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title: 黑熊通報系統 - Running Meeting Minutes
description: 建立黑熊通報系統用的 running meeting minutes
tags: ohshown, TBBCA, TW
- 每月定期小聚與公開活動,請見[活動行事曆](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=nfm01s1scuai5om5895c0kvov0%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Asia%2FTaipei) [[Google 訂閱](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=nfm01s1scuai5om5895c0kvov0%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Asia%2FTaipei)] [[iCal 訂閱](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/nfm01s1scuai5om5895c0kvov0%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics)]
- 請至[加入 g0v slack](http://join.g0v.tw/) ,尋找 [#ohshown](https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02BVH9569J) ,所有討論與新消息都會在那兒公佈
- [線上聚會連結](https://lihi1.com/eVEx7) ;線上聚會採用 Gather Town ,瀏覽器點開按照指示與直覺使用即可
- [黑熊通報系統 - Story Backlog](/HkBzIS0e5) ,各種發想歡迎直接先寫在這裡
- [最初提案發想 figma](https://www.figma.com/file/vJrI4CscKG8oSwqQwHDsHf/TBBCA---2021-08-11?node-id=0%3A1),裡面是初步 spec 與平台工作流程
- [通報流程 figma](https://www.figma.com/file/uzTb2TR5RCptF7YcorVviK/Taiwan-Black-Bear-Reporting-Platform?node-id=0%3A1) (WIP)
- [3 分鐘-提案影片](https://youtu.be/Ib56Eu4CFUE) at 2110xx 46th 大松
- [3 分鐘-提案投影片](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1f4wG3f0VvNFKunSxBQvOjoWrMyOJ6OAX75uOHRJptu4/edit#slide=id.gcb5a56a708_2_45) at 220219 48th 大松
- [8 分鐘-黑熊研究者的短講影片](https://youtu.be/bZuZzL3M0nc)
- [Github Repository](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/)
- [黑熊通報系統 - 專案常見 Q&A](/SyiLYBAeq)
- [黑熊通報系統 - Running Meeting Minutes 2022 Archived](/zj5kN2bgRMufWu_ibAzQkw),以前的會議記錄可以進來查詢
- [黑熊通報系統 - Running Meeting Minutes 2021 Archived](/ueaD2zpuQMudWRyA8-83wQ),以前的會議記錄可以進來查詢
- [黑熊通報系統 - 開發初心者懶人包](/BkKSwrCg5)
- [g0v 社群行事曆](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/g0v-cowork-guideline/%2FKU07rRgFTHGCRxUB6XrVMQ)(下面的主日曆如果有改,可以在 g0v 社群行事曆也同步更新一下、把消息放出去)
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# 建立黑熊通報系統 running meeting minutes
## 2210xx template (DO NOT EDIT ME)
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 XXX OO, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
### Announcement / 事項宣達
> 裡放**單向**公告、不需要討論的部份
> - 來自黑熊的訊息...
> - 來自協會的訊息...
> - 來自 PM 的訊息...
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- [name=ohshown] 上次執行的任務是什麼
- [name=ohshown] 這次狀態
- [name=ohshown] 遇到的阻礙
- [name=ohshown] 可能的 solution 或是資源
### 一般性討論
- bug scrub - 以下 pull request 請大家給意見
- [Pull requests from frontend](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pulls)
- [Pull requests from backend](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pulls)
### Action Item of Individual
- [ ] [name=ohshown] 吃好睡好多運動多喝水
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
- Beta
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
- 持續整合吊嘎的流程與程式碼
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
### A.O.B.
## 230201
- we will have a monthly mini sprint on Web. and regular meetup will be on this day on 21:00 (UTC+8)
## mini sprint 230111
dajing - https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/88
gave up to rm the "useless fields" of the model. will make another pull request today
added more fields today
ACTION: file an issue about "number translated to be string" in admin console
and the associating PR
next time: questionaire has been all filled in the db (preliminary), and will do re-confirmation next time
tai - tried to add tests cases for ShownForm, but found no testing data
keep adding data today
implementing testmigrationseeddatacorrectlyshownform
created in test_models.py with old contents
I am going to use "new" contents...ah there is no testing data
done last week
add specific configuration at pycharm to trigger model test cases only (rather than the whole test case set. saving time! shorter iteration time)
ACTION: ~~file 2 issue~~ (done)
- https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/90
- relates ohshown form and ohshown event. done https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/91
open topic: bear should relate to ohshown form or ohshown event
optional for maturity when writing the data into DB
## 230104
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 Jan O4, 2023 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
### Announcement / 事項宣達
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- [name=ohshown] tai and 大軍持續雙週 hacking event,氣氛還不錯。持續改善後端程式碼中(主要是在做問卷每一個回答都有確實寫入資料庫)
### 一般性討論
- 開發進度更新
- 聚會節奏更新
### Action Item of Individual
- [ ] [name=ohshown] 網域續約 (by 230119)
- [ ] [name=tai] 公告下次聚會時間
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點 (1/18);聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
