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`BCC2020: 2020-07-17 & 2020-07-18`
# Open Life Science: Empowering communities with open* principles
###### tags: `Workshop` `BCC`
Session 2
**Logistics for session**
- Call date and time: 18 July 2020, 08:30 BST ([in your time zone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/London/2020-07-18/08:30/Open%20Life%20Science%20Training%202%20at%20BCC%202020#eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2hhY2ttZC5pby9Ab3BlbmxpZmVzY2kvYmNjMjAtdHJhaW5pbmcyIn0=))
- Joining link: https://live.remo.co/e/e-1-3-2-building
- Session Facilitators: Yo, Bérénice, Malvika, Patricia, Paula
⏳ Preparation before this event: Project vision & Implicit Bias Test
*The session leads will share this with the attendees before the session*
**1. Project vision**: Reflect on your current work.
* Take personal notes regarding your favorite open project (that you either lead or work on) by answering the following questions:
* The problem the project is trying to solve.
* How you think openness and open leadership will help solve it.
* How meeting the personal goals will help you and help solve the problem.
* How meeting your cultural goals for your community, organization, or project * will help solve the problem.
**2. Implicit bias and inclusion**: Do the implicit Bias Quiz
* Go to [https://implicit.harvard.edu](https://implicit.harvard.edu) to complete the 'Gender - Career' or ‘Gender - Science’ quiz (10 minutes). You can 'continue as a guest' by choosing your country,
* Reflect on these questions when you've finished the implicit association test:
* What does inclusion mean to you?
* Did your results of the implicit association test surprise you?
## Participants / Roll Call
*Name / (Anything else you want to add, e.g. Job Title, Organisation / Pronouns / Email, Social Media), one person per line/bullet, add new lines as needed.*
* Yo Yehudi / Open Life Science / she/they / t: yoyehudi / g: yochannah / mastodon: yoyehudi@scholar.social
* Malvika Sharan / Open Life Science / She/her / t+gh: malvikasharan
* Bérénice Batut / Open Life Science / she/her / t+gh: bebatut
* Patricia Herterich / Research Data Specialist, Open Life Science mentor / she/her / t/g: pherterich
* Julia Voelker (using Ramil's account)/ PhD student, genomics / she/her
* Sangram Keshari Sahu / Bioinformatics / He/Him / t: sangram_ksahu / gh: sk-sahu
👋 Welcome!
*[Lead] (⏰ 5 min)*
* The session leads will confirm if this call is recorded!
* Reminder: [Code of Conduct](https://bcc2020.github.io/code/)
* If you experience or witness unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please report it by contacting the CoC contact:
* **Morgan Taschuk** or **Helen Van De Pol** by sending an email to [bcc2020-coc@lists.galaxyproject.org](mailto:bcc2020-coc@lists.galaxyproject.org)
* [Reporting form](https://bcc2020.wufoo.com/forms/rbisal20k4lqsc/)
* Call etiquette introduction
* Try to stay muted to prevent background noises
* Okay to ask questions/make comments in chat, in the doc, or by unmuting when prompted
* Breakout rooms will be used for this training
### Icebreaker question
*If you can meet a fictional heroic character from a book or a show at this conference, who would that be and why? Extra points for pictures of your fictional character.*
* Name / answer
* Bérénice / Elma York from "The Calculating Stars", badass woman, mathematician and former WASP pilot, fighting to be an astronaut +1 love it!! (Yo)
* Malvika / Nausicaa from NAUSICAÄ OF THE VALLEY OF THE WIND (Ghibli) (I am so confused to pick one ) +1 - good pick, female climate change leaders are needed! (Patricia), lover her (Julia)
* Patricia / I think Lyra from the "the dark materials" books mainly just because I want to see a daemon in real life / Yo +1 to this too!!
* Yo Yehudi / Kalinda Sharma from The Good Wife - badass and a mystery
* Kotaro Harakawa / Razumíkhin (Dmitry Prokofyich), Raskolnikov's loyal friend and also a former law student from Crime and Punishment from Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
* Julia Voelker / I generally like many female strong characters, often in fantasy books (can't come up with a name right now)
📢 Introduction to the Open Life Science program
*[Lead] (⏰ 10 mins)*
> “Welcome to Open Life Science! The Open Life Science program helps individuals in research in becoming Open Science ambassadors and leaders in their communities.”
