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# Meeting time: *17:30 UTC* / *19:30 CET*
# 2025-01-06 Graphics team meeting
Present: dumbbell, emaste, jrm, khorben, olce
* DRM:
* dumbbell completed a port of DRM 6.7
* Licensing issues in different places:
* "Simple DRM" driver could be imported but is GPL'd in Linux, and uses GPL'd helpers (re-implement?)
* Some mishaps upstream (Intel)
* Some headers but without copyrightable content
* There is some progress already (dual-licensing post initial release)
* Situation with the migration of drm-kmod to base:
* Still blocking because of GPL-licensed files
* emaste offering to ask Intel for a statement
* Foundation:
* alfonso:
* started working on accessibility (bsddialog...)
* jrm:
* coordinating projects: laptop (hibernation...), OpenJDK, pkgbase, wireless (iwx), ZFS...
* khorben:
* umb(4) USB LTE/4G modem driver in review, had a discussion about a UI (relevant for laptops)
* bsdinstall: writing an article on the graphical installer
* Laptop/desktop WG meetings have started, next one on January 20th, and they conflict with ours
* Progress on the coming presentation at FOSDEM (but about security)
* olce: Was off half the time, worked on other things (like getting the new mac_do(4) into the tree)
* struct page (Linux) vs struct vm_page: On hold, pending some VM startup changes to free up more memory for the system, to be resumed soon.
* LinuxKPI memory allocation: Longer term, except for a first step which assigns different values to Linux flags (would allow to change LinuxKPI memory allocation routines without the need to recompile consumers).
* Still didn't find time to test the proposed patch for the memory fragmentation issue, planned this week.
# 2024-12-09 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: dumbbell, jrm, khorben, lwhsu, olce
* DRM:
* dumbbell starting a contract for the Foundation as part of the Laptop and Desktop Working Group
* First task: documenting the process of porting drivers from Linux to FreeBSD
* Next: updating to Linux 6.7 or 6.12 to test the instructions
* AMD freezes after several hours of uptime:
* olce tested the patch to fix the memory fragmentation on a few months old 14-STABLE with an AMD GPU (RX 800) and had no problem for a week (DRM 6.1) and a few days (5.15)
* dumbbell uses the same patch on -CURRENT + drm-kmod master/6.6 and saw no issues for the past two weeks (not a single panic, no freezes, very smooth, unlike before where panics and freezes would happen).
* manu had a panic with the same patch on -CURRENT; olce and manu discussing to debug it
* olce studied the memory allocation code in linuxkpi, plans to work more on it and post a review about how to implement most of Linux's flags and see if there is interest (could have impacts on basically everything relying on the LinuxKPI)
* olce is working on decoupling Linux's `struct page` with our `struct vm_page`, enabling adding Linux-specific fields without impacts on our VM, to be leveraged by bz@ for WiFi drivers
* Installer:
* khorben continued to work on the installer
* he reported a security issue in libbsddialog
* he will do a presentation in the BSD devroom at FOSDEM (about the code audit)
* lwhsu and others (from Dell) working on Arrow Lake support (DRM, wifi…).
* They followed a different method than the cherry-pick of individual commits.
* They would like to collaborate, though their work is not ready to be open-source yet.
* They are interested in our roadmap.
* jrm: Nothing to report directly related to graphics developement. In the limited time I have for development work, I recently submitted an overhaul to the Common Lisp infrastructre in the ports tree. The connection to desktop is improving the Common Lisp window manager in our ports tree, x11-wm/stumpwm. The main goal is to make our CL/ASDF infrastrucure interoperate with CL code outside of the ports tree (e.g., Quicklisp). See:
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D47983
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D47984
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D47995
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D37634
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D47982
# 2024-11-25 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: dumbbell, jrm, khorben
* We chatted about the progress on the desktop freezing with AMD GPUs. dumbbell to test the patch from [Bugzilla 277476](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=277476) as he’s using an AMD GPU on his daily driver.
* Related issues also mentioned included [#2127](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/i915/kernel/-/issues/2127) and [#175](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/issues/175).
* dumbbell asked some feedback about the experience with the AMD-based [Framework](https://wiki.freebsd.org/Laptops/Framework_Laptop) 13 laptop; wireless support is still missing for the [Mediatek MT7921](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=264300).
* We talked informally about various things around the [laptop initiative](https://wiki.freebsd.org/LaptopDesktopWorkingGroup).