### A.O.B.
## 221207
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 Dec 07, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown]
- [name=dajing]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
### Announcement / 事項宣達
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- 目前從前端送出的通報者資料,已經可以順利送入後端database
### 一般性討論
- [name=diaoga] 明年要準備申請Phd和公費留學,預計交接給[name=Tai]
- 慢慢轉型成為 diaoga 是顧問的模式,由 tai annouce meetup since 2023
- diaoga is optional to attend the meeting.
- 原則上希望 diaoga 每月出現一次 meetup
### Action Item of Individual
- [name=dajing]&[name=diaoga] 更改 notification setting, 觀察看看有沒有收到通知。
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
### 下次聚會時間
- 12/21 X'mas meetup 取消, 下次 meetup 2023 Jan 4
### A.O.B.
## 221123
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 Nov 23, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=tai]
- [name=dajing]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=diaoga]
### Announcement / 事項宣達
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- [name=tai] demo
- BE issue[#28](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/28) FrontEnd不用port了
- BE issue[#84](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/84) Creature model in the admin console
- [name=Diaoga] 用"animal"會不會比"creature"更直覺易懂?
- [name=tai271828] 我想說也可以用在植物 XD
- [name=diaoga] 種子種子! XD?
### 一般性討論
- 後續hacking hour 時間?
- Maybe 2000-2130
- 從ohshown.site通報發生的random error BE issue[#64](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/64)
- this issue happend again during demo
- workaround by new profile + with 8080 port
### Action Item of Individual
- [Github] there is no merge notification. If there are PR landed, send a notification email
- this page? https://docs.github.com/en/account-and-profile/managing-subscriptions-and-notifications-on-github/setting-up-notifications/configuring-notifications#choosing-your-notification-settings
- yes! but only setup for one's own subscription, and there is no "merged" notification.
- [name=dajing][name=diaoga] 下週再試一次用ohshown通報,看會不會錯誤。 (for this error: https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/64 )
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
- Beta
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
- 持續整合吊嘎的流程與程式碼
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
### A.O.B.
## 221026
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 Oct 26, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
### Announcement / 事項宣達
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- [name=tai] is currently works on [BE issue #69](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/69)
- demo Setting Django debugger for Backend https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/blob/main/backend/docs/SETUP_COMPOSE.md
- demo document workflow(公文) from Slack #disfactory @peii
### 一般性討論
- 會配合小海的雙週提議(與disfactory錯開),我們會主動配合
- 上次的 hacking hour 不小心放鳥大軍,之後會用日曆約好後再於 channel announce
- tai will be off for 2 weeks (until 15 Nov)
### Action Item of Individual
- [x] [name=tai] talk to 小海 to see if we would like to change meeting cadence
- see here for the latest disfactory meetup date https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/CNA60GZJM/p1666717022553679
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
### A.O.B.
## 221012
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 XXX OO, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
### Announcement / 事項宣達
> 裡放**單向**公告、不需要討論的部份
> - 來自黑熊的訊息...
> - 來自協會的訊息...
> - 來自 PM 的訊息...
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- [name=ohshown] 上次執行的任務是什麼
- [name=ohshown] 這次狀態
- [name=ohshown] 遇到的阻礙
- [name=ohshown] 可能的 solution 或是資源
### 一般性討論
- PR assignee 只是純通知,我先往前走惹~
- 下週三來一起寫 code 吧~~
### Action Item of Individual
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
- 下週來一起寫 code ,同一時間。[name=大軍] 會發公告
### A.O.B.
## 220914
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 Sep 14, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=dajing]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=diaoga]
### Announcement / 事項宣達
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pull/79
### 一般性討論
- [name=diaoga], [name=dajing]
- 討論前後端完成的先後順序,是否可能先從黑熊協會的前端,把資料導到新的後台?
