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# PyCon US 2023 conda and friends sprint
We will have a [conda](https://github.com/conda) and friends sprint during the first two days of the [PyCon US 2023 developmental sprints](https://us.pycon.org/2023/events/sprints/). This is the home page for the conda and friends sprint.
## Who is this sprint for?
Sprints are open for everyone who is interested in contributing to the various projects in the conda ecosystem (e.g. projects under the [conda](https://github.com/conda), [conda-incubator](https://github.com/conda-incubator), [mamba-org](https://github.com/mamba-org), [conda-forge](https://github.com/conda-forge) GitHub organizations), what we call "conda and friends".
First and foremost, **the goal of conda community sprints is to grow the conda contributor community**. We mean "contributor" in the broadest possible sense, not just code: Documentation, bug reports, forum questions (and answers), community events, new tools and plugs, and of course, new pull requests for existing tools too.
If you want to contribute in any way, then we want you at this sprint.
See the [New to sprints?](#New-to-sprints-Start-here) section below for more information about how sprinting works.
## Logistics
* Monday and Tuesday, April 24-25
* Room 250 or 251, Salt Palace Convention Center
From the PyCon Sprints page:
> Sprints run all day ... That's 8:00am to 11:00pm. Lunch will be provided
Which means we have the option to run until 11pm both days. There will be conda community members there both days, starting at 8, and then sprinting through at least 4pm.
## Communication
Communication before, during, and after the sprint will happen on the [Conda PyCon US 2023 Matrix Channel](https://app.element.io/#/room/#conda-pycon-us-2023:matrix.org), as well as in person during the sprint. That room is part of the larger [conda Matrix Space](https://matrix.to/#/#conda:matrix.org). See the [One page guide to Conda Community chat Using Element](https://conda.discourse.group/t/one-page-guide-conda-community-chat-using-element/173) for how to join Matrix.
## Participants
Please add your info below if you are interested in participating.
| Name | Initials | GH Username | Matrix ID | Affiliation |
| ------------------- | -------- | ----------- | ------------------- | ----------- |
| Dave Clements | DPC | tnabtaf | @tnabtaf:matrix.org | Anaconda |
| Dave Atkinson | DSA | electric-souperman | @electric-souperman:matrix.org | None |
| Dave Hogue | DWH | THEdavehogue | @thedavehogue:matrix.org | Open Source User/Contributor |
| Justin Hoover | JMH | baseLogiK | @baselogik:matrix.org | TBD |
| Rainu Ittycheriah | RSI | rittycheriah | @ittycheerio:matrix.org | |
| Katherine K | | | @_id_:matrix.org | |
| Jannis L | | | @_id_:matrix.org | |
| Cheng L | | | @_id_:matrix.org | |
| Chung-Fan Tsai | | Gigi1111 | @chungfan:matrix.org | |
| | | | @_id_:matrix.org | |
* 8 people present on Monday, April 24
* x people present on Tuesday, April 25
## Topics
The topics are determined by the sprint participants. If you have an idea please add it here.
Topics should have the form
> ### (proposer initials) Short descriptive title.
> - Short description of the topic.
> - This can span multiple bullet points.
> - [Link to web location where more information is available]()
> - This can be to anything on the web, including another HackMD page, a GitHub link (repo, discussion, issue, etc), a Google Drive folder, or even [a section at the bottom of this HackMD page](#topic-details).
### (DPC) Conda.org
- We are developing [a community web site](https://github.com/conda-incubator/conda-dot-org). Help get it out the door.
### (DPC) Turn the PyCon package tutorial into an online resource.
- The [tutorial presented last Thursday](https://hackmd.io/ElBrRQ6rT4K_dfzjY6pAFQ) should become a permanent, online resource
- To do that, we need to refine it.
- Some things we could do
- Present the code parts as one, already done unit.
- Start the tutorial part at Testing and other parts needed for packaging.
- Drop the emoji parts, as it does not work on Windows.
- [**We are working on this version of the tutorial**](https://hackmd.io/MYvYyBbbQE6_7v2f3p_dvQ)
* (proposer initials) Short descriptive title.
- Short description of the topic.
- [More information is here]().
* (proposer initials) Short descriptive title.
- Short description of the topic.
- [More information is here]().
* (proposer initials) Short descriptive title.
- Short description of the topic.
- [More information is here]().
* (proposer initials) Short descriptive title.
- Short description of the topic.
- [More information is here]().
Once you have added it here you are encouraged to also post it to the [Matrix Channel](https://app.element.io/#/room/#conda-pycon-us-2023:matrix.org). You are encouraged to use Matrix (and Twitter, Mastadon, Pinterest (maybe not), whatever) to recruit people to your topic.
## New to sprints? Start here
Basically a sprint is an excuse for people to focus their undivided attention, for a set timeframe, on improving a project or set of projects, in our case conda and friends. It's a focused, scheduled effort to test, fix bugs, add new features and improve documentation. Or just have fun with new stuff. No, it's not a Scrum thing.
For more information, view [Brett Cannon's introductory talk from PyCon 2009](https://archive.org/details/pyvideo_144___pycon-2009-plenary-intro-to-sprinting), or read [Eric Holscher's blog post](https://ericholscher.com/blog/2009/nov/16/you-should-stay-sprints/).
## Links to read
* General
* [Conda community code of conduct](https://github.com/conda-incubator/governance/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
* `conda`
- [`conda` contributing guide](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/dev-guide/contributing.html)
- [`conda` development environment](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/dev-guide/development-environment.html)
- [`conda` good first issues](https://github.com/conda/conda/labels/good-first-issue)
## Notes
Please feel free to add your notes from the sprint to the following section, and don't forget to add your inititals in front like "(JL)" or "(JL, CHL)".
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# Topic Details
[Topics](#topics) can link out to other web resources for the details of and notes about the topic. OR, if you don't want to create a separate web resource for your topic, you can just post your stuff here.
## Topic 1
## Topic 2