* jrm asked about the upsides and downsides of Wayland and if it will eventually replace X.Org. (See also the [river](https://github.com/riverwm/river) and [wlmaker](https://github.com/phkaeser/wlmaker) compositors)
* We discussed about the vt(8) integration, problems with vt-switching and the DRM generic driver.
# 2024-11-11 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: jrm, khorben
* Foundation:
* jrm
* khorben:
* Pull-up request for `*/deforaos-*` was accepted ([#309](https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports/pull/309))
* DRM kmod: manu@ found a report on Bugzilla ([277476](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=277476)) that is probably about the same issue, identified the problem, and has a patch; I am currently testing the patch
# 2024-10-14 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: khorben, olce
* Foundation:
* khorben
* Fixes for `x11-fm/deforaos-browser` committed to `main`
* 8 updates, 1 import, 1 fix for `*/deforaos-*` prepared in a GitHub pull-request ([#309](https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports/pull/309))
* Trying the Framework 13 AMD with Wayland as secondary daily driver (graphics OK, webcam OK, audio OK, wireless NO)
* olce
* DRM kmod: Of the problems reported and mentioned in 2024-07-08's meeting (see below), the amdgpu one [#302](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/issues/302) is still open and valid, while the Intel one [#303](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/issues/303) was closed (solved by switching to the `modesetting` Xorg driver; I was somehow using `intel` in part because of stuff read on the Net, supposedly serious). However, I still have a problem on Intel, already reported by many in [#175](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/issues/175) (and [PR 271995](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=271995)): Loss of hardware acceleration after a VT switch (workaround: set `kern.vt.suspendswitch` to 0).
* Prepared an EN for the `pam_xdg()` bug I spotted (the EN request was prompted by someone else reporting the same problem, in [PR 281751](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=281751); had already committed the fix both to `main` and `stable/14`).
* For dumbbell@ who reported slowdowns in the last meeting: You may be observing the same issue as [#302](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/issues/302), where no memory leak is involved. I linked other issues from drm-kmod and FreeBSD's PR there a while ago, and someone has just added another link today.
* Could not dedicate time to investigate the remaining issues, and will not be able to in the short term.
# 2024-09-30 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: jrm, khorben
* Foundation:
* jrm
* khorben
* I found the issue with the installer when booting with PXE. When booting with PXE the ue kernel module is not loaded and it doesn't find NFS (as per [#269405](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=269405))
* Trying Wayland on the Framework 13 (AMD), I need to re-build the DRM module (see script below for `pkg` with pkgbase from dumbbell - thanks!)
* dumbbell
* For pipewire, I got screensharing working niciely without any modification. I started with a clone of the repository and not the one from the ports tree. I also wanted to try pipewire as a sound server. I countinued to work at the sound part. I get very crapy sound. Goal: A single sound server that works in Wayland. If we have to use pipewire to do screensharing and screencasting, might as well just use pipewire.
* No drm work. Running with the latest amd gpu driver, after a long time (6 hours at the end of the work day) or video conferencing things slow down, so there is likely a memory leak. It's not specific to the Linux 6.6 drivers.
dumbbell's pkg script to rebuild kernel modules after an update:
path: "/usr/src/sys"
trigger: {
type: lua
sandbox: false
script: <<EOS
print("Recompiling drm-kmod")
pkg.exec({"/usr/bin/make", "-sj12", "-C", "/home/dumbbell/Projects/freebsd/drm-kmod", "clean", "all", "install" })
print("Recompiling drm-kmod-firmware")
pkg.exec({"/usr/bin/make", "-sj12", "-C", "/home/dumbbell/Projects/freebsd/drm-kmod-firmware", "all", "install" })
* Next scheduled meeting on October 14
# 2024-09-16 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: jrm, khorben
* Short one due to imminent flight to Dublin for EuroBSDCon
* Foundation:
* jrm
* Preparing the DevSummit
* khorben
* Overview of the Alpha-Omega security project
* Looking forward to the SSO/2FA/MFA solution
* Working on fixes to mail/deforaos-mailer (low priority)
* Next scheduled meeting on September 30
# 2024-09-02 Graphics team meeting
Skipped due to labor day
# 2024-08-19 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: tcberner
* meeting skipped, due to lack of attendence :)
* Next scheduled meeting on september 02
# 2024-07-08 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: ade, jrm, khorben, olce, tcberner
* drm/graphics group:
* olce:
* opened two bugs on the drm-project github, with 5.15 and 6.1 has
* [amdgpu on a RX 800](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/issues/302)
* [Intel UHD 620](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/issues/303)
* would love to get some help to get started digging deeper
* must try some upstream patch for [Intel UHD 620](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/issues/303)
* foundation:
* khorben
* Confirmed the drm-project bug #302 (and workaround) from olce with DRM 5.15, 6.1 (AMD RX570)
* Has AMD-based Framework laptop hardware (13") and can confirm that FreeBSD does not boot on it (kernel hang before init)
* Pending [pull-up request #274](https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports/pull/274) on GitHub for `x11-fm/deforaos-browser`
* jrm:
* salah is progressing with his internship on DBus services
* arrowd is mentoring him
* interviews for userland position are progressing, lots of candidates
* Not much direct "desktop" work; just a bug-fix relase of graphics/feh and some Emacs work
* desktop
* adridg: nope
* tcberner: did some investigation into the wayland session of startplasma -- could not figure out yet, why the wayland.qpa.so is rejected when launching it.