***A quick demo of OLS and next cohort***
* Links and resources
* [Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dvwjd2i8rzgOfAQLQBsRlqZXRmU67wdrTY3QHKiDXUI/edit?usp=sharing)
* [openlifesci.org]([openlifesci.org)
* Twitter: [@openlifesci](https://twitter.com/openlifesci)
* GitHub: [github.com/open-life-science](github.com/open-life-science)
* **Shared notes** (feel free to add your notes here)
* started thinking about it a year ago, built it up over the last 12 months
* effective market performance correlates with intended openness not just "random" openness
* cultural change requires leadership, accountability and transparency
* these are soft skills that academia doesn't teach
* 16 week long training applying open leadership skills to a project
* Next round will start in September 2020, and next year will be the possible future rounds
## 🏆 Who are Open Leaders?
*[Lead] (⏰ 10 mins)*
*“Open leaders design and build projects that empower others to collaborate within inclusive communities.”*
* Links and resources
* [Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MrZpgkj8yyUp-4jnER5FsLJ_jM2HYw4ciBIHPfZ1wOI/edit?usp=sharing)
* **Shared notes** (feel free to add your notes here)
* build projects that empower inclusive communities
* they do not only exist in academia, open leaders can come from all walks of life
## 👥 First breakout: Exchange what we practice.
*[Lead] (⏰ 10 mins)*
**During our first breakout:**
* Say hello and introduce ourselves. (4 in each breakout, 2 mins for everyone to talk, and last 2 minutes for capturing your responses.)
* **Discuss:** What common community practices (how people interact with your project) do you use for maintaining interactions in your open projects?
* **Shared insights**, Write any insights/thoughts/comments to share from your breakout room?
* Meetings, chat, open repository
### Q&A about OLS and Open Leadership
*[Lead](⏰ 5 mins)*
## 🔓 Unpacking the difference between Open “by Default” & “by Design”
*[Lead] (⏰ 20 mins)*
> “Open leaders design and build projects that empower others to collaborate within inclusive communities.”
* Links and resources:
* [Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1H82WnOR-siINJMU5Tzjdwft34ZlRhrzzfO-iEW3j33Q/edit?usp=sharing)
* **Shared notes** (feel free to add your notes here)
* Do _you_ think Taro was open? why/why not?
* Technically yes but not by design. Because there is no much information on how to contibute and where to start if needed
* Also - a lot of people do not know that if you don't share with a licence, it means "all rights reserved" so others always have to ask permission to re-use (GitHub's terms of service imply some permissions to fork, but that's not a real re-use licence)
* +1 this is such an important point!
### ✏️ Reflect and share insights
*[Lead] (⏰ 5 mins)*
**Question to reflect on**: Based on the difference you learned, how do you categorize your community interaction practices? Is it Open “by default” or “by design”? How do you feel about it?
* What I'm doing right now isn't open to anyone but my supervisors yet, however, I would like to make it open by design. Based on what I've just learned, I guess I would have made it "open by default" without knowing that there was a difference. But luckily, now I do. (Julia)
* Open by default, because as it started people started contibuting by themselves and then automatically diffrent things (guidelines, best practices) came into picture. In that way although it started by default its adopting open design. Thats what back in my head atleast. (Sangram)
* Open by default, we use open source software that in principle people can create issues for or contribute but we run a full service (that we also charge for) that comes with additional complications. So there's some transparency but not really much intent to get people contributing (Patricia)
* Open by default, but not working yet around me.
### Q&A
*[Lead] (⏰ 5 mins)*
🖥 Unconscious Bias & Designing for inclusion
## 💪 Why is intent important in Open Science?
*[Lead] (⏰ 20 mins)*
* Links and Resources:
* [Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NeELYlOA9MedF43BloZJiDf9AULOTi1lS6zPB3YGPSU/edit?usp=sharing)
* Slides from OLS-1 expert speaker [Alex Chan](https://alexwlchan.net/2020/03/inclusion-cant-be-an-afterthought/)
* **Shared notes** (feel free to add your notes here)
* Implicit biases can make you feel very uncomfortable, but no one is free from them
* Humans use patterns but you can work against learned behaviour
* In most cases, you can't go back in time and fix design that was not inclusive - it has to be part of the design from the start
## 👥 Second breakout: Recalling a moment of inclusion
*[Lead] (⏰ 10 mins)*
During our second breakout reflect on:
* What’s a place that made you feel included the first time you visited? (online or in-person)
* [Carpentries](https://carpentries.org/)
* All Mozilla communities
* What made that place so inclusive?
