/AGDG/ Resources
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AGDG resources
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Various tutorials from CS, to music, to art, to writing, and more.
A lot of resources to game developers.
A library of UI screenshots to analyse and compare from popular games. Good resource to inspire your own UI.
Some tutorials on low level game development, using Javascript.
Don't be that guy that "learns as he goes" or "hates coding".
Useful library of videos to understand the mathematics of vectors and matrices. Site includes other mathematic topics.
Useful for a visual understanding of quaternions and 3D rotations.
Shaders are useful tools for creating beautiful yet performance effective visuals, as well as other purposes like creating a cone of vision. However, be aware that depending on your game engine the syntax may be different or not support certain aspects.
Tutorials for procedural meshes and shaders, using Unity.
Resource to using the OpenGL API as well as the GLSL shader language.
Tutorial for the Vulkan API (think OpenGL on steroids).
Browse or create web shaders. Contains further resources. May or may not be helpful to gamedev.
Not a literal book, a great start for learning shaders.
Guide made for /agdg/, /chad/, and /gedg/. Goes through using gcc and CMake with examples.
General information about the C++ programming language, including non-technical documents and descriptions.
Also called the "C bible". Easy to find free online.
A free website devoted to teaching you how to program in C++. Whether you’ve had any prior programming experience or not, the tutorials on this site will walk you through all the steps to write, compile, and debug your C++ programs, all with plenty of examples.
Becoming an expert won’t happen overnight, but with a little patience, you’ll get there. And LearnCpp.com will show you the way.
If you want to switch from Unity, you may want to start with this. Anon shared this book series, says it's great even if you are already initiated with Godot. Either buy from amazon or use the methods bellow:
Use these links to get them for free, either from anonfiles or mediafire.
Read and find out.
Search to maybe find an answer from fellow Godot users.
Free shaders made specifically for Godot.
A brief but dense video to get a good idea of how to write your own shaders in Godot. Click here for their followup video.
Tutorials with pictures for many common use cases of various nodes and GDScript, as well as explanations for some hard to understand concepts like dot and cross product of two vectors.
HeartBeast's Action RPG(Zelda Like)
Outdated, but is still usefull if you can extrapolate it to newer Godot.
HeartBeast's Pixel Platformer
Up to date tutorial for a basic platformer.
Prototype tutorials.
Official tutorials.
C# tutorials on the Microsoft website.
Tutorial to get your feet wet with Unity.
In this course, you'll learn how to reuse components to make fun, dynamic gaming experiences.
Using the "Stack-O-Bot" project to build a third-person character that includes movement, cameras, animations, and a jetpack.
Mathew Wadstein will walk you through the fundamentals of the Unreal Engine user interface and its components. After introducing you to the interface and functionality, Matt will cover important settings to adapt the UE Editor to your workflow.
This channels covers almost everything you need to use Unreal Engine 4 and 5 for absolute beginners.
Luis Cataldi will teach you the key workflows used to select and modify Actors. You’ll also learn how a Level Blueprint can drive properties and values of Actors to craft experiences within Unreal Engine.
A Library of Courses, Learning Paths, Tutorials, Livestreams, Talks and Demos made by Epic Games and by the UE community.
Epic-created tutorials.
Practical in-editor demo making a game from scratch highlighting UE5 features. Show how fast you can create a game leveraging new and established features of the engine.
This course will introduce you to Unreal Engine 5 and the editor used to work within it. We’ll look at the Launcher, Editor, creating a basic level including lighting and level layout, and Blueprints.
In this course, you’ll learn how to make the most out of Unreal Engine by utilizing Blueprints and C++ in ways that complement their individual strengths. By the end, you’ll be able to assess which option best fits your needs in your own projects.
Wes Bunn introduces us to the essentials of the Blueprint Visual Scripting system. We'll dive into what Blueprints are and what you can expect when working with them, creating and working within Blueprints, and explore some of the different types of Blueprints available.
This course is for aspiring gameplay designers new to Unreal Engine who want to prototype their own ideas in a way that allows for rapid iterations.
Build professional 3D games with Unreal Engine 4's Visual Scripting system.
You'll learn the basics of exposing C++ to Blueprints, migrating Blueprints, and more.
Learn Blueprints in Unreal Engine 5 with this in depth tutorial!
By the end of this tutorial you will become confident to code mechanics for your games using Blueprints in Unreal Engine 5. This will be a real from zero to hero journey!
You will learn the best practices to use Blueprints. A real step by step guide that will help you to go to the right path. No longer you will be confused when learning to code.
This complete Blueprint course will help you to quick start your journey into Game Development by giving you the tools and knowledge you need to create your games.
This is an introduction to Blueprints with Unreal Engine 5 for absolute beginners.
The third volume of the Blueprints Compendium presents more 25 blueprints nodes with contextual examples of its use.
The most popular free & open source game engine with the largest set of tools. Was used to create games like Brotato, Dome Keeper, and Cassette Beasts. Mainly uses GDScript, it's own programming language for code, but C# and C++ can also be used alongside it by installing the .NET version of Godot and/or GDExtension.
A framework for 2D games that utilizes Lua. A fantastic choice for beginners learning how to make games and supported by a large community.
Web-based engine, but can also be installed and used offline. Supports Lua, Javascript, Python and their own custom microscript language.
C# Framework. Used to make a lot of famous 2D indie games like Bastion, Celeste and Owlboy. Development appears to have stalled in the last couple of years.
FNA is a reimplementation of the Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh libraries.
An evolution of the deprecated Pygame Subset for Android. It's an easy way to port your Pygame to your mobile devices. Make Pygame games run on android.
Similar to LÖVE, except it uses Python instead of Lua.
