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# Running gluster regression tests within a container
This document details how to run regression tests within a container, and more importantly useful when attempting to run the same within different distribution flavors, as machines with these flavors may not be easily available.
**NOTE:** All tests do not work within a container with the steps below, there are know hangs that happen in the following tests that are yet to be debugged and resloved. In other words **"your mileage may vary!"**
Tests that hang (you have been **warned!**):
- ./tests/basic/quota-nfs.t
- ./tests/bugs/nfs/bug-1161092-nfs-acls.t
## Setup docker
On a fresh Fedora (26 is what was used), run the following to setup docker:
#dnf install docker
#mkdir /d/docker
#rmdir /var/lib/docker/
#ln -s /d/docker /var/lib/docker
#vi /etc/sysconfig/docker
- Remove selinux enforcement for things to work right!
#systemctl enable docker
#systemctl start docker
#docker run hello-world
The above does a few specific things that may not be needed for other installations, these (and reasons for the same) are detailed below,
- /var/lib/docker is soft linked to a different directory (in the case above /d/docker)
- This is done, so that all docker images and work do not use up space in the root partition (which is where /var/lib was in this case), and hence before even starting docker, this was soft linked to another directory on another partition.
- Disable SELinux
- This was done as it was not needed for the tests, and also further options to make things work when docker selinux enforcement was on, was not investigated
- So, if we can keep SELinux and still make things work later, changes to this text would be helpful
- docker was enabled to run as a service on restarts
- Again this is optional, if dealing with an assigned machine, where everything has to be setup from scratch anyways
## Prepare base images and networks
**NOTE:** CentOS7 is used as an example below, for other flavors, use the appropriate base image
#docker pull centos
#docker pull centos:7
**NOTE:** We work with centos in the examples below. As of this writing centos is the same as centos:7
#docker network create --gateway= --subnet= glfstest20
Explanation of the above command:
- create a new bridged network for use, names glfstest20
- --subnet for this network
- --gateway for this network
**NOTE:** This is not essential, but working on a separate bridged network can help isolating other containers using the default bridge, further this bridge can be configured with DNS in the future (see notes on editing /etc/hosts file)
## Preparing the container
**NOTE:** CentOS7 is used as an example below, for other flavors, use the appropriate base image
### Getting the base container ready for use
#docker run --name=centos-glfs-server1 --hostname=centos-glfs-server1 --volume=/dev:/dev --volume=/d/docker-binds/glfs-node-1:/d: --volume=/root/glusterfs:/root/glusterfs: --volume=/root/build:/root/build: -dti --net glfstest20 --privileged=true --cpuset-cpus 3 centos
Explanation of the above command:
- --name is used as it is helpful in dealing with determining which container we are working with in `docker container ps` output
- --hostname is used as this is leveraged when creating volumes, and mounting them, instead of relying on static IPs in this configuration
- --volume is used to preserve the bricks across container restarts, this helps in case we expand the test cases to include things like upgrades, or down server cases
- **NOTE:** /d/docker-binds/glfs-node-1 is a local path on the container host, bind mounted into the container as /d (just so we can use our .t files in the future that depends on /d/backends to be present)
- -dti creates the container detached (runs in the background), preserves the TTY and also STDIN
- --net uses the bridged network that we created
- --priveleged is used to be able to read/write xattrs to the bind mounted file system, as gluster bricks need this and a volume creation will fail if xattr support is not present on the brick directories
- cpuset-cpus is used to see how best things perform on low CPU counts
- /dev is bind mounted to give tests ability to create the loop devices (for snapshot related tests in particular, possibly among others)
- /root/glusterfs is the git clone on the host that is again bind mounted within the container to enable compile..install..test
### Prepare LVM to work within the container
```#docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=centos-glfs-server1") sed -i 's/udev_sync\s*=\s*1/udev_sync = 0/' /etc/lvm/lvm.conf```
```#docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=centos-glfs-server1") sed -i 's/udev_rules\s*=\s*1/udev_rules = 0/' /etc/lvm/lvm.conf```
```#docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=centos-glfs-server1") sed -i 's/use_lvmetad\s*=\s*1/use_lvmetad = 0/' /etc/lvm/lvm.conf```
```#modprobe dm_thin_pool```
### Run it! and enter the container
#docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=centos-glfs-server1") bash
Explanation of the above command:
- docker ps command gets us the container ID of the container that we just created
- docker exec ... bash, gets us into a bash shell on that container to run further commands
**THOUGHT:** When we get into automation, we possibly will not use -it or run bash, but can pass in a bash script to run the rest of the commands
### Steps within the container shell
```#yum -y update```
```#yum -y install epel-release```
```#yum -y install git autoconf automake bison dos2unix flex fuse-devel glib2-devel libaio-devel libattr-devel libibverbs-devel librdmacm-devel libtool libxml2-devel lvm2-devel make openssl-devel pkgconfig pyliblzma python-devel python-eventlet python-netifaces python-paste-deploy python-simplejson python-sphinx python-webob pyxattr readline-devel rpm-build systemtap-sdt-devel tar userspace-rcu-devel libcmocka-devel libacl-devel sqlite-devel dbench nfs-utils json_verify xfsprogs attr yajl which psmisc bc e2fsprogs.x86_64 openssl```
### Compile, install gluster
```#cd /root/glusterfs/```
```#cd ../build/```
NOTE: We build inside a different directory, helps throw the build away once we are done with the container, and keeps code directory cleaner
```#../glusterfs/configure --enable-gnfs```
```#make -j```
```#make install```
### Get relevant services started
### Run the test of choice (or all)
```#cd ../glusterfs/```
```#./run-tests.sh ./tests/bugs/posix/disallow-gfid-volumeid-fremovexattr.t ```
## Cleaning up the container
These are done post the client container is prepared and the tests are completed, but left here as they are a part of the server/brick container workflow.
** exit the bash shell (if you were in it)
- docker stop $(docker ps -qf "name=centos-glfs-server1")
- docker rm $(docker ps -qaf "name=centos-glfs-server1")
- (cleanup host persistent mount space)
- rm -rf /d/docker-binds/glfs-node-1/*