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25 April 2024
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(*you can copy paste this example and add your code further down*)
## Yellow sticky notes
No yellow sticky notes online. Put your name + " | " and add a "*" each time you solve a challenge (see below).
## Participants
Name | Challenges
--- | ---
Damiano Oldoni | ***
Ward Langeraert 🐌 | ***
Hans Van Calster | ***
Luc De Bruyn |
Adriaan Seynaeve | *
Pieter Huybrechts | ***
Sanne Govaert | **
Siebe Indestege | *
Tina Tuerlings |
Jolien Van Malderen | *
Lies Teunen |
Marieke Desender|
Emma Cartuyvels| *
## Challenge 1
### Damiano's solution (example)
Copy paste this section to show your solutions.
# dummy code
print("This is how to insert code.")
### Pieter's solution
## Display first 8 rows; display the last 8 rows.
slice_head(obs, n = 8)
## Select columns observationLevel, eventStart, eventEnd and scientificName
slice_tail(obs, n = 8)
## Display the distinct values of observationLevel as a data.frame with one
## column, observationLevel. How many different values of observationLevel are
## there?
distinct(select(obs, observationLevel))
### How to remove observations with observationLevel = "media"? How to remove
filter(obs, observationLevel != "media")
### observations with observationLevel = "media" and empty scientificName?
filter(obs, observationLevel == "media" & !is.na(scientificName))
### Add a new column called is_classified_by_human which is TRUE if
### classificationMethod is equal to "human". Add a new column month with the
### month of the observation (eventStart). Tip: use lubridate's month() and
### year() functions.
is_classified_human = classificationMethod == "human",
month = lubridate::month(eventStart)) %>%
## Move the column count after behavior.
relocate(obs, count, .after = behavior) %>%
## Move all columns starting with "individual" before observationLevel
relocate(obs, starts_with("individual"), .before = observationLevel) %>%
## Is the following statement true of false: Observations with observationLevel
## = "event" have no mediaID, i.e. mediaID is NA.
filter(obs, observationLevel == "event" & is.na(mediaID)),
filter(obs, observationLevel == "event")
### Hans
obs <- readr::read_csv("./data/20240425/20240425_observations.csv")
# Preview
# Display first 8 rows; display the last 8 rows.
head(obs, 8)
tail(obs, 8)
# Select columns observationLevel, eventStart, eventEnd and scientificName
obs %>%
select(observationLevel, eventStart, eventEnd, scientificName)
# Display the distinct values of observationLevel as a data.frame with one column, observationLevel.
obs %>%
# How many different values of observationLevel are there?
obs %>%
# How to remove observations with observationLevel = "media"? How to remove observations with observationLevel = "media" and empty scientificName?
obs %>%
filter(observationLevel != "media")
# How to remove observations with observationLevel = "media" and empty scientificName?
obs %>%
observationLevel != "media",
# Add a new column called is_classified_by_human which is TRUE if classificationMethod is equal to "human". Add a new column month with the month of the observation (eventStart). Tip: use lubridate's month() and year() functions.
obs %>%
is_classified_by_human = classificationMethod == "human",
month = lubridate::month(eventStart),
year = lubridate::year(eventStart)
# Move the column count after behavior.
obs %>%
relocate(count, .before = behavior)
# Move all columns starting with "individual" before observationLevel
obs %>%
.before = observationLevel
# Is the following statement true of false: Observations with observationLevel = "event" have no mediaID, i.e. mediaID is NA.
obs %>%
observationLevel == "event"
) %>%
select(mediaID) %>%
pull() %>%
is.na() %>%
### Ward's solution
# load data
obs <- readr::read_csv("./data/20240425/20240425_observations.csv")
# preview data
# 1. Display first 8 rows; display the last 8 rows.
slice_head(obs, n = 8) # first
slice_tail(obs, n = 8) # last
# 2. Select columns observationLevel, eventStart, eventEnd and scientificName
obs %>%
select("observationLevel", "eventStart", "eventEnd", "scientificName")
# 3. Display the distinct values of observationLevel as a data.frame with one
# column, observationLevel. How many different values of observationLevel are
# there?
obs %>%
# how many?
obs %>%
distinct(.data$observationLevel) %>%
# 4. How to remove observations with observationLevel = "media"? How to remove
# observations with observationLevel = "media" and empty scientificName?
obs %>%
filter(.data$observationLevel != "media")
