DIALS core meeting 2021-03-25

Previous Actions


Discuss changes merged into cctbx modify_cosym

  • Hooking into cosym to do functionality, which was inadvertantly broken by code changes at Diamond
  • (Discussion about differences between Brehm/Diederichs and what Cosym is doing)
  • Limiting B/D to indexing ambiguity avoids problems with trying to match full sets of symmetry operators together

Deferred to next meeting

cbflib conda-forge package

  • ASB to organise a side-meeting next to the HDRMX workshop
  • Discuss outcome from HDRMX meeting and next steps
  • What happes with cbflib maintenance in the future (previously: ASB to explore, but thought worth discussing again)

dxtbx#288 "Construct Experiments directly" post-merge outstanding issues

Next meeting

Thursday, April 8th, 4pm UK (BST), 8am PDT.

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