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# JupyterHub and BinderHub Team Meeting - February
Date: 21 February 2019 at 6pm Zurich time (9am PST)
#### Videoconference link: https://calpoly.zoom.us/my/jupyter
[Link to prior meeting's virtual meeting report](https://hackmd.io/FOMStPqfRFS5-Bf7pQyWBw?both)
## Welcome to the Team Meeting
If you are joining the team video meeting, sign in below so we know who was here. Roll call:
* name / institution / GitHub handle
* Tim / Project Binder / @betatim
* Kenan / GESIS / @bitnik
* Arnim / GESIS / @arnim
* Carol / Project Jupyter / @willingc
* Erik / Sandvik CODE / @consideRatio
* Min / Simula / @minrk
* Zach / Cal Poly / @Zsailer
* Kirstie / Alan Turing Institute / @KirstieJane
* Patricia / University of Birmingham / @pherterich
* Yuvi Panda / Project Jupyter / @yuvipanda
* Martin O'Reilly / Alan Turing Institute / @martintoreilly
* Lindsey Heagy / UC Berkeley / @lheagy
* Sarah Gibson / The Alan Turing Institute / @sgibson91
* Joe Hamman / NCAR / @jhamman
* Chris Holdgraf / UC Berkeley / @choldgraf
## Reports and celebrations
Things people should know about.
* new release of repo2docker v0.8.0 ~~coming up~~done!
* new release of the helm chart should be nearly ready to go!
* many thanks to @manycoding for doing some nice work in the documentation (https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/issues/1150)
* Shout-outs to our Outreachy projects:
* [Traefik-Proxy](https://github.com/jupyterhub/traefik-proxy) from @GeorgianaElena
* [nativeauthenticator](https://github.com/jupyterhub/nativeauthenticator) from @leportella
* Leticia is attending the team meeting in person (and is in this meeting!)
* A BinderHub with auth and persistent storage!! https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub/issues/794
* they would like feedback on the setup
* are there ways the current choices could end up being bad choices in the future?
* feedback on the GitHub issue please or in person!
* https://elifesciences.org/labs/ad58f08d/introducing-elife-s-first-computationally-reproducible-article eLife and Stencila recently put together a nice demo of an article that has computational elements in it that are powered by Binder tech!
* Turing Way sprint yesterday planning 3 binder workshops: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/tree/master/workshops
* Looking for some help on the binderhub workshop, but feeling pretty good about the 2 binder workshops :sparkles:
* 18th March 2019 in Birmingham to build your own BinderHub
* Any tips and already existing resources can be linked at this issue please :smile_cat: :pray: :sparkling_heart: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/183
## Agenda items
Let's collect all potential agenda items here before the start of the meeting (**closing time 24h before**). We will then attempt to create a coherent agenda that fits in the 60m meeting slot. If there are similar items try and group them already.
* Update on Agenda Planning for March Meeting in Washington DC
* context https://github.com/jupyterhub/team-compass/issues/110
* Tim's proposal: we schedule something for half a day per day, the other half day is for people to do other things
* if we don't schedule anything I worry that most of the time most of the people are doing something else in which case it is a waste of time. The fact that the rest of the meeting is "unscheduled" makes me think we should propose and publicise when the Binder team is doing things and that those who don't want to schedule their discussions should fit around that.
* propose to use the morning slot on all days except Monday to allow remote participation from Europe +1
* What method/procedure should we use to pick things to tackle?
* Let's have the March team call during the in person meeting
* **Decision:** Let's use Monday morning to distill a lightweight agenda for the week. Zach is bringing a big postersized calendar.
* Outreachy internships
* who has the capacity to organise and mentor interns for the 2019 round?
* Yuvi can co-mentor, but needs another co-mentor + organizer
* we need about $6000 per intern in funding
* What it entails:
* finding a person to mentor
* organizing project for intern and mentoring them through project.
* handling paperwork to make it happen
* Discourse post about reapplying: https://discourse.jupyter.org/t/thinking-about-reapplying-to-outreachy-in-may-2019/404
* If you are on the fence you should make up your mind by the end of 5th March 2019. After that it is too late.
* Make an explicit effort to improve shout outs and highlighting of contributions to each repository
* see https://github.com/jupyterhub/team-compass/issues/119#issuecomment-465011826 for some context on this item
* Proposal: we try and have one team member per repository who feels responsible for knowing the social dynamics and going ons in that repository. Part of that job is to highlight contributors and activities to the rest of the world.
* they would also be a good person for people who are thinking of contributing to a repository or levelling up their contributions to talk to -> we should list them in the README/CONTRIBUTING.md as a person to talk to.
* Decision: yes / no / needs more information for decision
* suggestion from Kirstie: Make a template for a twitter thread:
- this is person X - they contributed!
- this is what they did
- this is why binder is meaningful to them
- this is how you can talk to them
* Kirstie: One thing to discuss is how you humanise the message - there's something really on brand about tweeting from the binder twitter handle, but I think having a specific person on the team nominate someone is really personal and feels much more special.
* You can imagine a case where the individual contributor knows that they've been personally selected but that isn't super clear to twitter followers etc?