obs %>%
filter(.data$observationLevel != "media",
# 5. Add a new column called is_classified_by_human which is TRUE if
# classificationMethod is equal to "human". Add a new column month with the
# month of the observation (eventStart). Tip: use lubridate's month() and year()
# functions.
obs %>%
mutate(is_classified_by_human = .data$classificationMethod == "human",
month = month(.data$eventStart))
# 6. Move the column count after behavior.
obs %>%
relocate("count", .after = "behavior")
# 7. Move all columns starting with "individual." before observationLevel
obs %>%
relocate(starts_with("individual"), .before = "observationLevel")
# 8. Is the following statement true of false: Observations with
# observationLevel = "event" have no mediaID, i.e. mediaID is NA.
media_events <- obs %>%
filter(.data$observationLevel == "event") %>%
pull("mediaID") %>%
# are they all NA?
is.na() %>%
### Emma's solution
# 1
obs %>% slice_head(n = 8)
obs %>% slice_tail(n = 8)
# 2
obs %>% select(observationLevel, eventStart, eventEnd, scientificName)
# 3
obs %>% distinct(observationLevel)
# 4
obs %>% filter(observationLevel != "media")
obs %>% filter(observationLevel != "media" &
# 5
obs %>%
mutate(is_classified_by_human = ifelse(
classificationMethod == "human",
month = month(eventStart))
# 6
obs %>% relocate(count, .after = behavior)
# 7
obs %>% relocate(starts_with("individual"),
.before = observationLevel)
# 8
obs %>%
select(observationLevel, mediaID) %>%
filter(observationLevel == "event") %>%
### Siebe's solution
# 1
# 2
obs %>% select(observationLevel,eventStart,eventEnd,scientificName)
# 3
obs %>% distinct(observationLevel)
# 4
obs %>% filter(observationLevel != "media")
obs %>% filter(observationLevel != "media" & is.na(scientificName))
# 5
obs <- obs %>% mutate(is_classified_by_human =
case_when(classificationMethod == "human" ~ "TRUE",
classificationMethod != "human" ~ "FALSE"),
month = month(eventStart)
# 6
obs <- obs %>% relocate(count, .after = behavior)
# 7 taxon = individual
obs <- obs %>% relocate(individualID,individualPositionRadius,
.before = observationLevel
# 8
obs %>% filter(observationLevel == "event") %>% distinct(mediaID) #statement = true
### Sanne's solution
# 1.1
obs %>% slice_head(n = 8)
obs %>% slice_tail(n = 8)
# 1.2
obs %>% select(observationLevel, eventStart, eventEnd)
# 1.3
obs %>% distinct(observationLevel)
obs %>%
distinct(observationLevel) %>%
# 1.4
obs %>% filter(observationLevel != "media")
obs %>%
filter(observationLevel != "media" & !is.na(scientificName))
# 1.5
obs %>%
is_classified_by =
if_else(classificationMethod == "human", TRUE, FALSE),
month = paste(month(eventStart), year(eventStart)),
# 1.6
obs %>%
relocate(count, .after = behavior)
# 1.7
obs %>%
relocate(starts_with("individual"), .before = observationLevel) %>%
# 1.8
obs %>%
filter(observationLevel == "event") %>%
## Challenge 2
## CHALLENGE 2 - Summaries
# How many observations are there per deploymentID? Show it as a dataframe with two columns: deploymentID and n_obs.
obs %>%
count(deploymentID, name = "n_obs")
# How many observations are there per deploymentID and observationLevel?
obs %>%
count(deploymentID, observationLevel, name = "n_obs")
# Order the previous output per n_obs (descending order).
obs %>%
count(deploymentID, observationLevel, name = "n_obs") %>%
# Create a summary dataframe with the number of media-based observations (observationLevel = "media"), the number of event-based observations (observationLevel = "event") and the total number of observations per deploymentID. Notice that observationLevel is always filled in. The result should be a dataframe with 4 columns: deploymentID, n_obs_event, n_obs_media and n_obs. Tip: one way to solve this is by combining dplyr with tidyr.
obs %>%
count(deploymentID, observationLevel, name = "n_obs") %>%
id_cols = deploymentID,
names_from = observationLevel,
names_prefix = "n_obs_",
values_from = n_obs) %>%
n_obs = n_obs_event + n_obs_media
obs %>%
group_by(deploymentID) %>%
summarise(n_obs_media = sum(observationLevel == "media"),
n_obs_event = sum(observationLevel == "event"),
n_obs = n())
# For each month, year and deploymentID, return the eventStart of the first and the last event-based observation (observationLevel = event) if there are 3 or more event-based observations. Call these two columns first_event_obs and last_event_obs respectively.