* Added a libudev-devd patch from cheribsd that according to them is required to make plasma5-kwin work on wayland, but no success with that.
* "kde6" update (gear-24.x) is still pending to figure out whether the issues are local or real
* testing welcome https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports-kde/tree/kde-it_goes_to_6
# 2024-06-24 Graphics team meeting
* adridg:
* No much time for FreeBSD stuff in the last two weeks. The KDE quarterly report is pending. Adriaan also shared information about potentials donations to the Foundation and an email from a developer about organizing potential perks.
* jrm:
* Salah, a summer Foundation intern, has stared working today. He will develop dbus daemons required for modern desktop environments. Gleb Popov is chipping in to offer his expertise as he's worked in this area before. See Gleb's document for background information.
* We spoke about wireless topics. Worked on some reviews of the wireless firmware ports.
* Spoke a bit about Framework laptops. Some people at the Foundation (Ed, Li-Wen, and Pierre) have Frameworks and have been active in trying to improve support. Upstream has been helpful.
# 2024-06-10 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
* foundation:
* khorben
* jrm
* saleh:
* contract is being finished, and he will likely work for around 10 hours a week
* new userland developer position
* desktop
* adridg:
* fixed package fallout for sainorara, only fails on i386/quarterly
* tcberner
# 2024-05-13 Graphics team meeting
Present: dumbbell, jrm, khorben
* drm:
* dumbbell: no time spent on FreeBSD
* foundation:
* khorben:
* talked to Alfonso about bsddialog/gbsddialog
* found a critical bug in bsddialog and reported it; hopes it can be fixed soon
* released gbsddialog 0.9.1, PR in progress on GitHub (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports/pull/267)
* jrm:
* dumbbell & khorben asked about plans to sponsor someone to work on USB. This is being discussed but it "competes" with several other topics.
* khorben and jrm mentionned [an issue that causes slowness and image corruption](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/issues/302). It affects both i915 and amdgpu drivers. dumbbell talked about a similar issue he gets after a day of uptime.
We also talked about eGPU cases. khorben and dumbbell shared their experiences so far. jrm took some notes.
* References:
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units
Note: the minutes are in English but the meeting was largely in French. It was decided that French would become la langue officielle from now on obviously.
# 2024-05-13 Graphics team meeting
Present: tcberner
* drm:
* dumbbell
* not much time to work on FreeBSD
* foundation:
* jrm:
* Saleh (GSoC applicant) will be working as a foundation intern on some DBus interfaces to match systemd (timedate1, locale1, ....)
