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# 魚骨頭的派樂基因〈複製.盜版〉計劃
from [KOP Projects 派樂西王國](http://www.mauvaiscontact.info/kop/artists/html/a9_chin_2.html) 2001
### 魚骨頭的派樂基因〈複製.盜版〉計劃
* 藝術家 李士傑
基因是一把鑰匙;可以打開通往人類個體、群體與整個人類族群過去歷史的大門。基因,是一種終極的書寫媒介。如同海德格的 Ereignis,自己呈現它自己,而讓它因此成為它自己,基因作為一種媒介,其形而上的意義在於書寫,而且是個體、集體與人類族群的共同書寫;在複製的時刻裡,同時持續地保持著被書寫的狀態。而到了生命之書被開始解開謎團的今日,這個以往沉默地持續書寫與被書寫的媒介,也終於開顯出各種不同層次的意義開來。
基因的發現過程,也跟其他的人類發明與創造一樣,都是由許多不同的社會動力所造成的。我們發現了一個「不睡覺基因」、就跟發明能夠洗乾淨沾到醬油衣服的洗潔劑一樣,背後有許多看不見的社會歷程在支撐與影響。這些社會歷程包括:專利、資本主義全球分工體系,科學社群的集體選擇、創投公司的風險投資、國家內部科學與生命科學的預算分配,高純度基因之族群團體的反對抗爭,以及國際貿易 / 交換的微妙調控機制。基因在科學的實踐活動裡,透過我們的身體建構、銘刻著基因空間的象徵意義。在基因空間裡,呈現的面貌是各種觀點對話,宛如一種螺旋進程的論述運動。
派樂基因計劃,是一個倒轉的基因空間論述運動。社會面向中各種競逐的動力與參與者,都可以加入這個集體書寫的行列;發現一個屬於眾人的基因。派樂基因〈**PiraGene**〉,是 Piracy 從行為層次往象徵場域的論述推衍;在那之前,我們必須要探究 Piracy 的原意。Piracy 字典的意義是:1.海盜,2.剽竊、著作權侵害、盜印。海盜這種非正式的商業活動有著古老的歷史傳統:古代的腓尼基人結合著合法的遠洋企業與海盜企業並行;九到十一世紀的維京人佔領著歐洲的海洋與環繞著的海岸;十七世紀時,阿爾及利亞的海盜在北非外海出沒,肆虐著英倫海峽,一直到十九世紀,阿爾及爾還是海盜的堅強根據地。這些都還沒有包括十六、七世紀,在西班牙人、荷蘭人國際貿易當中,足跡遍及日本與東南亞的台灣國姓爺父子:鄭芝龍、鄭成功的海上霸權。只有在國家機器開始採納了更新的技術動力:蒸氣引擎,並且有組織地成立了海上的國家機器暴力,海盜才逐漸地化作春泥、銷聲匿跡,讓位給殖民帝國的船堅砲利,淡出了歷史的舞台。
我們深入研究 Piracy,遂發掘到國家機器在語言修辭上所欲埋藏的行為本質,其實是區域性的自主力量,在新興的資源領域成形、形塑的當下,競爭演化的一種全球化的自發性交換 / 交流歷程。雖然為國家服務的規範性語言修辭〈法律、文化、政治論述〉急欲抹平、埋葬海盜行為的顛覆性力量,收編非正式部門的商業活動、吸納成為國家的資源,但是往往新技術的發現遠遠地把追趕的力量拋在腦後。唯有透過強力的國家機器暴力干預,今日的自主力量才得以暫時被壓制下來,轉化生存的創作動力,在規範當中尋求正式管道的經濟效益。Piracy,其實是我們這個時代,被埋藏在社會語言修辭與國家機器暴力下的活化石;透過科學的整合尋找出這個古老歷史傳統的人類文化傳承,並且在二十一世紀的今日找出其基因層次的終極意義,正是經由基因這個媒介,推動PiraGene發現計劃的目的。
* PIM, Pirate Identification Map:
因此,我們決定雙管齊下,同時進行派樂基因的研究:一方面定義從基因到行為層次整合的派樂系統;另一方面透過遺傳的觀點,尋找擁有此種特殊的行為的遺傳關聯個體們,基因之間的共通性。派樂行為的分層定義就是建構「派樂基因辨識圖譜,〈PIM, Piracy Identitfication Map〉」。我們希望藉由社會科學的協助,從認知、認同與儀式的角度,描繪日常生活中,非正式獲取環境資源的「派樂基因辨識圖譜」。該圖譜同時辨識正式環境的對應行為特質,以供次階段身分辨識的機制使用。從開放原始碼比自由〈免費〉軟體讓讓大眾比較容易接受看來,共享的實踐與盜版之間的語言對立,會是我們從層層的謎霧中出發的導航標記。
* 實驗設計與基因檢測:
在初步的 PIM 辨識圖譜建構完成後,本計劃將以兩種方式設計在行為層次檢證派樂基因;第一,尋求在台灣地區,有意願的遺傳單位〈家庭、雙生子、親屬等〉一同擔任受試者,依據 PIM 定義出的分層行為辨識圖譜,標示行為的表現型態。第二,在公共的網站上標示供眾人指證歷歷的互陳、自陳紀錄量表,標示出piracy 在社會空間中的公共軌跡。量表內容例如:「我在〈何時〉、〈什麼地方〉,看到了 / 知道了〈誰〉,海盜了〈什麼東西〉;這樣的行為在 PIM 當中被標示成為〈x.x〉。」
這兩種行為研究方法搭配,透過嚴密的統計分析,我們希望篩選出精準的行為模式與研究對象進行基因檢測。檢測技術則使用農業界、野生動物界品種、產製品鑑識已經到實用階段的 DNA 聚合黴鏈鎖反應〈PCR, Polymerase Chain Reaction〉與限制片段多樣性分析〈RFLP, Restriction Fragment Length Poly-morphism〉生物技術,來進行品種與親緣關係鑑定;然而,與一般生物技術使用相異的是,我們希望連結基因重複片段資料庫技術〈RSDB, Repeat SequenceDataBase〉,將參與研究的受試者〈遺傳單位,已有親緣性關係〉依照 PIM 辨識圖譜,反向尋找在特殊基因當中,有意義的基因片段。
* 與「派樂護照」計劃接合
- The Articulation With PiraPort Main Project:
「派樂複照計劃」〈PiraPort Project〉將具有不同層次派樂行為意義的個體,透過 PIM 圖譜賦予不同的嶄新身份認同。如果說「派樂基因」研究是身體政治的歷史檔案考掘學,那麼「派樂複照計劃」則是網路複製時代,身體政治的現在/ 未來延伸。過往的行為模式從日常生活的行為生態中建構,演化並被保存,在網路這個斷裂的科技時代,需要一個接引的橋樑銜接昨日之我與今日之我:複照便是通往未來的派樂王國公民日常生活指南。
### 「派樂護照」計劃
* 藝術家:藝立協(Elixir,藝術家獨立協會)唐宗漢、李士傑
* 主題:複照 based on 派樂基因〈複製.盜版〉計劃
以派樂西王國的所有觀光客為目標,此計畫企圖提升人們對「身份偷竊」、「網路主權」與除了 HTTP/POP3/SMTP/FTP 之外協定使用的認知,並瞭解地下網路的建構法則—去中心式的交互認證,以及「業報」(karma)的力量。
* 派樂基因定序技術
* 派樂經:理解、配對、掃瞄與移轉
基於派樂基因的檢測,我們賦予複照持有人一個在 <http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers> 裡註冊的埠號,並附上詳細的名稱、(不當)用途,與相關資源。在主機上,我們會開啟所有被賦予埠號的相應服務,以及比血型還準的「派樂經」配對功能。複照持有人也可以現場操作連接埠掃瞄軟體,並試圖侵入他人的連接埠。
* 身份建構與盜竊競賽
考慮到「網路地下身份」通常是建立在同儕互信與保證人系統上,複照內有許多「簽證」欄位,讓其他人能自願影印自己的複照封面貼上(當然,也可以是偷來的),以建立一串「派樂信任鏈」。依據與 PGPNet 相似的計算方式,派樂鏈頂端最惡名昭彰的訪客將獲得特殊的線上/線下紀念品,給他們誇耀戰功的權利。
* 派樂邊界與出入口管制
## English
### Pira4all: PiraGene Discovery Campaign
* Ilya Eric Lee's Gene Study
Gene as an ultimate writing medium, conserve the key to history and
world past. Just like the Hedegger's word of given, which means "it
gives", gene is written and always kept as the status of written, as the
trace of human beings' understanding of itself. The disclosure are
starting to initiate via decoding the book of life till today's
scientific achievement.
