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# Creating a network of Data Champions (VU Amsterdam)
`This is a template for you to summarize your OLS journey so far and the project you worked on during the entire period of OLS-1.`
Example you can draw from: https://openlifesci.org/posts/2019/10/21/culture-track
## Project background
Since I started to work with research data management (RDM), I realized that some organizations are intentional about creating connections between people. Although many universities are offering RDM services, only some are actively trying to engage with researchers in a sustainable way through building communities. The main source of inspiration for me was TU Delft, with its multiple vibrant communities: for researchers and for support personnel. I realized that I want to be part of such a community myself :heart_eyes:. In February 2020, I started to work as Community Manager RDM at VU Amsterdam. I decided to aim for setting up an ambassador program, similar to the [Data Champions program at TU Delft](https://www.tudelft.nl/en/library/current-topics/research-data-management/r/support/data-champions/our-data-champions/) :trophy: .
## Expectations from this program
:thought_balloon: I knew that Open Life Science program would bring together many inspirational people. I was hoping to meet them and to learn from them. I was also looking forward to an overview of useful resources and training. Finally, I was very much looking forward to a mentor figure that would help me to put my efforts into perspective and will discuss with me some of my struggles :bust_in_silhouette:.
## Goals set at the beginning of the project
:boom: At the beginning of the project, I described my goal as setting up a network of Data Champions.
:dizzy: _I hope to work with researchers willing to share their discipline-specific expertise with colleagues to set up a Data Champions program so that the researchers at VU Amsterdam can learn about good RDM practice and receive support in their work with digital data._ :dizzy:
## Key understanding and accomplishments
One of the main understandings for me was the value of good project management, good documentation and a good communication strategy. The OLS helped me gain this understanding in two ways: by giving training on these topics, and by teaching by example. I admired how well the notes for the cohort, the calls, the mailing list and Gitter were organized and connected with each other :pray:. I specifically want to mention the presentation on README that emphasized the use of understandable language and appealing formatting such as emoji. It sounds so trivial, but I never put any thought into it. I am much happier with my documents now that I try to format them in a user-friendly way :innocent:.
I learned a lot about community engagement which was extremely important not only for the project but also for my new role as a community manager. Tools like open canvas, roadmap, personas, and the mountain of engagement are new to me, and I am happy that I have them at my disposal.
I used this knowledge to write a general strategy for RDM community building at VU. The data ambassadors (champions) program is part of this strategy.
## The main goals achieved in this project
The project has a great potential, but at the moment I am at a very early starting point.
I made an open canvas and a very sketchy roadmap that still lacks a lot of details. I used these materials to discuss my idea at VU and to pitch it to my management. The reactions were positive. The data ambassadors project is documented as a part of my general strategy for community building at VU Amsterdam.
I received a lot of encouragement and support from the data steward of Science, the largest faculty at VU. Together, we are working out a roadmap to kick start the data ambassadors program at this faculty.
Re-scoping of the project. Now I understand that the ambassador program is not something that can happen in isolation: it is important that there is connection with other community building activities
I drafted my communication strategy in open canvas
I made primarily estimations of personas
I learned to use GitHub
I understood the vaule of collaboration notes, especially at virtual meetings
I became much more aware about the importance of collaborating with people and being open about your intentions (you can't start a project without communicating it first)
My confidence improved; I went to doing something from being scared of doing anything
I work on setting good relationships with data stewards (key members of my community at VU) - these relationships will help me to lauch the ambassador program at facultues
Thanks to my mentor, Patricia, I had a chance to [present my communit](https://zenodo.org/record/3737123) at Collaborations Workshop 2020 (SW20).