- 釐清對黑熊研究而言,哪些是重要的事情?
- 資料(文字、影像)需擺脫石器時代的做法
- 有好的前端,方便集中蒐集全臺灣的通報資料
- 前端需克服問卷太多使用者失去耐性的問題,或許前半部先蒐集重要的基礎資訊,後半部再詢問使用者意願,蒐集人熊關係問卷。
- 文字資料的整理功能,容易被取代。如果可以有以地理資訊為基礎的篩選方式,是重大的突破,例如直接在地圖上移動到某處,搜尋一個過往的通報資料。
### Action Item of Individual
- [ ] [name=ohshown] 吃好睡好多運動多喝水
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
- Beta
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- 後端是目前的bottleneck XD
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
### A.O.B.
## 220831
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 Aug 31, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=UA]
- [name=dajing]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=diaoga]
### Announcement / 事項宣達
> 裡放**單向**公告、不需要討論的部份
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- [name=dajing] FE PR [#79](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pull/79#pullrequestreview-1091241173)
-Ask [name=UA] check the code
### 一般性討論
### Action Item of Individual
- [ ] [name=ohshown] 吃好睡好多運動多喝水
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
- Beta
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
- 持續整合吊嘎的流程與程式碼
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
### A.O.B.
## 220817
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 XXX OO, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown]
- [name=dajing]
- [name=Ryno]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=diaoga]
### Announcement / 事項宣達
- 20220820 台中實體大松
- [name=UA]會參加
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- Front End PR [#79](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pull/79)
更新了gtag ID,但今晚測試在google analytics頁面還是看不到變化,[name=dajing]會試著釐清
**Thanks [name=dajing]!**
### 一般性討論
- [name=UA] 8/20會去參加實體大松
- 主要以工程師身份分享,黑熊身為台灣曝光度數一數二的吉祥物,有什麼方式可以讓工程師和開源社群參與保護黑熊?
- [name=Ryno] 建議,應該可以多強調"具體作法"
- [name=diaoga] 想到之前有Chewei做的專案「[吉祥物資料集](https://airtable.com/shrrJgYSjeLnJEzF6/tblQwomVU4s7HYYYG/viwIvvM50tfXBrYfy?blocks=hide)」
- [name=UA]大松前會把slide分享到slack上
**Thanks [name=UA]!**
- [name=Ryno] 分享對於FE問卷頁面的UX[**建議**](https://www.figma.com/file/tLnuPy5mabY3f2xWipN4h7/Oh-Shown?node-id=0%3A1)
原先設計問卷p1, p2, p3之後接1頁回顧填答結果,有填錯再回去修改。此種作法可能會讓使用者一次看太多資訊而不容易吸收。所以或許可改成,每一個section結束就用彈出alert的方式讓使用者確認資訊,每個選項上面會有修改按鈕可直接修改。[name=dajing]認為,實務上可能會讓網頁多出很多層,而且撰寫手機介面可能會有難度。
[name=diaoga] 建議,目前專案[**Beta**](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)階段,還是以讓網頁可以真的被使用為第一要務,其他面向,都先蒐集起來,之後可以再納入其他想法來優化。
**Thanks [name=Ryno]!**
- For any idea about improving FE questionnaire, check FE issue [#80](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/80)
### Action Item of Individual
- [ ] [name=ohshown] 吃好睡好多運動多喝水
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
- Beta
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
- 持續整合吊嘎的流程與程式碼
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
### A.O.B.
## 220803
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 Jul 06, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=ohshown]
- [name=dajing]
- [name=ryno]
- [name=diaoga]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
- 8/20 大松
- [Action] 會去的夥伴會在下次把 slide 丟上來給大家參考( btw 大松已經額滿)
- proposal list https://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-hackath51n/https%253A%252F%252Fbit.ly%252Fg0v51thproposal
- registration https://g0v-jothon.kktix.cc/events/g0v-hackath51n
- ryno / dajing / diaoga know each other
- 讓大家覺得這個主題跟自己有切身有關
- 回饋、英雄榜,讓大家知道做這件事情會帶來什麼價值
- [name=diaoga] 發現黑熊痕跡者,可能缺乏通報的動機: 不知道通報對保育有幫助、不願意花費心力使用不熟悉的介面
- [name=ryno]: 看起來目前通報系統的First priciple - 「通報」已經具備,可以先試著讓通報的流程更完善,之後再思考如何放入不同的功能。
## 220706
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 Jul 06, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
### Announcement / 事項宣達
> 裡放**單向**公告、不需要討論的部份
> - 來自黑熊的訊息...