obs %>%
month = lubridate::month(eventStart),
year = lubridate::year(eventStart)
) %>%
deploymentID, month, year
) %>%
observationLevel == "event",
n() >= 3
) %>%
first_event_obs = first(eventStart, order_by = eventStart),
last_event_obs = last(eventStart, order_by = eventStart),
.groups = "drop"
# How can you return the same dataframe as in exercice 5 but now limiting us to the months with the highest number of event-based observations for each year and deploymentID?
obs %>%
month = lubridate::month(eventStart),
year = lubridate::year(eventStart)
) %>%
deploymentID, month, year
) %>%
n_obs = n()
) %>%
deploymentID, year
) %>%
observationLevel == "event",
n_obs == max(n_obs)
) %>%
deploymentID, month, year
) %>%
first_event_obs = first(eventStart, order_by = eventStart),
last_event_obs = last(eventStart, order_by = eventStart),
.groups = "drop"
### Pieter's solution
### How many observations are there per deploymentID? Show it as a dataframe
### with two columns: deploymentID and n_obs.
obs %>%
group_by(deploymentID) %>%
tally(name = "n_obs")
count(obs, deploymentID, name = "n_obs")
### How many observations are there per deploymentID and observationLevel?
obs %>%
group_by(deploymentID, observationLevel) %>%
count(obs, deploymentID, observationLevel)
### Order the previous output per n_obs (descending order).
count(obs, deploymentID, observationLevel) %>%
group_by(deploymentID) %>%
summarise(n_obs = sum(n))
obs %>%
group_by(deploymentID, observationLevel) %>%
tally(name = "n_obs") %>%
###Create a summary dataframe with the number of media-based observations
###(observationLevel = "media"), the number of event-based observations
###(observationLevel = "event") and the total number of observations per
###deploymentID. Notice that observationLevel is always filled in. The result
###should be a dataframe with 4 columns: deploymentID, n_obs_event, n_obs_media
###and n_obs. Tip: one way to solve this is by combining dplyr with tidyr.
obs %>%
mutate(is_media = observationLevel == "media",
is_event = observationLevel == "event") %>%
group_by(deploymentID) %>%
summarise(n_obs_media = sum(is_media),
n_obs_event = sum(is_event),
n_obs = n())
# For each month, year and deploymentID, return the eventStart of the first and
# the last event-based observation (observationLevel = event) if there are 3 or
# more event-based observations. Call these two columns first_event_obs and
# last_event_obs respectively.
obs_first_last <-
obs %>%
filter(observationLevel == "event") %>%
add_count(deploymentID) %>%
filter(n >= 3) %>%
mutate(year = lubridate::year(eventStart),
month = lubridate::month(eventStart)) %>%
group_by(deploymentID, year, month) %>%
first_event_obs = head(eventStart, 1),
last_event_obs = tail(eventStart, 1)
# How can you return the same dataframe as in exercice 5 but now limiting us to
# the months with the highest number of event-based observations for each year
# and deploymentID?
obs %>%
filter(observationLevel == "event") %>%
add_count(deploymentID) %>%
filter(n >= 3) %>%
mutate(year = lubridate::year(eventStart),
month = lubridate::month(eventStart)) %>%
group_by(deploymentID, year) %>%
filter(n == max(n)) %>%
group_by(deploymentID, year, month, .add = FALSE) %>%
first_event_obs = head(eventStart, 1),
last_event_obs = tail(eventStart, 1)
### Ward's solution
# 1. How many observations are there per deploymentID? Show it as a dataframe
# with two columns: deploymentID and n_obs.
obs %>%
count(.data$deploymentID, name = "n_obs")
# 2. How many observations are there per deploymentID and observationLevel?
count_deploy_obslevel <- obs %>%
count(.data$deploymentID, .data$observationLevel, name = "n_obs")
# 3. Order the previous output per n_obs (descending order).
count_deploy_obslevel %>%
# 4. Create a summary dataframe with the number of media-based observations
# (observationLevel = "media"), the number of event-based observations
# (observationLevel = "event") and the total number of observations per
# deploymentID. Notice that observationLevel is always filled in. The result
# should be a dataframe with 4 columns: deploymentID, n_obs_event, n_obs_media
# and n_obs. Tip: one way to solve this is by combining dplyr with tidyr.
obs %>%
# count number of observations per deployment ID
count(.data$deploymentID, .data$observationLevel) %>%
# set to wide format
pivot_wider(id_cols = "deploymentID",
names_from = "observationLevel",
values_from = "n",
names_prefix = "n_obs_") %>%
# sum observations across 2 columns
rowwise() %>%
mutate(n_obs = sum(c_across(c("n_obs_event", "n_obs_media"))))
