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Because median is surely not one of the extemes, we can try \(n-2\) times eliminiate the impossible i-of-median one by one. The remaining two \(P\) will be the extremes.
Is = [1,2,3]
for j = 4 to P.len+1
if j == P.len+1
append(Is, j)
return Is
Therefore, totoal iteration is \(n-1\) times \(\in O(n)\)
The main idea is how to convert PANCAKE-GOD-ORACLE
into a comparison function, and use this comparison function to achieve the optimal of comparison sort.
Making a comparison function
Since we got the extremes, to say \(P_{ext_1}\) and \(P_{ext_2}\), we can use one of the \(P_{ext}\) as a baseline. We need to prove the following equality
compare(i,j) = i == PANCAKE-GOD-ORACLE(P[i], P[j], P_ext)
where \(i,j\notin \{ P_{ext1}, P_{ext2} \}\)
P[i] < P[j]
and P_ext
is maximum
compare(i,j) == 1
compare(i,j) == 2
and P[j]
is a minimum, vice versa.compare
is argmin
or argmax
function of P[i]
and P[j]
. But we can guarantee the monotonicity by using compare
in quick sort.Apply to comparison sort
Since we got the comparison function, we need to first allocate extremes to P[1]
and P[end]
. we can apply sorting algorithm, which is optimal in time complexity, to the sequence P[2]...P[end-1]
(Noted that at this moment, \(P[1]=P_{ext1}\), \(P[end] = P_{ext2}\), \(P[i] = P_k~if~k\in \{1,\cdots,end-1\}\)). To acheive \(O(n\lg n)\), I chose quick sort to the region with index [2,...,end-1]
and use compare
function proved above. For clarity, I listed the pseudo code below which is modified from ITA P.171:
if compare(p,r)
q =Partition(A,p,r)
Quicksort(A,p, q-1)
Quicksort(A, q+1,r)
x = A[r]
i = p-1
for j = p to r-1
if compare(A[j],x) == 1
i = i+1
exchange A[j] with A[i]
exchange A[r] with A[i+1]
return i+1
Is = Find-Extremes(P)
allocate Is to P[1] and P[end]
Query Complexity
which uses the PANCAKE-GOD-ORACLE
. Therefore, the overall query complexity is \(n\lg n\).Reference:
The insertion takes in two parts:
Let another pancake be P_new
with testiness t_new
. And assume list L
is sorted with extremes locate at L[1]
and L[end]
. We want to find a site i
to insert P_new
such that L[i]
(Fig. 2-1).
Comparison to extrema
Pancake-God-Oracle(L[1], L[end], P_new)
: Insert P_new
at frontoutput=end
: Insert P_new
at endBinary Search
As described in P1-2, we can use extrema to build a comparison function from Pancake-God-Oracle
. After checking P_new
is between L[1]
and L[end]
, we can apply the comparison function to binary search , which acheive \(O(\log n)\) complexity, to find the place to insert P_new
Insert(L, P_new)
i = Pancake-God-Oracle(L[1],L[end],P_new)
if i==1
insert P_new at 1 #case 1
elseif i==end
insert P_new at end #case 2
else #case 3
I = Binary-Search(L[2:end],P_new, func=compare)
insert P_new at I+1
I = Pancake-God-Oracle(i,j, L[1])
if I==i
return 1 # i>j
return 2
The reason to use bianry search:
is in the middle of the extremas, binary search is the fastest way to find an item in an sorted array.Fig. 1-1. Conditions of inserting a new value.
In problem 1-3, the insertion keeps the list sorted in \(O(\log n)\) query complexity. Without locating the boundary pancakes, we can randomly choose two pancakes for starting. In Fig. 2-2, any list of two items is sorted. Therefore, we can apply the insertion algorithm proposed in problem 1-3 (Fig. 2-1) to add the rest of pancakes one by one. The following is the proof of the sorting algorithm based on insertion.
