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# TTF Community Outreach Revamp Meeting Notes
## **October 29th, 2020**
## **October 15th, 2020**
We need to make another version of the following for mentors/sponsors:
Ambassador Group Clean Up Email:
[Action Required] Fedora Ambassador Activity Status
Hi Fedora Friend!
You may have heard about the current Community Outreach Revamp initiative that is taking place. If not, feel free to check out the links below to learn more. We have run a script to determine who is active in the Ambassadors FAS group, and your account came up as inactive based on the results from the fedmsg system. We are contacting you via your FAS email.
We are reaching out to inquire if you would like to continue your participation on the Fedora Ambassador Team. You are absolutely welcome to stay involved, or if not, we can move you to the Ambassador Emeritus group. Please respond to this email within two weeks or we will consider your participation in the Ambassador group inactive. You can always re-join at a later time!
Kind regards,
Sumantro Mukherjee, Mariana Balla, & the Temporary Task Force
### Mentors / Sponsors
[Action Required] Fedora Ambassador Activity Status
Hi Fedora Friend!
You may have heard about the current Community Outreach Revamp initiative that is taking place. If not, feel free to check out the links below to learn more. We have run a script to determine who is active in the Ambassadors FAS group, and your account came up as inactive based on the results from the fedmsg system. We are contacting you via your FAS email.
We are reaching out to inquire if you would like to continue your participation on the Fedora Ambassador Team as a mentor. You are absolutely welcome to stay involved, or if not, we can move you to the Ambassador Emeritus group. We are going to rework the mentorship process based on the feedback we received on the revamp proposal[1]. If you choose continue to participate, we look forward to you being a part of the rebuild process.
Please respond to this email within two weeks or we will consider your participation in the Ambassador group inactive. You can always re-join at a later time!
Kind regards,
Sumantro Mukherjee, Mariana Balla, & the Temporary Task Force
[1] - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassadors_Revamp_2020
[2] - https://trello.com/b/XFg3Zgh8/fedora-ambassadors-revamp-2020
## **September 18th, 2020**
### Attendees
* Marie Nordin (riecatnor)
* Sayak Sarkar (sayaksarkar/bugsmith)
* Vipul (Siddharthvipul1)
* Silvia Sanchez (lailah)
* sankarshan (sankarshan)
* Akashdeep Dhar (t0xic0der)
* Radka Gustavsson (Rhea)
* Mariana Balla (marianab)
* sumantro (sumantrom)
* Justin W. Flory (jwf/jflory7)
* Alberto Rodríguez Sánchez (bt0dotninja)
### TTF Skill sets/desired areas of contribution
* Marie (riecatnor) - project management, design, marketing plan
* Justin (jwf): I can help with:
* Fedora Docs (writing AsciiDoc and making docs.fedoraproject.org pages) (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-docs/)
* Fedora Women's Day 2020 organization and planning (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/diversity-inclusion/fedora-womens-day/about/)
* Telegram <=> IRC chat bridges (https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/teleirc-sig/)
* Sayak (sayaksarkar/bugsmith) - design, web-dev/devops, testing, marketing plan, outreach/events/community, project management, badges :)
* Silvia (lailah): design, web dev/design, testing stuff (I like breaking things :-)), content creator/writer
* Vipul Siddharth: outreach - Interested in Diversity and Inclusion aspect of it
* Mariana (marianab): content creation, outreach, project mangement
* Akashdeep Dhar (t0xic0der): web-development, software-dev, design, documentation, classroom-sessions
* sankarshan : defining/reviewing use-cases/persona/stories for demos; testing
* sumantro (sumantrom) : project management, ambassador content creation, testing, marketing plan
* Radka (Rhea): Responsible for reddit.com/r/Fedora & discord.gg/Fedora | Experienced chat-moderator & dev of moderation tools
* Alberto (bt0dotninja): documentation, Metrics, mentoring, and local event organization.
