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# Hackathon 2019/I
## Agenda
1.3.2019 - 18:00 Arrival
1. Agenda
* What do we want to achieve this time?
* More concrete vision of Entity Systems
* Concrete Parts (Processors, Manager, Systems, Types)
* Prioritization of Modules
* Who can do what?
2. Overview - what do we already have?
* Entity System Definitions
* Entity Types
3. [User Stories](/-x4PCvXeRWqQE3AVCv7Aig)
* Collect user stories (I want to browse last used textures)
* Sort, Prioritize, Find common patterns
* Create shared modules from patterns
* Sort, Prioritize, give names
4. Entity System Consumers - Building Blocks/Modules
* Renderer
* Light
* Cubes
* Models
* User Interface
* Scoreboard (Players, Teams)
* Texture Browser (used Textures, last texture)
* Logger
* Console (Spd) Logger
* HTTP Entity
5. Tasks!
* UI Implement API - Misan
* Visual Scripting - Hannack/Teammate
* Rest API - Hannack/Teammate
* [UI Screens](/KAPCC7ceRD2K1sm7tSrQJg) - Nothing/Misan
* Renderer - Fohlen
* Texture Editor - Nothing/Hannack
* [User Stories](/-x4PCvXeRWqQE3AVCv7Aig) - Nothing/Misan
6. Intermediate results
* Report results
* Plan next steps
7. Entity System Discussion - Questions
* Types, Systems, Grouping
* Interface
2:30 - Bed
## 2.3.2019
10:40 Breakfast
11:45 Presentation of current Status and achievements of yesterday
12:00 Lightning Talks
* @Fohlen will say a few words about Inexor in general
* @aschaeffer will present the entity-system
* @MartinMuzatko will talk about how to compose nice UI's with modern tools (Vue.js)
1:30 Walk back to Hostel
## 3.3.2019
11:20 Results, Next steps
* Entity System UI - Misan
* Done:
* First Management of entities, entityTypes, relationship, relationshipTypes (filtered)
* Next steps:
* Add attribute values (depending on type)
* Add connectors (?)
* Define requirements for proper pagination/filtering for API
* Aggregation (Count, Min, Max, Avg, Sum)
* Filter (Relation of RelationType)
* Visual Scripting - Hannack/Teammate
* Done:
* Connectors with Entity Instances are linked and work, at least internally
* Added processor for Sine, Add Int
* Next steps:
* Connect with renderer
* Rest API
* Renderer - Fohlen
* Done:
* First demo (triangle)
* Next steps:
* Read out from Entity System
* [UI Screens](/KAPCC7ceRD2K1sm7tSrQJg) - Nothing/Misan
* Done:
* List screens and discuss what to display
* Next steps:
* Work out and implement first designs
* Texture Editor - Nothing/Hannack
* Postponed (to be discussed during)
* [User Stories](/-x4PCvXeRWqQE3AVCv7Aig) - Nothing/Misan
## Whats for the future?
### Next Hackathons:
* June and/or October/November
We may want a third hackathon :)
TODO: Create a doodle (or two) @Misan
### Medienschule
We are able to contact media schools.
For that we need to prepare material.
What do we want? What could we offer?
TODO: prepare material: Someone has to keep an overview of material collected
### Next Steps
Continue main workstreams
* Rest API
* on C++ side
* on frontend side
* Syncro
* two ES in connection
* UI
* Dev UI
* extract common base for game UI
* Basic Entity Processors
* Renderer (Connection with ES)
* Octree in ES (-> and out)
* Texture System