Any list of two items is sorted.
Loop invariance
Insertion algoritm in Problem 1-3 keeps the inserted list sorted.
The last element is inserted with the same algorithm, so the list remains sorted.
On the other hand, the query complexity of one insertion is \(O(\log n)\), and there are \(n-2\) times of calling the insertion algorithm. Therefore, the resulting query complexity is \(O(n\log n)\) for \(n>2\)
Fig. 1-2. Any list of two items is sorted, and can be applied to the insertion algorithm described in Fig. 1-1.
In sorting with PANCAKE-GOD-ORACLE
, we use the medians between three arguments to gain order information about an input sequence \(\langle t_1,t_2,\cdots,t_n\rangle\). we perform the tests, \(t_i \in (t_j, t_k)\), \(t_j\notin (t_i, t_k)\) and \(t_k \notin (t_k, t_j)\) when PANCAKE-GOD-ORACLE(P,i,j,k)=Pi
. we can not inspect the values of the elements or gain order information about the tastes in any other way.
To sort the list of \(t_{i}\), the permutation can be represented by the decision-tree model (Fig. 2-3). We can annotate each leaf by a permutation \(\langle \pi(1),\cdots,\pi(n)\rangle\). The execution of the sorting algorithm is equal to tracing a path from root of the decision tree down to a leaf. Each node represents a query, and there are \(3\) possible outcomes that results in three sub-trees (Fig. 2-3). When coming to a leaf, the input sequence is already sorted in a order of \(t_{\pi(1)} < \cdots <t_{\pi(n)}\) and \(t_{\pi(1)} > \cdots > t_{\pi(n)}\). Because a correct sorting algorithm must be able to produce each permutation of its input, each of the \(\frac{n!}{2}\) permutatoins muse appear as one of the leaves of the decision tree.
Consider a decision tree of height \(h\) with \(l\) reachable leaves to sort \(n\) elements. Because each of the \(n!\) permutations of the input appears as some leaf, that is, \(n!<l\). Since a tertiary tree of height \(h\) has no more than \(3^h\) leaves. Therefore,
\[n! \leq l \leq 3^h\]
which, by using logarithms, shows
\[\begin{align} h &\geq \log(n!) \\ &= \Omega(n\log n) \end{align}\]
where \(\log(n!) = \Omega(n\log n)\) is derived from Stirling's approximation[2].
By the definition of \(\Omega\)[3],
\[\lim_{n\to \infty} \frac{n\log n}{f(n)} > 0\]
where \(f(n)\) is the query complexity in respect of \(n\). Therefore, the equation \(\lim_{x\to \infty} \frac{n\log n}{f(n)}=0\) is inachievable, to say, \(f(n) \notin o(n\log)\).
Fig. 1-3. A decision tree model of sorting \(t_{i}\) where \(i\in \{1,...,4\}\) with calling the function PANCAKE-GOD-ORACLE(P,i,j,k)
. The syntax \(\fbox{t1:t2:t3}\) represents a function call PANCAKE-GOD-ORACXLE(P,1,2,3)
, and the output is labelled on the links. The sorted list is described in the bracket \(\langle t_i ,\cdots,t_j\rangle\).