* Yajushi Srivastava (yajushi): content creation, project management, local events organization/outreach
* Nasir Hussain (nasirhm): Documentation, Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion, Local Even Organization, Classroom, Development/Ops, Project Management, Badges :), Responsible for co-maintaining https://twitter.com/fedoracommunity and https://www.facebook.com/FedoraPakistan
### Shared Notes
* What does a Fedora Ambassador do? (in the year 2020) **<< add your ideas/thoughts below! >>**
* Promote Fedora on social media
* Help others use/install Fedora for their use case (event)
* Install/Upgrade Days (virtual too!)
* Help their friends and colleagues learn more about Linux/Fedora and understand "how the bits come together" or "how the community comes together"
* Hold local or virtual workshops promoting Fedora
* Show interesting stuff done with Fedora
* blog posts
* social media posts
* different spins of fedora, with different applications
* show off "out of the ordinary" or niche
* upgrade "how do you fedora?" to a video
* Connect community members with local and global events
* Foster a presence/community on social media platforms
* can we get Lenovo involved
* Fedora-classroom
* Onboarding call for newbies - how do we frame it?
* Create and maintain a local users/contributors community along with other local contributors.
* [jwf] #idea: Fedora Ambassadors who enjoy writing could support Fedora Docs team with both devops contributors and technical writers
* #help Docs Team needs help, but has very limited bandwidth!
* Devops: Fedora Docs needs help with CI and automation, building and supporting developer tools for people writing Fedora Docs, etc.
* Technical writers:
* Quick Docs for technical advice and best practices on using Fedora (so all community admins/moderators have a shared place to document best practices on Reddit, Discord, Telegram, IRC, Matrix, etc etc etc)
* Cross-train how to work with Fedora Docs, to help improve sub-project and team documentation
* Related: https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/159
## Meetings
* Every two weeks
* On IRC
* In one of the fedora-meeting rooms
## Tasks
* Vipul can help with LimeSurvey
* Alberto will run active/inactive ambassadors
* Sylvia will open a ticket on ambassador repo and draft email to inactive ambassadors
* Akashdeep, Sayak, & Alberto will look at the role handbooks
* Wiki for meetings & agenda
## **September 10th, 2020**
### Attendees
* Marie Nordin (riecatnor)
* Umar Haruna Abdullahi(pyc0d3r)
* Sumantro (sumantrom)
* Sayak (sayaksarkar/bugsmith)
* Osama Bin Junaid(ibnjunaid)
* Justin W. Flory (jwf/jflory7)
* Alberto Rodríguez S. (bt0/bt0dotninja)
* Solanch C-H (solanch69)
* Eduard Lucena (x3mboy)
* Vipul Siddharth (siddharthvipul1)
* Christian Prada (cprada87)
* Zaid Kesarani (zkesarani)
* Sirko Kemter (gnokii)
* Mariana Balla (marianab)
### Shared notes
* Introductions
* Who are you, your interest in Fedora, why you are here?s
* Overview of the revamp
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassadors_Revamp_2020
* How did we get here / why are we here now?
* Where current work is happening:
* https://trello.com/b/XFg3Zgh8/fedora-ambassadors-revamp-2020
* Main focus right now: https://trello.com/c/sgVnz6qm/33-update-and-finalize-commops-team-structure
* Ambassador Emeritus / updates
* GEOFP script used for some of this: https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/geofp
* CommOps is a big, large team and does a lot of things
* Goal is to consolidate into a clearly documented way
* Easier to understand who is doing what
* Currently, gathering feedback from Mindshare teams / mailing lists
* Two seats on Mindshare: CommOps and Ambassador seats
* No clear path forward on how to add / elect new reps for those seats
* How to cycle more people into these positions to add different perspectives and avoid contributor burn-out
* What does a Fedora Ambassador do? (in the year 2020) **<< add your ideas/thoughts below! >>**
* Promote Fedora on social media
* Help others use/install Fedora for their use case
* Help their friends and colleagues learn more about Linux/Fedora and understand "how the bits come together"
* Hold local workshops promoting Fedora
* Show interesting stuff done with Fedora
* Connect community members with local and global events