Steem Monsters Splinter Template

Team Name: Green Team B
Team Members: Irey eye, Masterswatch, Marjanko
Splinter Color: Green

6 splinters

(steampunk goblins)

Name of the Splinter- Hollow earth

Campaing Settings (insert by @ireyeye)

This green splinter is mighty powerfull.
They have the power of the earth and the air around it, the earth is hollow is secret for the many. This hollow part gives the splinter the power to absorb damage in their tank and then reverse this energy into healing power. Sometimes this result into no damage, sometimes it gives you more healing power and you can sell this power for mana.

Green- disorganized/tribal yet connected through the inner earths worlds and layers of caves, lakes, rivers, oceans and tunnels in the realms.

Inside the planet is the home of the giants, swampmonsters

(green cards inserts: what is out there?)
(our giants have the DPS power)?
What is the primary negative consequence (usually felt by others)?

Lyanna, princess of innocence, strikes with love and jokes, shy breaks the tension and is a bridge to the peacekeepers balance.

Swampmonster have the power to multiply when magic power is used against them. This gives them more DPS (damage output)

On the surface of the planet there are green zones.
Inside the green zones there are (other green cards input:)

The summoners are connected through the inner earth tank and can heal others instantly when powers are up.

(we need to start value system to green cards?)

The "shape shifting sky piramides". You can harly ever see them, they have routes in hour space time space, yet they are in another dimenstion or realm. They are the ships of the "cosmic peace keepers balance"

The hidden world into all worlds, so big so small, hides many forces, can you see the blue piramides in the sky some day? The day the world gets "Unsplintered"

Insert to story:

Name moon:
Magic power:
Damage input:
Combat arena:

Value System

These folks need a value system. I’ll try to make a video for the next part. Here are instructions.

Put the most powerful faction of the group in the center

In the spot adjacent to the center and directly above put the most important value held by them

In the spot adjacent to the center to the lower left put the second most important value held by them

In the spot adjacent to the center in the lower right put a negative value held by them

Fill in the values in between by focusing on the interaction of 1-2 1-3 and 2-3. Look at those two words and think if these two words came together how would that manifest as a value.

Once you’ve completed the inner ring of 6 spread it out one more level and combine them all again to get up to 12 (if you feel like you need it)

I include an example of what I'm describing here-

Consider counter cultures that might arise. What movement would youth support because of failings of the current value system.

The value system will be built into how the society functions and the order that’s built into the culture.

Primary Purpose of the Splinter-

This section is likely written from the perspective of the most powerful faction/leader/person/entity in that Splinter.
What do they do to bring forth or hold up the reunification of the planet? What special ritual or what daily action? What great creation was put in place to have some central interaction with core of the Splinterlands.

What is their intention? What is the chief benefit? What is the primary negative consequence (usually felt by others)?

What resource does the Splinter (color) harvest? What negative consequence does that have against another Splinter. Is there a way in the future that the process could be modified such that most of the benefit is captured and the damage is drastically reduced?

This is meant to explore the power of unintended consequences. So, there is a benefit to an action and either known or unbeknownst to them there is a negative consequence that they either choose to inflict or are ignorant of. It should have a negative effect on the Splinter that they have an advantage over.

Races- What races are part of this Splinter. Both monsters and summoners
Ancestry- Where did that race come from? What’s the creation myth about them?
Government- How are they governed?

I had a few ideas about this. It isn’t mandatory, but I was thinking

Red- Military Dictatorship outlying tribal outposts
Blue- Fundamentalist Anarchist
Black- Socialism
Green- disorganized/tribal
White- Monarchy and University Faculty
Gold- Sun Worshipping Religious Order

Classes- What are the key jobs that people do in society?
leaders- What are the high-status positions in society
common folk- What do people do that lack status in society?
summoners- Who can use magic?

Weapons- What weapons are favored? Is there a particular style to combat?
Magic- How does magic work in that Splinter. Only one I feel strongly about is alchemy for white.
summoning- What does it look like when a summoner summons a monster? What are they channeling?
leveling- what physically, spiritually, or mentally happens when a summoner or monster levels up.

Weather- What are standard weather conditions
Seasons - are there seasons? What do they look like?
Environmental Dangers- What are the major environmental hazards for the race that lives there? What about visiting races?

Housing and Architecture- Can you describe an expensive house and a poor house? What are some buildings reflective of the government or major industries?