> - 來自協會的訊息...
> - 來自 PM 的訊息...
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- [name=eagle] is working on BE issue [#69](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/69)/ PR [#71](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/71) and is complete
- [name=josh] is working on 貢獻協議 and 隱私條款 FE issue [#17](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/17#issuecomment-1162390252) *Thx Josh!*
- [name=diaoga] is working on FE issue [#37](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/37) for more detail about "How To Be Safe Around Bears"
- [name=diaoga] 六七月大概有1/2的時間在山上,預期會沒有顯著進度
### 一般性討論
- bug scrub - 以下 pull request 請大家給意見
- [Pull requests from frontend](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pulls)
- [Pull requests from backend](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pulls)
- [name=dajing] 提示,應該新增一個關於BEAR的欄位,我們開了BE issue [#73](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/73)
- [name=eagle]可以接手進行。
### Action Item of Individual
- [ ] [name=ohshown] 吃好睡好多運動多喝水
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
- Beta
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
- 持續整合吊嘎的流程與程式碼
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
### A.O.B.
## 220622
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 June 22, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown]
- [name=eagle]
- [name=dajing]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
### Announcement / 事項宣達
> 裡放**單向**公告、不需要討論的部份
- [name=diaoga] 說好的臂章,會等收到黑熊協會新做的DM和書籤後一起寄出
- 下次大松 8/20 週六 @ 集思台中新烏日會議中心
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- [name=josh] is working on 貢獻協議 and 隱私條款 FE issue [#17](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/17#issuecomment-1162390252) *Thx Josh!*
- [name=diaoga] is working on FE issue [#37](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/37) for more detail about "How To Be Safe Around Bears"
- [name=diaoga] 六七月大概有1/3的時間在山上,預期會沒有顯著進度
#### 綜合討論事項
- 目前bottle neck 是後端的邏輯問題
- [name=eagle] 建議可以把後端[#44](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/44)每個小table都另開issue,方便大家揀去做。
- [name=tai] 協助新增BE[#67](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/67)、[#68](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/68)、[#69](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/69)
- [name=dajing] 認為FE[#22](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/22)(page5)不是很急的事,可有可無。因此同意應該先解決後端邏輯的bottle neck(include [#44](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/44)),[name=dajing]可以幫忙BE~yeah!
- [name=dajing] 建議後端問題解決後,可以接著處理前端地圖資訊顯示
#### 開發建議
- 開新的issue盡量小份,方便大家撿去做
- 舊的issue,也歡迎大家把它切割成多個小issue喔!
### Action Item of Individual
- [ ] 吃好睡好多運動多喝水
- [ ] [name=eagle]刻table
- [ ] [name=dajing]幫忙把前端資料寫進table的flow
- [name=tai]要等到7/10之後才有機會恢復火力
- [name=diaoga]七月很長在山上,也要等八月後會比較有能量
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
- Beta
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
## 220608
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 June 8, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=eagle]
- [name=ohshown]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
### Announcement / 事項宣達
> 裡放**單向**公告、不需要討論的部份
- [name=diaoga] 本來要上山工作,遇到梅雨取消了😅
- [name=diaoga] 說好的臂章,會等收到黑熊協會新做的DM和書籤後一起寄出
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- BE is back (failed for "unnecessary double quotes")
- [name=tai] fixed the backend
- confirmed & merged: 大軍 fixed an issue FE PR [#76](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pull/76)
- [name=tai] is Working on "domain url post is forbidden"
- 用ohshown domain 通報會失敗(用 IP 會成功)。[name=tai] 需檢查code,如果兩天內找不出問題,[再另開issue](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/64) <-- 已經開了。
- 目前確定不是 deployment .env 的設定 (ALLOWED_HOSTS) 問題。
- [name=tai]'s next step: FE issue [#26](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/26) after resolving the deployment issue above
~~- diaoga may not attend the meeting this week~~
~~- The meeting willl be deleted to [name=dajing]~~
- [name=tai] will poke [name=josh] and [name=ray] for help
- [name=eagle] is working on BE issue [#44](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/44)
- [name=eagle]刻的table是base on [name=ray]設計的form,會有一些新的欄位,建議之後[name=tai]如果持續走舊table路線,遇到了就可以直接撿來用。
- [name=eagle] will poke [name=ray] about BE [PR #65](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/65)
- [name=diaoga] is working on FE issue [#37](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/37) for more detail about "How To Be Safe Around Bears"
#### 開發建議
- 開新的issue盡量小份,方便大家撿去做
- 舊的issue,也歡迎大家把它切割成多個小issue喔!
