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# White Paper
**Released:** May 4th, 11:59pm EST
**Due:** May 16th, 11:59pm EST
There are **NO LATE DAYS** allowed for this assignment. You must submit your whitepaper by 11:59pm on May 16th. Anything later than that will receive a 0.
## Introduction
Like other technical domains, cryptocurrencies and blockchains tend to have underlying [white papers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_paper)---documents designed to outline a project's goals, purpose, and underlying technologies (consensus algorithm, structure, etc...). You have two options for how you can complete this assignment, both requiring an understanding of whitepapers as well as their outlined components that you should have learned throughout this course. First, you should read a few famous white papers for reference.
## References
Most of the following whitepapers won't delve too deep into the technicalities and specifics of their underlying technologies. Instead, they're meant to give a sense of how their creators dealt with issues such as **scaliblity, security, and consensus.** What seems to be the driving principles and philosophy behind the project; what problem are they trying to solve?
#### [Bitcoin Whitepaper](https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf)
The Bitcoin Whitepaper is most well known for its brevity. As you read, it may be helpful to consider how the preceding **2008 Financial Crisis** may have affected the principles, language, and design choices reflected in this whitepaper (so much so that Satoshi included a reference to it on the [Bitcoin Genesis Block](https://miro.medium.com/max/663/0*yXKX_m5U2m9UTWMM)). Additionally, consider the most sensationalized element of Bitcoin's whitepaper: the anonymity of [Satoshi Nakamota](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satoshi_Nakamoto).
#### [Ethereum Whitepaper](https://ethereum.org/en/whitepaper/)
A notable stylistic departure from Bitcoin's Whitepaper, Ethereum's Whitepaper is more rigorous. Arriving later to the party, Ethereum was influenced by Bitcoin's shortcomings, as can be seen in the [History](https://ethereum.org/en/whitepaper/#history), [Mining Centralization](https://ethereum.org/en/whitepaper/#mining-centralization), and [Scalability](https://ethereum.org/en/whitepaper/#scalability) sections in particular.
#### [Monero Whitepaper](https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/blob/master/whitepaper/whitepaper.pdf)
CryptoNote (which would later become the basis for [Monero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monero)) approached its whitepaper as a way to "study and propose solutions to the main deficiencies of Bitcoin", going so far as to have an entire section titled **"Bitcoin drawbacks and some possible solutions."** As such, it can be insightful to see what the developers saw as the primary shortcomings of Bitcoin. Additionally, Monero expands beyond the traditional cryptocurrency realms of scalability and consensus to challenge an issue not discussed as much in the previous whitepapers: **privacy**.
Students are allowed (and encouraged) to study/select other whitepapers, such as [Solana's](https://solana.com/solana-whitepaper.pdf), [Binance's](https://www.exodus.com/assets/docs/binance-coin-whitepaper.pdf), and so on. Additionally you may use/look at blockchain technologies that don't have whitepapers and rather just bodies of research, such as [Cardano](https://whitepaper.io/document/581/cardano-whitepaper).
A few recent samples of application based papers are also provided for your reference.
[Coss.io](https://medium.com/@coss.io/coss-io-whitepaper-50ae43af2864), [Ailink](https://www.allcryptowhitepapers.com/ailink-token-whitepaper/), [Shikoku Inu](https://www.allcryptowhitepapers.com/whitepaper-of-the-week/), and [Alchemist](https://www.allcryptowhitepapers.com/alchemint-standards-whitepaper/).
## Assignment
For this option, you are tasked with using everything you have learned about blockchain technology thus far to create your very own whitepaper. While this option is designed to be as freeform as possible, there are certain specifications your whitepaper must meet, such as containing a discussion about a consensus algorithm, previous whitepapers' shortcomings, and the issues you are trying to address. Consult the **grading section at the bottom of this page** for a full list of requirements.
Feel free to be as creative, logical, or scientific as you want with your whitepaper. Some additional discussion points may be whether your whitepaper's creator decides to remain anonymous, how your whitepaper is acting as a response to the world's current circumstances, choosing a relevant/significant cryptocurrency name, etc...
For this option, you may pick 2 or more existing blockchain technologies and discuss their similarities and differences. There are certain characteristics you must mention, such as their purpose, their consensus algorithms, token issuance, etc... For a total list of the characteristics you must address, consult the **grading section at the bottom of the page**.
After covering the required areas, we encourage you to explore more deeply the nuances between your selected blockchains, such as differences between how they came about and are/were developed (are they backed by a foundation, team, etc...), their popularity, and so on.
Your assignment must be **greater than 1000 words**, but **no more than 2000**. If you're worried you'll go over and have tons of great ideas, just let us know (privately) on Ed and we'll work something out.
**When using sources, cite them!** Failing to do so constitutes plagiarism and will be dealt with as such. Pick your favorite citation method, and be sure to give credit where it's due.
## Handin
1. Log into [Gradescope](https://www.gradescope.com/).
2. Submit your whitepaper as a PDF
## Grading
This assignment is out of **100 points**.
Your grade will be determined by whether or not your whitepaper contains sufficient discussion of the following topics:
| Criteria (OPTION 1) | Points |
|:-------------------------------------------------------- |:-------:|
| *Consensus Algorithm* | 10 |
| *Scalability, Security, and Resource-Efficiency* | 10 |
| *Previous Whitepaper Shortcomings* | 20 |
| *Goals and How Your Cryptocurrency Achieves Them* | 20 |
| *Basic Cryptocurrency Structure (blocks, hashs, etc...)* | 20 |
| *Method of Issuing Tokens* | 20 |
| **Total** | **100** |
| Criteria (OPTION 2) | Points |
|:-------------------------------------------------------- |:-------:|
| *Consensus Algorithm* | 20 |
| *Scalability, Security, and Resource-Efficiency* | 20 | |
| *Goals / Purpose / Philosophy* | 20 |
| *Discussion of Basic Cryptocurrency Structure (blocks, hashs, etc...)* | 20 |
| *Method of Issuing Tokens* | 20 |
| **Total** | **100** |