### The initial steps
As I only started working at VU Amsterdam, I spent the last two months getting to know the university, my colleagues at the library, and the data stewards at the faculties. I am still in the process of figuring out my general strategy for community building. My main responsibility at the moment is the facilitation of the network of RDM supporters. Engagement with researchers, which also includes setting up the network of data ambassadors, is happening in parallel. I got in touch with the grassroots initiatives at VU: the Open Science Community Amsterdam and Reproducibilitea VU. The relationship between the network of data ambassadors and the OSC Asterdam still needs to be figured out.
### What elements helped you get there?
I made an inventory of similar initiatives in the Netherlands and abroad (Delft, Cambridge, OU, EPFL). It was very helpful to read the chapter "Networks of Data Champions" in the cookbook "Engaging Researchers with Data Management". I talked to Marta Teperek and Yasemin Turkyilmaz-van der Velden from TU Delft and with Francesco Varrato from EPFL. I also looked for inspiration at Open Science Communities (OSC), which emerged in several universities in the Netherlands as grassroots initiatives. I had a chance to talk to Loek Brinkman, the community manager of OSC Utrecht.
## Next steps
### My immediate next step is to...
🔨 I need to bring order to [my github repository](https://github.com/Karvovskaya/Data_Champions_initiatives). I also want to look at https://pages.github.com/ to give my project a nice layout. I want to use the repository for the documentation of the project - the story that won't go to the official website but will stay available for the sake of transparancy, opennes, and sustainability.
:bar_chart: Together with Brett Olivier from the Science faculty, I am planning to set up a survey to establish the baseline for data management at VU
:gift: We are working out an elevator pitch, which we could use to address potential data ambassadors. The pitch should go along the lines:
* Are you pinterested in research transparancy, reproducibility and FAIR principles?
* Do you enjoy sharing your data management tips and tricks in your group/department?
* Would you like to get rewarded for that?
* If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, consider becoming a Data Champion!
In addition, we need a list of requirements: what does being an ambassador entails.
:desktop_computer: In order to give this initiative a face, we need space on the university website. We are investigating the opportunity to create a page for the data ambassadors. The idea is to have two locations: a static one where ambassadors and their contact details are listed and a dynamic one, a blog where we could make announcements and ambassadors themselves could contribute. We need at least following functinalities: a newsletter function, a blog function and a way to show upcoming events.
### Longer term tasks
On a longer term, I want to start recruting data ambassadors for my network.
I will organize events for the community and
highlight my ambassador network in internal and external blog posts as well as podcasts. I will also encourage the network memebers to contribute to the blog. :champagne: Award for the most engaging contribution :champagne:
### Staying connected
:reminder_ribbon: I want to stay connected with my cohort. There are so many wonderful people here. I already have a bitter-sweet feeling that I didn't use the opportunity to interact with my cohort to its fullest.
:dancers: Luckily, I am connected to many of the OLS-cohort members through CSCCE community of practice https://www.cscce.org/category/cscce-cop/
:airplane: I am looking for an accountability buddy or buddy group. It would be great to check on motivate each other and to help each other achieve the goals
:tada: I want to attend a MozFest. I hope to see some members of my OLS family there.
## Special mentions and acknowledgements
:sparkling_heart: I am indebted to Patricia , Yo, Malvika, and Berenice. Patricia, I couldn't have wished for a more understanding, kind mentor willing to support me with any struggle and encourage me to be a better version of myself.
:revolving_hearts: Cassandra, I will never forget the conversation we had about motherhood and covid19 crisis and the responsibilities we have towards ourselves and others.
:green_heart: Sam was there in the first break out room with me. We had similar projects, and I am grateful for the inspiration and his kind supportive interactions. Chiara and Senda also had similar projects. It was very inspiring to follow their work.
:purple_heart: I really enjoyed the lecture by Jason Williams and an opportunity to be in a breakout room together. I felt very moved by his words and I like his concept of _parascientists_.
:gift_heart: Last but not least: very special _thank you_ to Mateusz who brough the OLS program to my attention. In general, Mateusz is an invaluable source of good advice in my RDM life and I hope to continue learning from him.