### Action Item of Individual
- [ ] 吃好睡好多運動多喝水
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
- Beta
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
## 220525
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 XXX OO, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=dajing]
- [name=ohshown]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
### Announcement / 事項宣達
> 裡放**單向**公告、不需要討論的部份
> - 來自黑熊的訊息...
> - 來自協會的訊息...
> - 來自 PM 的訊息...
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- [name=ohshown] 上次執行的任務是什麼
- [name=ohshown] 這次狀態
- [name=ohshown] 遇到的阻礙
- [name=ohshown] 可能的 solution 或是資源
### 一般性討論
- 怪奇事務所行銷 lesson learned from disfactory
- [臂章登記](https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02BVH9569J/p1651823373063699)
- PRs (what we have done)
- [Logo 更新](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pull/74) by [name=josh]. Thanks Josh!
- [修掉 BE 無法如實顯示 FE 通報時鐘的 bug](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/71),部屬後 [BE 掛掉中](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/63)
- Actions for the team
- [ ] [name=PM] follow up this FE issue https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/37
- [ ] [name=PM] follow up this BE issue https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/17
- [ ] 主動具體 assign 小 FE issue 給 Ray
- [ ] 主動具體 assign 小 BE issue 給 eagle
- [ ] track [the status of issue](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/44)
- [ ] 持續請大軍開發過程盡量透明
- [ ] FB文案更新可以考慮請 Josh 接手,例如[這篇](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/17)
- bug scrub - 以下 pull request 請大家給意見
- [Pull requests from backend](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pulls)
- [Pull requests from frontend](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pulls)
- 大軍開 [這個 pull request](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pull/75) 之後直接 merge,大家沒收到通知所以沒留意到:好像是要對 repo 有點 watch --> all activities
### Action Item of Individual
- [ ] [name=ohshown] 吃好睡好多運動多喝水
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
- Beta
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
- 持續整合吊嘎的流程與程式碼
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
### A.O.B.
## 220427
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 XXX OO, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=ohshown]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
### Announcement / 事項宣達
- Accomplishment during last two weeks :tada:
- BE [PR#55](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/55) by [name=tai]
- BE [PR#56](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/56) by [name=tai]
- BE [PR#57](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/57) by [name=tai]
- BE [PR#58](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/58) by [name=tai]
- **感謝大家的努力!!** :muscle:
- **我們持續朝Beta邁進**
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
- Demo BE [PR#59](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/59)
- demo the feature
- demo the 2 issues found
- elaborate the new/old table strategy
- [x] [name=tai] will deploy it to the deployment site for people to play
- **感謝大軍之前實做可以繞掉上傳照片,讓開發速度大增!!**
- Let's use milestone `0.0.1` to collect the issues we want to land in the future
- inspired by [this issue](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/70#event-6419984039).
- some issues could have no milestones
- let's review and define the milestone of beta and `0.0.1` clearly
- [name=eagle] 之後是只要有新的issue,最後一碼就要進版嗎?
- [name=tai] 建議,只要有幾個新的commit就可以進版,但可由project mananger [name=diaoga] 來掌握進度。或許每次修掉一個具體的小bug或新增一個具體的小功能,就適合進版。
- [ ] [name=tai] will make a video about 眉眉角角 of setting development environment and debugging.
