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tags: alchemists
**I'm at the Poolhaus**
**I'm at the CCO**
**I'm at the combination Poolhaus and CCO**
## tldr; & timeline
* ETH for HAUS CCO under the banner of Uberhaus
* target total raise of 1000 ETH
* transmuting full amount over 9 month period
* Uberhaus joins Poolhaus Season 2 on mainnet to create sustained HAUS liquidity on mainnet
|Dates | Action Items|
|Lay groundwork| now thru early Feb '22
|Collect ETH | mid - late Feb '22
|Transmutation 1| March '22
|Transmutation 2| June '22
|Transmutation 3| September '22
|Transmutation 4*| December '22
## Objectives
* Raise capital to extend the runway for War Camp to continue building DAOhaus
* Establish deep liquidity for HAUS token to support current and future capital raises, as well as support ongoing HAUS ops
* Prioritize resiliency of value over number go up
## Strategies
* Craft a straightforward, compelling value proposition for why contributors should participate (@Rangers)
* Build a polished UX for contributors to participate with a minimum of effort and attention (@Magesmiths)
* ~~**Q:** Can we make a yeeter that "pays" gas fee on behalf of user? (eg Matcha, Cowswap, Balancer BAL for Gas). Absolute minimum of friction for contributors.~~
* Launch at ETHDenver to capitalize on Etherean hype
## Targets
* **1,000 ETH**
* 750 ETH for war camp war chest
* 200 ETH to add to liquidity pool
* 50 ETH for Uberhaus ops budget
* Oversubscribe maximum set to 1250 ETH to give us some margin in case ETH:DAI rates play dirty
* Current burn rate of $1.0-1.5MM per year (@Spencer)
* Need to expand bandwidth by 2x
* Target runway of 12-18mo
* Target raise of $3MM
NB: Targets can be kept private so as to avoid the optics of setting too aggressive a target and falling short, i.e., better to oversubscribe a round than undersubscribe. If we fall short on a target, we can open another round later.
## Tactics / Order of Operations
### Make Preparations
**Jan 10 '22 - Feb 9 '22**
* Uberhaus stakeholders are bought in
* CCO DAO is summoned on mainnet
* very important: we need a cool name for the DAO
* 125,000 HAUS is transferred from Uberhaus to CCO DAO for transmutation
* 82,000 HAUS is transferred from Uberhaus to mainnet for UberLP
### Rally the Yeetsman
**Jan 10 '22 - Feb 9 '22**
* Line up whale persons to seed the round
* Crank the hype machine leading into and during ETHDenver
### Yeet, Drink and Be Merry
**Feb 10 '22 - Feb 21 '22**
* Contributor page launches to the public
* yeet interface above fold
* explainer below the fold
* Contributors yeet ETH in
* minimum Yeet per address: **1Ξ**
* maximum Yeet per address: **100Ξ**
* Need 10 whales - 1,000 minnows to subscribe the round
* CCO Transmutation rate set to **0.01Ξ**
* Effectively looking to sell 100K HAUS (10% of max supply) with target raise of 1000Ξ
* Prices fully diluted valuation at ~$30MM (at current ETH $price)
* For comparison, 41% of max supply is currently issued. At current price of $26 / HAUS, fully diluted valuation is around $26MM
* Set a maximum of **1250Ξ** at which point the yeeter shuts off
* Shaman grants contributors **10 LOOT per Ξ** in the CCO Moloch
## Transmutation 1
**March 1, 2022**
### Transmute 500Ξ to 50K HAUS
* Transfer 250Ξ to War Camp war chest
* Transfer 50Ξ (==Y==) to Gnosis Chain for deposit to Uberhaus treasury
* Launch 80:20 Balancer pool
* 200Ξ is paired with 82,000 HAUS
* Token weights: 80% HAUS, 20% WETH
* Assuming ETH price of ~$3K, when combined with existing Poolhaus LP DAO assets, this would establish
* **~$4MM** of liquidity for HAUS:WETH on mainnet
* HAUS price of **~$31**
* <2% slippage for swaps up to $25K in value
**Q**: How should Uberhaus LP position be managed? Uberhaus multisig? Mainnet UberDAO? Can this be managed by Uberhaus DAO via Zodiac?
* Poolhaus LP DAO deposits HAUS:WETH into the mainnet pool
* HAUS rewards rate TBD
* Balancer BAL rewards TBD
## Transmutation 2
**June 1, 2022**
* Transmute 250Ξ to 25K HAUS
* Transfer 250Ξ to War Camp war chest
## Transmutation 3
**September 1, 2022**
* Transmute 250Ξ to 25K HAUS
* Transfer 250Ξ to War Camp war chest
## Transmutation 4
**December 1, 2022 (oversubscribe round)**
* Transmute 0-250Ξ to 25-50K HAUS (depending if round maxed at 1KΞ or 1.25KΞ)
* Transfer 0-250Ξ to War Camp war chest
* Contributors are advised to `ragequit` to retrieve their token
* War Camp begins planning the next campaign
## Contingencies
What can do to mitigate the risk that...
* price of ETH tanks
* contributors ragequit early
* a bunch of HAUS holders sell into mainnet pool and price goes below .01Ξ before final transmutation
* appetite for CCO HAUS is much higher and we're leaving money on the table
## Models
[Season 2 Model: Seasons Yeetings](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xf5Mcun02fyQ9KMEVT8P-mGO19knci64gGP4kDqhhX8/edit#gid=814088485)
If we do not fill the raise?