* I'm thinking maybe the second tweet says "Tim nominated Ellie (made up name!) because she really helped him with XYZ"
* badges from the team to contributors to highlight particular kinds of contributions
* Binder explainer comics/binder-compatible-repo creators interviews [Tim]
* Some context on who Bianca/Jo's Buero is
* Graphic arts company
* Requires us to have witty ideas. ;)
* PDF link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l9IpFedqMKcvAcCt4RCJVaFVfMBCQoHG
* Goal is to reach people who aren't using mybinder.org yet (don't know of it, think it isn't relevant or too complicated)
* Two ideas for producing content to explain Binder to people or spread the word
* **Idea A**: small cartoons or caricatures
* "did you know?" style
* each cartoon makes you smile
* each cartoon teaches you something new
* more timeless maybe
* follow up comic on step 4 of the original comic from OpenDreamKit
* **Idea B**: interview creators of repositories that run on mybinder.org
* interview people
* produce a blog post style page
* highlight different users of mybinder.org
* could be a negative experience if you don't get picked.
* Tim starts a discourse thread to brainstorm ideas.
* Binder governance!
* We have a form of governance!
* https://jupyterhub-team-compass.readthedocs.io/en/latest/binder_governance.html
* How do I become a team member?
* existing members can nominate new members
* Tim's personal process: If you consistently help others use and/or contribute to Binder I will nominate you. If you'd like to talk to me about this @betatim on twitter, gitter or betatim@gmail.com
* Can Binder help out people applying for funding by providing a letter that "looks official"?
* In the past a lot of letters of support have come from individuals
* On some occasions the Jupyter steering council has done this
* Hold off on starting a public issue and report back after a discussion at the March in person meeting.
* New members: how do we overcome the problem that no everyone is comfortable putting themselves out there
* Run a workshop every 6months that is about adding new members, more inclusive than "contact Tim".
(Note from Kirstie - thank you for doing all this work and having these conversations, it's super exciting :sparkling_heart:)
* mybinder.org backed by several deployments [Tim]
* context/discussion: https://github.com/jupyterhub/mybinder.org-deploy/issues/759#issuecomment-464991808
* Important because it removes the single point of failure.
* how to keep the deployments in sync?
* proposal: control all of them from one central repository https://github.com/jupyterhub/mybinder.org-deploy/
* What alternatives are there?
* expose these separate deployments to the user or hide it from them?
* should a user arriving at mybinder.org see that their binder is being launched on somewhere.mybinder.org or should we hide it from users that there are several clusters backing mybinder.org?
* Copy Rust community call for roadmapping [Tim]
* let's copy the idea from https://blog.rust-lang.org/2018/12/06/call-for-rust-2019-roadmap-blogposts.html for the Binder community
* issue inside Rust with some details and more linked information https://github.com/rust-community/content-team/issues/45
* Things we need to do to make this happen:
* define a hashtag, email address, discourse thread to report posts to so they can be considered
* decide a date to launch this on: proposed 31 March 2019
* write an annoucement blog post (copy&paste as much as possible from Rust one)
* wrangler: XXX
* write a few blog posts by team members so they are ready to go when the announcement happens
* Tim will write one
* XXX will write one
* Decision: yes / **no** / needs more information for decision
* Maybe move this to later in the year when we have a better setup for adding contributors and answering questions about supporting funding applications, etc
* add agenda item
* add agenda item
Items added after the cut-off will be in the "bonus material" section. We will go through the ordinary agenda items first and then cover bonus items if the clock hasn't run out.
Turing Way Questions that don't need to be discussed in person, I can move this somewhere else!
**Q1: Where would be useful to add the binder workshop information?**
We could build under Tim's "build-a-binder" website: https://build-a-binder.github.io?
Or we can brand under the Turing Way (good for us, but might mean the materials are less likely to be re-used which is BAD for us). This would mean probably just sending people to a README markdown file in the Turing Way GitHub repo.
Third option is that it could come under a more central binder location?
Honestly, happy with any option, best outcome is that its in a place that means it will be most likely to be re-used :heart:
**Q2: We had a discussion today about whether it would be *annoying* to open lots of issues for questions around the documentation....or to put them all together in one?**
The challenge is not wanting to feel like there are *lots* of different issues, so that the binder team feel like they have to update LOTS of things vs one mega issue that's a lot of work.
So: discrete issues or consolidated into one?
> [name=Min RK] I'd do something in between. Not one *huge* issue, nor one for each typo. One way to pick a good size: is fixing this issue reasonable in a single contribution (PR)? On the bigger side can be "Improving AKS documentation" in general. On the smaller side could be "Add example for XXX configuration". It feels good to open a pull request and have an Issue closed automatically, so I think it's good to err on the side of more discrete issues. And don't stress. In the end, issues can always be split or merged later.
**Not a question**, here's Sarah's demo :heart_eyes_cat: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/tree/master/conferences/presentations/UKRI_cloud_2019-02-12
We made some fun gifs for if binder takes a while to load, which was a super useful exercise :relieved:
SG: also contributed the matplotlib version example to binder-examples https://github.com/binder-examples/matplotlib-versions