注意,一個地址可以買很多顆 NFT,但同一個 NFT 只可以銷毀一次。
> 1. 前往 [支持 | Support](https://arm0ry.g0v.tw/playground/supporters) 並從右上角連結你的 Web3 錢包
![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 22.46.48](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rk4dhMmn6.png)
>2. 頁面滑到你想要鑄造的 NFT 區域,然後點選裡面紅色的按鈕,按鈕上面顯示的數字是銷毀 NFT 可以贖回的本金,數目會按照 NFT 的數量和一旁紅框框裡的數學公式計算
![Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 14.44.09](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sk1zpxV2a.png)
### :question: FAQ
<summary>這是什麼樣的專案? | What is this project about?</summary>
> 自台灣發起、多中心化的公民科技社群「零時政府」,以資訊透明、開放成果、開放協作為核心,透過群眾草根的力量來關心公共事務。 ([source](https://g0v.tw/))
g0v 是臺灣的一個開放駭客社群。它為那些希望合作並展示公民科技創新的人提供了一個安全的空間。自2012年以來,它已主辦了60多次雙月駭客松(還有免費食物!),並擁有450多個 GitHub repository。
Arm0ry 是 g0v 裡的一個 Web3 的坑,主要以研究有趣好玩跟實用的 Web3 工具。這個 Arm0ry 的專案叫做“💗鏈上大松”,主要目的是要在 g0v 社群裡嘗試建立一個影響力市場,讓社群運用區塊鏈紀錄參與的過程,鑄造影響力 NFT 來募資,協助揪松(主辦單位)維持並永續 g0v 的精神。
> Founded in Taiwan, "g0v" (gov-zero) is a decentralised civic tech community with information transparency, open results and open cooperation as its core values. g0v engages in public affairs by drawing from the grassroot power of the community. ([source](https://g0v.tw/intl/en/))
g0v is a open hacker community in Taiwan. It provides a safe space to those that wish to collaborate and showcase civic tech innovations. It's host 60+ bi-monthly hackathons (with free food!) since 2012 and boasts over 450+ GitHub repository.
This is a project by Arm0ry, a DAO within the g0v ecosystem. The intent of this project is to build multiple **Impact Markets** within the g0v to measure and sell its collective impact in the form of SVG NFTs.
<summary>專案需要什麼樣的人才? | What does this project need?</summary>
<summary>影響力市場是什麼? | What are Impact Markets? </summary>
Impact Markets is a programmable approach to incent open and collective knowledge sharing. It is a framework to open source knowledge and resources, and to collaboratively build Impact NFTs based on shared knowledge. The goal of Impact Markets is to mint and pool a critical mass of positively impactful NFTs from Impact Markets to mint $IMPACT, a complementary currency used in communities that contribute to the pool.
The Markets is not exclusive to non-profit organizations, in fact, all organizations are encouraged to showcase any non-private impact it is producing via Impact NFTs to take advantage of Markets and grow its own inventory of Impact NFTs.
The Markets does not itself generate the openly shared knowledge, rather it enables [commons-based peer production](https://nissenbaum.tech.cornell.edu/papers/Commons-Based%20Peer%20Production%20and%20Virtue_1.pdf) (CBPP) of open knowledge sharing IRL and online. Examples of existing CBPP include potluck, Linux, and Wikipedia. And to quantify peer production of open knowledge sharing on the blockchain, the Markets maps the flow of value in sharing openly per the [Resource-Event-Agent (REA) ontology](https://home.business.utah.edu/actme/7410/McCarthy-82.pdf).
Given the modularity of CBPP and granularity required in REA ontology, we should be able to apply Impact Markets to other domains, such as environmental conservation, public health awareness, and local community initiatives, with little friction.
<summary>影響力市場應用 #1 | Applying Impact Markets to g0v </summary>
Following the REA ontology, we first identify a number of events g0v host every year. These include bi-monthly hackathons, podcasts, workshops, field trips, and other cultural, educational and technical activities.
Based on these events, we broadly pick out two types of agents within the g0v community: host and pariticipant. Then, we map out the host-participant pairing per event at g0v, as well as the resources required of the participants to participate in the events.
g0v, as host, provides resources in the form of knowledge and safe space for hackers and the participants bring time, collaboration, feedback, and engagement. We can be more specific with the type of knowledge and how the safe space is set up, but let's keep it simple for the first iteration.
Please note that events, agents and resources provided here are highly contextual to g0v, it likely will not work for all usecases. It is recommended to collaborate with communities you wish to work with to understand the relevant events, agents, and resources at the most grandular level. How participation and engagement is best recorded will also vary based on behavioral, social and cultural factors within different communities.
Interaction onchain will be used to populate SVG NFTs onchain, which are then sold via their respective bonding curves and pooled together to build a complementary currency.
For a complete implementation of Impact Commons for g0v, head to [黑客松 | Hackath0n](https://arm0ry.g0v.tw/playground/missions).
<summary>影響力市場應用 #2| Applying Impact Markets to community gardens </summary>