Natural Resources used to build stuff

Individual order

Survival- what do inhabitants have to do to survive in their environment?
Slavery - Is slavery legal? common? who are or would be slaves?
Courtship - what does courtship look like? who pursues who?
Marriage - Does marriage exist? if so what does the ceremony look like? Any weird rituals by family members too?
Birth - Any celebrations for birth or new beings
Food/Drink/Dining- certain delicacies. Where does cooking happen? Who does it?
Rites of Passage/Coming of Age/Adolescence- Any major traditions?
Death- What’s a funeral look like?
Dress Code - How do common people dress? What about the rich or powerful?
Cosmology - What does the sun, moons or constellations matter to them? Any major constellation?
Religion - Is there a prominent religion? What/who is worshipped? How
Creation Myth - Is there a creation myth shared from parents to children?
Prophecy - Background of the prophecy known only to your Splinter?
Sacred- What are some places held sacred?
What can you own that’s sacred?
What are you not socially allowed to talk about?
Anything forbidden?

wealth - What makes someone rich? How is it displayed?
poverty - what makes someone poor? What does a poor inhabitant’s life look like?
Arts and Entertainment
Music - common instruments? purpose of the music (religious, festive, military)
Poetry - Types of poetry, common themes, structure?
Theater- How are stories played out? Who is the intended audience? What is the major moral?

Social Structure

Institutions- what are the major institutions that have influence in your Splinter?
Government- what form of government rules your Splinter? Who is in charge? What is the scructure.
Penal System- what happens to criminals? what if they are "international"
Legal System- what are teh major laws? Who enforces them? Who is the judge? Who makes sentences?
Holidays- is there a festivity that's considered a holiday for everyone?
Celebrations- are there major festivals that people celebrate? celestial? seasonal? religious? historic?
Medium of Exchange what's used as a medium of exchange? How do people pay for things? Barter? a central currency? a distributed commodity? Where do people meet to exchange goods?
Commerce/Economy, Import/Export-

What are the 3 primary exports of the nation? Which factions do they go to?

What are the 3 primary imports? where do they come from?

Transportation- how do your inhabitants get around? How do they get to the other sections?
Major cities - what are the majors cities? How many people are in them? How did they form? Why are they so large? Who runs them? Other powerful interests in them?
What is the capital? What makes it the capital. Tell me about the building and it's primary function.
Minor Outlying cities- are there secondary citites? what caused them to start up? dissatisfaction with the first? resources? population expansion?
Rural -

Training Arena for monsters/summoners
Education System
Military/Civilian training/War academies
Writing system

Lighting/power sources/tech
Magical Plants/Beasts

What are the biggest laws?
Who makes the laws?
Who enforces the laws?

Criminal Aspects
Black Markets
Curse Words
Insults- What is humiliating in your culture?

Major NPCs (non-player characters. These are folks that the players will encounter and get quests or stories from, but not have to fight or compete) Please include 3-5 made up people in the realm and give some details of who they are, what they do, how they got there, and what their ambition is.


Timeline Major events

It's been 956 years since the Splintering. We have to build a timeline that's common. If you look at the map contest post we received two types of submissions. Flat maps with continents, and floating worlds. The flat map style is going to be the current map with each Splinter on it's own section of the map. The integrated floating world map is going to the land of the prophecy that existed in the past and will exist again in the future.

The world splintered 956 years ago. The cause is unknown. Each group can have an interpretation of what happened. (almost) Everyone from that era is dead. You're welcome to create historical documents (that we may or may not allow to be true) to describe what happened at the time to the best of that Splinter's knowledge. The timelines aren't exact for each Splinter. Some may experience these things slightly before or after it emerges.Major events

zero to 2 years- Magic started working again after the Splintering. The prophecy of the planet reuniting is foretold.

124- The last known survivors of the Splintering have all died out (there will be some legendary story arcs that will still be alive, but otherwise they're all dead).

387- The season of starvation as all crops withered and magic fell to a trickle

522- A shimmering white light engulfs the planet and meteorswarms hit the planet for weeks on end.

804- The Grand Tournament is established on Mount Mox. A small common city where the various splinters actively trade and build something together is formed there.

Timeline - Splinter Events

Time of Aggression
Time of Depression
Time of Collaboration x2

The Burn- Something is siphoning off magic from the realm and it’s making people sick/weak all over. How does this manifest in your kingdom? Not everyone has caught it yet.

There appears to be a small heliostone sold through the gold Splinter that can relieve symptoms.

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