Gene's discovery are under social process as well as other human
artifacts. A sleepless gene "hPer2" discovered in a family in Utah,
USA, just like the innovation of a special detergent, multiple deter-
mination forces decide what will go on in every step. It's a spiral,
POV-biased process of discourse movement, which need not only the
scientists' research activities, states' funding, ethnic groups'
agreement or against action, but also the participation of common
ideas, in the form of everyday practice. Just as the democracy in
political space, the symbolic gene-space is also full of forces
battling construction of a key symbol inside our bodies.
PiraGene, piracy gene (sub)project, is thus a gene space reverse
writing / discovery campaign. Everyone can join the action of
discovery a gene inside everyone, which determine the ability of
creation and cultural survival acts. In locating the meaning of piracy,
we find it being of ancient origin. The Phoenicians often combined
piracy with more legitimate seafaring enterprise, just like people in
Taiwan today lives under IP regularities. "From the 9th century to
the 11th century, the Vikings terrorized western European coasts and
waters. In the 17th century the English Channel swarmed with Algerian
pirates operating out of northern Africa; Algiers continued to be a
piratical stronghold until well into the 19th century (see Barbary
Coast)." Not to mention the national here "pirates" defeat Holland's
colonial navy power of Taiwan between the Ming and Ching dynasty,
who start shaping the history of Taiwan 500 years ago...
Piracy decreased with the development of the steam engine
and the growth of the British and American navies in the late 18th
century and early 19th century, while the nation-state reclaim the
technology development via the language of nation......
While mining the piracy, we found the behavior level's human nature,
which was intended to be burried under rhetorics of state-apparatus.
It's regionalized sovereign power strive to survive itself, thus
entering a globalized exchange flux of exchange of new resources
platform. Even through the target of state-rhetorics is to eliminate
the subversive power of piracy and absorb the informative economic
movement's interest, new technologies are always a step further than
those from the government. Only through the violence of state apparatus,
the autonomous subjects thus diving into more deeper layer, transform the
survival creation capacity into normal interest seeking behavior.
Piracy thus, is the behavioral fossil reflecting ancient human culture
heritage, burried under the social rhetorics and state violence.
So this is a description of a campaign, participating to write a pira
sign into our bodies, in order to keep us remembering the piration
history and instinct, especially under asian collective cultural
- PIM, Pirate Identification Map:
To define the idea "Piracy" is indeed a most daunting task; it's like
trying to come up with a strict behaviour definition to e.g.
"Sleeplessness". Whilst the norm of scientific research is based on
long-term, clinical data of cross-regional pathology studies, scientists
still settles for a limited observation on difficult situations. Such
first-approximation is then applied back to the gestalt model, and
integrate with future theories of a more general nature.
For example, a Dutch family helped scientists to recognize the dominating
sleep-inducing gene, with their clearly identifiable abnormal sleeping
pattern. Also in a similar vein, twins often become the genetic subject-
of-choice due to their identical gene patterns.
It is for this reason that we decided to apply a dual-aspect methodology
to the PiraGene research: 1) To trace the PiraBiology system's internal
mechanism, from genes to the behavior level; 2) To search for common
genetic traits of individuals with strong Piracy tendencies. We name the
model constructed from these studies as PIM, the Piracy Identification
With help from sociological methodologies, we aim to portrait the PIM
in accord to daily means of acquiring information, from the viewpoint of
recognition, identification and social rites. We will also tailor PIM
with corresponding personality traits, in preparation of the next stage's
goal of establishing Identities.
