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# Help Wanted: Intent based pipelines
Drawing a software delivery pipeline is a task that takes a couple of developers 30 minutes and a whiteboard.
We start our build, we do some testing, try it out in staging and.. when we’re happy.. publish it to production. Going from there to a working pipeline that’s modeled in the way that you want either requires a large framework investment that’s likely company-specific (Amazon, Google), using a SaaS provider (CloudBees, CircleCI), or writing a bunch of Kubernetes YAML / Bash scripts.
At the [Interoperability SIG](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/), we’ve been discussing what it might look like to have a simplified [DSL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-specific_language) for expressing the outcomes of a pipeline, without getting so tied into the mechanisms of telling the system how to do it. This is an illustrative (but not particularly battle-hardened) example:
# Channel which will get updates on deploys. One message for each release and
# Information in the thread as it progresses through the pipeline.
slackChannel: myapp-deploys
# Who to complain to when this breaks.
owners: your-ldap-or-equivalent-group-here
# Explicitly not setting up a jenkins instance. Framework should do this, if necessary.
type: docker
# ...or...
# command: mvn package
default: # These apply to all stages below, unless they're overridden
cores: 100m
memory: 300Mb
# deploy to 1% then 10% then 100% as a rollout strategy. There will be
# a few options available.
rolloutStrategy: ONE_TEN_ALL
bakeTime: 5m
regions: dev-west-1a
regions: dev-west-1a
regions: prod-west-1a, prod-west-1b, prod-west-2a, prod-west-2c
# Starting from 1, deploy to 2x the regions of the last deploy, so 1,2,4,8,16.
strategy: GEOMETRIC
- metricsValidator:
promql: sum(increase(failure[5m])) > 5
onResults: rollback
Something like the above would allow us to simplify the expression of what we want the shape of our pipeline to be, but without having to become experts in [Tekton](https://tekton.dev/) or [Argo](https://argoproj.github.io/) or any of the other great tools for accomplishing this. This will hopefully allow more developers to engage with CI/CD pipelines and have a more active role in the quality of their software.
## Join the Conversation
If this sounds like something you're interested in, we'd love to discuss it with you during one of [our regular, open-to-anyone meetings](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/) or give `#sig-interoperability` a ping in [slack](https://join.slack.com/t/cdeliveryfdn/shared_invite/zt-nwc0jjd0-G65oEpv5ynFfPD5oOX5Ogg).