* added a wayland flavor for emacs
* there might be a new desktop position available at the foundation
* there's a wireless project that is worked on in the persons' freetime
* khorben:
* Mentoring GSoC student for the installer (not graphical)
* desktop/kde
* adridg/tcberner:
* kf6-6.2 landed
* still having issue with incomplete theme in plasma6
* plan is to finally look into wayland during summer break... [tm]
# 2024-04-29 Graphics team meeting
Present: khorben, adridg
* foundation
* khorben
* last important bit of the graphical installer submitted for review (D45000)
* not final but meant to keep the ball rolling and keep the topic alive for -15
* only really missing a replacement for the checksum and extraction phases now
* ideally should be performed in coordination with asiciliano@ to align bsddialog(1) and gbsddialog(1) on a better behaviour for `--mixedgauge`
* recurring theme in video "What is FreeBSD missing?" from Robonuggie at https://youtu.be/ISJrVuajlAw
* desktop
* adridg
* plasma6 / kf6 from the new branch not landed yet
* policy about qt5 / qt6 upgrades (switch or flavorize) in the making
* https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports-kde/tree/kde-it_goes_to_6
# 2024-04-15 Graphics team meeting
Present: tcberner, manu, khorben, dumbbell, jrm, adridg
* drm:
* manu:
* not much happened wrt to drm
* new firmware for amd gpus added (just hooked into the build)
* firmware loading based on pci-ids for fwget
* wulf committed further linux-kpi patches, for drm 6.6
* manu is planning to get in contact with him for some more information and branches to access the latest code at
* drm 6.1 should be available for 14.1
* pam_xdg has been merged into stable/14
* no bug reports so far
* pam_xdg creates and exports the path to XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
* testing the latest xorg update (some recent CVE fixes)
* libX11 update is pending due to the latest release being bad
* xwayland is now in sync with xwayland-devel
* for example libdecor for window decorations
* all ports are now using xwayland instead of xwayland-devel
* also did some miscellanous x11-land updates
* dumbbell:
* some progress with the audio-part of pipewire
* previously the server blocked in the kernel with multiple clients
* pipewire uses signalfd and timerfd, most of those usages are non-blocking, but the kernel loses this flag at some point
* a local kernel patch makes it look at the original structure instead of the (wrong one) in the kernel
* dumbbell is currently using it as pulseaudio replacement
* pa cli tools seem to be happy with pipewire as a server,
* unfortunately the sound output is not working properly
* graphics-group
* manu
* try to get it done before the core-team switch-over
* foundation
* jrm
* looking into [cosmopolitan](https://github.com/jart/cosmopolitan/blob/master/tool/cosmocc/README.md)
* gsoc:
* 23 applications
* around 7 slots will be accepted
* applications are to be ranked, and then selected
* khorben
* managed to finish most of the installer work in-time
* did live demo of the installer at AsiaBSDCon
* written quarterly status report about the situation
* there are ~7 reviews on phab
* some issues: images are quite big (8G)
* now switching to security issues
* desktop
* adridg/tcberner:
* still looking into the cmake PRs
* branch with KDE Gear 24.02 [it_goes_to_6](https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports-kde/tree/kde-it_goes_to_6) -- will land in ~2 weeks in main if it feels fine
# 2024-04-01 Graphics team meeting
Present: adrdig, tcberner
* desktop
* adridg/tcberer:
* Update of KDE applicatios in port should move forward:
* make kf5 depend on kf6 as needed for co-instability (see upstream wiki)
* will updated overlay to the latest gear release
* ask for testing
* there are a few cmake bugs that adridg will look/looks into
# 2024-03-18 Graphics team meeting
* graphics-group:
* members/charter, progress?
* pam-xdg: [review](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D44011), [commit](6e69612d5df1c1d5bd86990ea4d9a170c030b292)
* drm
* manu
* dumbbell
# 2024-03-04 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: tcberner
* foundation
* khorben:
* [Youtube Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHvRkSENLKc) demonstrating the current state of the graphical installer
* will attend AsiaBSDcon and present at the DevSummit and during the WIP session (lightning talks)
* jrm
* nothing graphics related to report
* Still time to come forward with GSoC projects
* apparently there is quite some interest in FreeBSD this year
* desktop
* KDE 6 mega-release
* [Plasma 6.0.0](https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/commit/?id=163e26d8c6d7cb8f70f3e69d968518d2a4120ae9)
* [Frameworks 6.0.0](https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/commit?id=4e56fb78f3e45cbdbc5b6cd0ff236b05063b7971)
* Plan Gear after branching 2024Q2, no sooner than the first dot-release of Gear (24.02.1).
# 2024-02-19 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Excused: tcberner
* graphics-group
* drm
* foundation
* desktop
# 2024-02-05 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: tcberner
* graphics-group
* manu:
* plan is to officialize the work around the drm / sound /... input
* this should lead to less duplicate work and less frustration
* long-term goal: any port (in above mentioned areas) that lots of people use, should be maintained by this group. This means also taking the away from people who maintain them at the moment on their own.
* core already was informed, and is happy with the idea
* next step is to send a clearer roadmap to core
* formal-group, or less structured?
* probably similarly structured like portmgr
* portmgr and srcmgr would be the managers of this sub-group, as it contains both src and ports aspects in its responsibilities
* khorben: should it be open to non-committers?
* manu: likely restrict it to committers for now
* dumbbell: sound?