Considering the wider acceptance of "Open Source" than "Free Software",
the linguistic ambivalence of Sharing vs. Piracy would be the guiding
light of PIM's foggy landscape.
- Experiment Operations:
After finishing first steps of PIM sequencing, we plan to apply two
experiments: 1) Look for hereditary entities (families, twins, relatives)
in Taiwan as subjects, record their behaviour patterns, and mark them in
accord to the PIM; 2) To encourage cross- and self-testifying on public
websites, to trace the piratical mechanism in the public space. The standard
questionnaires will take the form of: "At <time>, <place>, I came to the
knowledge that <who> pirated <what>; this is marked as <x.x> in PIM".
With rigorous statistical analysis on the raw data acquired from the
above studies, we hope to filter out precise behaviour patterns and
subjects to enter genetic analysis. We'll utilize the industry-standard
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) and RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length
Polymorphism) techniques to identify their hereditary significance. In
addition, we plan to use a novel approach that backlinks with RSDB (Repeat
Sequence DataBase), to fish for outstanding sequences within subjects'
genetic units (relatives) that represents PIM traits.
In search for a flowing, morphing needle in a haystack; to trace the
piratical meanings within our own genes. This is the ultimate goal of
this writing project.
- The Articulation With PiraPort Main Project:
The PiraPort Project gives each person a brand new identity, according
to a diverse distribution of Piratical behaviour spectrum constructed
from PIM. If we think of the PiraGene study as a historical archeology
of Body Politics, the PiraPort project would be the Body's present and
future extensions in this era of Networked Duplication. The behaviour
patterns of the past, constructed form our daily ecological arena, were
but evolved and preserved; in this splintered age of technology, we need
a bridge to connect yesterday's myself and today's -- the PiraPort, the
everyday guide in the Kingdom of Piracy.
## Project: PiraPort
based on Pira4all: PiraGene Discovery Campaign
artists: The elixir Initiative
Autrijus Tang & Ilya Eric Lee
While the "MS Passport: One easy way to Sign In and Shop online" campaign
has been met with much suspicion from civil liberty organizations, privacy
advocates, and widely accused of discriminating users based on their age,
geographic location, income range, operating system &c, the KOP PiraPort
demonstrates an alternative "identity platform" for pirates, via Gene
discrimination, Port multiplexing, and Cross-signed trust chains.
Targeted at all visitors to the KOP festival, this project aims to raise
the awareness of the undercurrents of "Identify Theft", "Internet Sovereign",
the uses of protocols beside HTTP, POP3/SMTP and FTP, as well as the norm of
how identity is built within the underground net -- viz. decentralized
cognition and the power of 'karma'.
The Piraport project is consisted of the following sub-components:
* PiraGene Sequencing Technology
This amazing technology is based on Ilya Lee's <<Study On Piracy Gene and
its Behaviour Patterns>>; the visitor is asked to "donate" an organic
segment (eg. hair, blood, semen) for the PiraGene analysis, to produce a
"readout" of her pirabiology tendencies. Recommendations are given in an
astrology-like fashion of how best to utilize her pira-talents, possible
resources, &c.
* Port-fu: Understanding, Matching, Scanning and Diverting
Based on the PiraGene analysis, the piraport holder is assigned a well-known
"port number" from <http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers>, with
detailed instructions on the proper names, (mis)uses, and resources concerning
that port number. All such assigned port will be present in the host machine,
which also provides matching service (think blood type). Piraport holders
could also try their hands at (real) port scanning programs, and possibly
crack into other people's ports.
* Identity Building & Theft Competition
Since the idea of "underground identity" is frequently built on peer-to-peer
trust and undesigning system, a Piraport has various "Visa" entry for other
people to voluntarily xerox their own piraport (it could be stolen, too) to
establish a "chain of piracy". the most notorious few with the highest trust
ranking (based on PGPNet-like matrix calculation) could receive special
online & offline souvenirs to brag.