When \(n=2\)
When \(n=2\), the list is sorted by swap
Suppose first ELF-SORT
call sorts the sub-list, the following operation remain the list sorted
We assume the first \(\frac{2}{3}n\) can be sorted by the first ELF-SORT
call (Sorted-1
in Fig.1-5). The second ELF-SORT
sorted the last \(\frac{2}{3}\) portion of \(n\), which is notated as Sorted-2
. Now, both of first \(\frac{1}{3}n\) and last \(\frac{2}{3}n\) are sorted locally. As a sorted sub-list, \(i>j\) for \(i\in [l, l+\Delta)\}\) and \(j\in [l+\Delta, l+2\Delta)\}\). The third ELF-SORT
call is to merge the first \(\frac{1}{2}\) of Sorted-2
with Sorted-1
. Because \(\{i|i\in [l+\Delta, r)\}\) is sorted in descendind order, \(i>j\) for \(i\in [l+\Delta, r-\Delta)\}\) and \(j\in [l+2\Delta, r)\}\). Therefore, it is guaranteed that all the elements in Sorted-3
is larger than those in Sorted-2
, and both Sorted-3
and Sorted-2
are sorted locally. The list is sorted by ELF-SORT
Fig. 1-5. Sorting procedures via ELF-SORT
. Three lists represent sorted lists after first, second and last ELF-SORT
call respectively. The unsorted region is labelled with random
; sorted region Sorted-i
where i
represents sorting by \(i^{th}\) ELF-SORT
call, \(i\in\{1,2,3\}\).
Suppose we have a worst-case running time \(T(n)\), estimate the process region of the next reucrsive level.
When length of list is \(n\), \(l=1\) and \(r=n\). The ELF-SORT
function will proceed the list with length \(n - \frac{1}{3} n\) for \(3\) times, which is derived from \([l,r-\Delta]\) where \(\Delta\) represent \(\frac{1}{3}\) of current \(n\). The swap
operation is independent from \(n\), so it can be done in constant time.
\[\begin{aligned} T(n) &= 3\underbrace{T(n - \frac{1}{3}n)}_{Next~function~call} + \underbrace{\Theta(1)}_{swap}\\ &= 3T(\frac{n}{3/2}) + \Theta(1) \end{aligned}\]
Let \(a\) be the times of recursive calls and \(b\) the ratio of current \(n\) to the next. we have
\[T(n) = \underbrace{3}_{a}T(\frac{n}{\underbrace{\frac{3}{2}}_{b}}) + \Theta(1)\]
let \(f(n)\) be a function call of SWAP
Number of Swap
The recursive function can be described in a tree structure (Fig. 1-4). The swap
operation occurs on the leaf when \(n=2\). The height of the tree is around \(\log_b n\). Because all of the nodes have \(a\) sub-nodes, that results in \(a^{\log_b n}\) leaves, to say, \(n^{\log_b a}\). The sum of time complexity of swap operation is \(\Theta(n^{\log_b a})\).
Number of ELF-SORT
In Fig.1-4, each node represents a function call. The total function call is \(g(n) = \sum_{j=0}^{\log_{b}(n) -1} a^j f(\frac{n}{b^j})\)
Time complexity of \(T(n)\)
Because \(f(n) \in \Theta(1)\), \(f(n) \in O(n^{\log_b a-\epsilon})\) for some constant \(\epsilon>0\). This implies that \(f(n/b^i) = O(n/b^j)^{\log_b a - \epsilon}\) where \(\log_b a\) is the height of the recursive tree (Fig. 1-4). We get
\[\begin{aligned} g(n) &= \sum_{j=0}^{\log_{b}(n) -1} a^j f(\frac{n}{b^j}) \\ &= \sum_{j=0}^{\log_{b}(n) -1} a^j (\frac{n}{b^j})^{\log_b a - \epsilon} \\ &= n^{\log_b a-\epsilon} \sum_{j=0}^{\log_{b}(n) -1} (\frac{ab^\epsilon}{\underbrace{b^{\log_b a}}_{=a}})^j \\ &= n^{\log_b a-\epsilon} \underbrace{\sum_{j=0}^{\log_{b}(n) -1} (b^\epsilon)^j}_{\text{Geometric series}} \\ &= n^{\log_b a-\epsilon} (\frac{\overbrace{b^{\epsilon \log_b n}}^{n^\epsilon} - 1}{b^\epsilon - 1}) \\ &= n^{\log_b a - \epsilon} (\frac{n^\epsilon - 1}{b^\epsilon - 1}) \\ &\in O(n^{log_{b} a}) \end{aligned}\]
Therefore, the total time complexity is \[\begin{aligned} T(n) &= \underbrace{O(n^{\log_b a})}_{g} + \underbrace{\Theta(n^{\log_b a})}_{f} \\ &= O(n^{\log_b a}) = O(n^{\log_{3/2}3}) \\ &\approx O(n^{2.7}) \in O(n^3) \end{aligned}\]
Fig. 1-4. Time complexity of a recursive function. Time complexity is labelled on nodes and leaves. The figure is modified from [4].