* manu: it's broader than just drm
* name is not great, desktop@ would work, already exists (and would need a new name)
* this group might also improve documentation, as to not repeat the issues around libinput
* pipewire will become important with wyland for sound and screensharing
* we'll discuss further in the next meeting, when manu has prepared a draft (manu will send a mail likely before)
* drm
* manu
* linux 6.6 merge request by wulf
* there are some questions, unfortunately again without warning
* dumbbell did not look into it, for uncertainty reasons
* manu tested 6.1 on some devices
* emaste tested 6.6 already on his notebook (intel)
* it's unclear whether wulf will work on further updates after 6.6 or whether that is enough for his company already
* wulf was invited to join the meetings
* kcmp patch merged (24.1 should have it)
* [kcmp related](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=276614) bug report which may need some further looking into from a community management side
* there were some xorg updates
* dumbbell
* would like to understand why screensharing in wayland is not working (pipewire)
* will look at merging vt patches for 14.1
* foundation
* jrm: jake got a job that might keep him too busy for the meetings for a while
* it might make sense to consider to ask for funding by the foundation for some projects
* khorben:
* might mentor a project for GSoC wrt to installer
* graphical installer:
* good news: lots of progress on `*dialog` (almost release-ready)
* bad news: there is another issue that is taking precedence now
* desktop
* adridg&tcberner
* not much has happened
* there are a few cmake prs that ade will look at
# 2024-01-22 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: tcberner, adridg, dumbbell, manu, bsdimp
* drm
* manu:
* no drm news
* firmware ports have been updated, everything should be present now
* mesa updates landed
* there's an upstream pull request for kcmp
* dumbbell:
* looked at 32bit color support in VT
* started to look at pipewire, at the moment only one client can communicate with it (also crashes when screensharing in wayland)
* about-wulf drm/update:
* manu wants to work on graphics charter (input, vt, ...)
to help with coordination
* goal is to have some hierarchical structure (unlike current desktop@)
* graphics > (wayland | x11 |...) > ...
* warner: it makes sense to do this, as this drm&co work touches both worlds, base/ports.
* foundation:
* jrm:
* khorben:
* desktop/kde
* adridg: wrote and submitted quarterly
# 2024-01-08 Graphics team meeting -- same time slot
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: tcberner, adrdig, jrm
* foundation:
* jrm:
* audio contract has started, there was some good feedback on the mailing list to the announcement
* desktop/kde:
* adridg:
* Fosdem: https://illumos.topicbox.com/groups/discuss/T3c539689658e4947
* tcberner:
* New Qt6 based ports for megarelease beta2 https://github.com/tcberner/kde6-overlay/
# 2023-12-11 Graphics team meeting (last of the year)
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: tcberner, dumbbell, manu, jrm, khorben, adridg
* drm status:
* manu:
* no news
* dumbbell
* finished update to 5.18, still some work to be done, beside testing
* possibly missing some firmwares
* create a review of the diff (some changes might be missing in the extracted patches)
* wulf created a [merge request](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/pull/274) to update to 6.1 : origin is not clear
* we should keep intermediate version (for every version)
* to be able to bisect, and find bugs
* dumbbell will finish 5.18
* jfree will likely also work on updating drm
* need to sync with wulf, dumbell/manu, foundation to not do double the work
* document how this working group functions
* ...
* merge drm back to base (ETA 2024Q1)
* pam xdg:
* specification still open in firefox
* foundation updates
* jrm
* foundation got some intersesting proposals wrt to audio "the end goal of this project is to .... "
* dumbell: what about pipewire?
* tcberner: also virtual oss by hsp: https://github.com/hselasky/virtual_oss
* worked on graphics related ports
* redlad update for example
* khorben:
* update to docs [modernize screenshots -- pr 303](https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-doc/pull/303/files)
* demo of graphical gbsddialog / newer Xdialog
* installation media size
* 200MB could be saved, which would free-up space for X/wayland
* there was a fb-backend at some point to Gtk, and there might be a html5 backend
* dumbell: jfree might work on the simpledrm driver
* dumbell: vt does not support truecolor, so support for this would make sense to be added prior to having a nice vt-based installer.
* fosdem
* khorben:
* investigating possibility of a dev room
* dumbbell, adridg, khorben, tcberner likely to attend
* desktop updates
* kde/adridg/tcberner
* added kf6/plasma6 to the ports tree
* gear-devel is going to show up as -devel
* perception of wayland vs x11
* [The no-future of xorg](https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/the-no-future-of-x-org-freebsd-becomes-headless.91235/)
# 2023-11-27 Graphics team meeting
Meeting URL: https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg/
Present: tcberner, jrm, manu, khorben, bsdimp, adridg
To discuss:
* drm status
* manu
* fixed a bug in the intel driver, related to backlight. When the AC adapter was plugged/unplugged the backlight wasn't reset properly.
