URL: https://www.w3.org/community/webagents/
Proposed by: Andrei Ciortea.
Presented by: Andrei Ciortea.
The motivation for the WebAgents CG comes from the origins of the WWW, and how machine intelligence could use the Web to manipulate reality. This necessitates the incorporation of semantics into the Web, a process that has been advancing through the release of W3C Web of Things Recommendations as well as work on Linked Data, and Solid Linked Data.
Open issues and questions:
Joint discussion with multiple communities to address these open questions:
Current state: We are in an exploratory state, gathering use cases, identifying research gaps, and building collaborations with other CGs
Target activities: hackathons, plug fests, joint meetings with other GCs
Useful Documents:
Presented by: Andrei Ciortea, Antoine Zimmermann, Fabien Gandon, Rem Collier.
Dagstuhl Seminar 23081 — Three working groups were discussing bridges between Multi-Agent Systems and Solid based on the following scenarios:
Dagstuhl Seminar 21072 Autonomous Agents on the Web, Feb 14 – Feb 19, 2021 (the seminar report will be published on May 2023)
URL: https://www.w3.org/community/solid/
Proposed by Sarven Capadisli.
Presented by Sarven Capadisli.