## Technical Process
### Things we need to create
everything is mainnet unless otherwise specified
#### Contracts
- Transmutation minion
- Safe minion
- Yeeter shaman
- Safe minion
- Balancer HAUS/ETH 80/20 Pool
- Warcamp Cross-chain minion (xDAI)
- Warcamp Safe (controlled by Warcamp cross-chain minion on xDAI)
#### Front ends / UIs
- Yeeter app
- Documentation and info for yeeters
- Theme for CCO DAO
- Theme for LP DAO
### Moves we need to make
#### Before CCO
- move 50,000 HAUS from UberHaus minion (xDAI) to CCO Transmutation Minion (mainnet)
#### During CCO: transmutation
- transmute ETH to Warcamp Safe (mainnet)
- bridge ETH to UberHaus safe minion (xDAI)
- swap ETH for stables from Warcamp Safe (mainnet)
- bridge stables and/or ETH to Warcamp safe minion (xDAI)
#### During CCO: LPing
- move 82,000 HAUS from UberHaus minion (xDAI) to LP DAO Safe minion
- move ETH from CCO DAO to LP DAO Safe minion
- create HAUS/ETH LP position from LP DAO Safe minion
- move LP tokens to LP DAO treasury
### Explicit Steps
Technical steps only; does not include communication, whalehunting, or other planning needs
:::spoiler Done
0. deploy xdai Safe w/ warcamp and uh delegates as signers -- "delegate safe (xdai)"
- https://gnosis-safe.io/app/gno:0xA28bDE341303D867bD4f2d1d9F790E9c5bc89cB0/balances
1. Create UberHaus proposal to move 132,000 HAUS to delegate safe (xdai)
- will take 18 days to execute
- will arrive in delegate safe (xdai) on Feb 18
- 50k will be forwarded to the transmutation minion
- 82k will stay in place and eventually go into the LP DAO minion
3. Deploy CCO DAO w/ Yeeter and Safe minion on mainnet
4. deploy delegate safe on mainnet
- https://gnosis-safe.io/app/eth:0x648DfEBbaf3638cDa047141dbF4AF3006e880f49
5. Yeeting complete
> see here for [calculations](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xf5Mcun02fyQ9KMEVT8P-mGO19knci64gGP4kDqhhX8/edit?pli=1#gid=1778884763)
6. bridge 25,025 HAUS to CCO transmutation vault ("Skiff")
- eth:`0x1c05376bc22170ce4f72018be6046185238604b8`
- this will be for transmutation
- multisig tx
- requires an execution tx on mainnet -- anybody can call it by entering the xdai tx hash into the [ALM](https://alm-xdai.herokuapp.com/)
7. bridge 39354.315 HAUS to delegate safe (mainnet)
- eth:`0x648DfEBbaf3638cDa047141dbF4AF3006e880f49`
- this will be for LP
- multisig tx
- requires an execution tx on mainnet -- anybody can call it by entering the xdai tx hash into the [ALM](https://alm-xdai.herokuapp.com/)
8. Deploy LP DAO w/ Safe minion on mainnet
- PoolHaus members get summoning loot equal to their total shares+loot in PoolHaus
- could also do shares and loot
- delegate safe gets 180,338 summoning shares
9. [transmutation proposal](https://app.daohaus.club/dao/0x1/0x1efe05df1f5e82a4994093b1982c97e3dd404e65/proposals/4) to transfer 250 ETH to delegate safe (mainnet)
- eth:`0x648DfEBbaf3638cDa047141dbF4AF3006e880f49`
- will take 5 days to execute -- only CCO DAO shareholders can execute
- grace period ends 3/8
10. [bridge all ETH and HAUS](https://app.daohaus.club/dao/0x64/0x224ed86c7256c59c391d88f2fd4732e9e7251681/proposals/167) from poolHAUS minion to delegate safe
- grace periods ends 3/8
11. On 3/8, use delegate safe to to initialize new balancer 80/20 pool with
- 165.1795 ETH
- 66071.8861302 HAUS
12. Whilelist proposal in LP DAO for BPT token
13. Bridge 180 ETH from delegate safe (mainnet) to delegate safe (xdai)
14. Send 5 ETH from delegate safe (xdai) to uberhaus minion
15. Send 175 ETH from delegate safe (xdai) to warcamp minion
#### In Progress
:::spoiler To Do
16. Repeat(ish) for **Transmutations 2 & 3**
2. 250 total ETH
3. 225 total ETH (maybe more pending CCO tribute proposals)
#### CCO Dao Configuration
- periodDuration: 14400
- 4 hours
- votingPeriodLength: 12
- 2 days
- gracePeriodLength: 18
- 3 days
- approvedtokens: ['0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2', '0xf2051511b9b121394fa75b8f7d4e7424337af687']
- weth, haus
- weth as deposit token?
- details: HAUS Mainnet CCO Minion
- safe minion name
- moloch
- wrapper: 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2
- maxTarget: 1250000000000000000000
- 1250 eth
- raiseStartTime:
- friday 2.11 am
- raiseEndTime:
- one week after eth denver ends
- maxUnits: 100
- 100 eth
- pricePerUnit: 1000000000000000000
- 1 eth
- details: HAUS Mainnet Yeeter Shaman
- not sure where/if this displays?
- summoners
- need some warcamp volunteers
- summonerShares: [1,1,1]
- summonerLoot: [0,0,0]
- shamans: [yeeterAddress here]
- might need the daosafe minion/shaman too