Also, a related "Identity Theft Race" is hold by collecting as many real-
world identity cards (Credit cards, ID cards, driver license, etc) of others
as possible (in photocopy usually, but authentic ones receive a *huge* bonus),
and is awarded in a similar fashion.
* PiraBorders and imPort/exPort control
The concept of Internet Sovereign is elusive, regardless of the established
laws, codes and memes. As a Piraport is a symbol of (self-)government capable
of imposing import/export controls, it will backlink to various discourses and
cut-paste discussions about digital (and biological) rights on the KOP site.
The piraport will contain sophisticated instructions on how to leverage the
less-known forces at work to uncover the most out of the website's materials,
including cryptanalysis, surveillance, social engineering, and brute-force
cracking. The principal aim is to show how these techniques are being used on
yourself without your knowledge and/or consent, and how are you to fight back.
* PiraBorders and imPort/exPort control
The concept of Internet Sovereign is elusive, regardless of the established
laws, codes and memes. As a Piraport is a symbol of (self-)government capable
of imposing import/export controls, it will backlink to various discourses and
cut-paste discussions about digital (and biological) rights on the KOP site.
The piraport will contain sophisticated instructions on how to leverage the
less-known forces at work to uncover the most out of the website's materials,
including cryptanalysis, surveillance, social engineering, and brute-force
cracking. The principal aim is to show how these techniques are being used on
yourself without your knowledge and/or consent, and how are you to fight back.
### 延伸參考 Reference:
* 臺南藝術學院 當代藝術中心 [CAC當代論壇](
回應的有 [林欣怡](https://filmanimation.tnnua.edu.tw/files/11-1032-2040.php?Lang=zh-tw)、閃靈殺手、唐宗漢、李士傑(rg70(魚骨頭))
例 17頁 主題:[<我看宏基之盜版王國>](
* 簡信昌
* [高嘉良](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%AB%98%E5%98%89%E8%89%AF)
* 唐宗漢/唐鳳("Audrey" Tang)
* 李士傑 ilya
[NOCTURNAL WANDERER 夜尋者。文化觀察與網路實踐](https://ilyagram.wordpress.com/2006/09/27/about-this-site/)
[name=escher] 為什麼叫做魚骨頭?不知道,但是在1999年中山大學的BBS上他有一個RG70板,自稱「**魚骨頭**」!
發信人: skywalker (思垓渥客) 看板: chilin-youth
日期: Tue Apr 6 19:16:07 1999
標題: [轉] [塞爾維亞後續消息] B92 被查封之後,運動還會繼續下去!
作者 rg70 (永遠犯新的錯誤:)) 看板 RG70
標題 [塞爾維亞後續消息] B92 被查封之後,運動還會繼續下去!
時間 Sat Apr 3 18:46:11 1999
---- B92 廣播電台
---- 1999.4.1 B92 網頁標題
HelpB92 中文版新聞稿網址位於:
與重要連結、資料來源說明。十種聆聽 B92 的方式(衛星、短波、網路....)。
telnet://netoworld.neto.net/,rg70 版。
HelpB92 英文國際聲援網站:
目前有 Netherland 尼德蘭語與 Srpski 塞爾維亞與兩種國際版本。
西班牙文、法文、羅馬尼亞與 Polski(波蘭文?)。
該網站有重要連結、B92 的英文新聞、B92 電台總監的專訪;
以及 HelpB92 國際聲援運動在荷蘭、CNN、BBC等新聞媒體中的報導。
語言主要為英文,聲音與影像均為 Real Player G2 可以播放的格式。
這幾天魚骨頭沒有閒著。我上網去 BBC 看南斯拉夫的地圖:
看到美國 ABC 在網路上訪問四十多歲的塞爾維亞藝術家 Andrj Tisma
與 B92 建立起來的接力新聞廣播網。
其實,就好像 printemps 春天網友所說的,我們看著
B92 電台的朋友。我好期待再聽到她們的聲音......
* 林克寰
* [將程式設計視為藝術創作的開源人](https://www.ithome.com.tw/node/72594) 簡信昌