Pyglet is a cross-platform library for Python intended for developing games. Supports windowing, UI event handling, OpenGL, images, videos and more. Pyglet works on Windows/OSX/Linux. Benchmark insights on my R5 5600x: Static sprites: 150,000 no issues. Moving sprites: 7,000 no issues, began to buckle around 11,000. Per the Pyglet Dicsord, my benchmark could even be improved with the use of a proper camera class.
Sprite library for Python2.7 in Pyrex. Can be used with Pyglet or Pygame, meaning Pyglet would still handle the window events, clock cycles, etc. Rabbyt provides animation and collision detection features. Rabbyt runs on Windows/OSX/Linux. There is a Cython port for Python3 on Github. Documentation is lacking but can be found on various Archive.org links. Pyglet-2 under Python3.x is faster, but Rabbyt is faster for Python2. Benchmark insights on Python2.7 my R5 5600x: Moving sprites: 7,000 no issues, began to buckle around 8,000.
A C library for 2D/3D games to handle graphics, input and sound. There are multiple language bindings. Think about this as a tiny SDL. raylib has multiple examples and small games to practice with.
An open source Lua based game engine with focus on ease of iterations and usage, forked from the Corona SDK game engine which is now not commercially supported.
A game engine that specializes in 2D games. Used to make many popular indie games like Pizza Tower, Hotline Miami and Hyper Light Drifter. Uses its own programming language (GML). Completely free for non-commercial use and non-console projects.
Also does three dee. 5.0 will fix everything I promise.
A free & open source 3D game engine with native support for C# and part of the .NET foundation. A great choice for hipsters.
Accessible engine. Backed by a huge community and a huge amount of tutorials. It has a reputation for being a good choice for 2D games, but it really isn't unless you plan to utilize 3D visual effects. Notorious for charging money to remove the splash screen and to unlock the infamous >dark theme.
A very heavy, but very powerful engine, and a great choice to make a 3D game in. One of the reasons it's a great choice is because of the huge amount of assets Epic gives for free, which includes new stuff every month. Unreal Engine is both renown and infamous for its >blueprints visual coding. This can simplify the programming experience for non-programmers, but also results in worse runtime performance and as your game grows more complex, blueprints can become extremely messy and difficult to maintain. It's a good idea to learn some Unreal-style C++ and balance it with blueprints; for more information, read the documentation.
A highly rated sprite and pixel art application. You can compile the source code of it to get the full version for free, or pay a one time fee for them to do so for you. There is also a fork of an older version called LibreSprite which is susposedly getting a rewrite at some point.
The ultimate jack of all trades 3D modeling software, and even useful for creating 2D assets. It's lightweight, highly customizable, highly extensible with python scripting and best of all, it's free and open source software.
A free & open source vector graphics program, useful for designing UI icons and more.
The best free and open source drawing application. Use this for your concept art.
Free, browser-based Photoshop clone.
Sprite creation and animation tool, both for web and download.
A nice free and open source sprite editor that was created in Godot. Can be both downloaded or used within your browser.
For all your script editing needs. Lightweight, extensible and free. Remember to turn off Microsoft's telemetry in the settings.
Version control allows you to keep a record and revert changes in your project. You can also push your repo to a server as a backup or to share your project with others. Git is not the same as GitHub. GitHub is a frontend for Git, while Git is free software.
Intro to Git.
Know your history.
Should be used if you have large files like video and audio.
Learn to self-host your own repo. You can also check out different Git web interfaces if you want something pretty.
The key to having a great soundtrack in your 2D game is to compose some bangers fucking chiptune in one of the many great trackers available.
ProTracker 2 (Amiga) - Fasttracker 2 (DOS) - MilkyTracker (Modernised DOS) - Renoise (Modern) - FamiTracker (NES) - GoatTracker (Commodor 64) - Klystrack (Various) - BambooTracker (PC98) - Sunvox
How to into trackers: The Tracker's Handbook
Download only, the go to SFX generator. Can layer and combine previously made SFX into one as well.
Web and download versions, prettied up generator based on bfxr, which is based on sfxr. Still a WIP (0.5 and missing features as of writing).
Web javascript port of sfxr.
Download only, the original.
Visual graph tool to brainstorm or organize your thoughts, if you're really creative you can even use it for level design.
If you have any wisdom to bestow upon the readers of this doc, add it here.
Free icons.
A lot of pay-what-you-want assets for all your prototyping needs.
Simplistic textures, models, sounds, and some tools for prototyping.
Browse or upload to a collection of free, if usualy rough assets.
Be sure to put him in your game.
Great free Jap Music and some SFX.
Browse or upload SFX and music.
More free Jap Music and some SFX.
Free SFX and Music.
They give a bunch away for free yearly, spanning six years. More can be bought from the main page.
Free Jap SFX.
Free Music.
Music may be too recognizeable, but it's the Man himself.
Free Jap Music.
More fonts I guess.
Hundreds of fonts with previews. Dedicated to free-for-commercial-use fonts. Has a tag system for searching.
Thousands of fonts with previews, with a simple to use free-for-commercial-use filter.
Web game engine made by the creator of Pomao's Quest. Easy to use and learn.
A game made by some /agdg/ devs, using Unity.
A lot of helpers to create your flight simulator.
Where some random aggy anons live
[Anonymous] Is this just going to be a list of links?
Feel free to write whatever kind of useful information you have.
[Anonymous] Is it porn?
kys, coomer.
Guest Rose how can i make a game, bros?
Just like make it.
Yeahdev how can i make a fun game, bros?
just like make game. but make it fun.
nodev im tired, bros.
Sample Text.
myself Legend.