- [name=diaoga] Demo黑熊協會的通報系統
- [name=tai] Django本來就是通用行的 framwork ,預期不同使用者會有各種管理行為
- [x] Homework & exercise for [name=diaoga]:
- Let's try to drag [FE issue 66](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/66) to Done
- Try project and milestone (ie. BE [issue#35](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/35)) to make it more sense
- and FE [PR#69](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pull/69)
- move some issues to in progress
- [x] archived 2022 Q1 meeting minutes
## Random Notes
- Beta is much better than "the csv" of the current TBBCA website production for one "edit" feature... (and more)
- export data from the "old site" to our beta as a "data anlysis" tool
- demo of "google map link" "ohshown map link"
## Actions
- [ ] [name=diaoga] feature request: video uploading
- [ ] [name=diaoga] feature request: maybe "map link" in the ohshown dashboard
- [x] [name=diaoga] slack - share fb's "collect data" event
## 220413
- **Location:** Gather Town
- **Link**: [Gather Town Space](https://gather.town/app/6NKcuFatDrrfpAgY/PyCon%20TW%20Sprint%20Venue)
- **Date:** 21:00 XXX OO, 2022 (UTC+8)
- **Agenda:**
- **Participants:**
- [name=diaoga]
- [name=dajing]
- [name=eagle]
- [name=ohshown]
- **Minutes Taker:**
- [name=ohshown] 歡迎大家主動共同編輯
- [name=diaoga]
### Announcement / 事項宣達
- Accomplishment during last two weeks :tada:
- FE [#69 by Neilxx](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pull/69)
- FE [#68 by tai271828](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pull/68)
- BE [#52 by tai271828](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/52)
- BE [#50 by tai271828](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/50)
- BE [#49 by tai271828](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/49)
**- 感謝大家的努力!!** :muscle:
**- 我們持續朝Beta邁進**
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
### Discussion / Random Note
#### 執行事項進度更新
- [name=ohshown] 上次執行的任務是什麼
- [name=ohshown] 這次狀態
- [name=ohshown] 遇到的阻礙
- [name=ohshown] 可能的 solution 或是資源
### 一般性討論
- [repo 移交](https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02BVH9569J/p1648654261286739). It seems every body knows it already according of PR activities.
- the code base and repo one the development site have been updated as well
- [新 UI 操作流程. Credit: Neilxx](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pull/69),不用強制上傳圖片啦!
- [Re-deployed Demo](http://ohshown.site:8080/#map=11.44/119.90765131054833/23.174697660082686)
- 點變少了是預期的 because of [BE pr49](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/49)
- Close [issue66](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/66)
- [x] [name=diaoga] 關於FE issue 66的新issue
- [x] comment 在最底下、用一個新 issue 去追「如果是痕跡的話建議要有照片」。
- [x] 開好的新 issue [FE Issue#70](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/issues/70)
- [ ] [name=Neilxx]建議,未來把哪些問卷題目是"必填"另開issue
- teams
- [name=neilxx] - 穩定輸出中,與 team 溝通品質也穩定上升中。 如果 pr 粒度能再更小就太好了 (early release policy)
- 卡在 neilxx 太懂登山? XD
- [name=ray] - still working on [pr48](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/48)
- [name=eagle]-先有基礎建設的table刻好,就可以開始做API撈資料
- [name=neilxx]提醒,新的問卷([BE issue #44](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/issues/44#issuecomment-1070730896))
- eagle - 相對穩定輸出中,如果 pr 粒度能再更小就太好了 (early release policy)
- josh - [oh shown logo style?](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/discussions/56)
- [x] [name=diaoga] tag josh on [this github discussion thread](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/discussions/56)
- [x] [name=tai] will create a README regarding update the local dev(elopment) DB(database).
- Done. Please review:[BE PR#55](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/55),Ray 跟 Eagle 應該會有興趣了解。
- Is anyone interested in surveying [GeoDjango](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/discussions/53)?
- bug scrub - 以下 pull request 請大家給意見
- [Pull requests from backend](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pulls)
- [Pull requests from frontend](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/pulls)
- [BE PR#55](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/pull/55)
- the momentum of the team
- maybe we could update/annouce accomplishment at the very beginning of the meetup
- emphasize the credit of the contributors
### Action Item of Individual
- [ ] [name=ohshown] See above
### Recent Goal of Team / 近期任務
- Beta
- [Kanban - backend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/3)
- [Kanban - frontend project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-frontend/projects/2)
- [Kanban - deployment project](https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/projects/5)
- 持續整合吊嘎的流程與程式碼
### 下次聚會時間
- 例行線上聚會:歡迎自由參加,雙週三晚上九點;聚會連結請參考共筆最上方的日曆,歡迎訂閱。
### A.O.B.
## Arhicved Meeting Minutes
- [黑熊通報系統 - Running Meeting Minutes 2021 Archive](/ueaD2zpuQMudWRyA8-83wQ)