Turn left, and keep going right until reaching a NIL
function findPrev(t_k)
if(t_k.left == NIL)
return NIL
t_prev = t_k.left
while(t_prev.right != NIL)
t_prev = t_prev.right
return t_prev
Because avery sub-tree of \(T\) is a binary search tree, and left sub-sub-tree contains data earlier than the sub-tree's root in time. That is, for the set \(\{t_i | i\in left~side~of~t_k\}\) fullfills the inequality \(t_{i} < t_{k}\).
\[\textbf{t_1 < t_2 < ...} < t_k < \cdots < t_{n-1} < t_n\]
where the set of left nodes is in bold font. We can first proof that we can find the previous node of \(t_{1}\) that is an empty set (NIL
For finding \(t_{k-1}\), there is no other value between \(t_{k-1}\) and \(t_{k}\) that is smaller than \(t_k\). Therefore, we need to find the biggies value in the set \(\{t_i | i\in left~side~of~t_k\}\). By keep reaching the right leaf, we can get the biggest value of \(\{t_i | i\in left~side~of~t_k\}\). That is \(t_{k-1}\).
Fig. 2-1. Reconstructed binary tree[5].
Definition of root element
The definition of a root is always the first element of the preorder traversal. Thus, the determination of a root is unique, which is inorder[1]
Definition of leaves
With a given root/subroot, the definition of left and right sets of leaves is unique (Fig. 2-2). Recursively, all the set of leaves will be uniquely distributed with complete inorder and preorder traversal.
Ther is no two binary trees share with the same (inorder, preorder)
Fig. 2-2. Reucrsive algoritm of reconstructing a binary tree with preorder and inorder traversal [6].
Fig. 2-3. Data structure for storing the indexes of inorder and postorder array.
Constructing a look-up array
struct node
iIN //index in inorder array
iPRE //index in preorder array
left //leaves
function getPairedArr(inorder, preorder)
node arr[length(inorder)];
for i = 1 to length(inorder)
arr[inorder[i]].iIN = i
for i = 1 to length(preorder)
arr[preorder[i]].iPRE = i
return arr
Reconstructing a binary tree
buildBST(inorder, preorder, iIN)
map = getPairedArr(inorder, preorder)
iNA = 1
root= _buildBst(map, inorder, preorder, &iNA)
return root
_buildBST(map, inArr, preArr, *iNA)
//Reach end
if (length(inArr)==0 || *iNA > length(preArr))
return NULL
//Asign new root
root = map[preArr[*iNA]]
Iin = map[preArr[*iNA]].iIN
root.left = _buildBst(map, inArr[1:Iin-1], preArr, iNA)
root.right = _buildBst(map, inArr[Iin+1:end], preArr, iNA)
return root
x.key == v
, there is no need to move the element x
We need to know the new assigned value v
is greater or smaller.x.key
is increased:
is decreased:
Both Case 1 and Case 2 can be recursively (or loop) implemented. The only difference is the direction of movement.
