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# Covid Webpage on ASPi
To act as a covid management portal in rural communities
Refer [ASPi and COVID](https://hackmd.io/YQ-h9d5AS0a3d-7AwmthLQ) for understanding the context
## Current Status
### Source Code
### Live Site (on Yggdrasil)
## Webpage Requirements
* Covid updates in Kannada, Tamil, Hindi languages
* The webpage should list videos, audios, excel sheets present in a folder
* Mobile responsive
## Webpage Flow
1. Home page
1. should show language options based on the folders present in the directory
2. remember the language chosen by the user
3. next time the home page should redirect to the selected Language page
2. Language Page
### Related Documents
#### Covid Docs Management Sheet
#### Covid link collection Doc
#### covid local management portal
#### C2C2beku (C2C2x model)
### from Telegram
Dr. Matthew Varghese is kannada
Re. #covid #rural kannada docr.
His language vibes, hes controversial, but got his fundamentals right may be.. he suggests,
1. Local containment centre either govt. Or public initiatives is important.
2. Patient shud be in complete rest, don't make them move around much
3. Don't lock the patients in a room, try to find a open well ventilated areas, outdoors are better. Reminds me of mysore state's containment during Spanish flu (read somewhere early in 1st wave)
4. Even going to bathroom for peeing ex. In diabetics is higher frequency, better wud be to put them on diaper and bed pan
5. Isolate but don't stigmatized, talk to patients, but don't share any news that might panic them. In panic the breath rate increased
6. Only symptomatic medicines required, only if saturation dropping steroids all other medicine are mafia re. Remdesivir
7. Take steam only if u have cold and sinus kind of symptoms or upper respiratory and throat infection. If phlegm is coming out, that's lower respiratory issue, and steam will worsen it
8. Don't put lemon juice in ur nose when u have cough, increased cough will reduce saturation
9. Pranayama is good but when you are healthy, not when your in disease with weak body. That will hurt the lungs
10. Share with patients the matters that make them laugh, feels co finest or whatever that can divert their minds and let the body work its course.
Controversial coz he called the govt. System for beds allocation and other policy is a mafia backed nexus to exploit people. Humans have been with viruses, and Sars cov 2 is no different, every virus that enters body dies in 7 days given most people's immune system will respond. And for those that is not case, clinical medicines and oxygen treatment. If managed well, those who need hospital shud be addressed on priority and not some administrative rule like generation of a ID like BU number, as a prerequisite for getting health care. Also he doesn't wear a mask while treating, no ppe and that irked the IMA.
### Rough Web Page Design