# 5. For each month, year and deploymentID, return the eventStart of the first
# and the last event-based observation (observationLevel = event) if there are
# 3 or more event-based observations. Call these two columns first_event_obs and
# last_event_obs respectively.
obs %>%
# get month and year using lubridate
mutate(month = month(.data$eventStart),
year = year(.data$eventStart)) %>%
# only event-based observations
filter(.data$observationLevel == "event") %>%
# count number of observations per month, year, deploymentID
group_by(.data$month, .data$year, .data$deploymentID) %>%
mutate(n_obs = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# only if there are 3 or more observations
filter(.data$n_obs >= 3) %>%
# get first and last observations per month, year, deploymentID
group_by(.data$month, .data$year, .data$deploymentID) %>%
summarise(first_event_obs = min(.data$eventStart),
last_event_obs = max(.data$eventStart),
.groups = "drop")
# 6. How can you return the same dataframe as in exercice 5 but now limiting us
# to the months with the highest number of event-based observations for each
# year and deploymentID?
obs %>%
# get month and year using lubridate
mutate(month = month(.data$eventStart),
year = year(.data$eventStart)) %>%
# only event-based observations
filter(.data$observationLevel == "event") %>%
# count number of observations per month, year, deploymentID
group_by(.data$month, .data$year, .data$deploymentID) %>%
mutate(n_obs = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# only if there are 3 or more observations
filter(.data$n_obs >= 3) %>%
# keep only the months with the highest number of event-based observations
group_by(.data$year, .data$deploymentID) %>%
slice_max(.data$n_obs) %>%
# get first and last observations per month, year, deploymentID
group_by(.data$month, .data$year, .data$deploymentID) %>%
summarise(first_event_obs = min(.data$eventStart),
last_event_obs = max(.data$eventStart),
.groups = "drop")
### Sanne's solution
# 2.1 How many observations are there per deploymentID? Show it as a dataframe
# with two columns: deploymentID and n_obs.
obs %>%
count(deploymentID, name = "n_obs")
# 2.2 How many observations are there per deploymentID and observationLevel?
obs %>%
count(deploymentID, observationLevel)
# 2.3 Order the previous output per n_obs (descending order).
obs %>%
count(deploymentID, observationLevel, name = "n_obs") %>%
# 2.4 Create a summary dataframe with the number of media-based observations
# (observationLevel = "media"), the number of event-based observations
# (observationLevel = "event") and the total number of observations per
# deploymentID. Notice that observationLevel is always filled in. The result
# should be a dataframe with 4 columns: deploymentID, n_obs_event, n_obs_media
# and n_obs. Tip: one way to solve this is by combining dplyr with tidyr.
obs %>%
count(deploymentID, observationLevel, name = "n_obs") %>%
summarise(n_obs = n()) %>%
names_from = observationLevel,
values_from = n_obs,
names_glue = "n_obs_{observationLevel}") %>%
n_obs = n_obs_event + n_obs_media
# 2.5 For each month, year and deploymentID, return the eventStart of the first
# and the last event-based observation (observationLevel = event) if there are 3
# or more event-based observations. Call these two columns first_event_obs and
# last_event_obs respectively.
groupedobs <- obs %>%
month = month(eventStart),
year = year(eventStart)
) %>%
group_by(month, year, deploymentID) %>%
filter(observationLevel == "event" & n() >= 3)
firstlast <- groupedobs %>%
first_event_obs = first(eventStart, order_by = eventStart),
last_event_obs = last(eventStart, order_by = eventStart)
) %>%
# 2.6 How can you return the same dataframe as in exercice 5 but now limiting us
# to the months with the highest number of event-based observations for each year
# and deploymentID?
groupedobs %>%
count() %>%
group_by(year, deploymentID) %>%
filter(n == max(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
left_join(firstlast) %>%
### Marieke's solutions
chal2_obs4<-obs %>%
group_by(deploymentID) %>%
summarise(., n_obs_media=n_distinct(observationID[observationLevel=="media"]),
### Emma's solution
# 5
obs %>%
filter(observationLevel == "event") %>%
mutate(month = month(eventStart),
year = year(eventStart)) %>%
mutate(n_obs = n(), .by = c(month, year, deploymentID)) %>%
filter(n_obs > 2) %>%
summarise(first_event_obs = min(eventStart),
last_event_obs = max(eventStart),
.by = c(month, year, deploymentID)) %>%
arrange(year, month)
## CHALLENGE 3 - Two-table verbs
media <- read_csv("./data/20240425/20240425_media.csv", na = "")