Fig 3-1. Moving direction of node x
h.modify(x, v){
if (x.key==v)
//Do nothing
else if(x.key>v)
assert(x.key > v)
x.key = v
while(parent(x) != NULL and parent(x).key > v){
swap( parent(x), x)
assert(x.key < v)
x.key = v
while( not all of x.leaves[:] is NULL ){
//Get the node with minimum key
min_node = argmin(x.leaves[:])
if(min_node.key < x.key){
swap(min_node, x)
: For going upward, there is only one neighbor. That is parent
: Going downward is more complicated. We need to choose the direction in the following conditions:
to swapNotes
is for generosity, that means there can be leaves more than two like d-ary heapswap
function switches two variables.Definition
: undefine variable
N\M | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
0 | u | u | u | u |
1 | u | u | u | u |
2 | u | u | u | 1 |
3 | 4 | u | u | 2 |
D.add(2, 3, 1); D.add(3, 3, 2); D.add(3, 0, 4); ShowState();
N\M | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
0 | u | u | u | u |
1 | u | u | u | u |
2 | u | u | u | 1 |
3 | 4 | u | u | u |
D.extractMinRow(3) ; ShowState();
N\M | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
0 | u | u | u | u |
1 | u | u | u | 3 |
2 | u | u | u | 1 |
3 | 4 | u | u | u |
D.add(1, 3, 3); ShowState();
N\M | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
0 | u | u | u | u |
1 | u | u | u | 3 |
2 | u | u | u | u |
3 | 4 | u | u | u |
D.delete(2, 3); ShowState();
N\M | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
0 | u | u | u | u |
1 | u | u | u | u |
2 | u | u | u | u |
3 | 4 | u | u | u |
D.extractMinCol(3 ); ShowState();
\(\log(NM)\) is the sum of two heaps' operation
time compleixty, it is likey the result of two-heap-operation, which causes O(log(m) + log(n))
operation of a paired heapHow to know the availability of an item?
or build another one-to-one map to store the data of availability. The status of an item can be:
Each column/row requires a heap to keep the track on the minimum. There will be \(M+N\) heaps.
Each node should keep track on its location i
and j
. To
Fig 3-2. 2D array with two array of heaps.
🔧Implementation: Data Structure
struct node{
iHr // location at row heap
iHc //location at col heap
struct heap{
node* array[N] //M
len //[0,N]/[0.M]
struct D{
heap Hc[M]
heap Hr[N]
node A[N,M]
🔧Implementation: Operations
D.add(i, j, v)
function add(d::D, i,j,v)
//Register A[i,j]
d.A[i,j].avail = true
d.A[i,j].i = i
d.A[i,j].j = j
d.A[i,j].key = v
insertHeap(d.Hr[i], &d.A[i,j])
insertHeap(d.Hc[j], &d.A[i,j])
We have to extract all unavailable values until find the reachable minimum.
function extractMinRow(d::D, r)
d.Hr[0].avail = false
deleteHeap(d.Hc, d.Hr[0].iHc) //heap deletion
Similar to D.extractMinCol
function extractMinRow(d::D, c)
d.Hc[0].avail = false
deleteHeap(d.Hr, d.Hc[0].iHr) //heap deletion
D.delete(i, j)
function delete(d::D, i, j)
d.A[i,j].avail = false
deleteHeap(d.Hr, d.A[i,j].iHr)
deleteHeap(d.Hc, d.A[i,j].iHc)
In Fig. 3-2, \(M+N\) heaps have been estbalished for tracking the minimum value of columns and rows.
We need two heap insertions to track the minimum values of column j
and row i
. Therefore, the time complexity is O(log M + log N) = O(log MN)
The extraction on either col
or row
requires a following heap deletion. Both of them requires O(log(h))
. Therefore, the sum of complexity is O(log N + log M)
We need to delete the same item in two heaps. Use the iHc
and iHr
to keep track on the location. The deletion can be done by simply set d.Hrp[iHc] = -Inf
with heapify and extraction. All of them requires logarithmic time complexity on each side. In summary, the total time complexity is O(log N + log M)
Difference between Big-O and Little-O Notation. StackOverflow ↩︎
CLRS, Introduction to Algorithm. 3rd edition. P. 99. ↩︎
julia> a = [1,2,3,4]
4-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> a[5:end]