* I love in person places where there's a lot of vegan food options and you don't feel like the awkward person that has to go hunting for something or queue super early so no one steals the one sandwich (Patricia)
* Yo - +1! I think we have a lot of vegans here today :)
* Shared Insights on the implicit bias test?
* while doing the test bydefault, science related subjects automatically going towards male gender. Not sure why.
* I'm super biased and everytime I do these tests I try to blame the fact that keyboard reactions are weird and if I would do a verbal association it would be totally different. It's hard to realise that you are still biased against women in science when you know that there's science to prove there's no reason for that thinking and also know so many amazing role models that show the opposite. (Patricia)
### Q&A
🖥 Personas & Pathways to welcome contributions
*[Lead] (⏰ 20 min)*
* Links and Resources:
* [Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wEcgznz9wt32Sk2ViXg6oNPkgC6w1NnlyI9XgNuy1xs/edit?usp=sharing)
* **Shared Notes** (feel free to add your notes here)
* Don't ask what they can do for you, ask what you need to do for them?
* Think about the people you need that are different to you and will address aspects and raise issues that you don't think about
### Q&A
*[Lead] (⏰ 10 mins)*
⚖ Balance
*[Lead] (⏰ 20 min)*
**Balance: Value exchanges are for you, too.**
> Reflect on what you give to your community, organization, or project and what does this bring back to you. If there are gaps and unmatched expectations, think about how you can adjust them.
## 👥 Third breakout: Value exchange in open leadership
*[Lead] (⏰ 10 mins)*
During our third breakout discuss:
* What kinds of things do you give to others in your daily practices?
* I sometimes help my juniors in their doubts, also online forums (sangram)
* Time
* Mentorship
* Encouragement
* thoughtful ideas
* Honest conversation
* What kinds of things do you get back?
* That way I get to learn or stick with the learnings (sangram)
* Validation of my work
* Interesting perspective
* feedback
* accountability
* Inspiration to keep me going in projects that are not going that well +1111
* Does the balance seem right to you, or are there adjustments you’d like to make?
* Sometimes I'm worried I spend too much time volunteering; While it is tough it also helps me try to remember not to ask too much from others. +1 - but also works the other way for me, I try to volunteer/support regularly just because I get so much out of those opportunities and it's always great to be able to call of them when you need help
* Saying no is often difficult and that's when we may need to prioritise and understand what is bringing us positive values
### Silent reflection (shared note-taking)
🗣️ Closing
*[Lead](⏰ 10 minutes)*
**Note to add on self care and mental health**:
- Taking care of yourself and others in sustaining your energy so that you can do what you enjoy in a long term. This is called "Personal Ecology".
- Working openly is a choice. Working openly as a volunteer is a privilege. Not everyone has the time, resource or bandwidth to do that (that includes you) - and therefore [burnout is prevalent in Open Source](https://opensource.com/article/19/11/burnout-open-source-communities).
- Be aware of your personal needs, learn to step back when you need to and encourage your members to do that too.
* You learned what Open Life Science program is and why is designed.
* Who the open leaders are and what kind of training they receive from OLS.
* How we can bring open by design principle to our project and go beyond the thoughtless default of open label.
* How we can use our understanding of personal bias to overcome them and intentionally create an inclusive and welcoming space for collaboration.
* How "persona and pathway" tool can help us create pathways for open engagement and collaboration for diverse members in our community.
* How we create opportunities for value exchange for others and ourselves in the work we do.
* Be aware of your needs by understanding your personal ecology and well being of your mental health.
* In a typical cohort call OLS participants get home works and assignments to apply what they learn into their work. If you would like to make a full use of this training, then go ahead an create a vision statement for your work
* Review your notes that you created before this event and improve them based on your training today.
* Using those details, create a vision statement for yourself.
* Develop you personal notes on how you will overcome your bias when designing open projects. Use persona creation tool in this process.
**Open Q & A**
*The session leads will write responses to your questions here after the session if we can’t cover this during the call*
## Feedback
What worked?
What didn’t work?
What would you change?
What surprised you?
*License: CC-BY-4.0, Open Life Science*