# Preview
# How to add the media information stored in media to the observations?
obs %>%
by = join_by(deploymentID, mediaID)
# How are the columns ordered? Are the columns from observations on the left? Try to put them on the right.
media %>%
by = join_by(deploymentID, mediaID)
# Are there media not in observations, i.e. are there media that are not linked to any observation?
media %>%
by = join_by(deploymentID, mediaID)
) %>%
nrow() > 0
# NO
# Some observations have a missing value for column mediaID. Get rid of them while joining.
obs %>%
by = join_by(deploymentID, mediaID)
# As deploymentID is present in both dataframes, it gets duplicated and the suffixes ".x" and ".y" are added. How to change the suffixes to "_obs" and "_media" while performing exercise 1?
obs %>%
by = join_by(mediaID),
suffix = c("_obs", "_media")
# How to add the suffix only for the column deploymentID in media?
obs %>%
by = join_by(mediaID),
suffix = c("", "_media")
# How can you avoid having this column twice?
obs %>%
by = join_by(mediaID, deploymentID))
### Pieter's solution
## How to add the media information stored in media to the observations?
left_join(obs, media, by = join_by("mediaID")) %>%
## How are the columns ordered? Are the columns from observations on the left?
## Try to put them on the right.
right_join(media, obs, by = join_by("mediaID")) %>%
## Are there media not in observations, i.e. are there media that are not linked
## to any observation?
anti_join(media, obs, by = join_by("mediaID"))
## Some observations have a missing value for column mediaID. Get rid of them
## while joining.
inner_join(obs, media, by = join_by("mediaID"))
## As deploymentID is present in both dataframes, it gets duplicated and the
## suffixes ".x" and ".y" are added. How to change the suffixes to "_obs" and
## "_media" while performing exercise 1?
by = join_by("mediaID"),
suffix = c("_obs", "_media")) %>%
## How to add the suffix only for the column deploymentID in media?
mutate(media, deploymentID_media = deploymentID, .keep = "unused") %>%
right_join(obs, by = join_by("mediaID")) %>%
## How can you avoid to have this column twice?
obs %>%
left_join(select(media, -deploymentID), by = join_by("mediaID")) %>%
### Ward's solution
# load data
media <- read_csv("./data/20240425/20240425_media.csv", na = "")
# preview data
# 1. How to add the media information stored in media to the observations?
obs %>%
full_join(media, by = join_by("mediaID"))
# 2. How are the columns ordered? Are the columns from observations on the left?
# Try to put them on the right.
media %>%
full_join(obs, by = join_by("mediaID"))
# 3. Are there media not in observations, i.e. are there media that are not
# linked to any observation?
media %>%
anti_join(obs, by = join_by("mediaID"))
# 4. Some observations have a missing value for column mediaID. Get rid of them
# while joining.
obs %>%
right_join(media, by = join_by("mediaID"))
# 5. As deploymentID is present in both dataframes, it gets duplicated and the
# suffixes ".x" and ".y" are added. How to change the suffixes to "_obs" and
# "_media" while performing exercise 1?
obs %>%
full_join(media, by = join_by("mediaID"), suffix = c("_obs", "_media"))
# 6. How to add the suffix only for the column deploymentID in media?
obs %>%
full_join(media, by = join_by("mediaID"), suffix = c("", "_media"))
# 7. How can you avoid having this column twice?
obs %>%
full_join(media, by = join_by("mediaID", "deploymentID"))
## Bonus 1
#After reading 20240425_ias_plants.txt dataset (code provided), make it tidy. Please notice that two vernacular names of the same language are given for some species, e.g. "gewone gunnera;reuzenrabarber". They should be split as two rows.
ias %>%
cols = c(english_name, dutch_name, french_name),
names_to = c("language", "drop_me"),
names_sep = "_",
values_to = "name") %>%
select(-drop_me) %>%
cols = name,
names = c("name1", "name2"),
delim = ";",
too_few = "align_start"
) %>%
cols = starts_with("name"),
names_to = "name_alternative",
values_to = "name",
values_drop_na = TRUE
## Bonus 2
a %>%
## Bonus 3
result <- si_data %>%
group_by(year, eea_cell_code) %>%
summarise(species_list = list(as.character(speciesKey))) %>%
accumulated_species_list = accumulate(
species_list, union, .simplify = FALSE),
cumulative_n_species = map_dbl(accumulated_species_list, length)
) %>%
result %>%
ggplot() +
geom_line(aes(x = year, y = cumulative_n_species,
group = eea_cell_code),
alpha = 0.3)