* mesa: updated to 23.1.8, still behind the last release, but a next version will arrive soon anyways
* patch came from contributer, and was broken for wayland/egl -- now fixed
* also had an issue of picking up elf-utils in unclean environments
* working on an mfs-root based test environment
* maybe with some stat-gathering / user feedback stuff
* pam_xdg looks like a broken mess, cannot not work with multi-seat, as it does create a static directory not based on uid/username.
* specification only calls for the runtime directory to be exported via environment variable
* will create a pam module in base, handle this
* dumbbell
* finished work on the new vt-integration layer -- it was merged on 2023-11-26
* this solves many issues and was a requirement for the newer amdgpu drivers
* drm udpated were also merged
* work on 5.18 patches is in progress, first try ended in kernel panic
* foundation updates
* khorben
* Will take over maintainership for the DeforaOS desktop environment ports (from ocochard@)
* Did some investigation of trueos/ghostbsd graphical installers (midnightbsd uses bsdinstall)
* is a Gtk-based installer -- so same licensing issues
* bsdconfig/bsdinstall needs work to be updated
* installer screenshots are quite outdated in the documentation, updated screenshots and will create a review (alfonso also has some WIP from that)
* jrm
* interviews for OpenJDK position are ongoing (9 applications so far).
* dumbbell will mentor jfree
* worked on the redland port [D42769](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D42769)
* desktop/kde
* tcberner
* KDE6 work -- the ports exist in https://github.com/tcberner/kde6-overlay/tree/main/plasma6 -- they need to be imported into the main tree an kde.mk needs to get patched to support multiple _kde_ver.
* There will also be some funny business, as KDE assumes that we can build packages at the same time for Qt5/Qt6.
# 2023-11-13 Graphics team meeting
Present: tcberner, khorben, adridg, jrm, jfree, warner
To discuss:
* jfree:
* timerfd regression tests were discussed with l??u@; the regression happens due to an overflow caused by conversion. So the issue is not inside timerfd but should be addressed globally in the proper place.
* -> jfree will send warner an email with a summary and todo
* signalfd is in the process of being finished up
* possible future work at the foundation for the frame.works laptops
* -> needs to be discuessed with dumbbell who's already looking at that
* other ideas are to look at the generic drm driver, and port that one to FreeBSD
* -> requires a technical mentor manu/dumbbell or as a fallback ed/jrm/...
* foundation:
* wireless contract work started
* jdk contract still in the open
* usb-4/tb work by scott/hsp
* some parts were found on github
* warner also has some parts
* a major issue is that the documention is sparse
* graphical version of the installer and related issues:
* Gtk+ version of bsddialog (https://github.com/khorben/gbsddialog)
* bsdinstall has not been maintained by its original author for the past 4 years
* dialog/$DIALOG/bsddialog are used inconsistently
* the UI/UX is inconsistent (buttons, interactions, ASCII cursors, windows size...)
* some parts are not yet working properly with gbsddialog, as they rely on properties of the text-interface
* alfonso@ has a Qt version (unclear what stage)
* bapt@ has an idea of a web-based and/or lua-based frontend and backend separation, also allowing text-based and graphical installation
* PXE/NFS to (g)bsdinstall is possible now
* for some reason base.txz needs to be present for the installer to configure the network (which is unexpected to me)
* maybe it makes sense to look at FreeBSD distributions installers
* hellosystems, PC-BSD/TrueOS, GhostBSD, MidnightBSD, NomadBSD...?
* jrm: maybe graphical installer should be secondary to fixing the installer itself
* drm-kmod unloading leads to panic, is that a known-feature or a bug? (https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/issues/265)
# 2023-10-30 Graphics team meeting
Present: tcberner, dumbbell, khorben, joe, bsdimp, adridg
To discuss:
* drm updates:
* dumbbell:
* work on VT-integration layer continues
* the issue with kernel panics is not solved yet
* investigation into how linux does things, it is unclear whether it is actually working properly there either
* foundation:
* jrm:
* Foundation signed full time contract on wireless work (ETA 6-ish months)
* Job application of the certified openjdk still open
* New cluster hardware mostly arrived. clusteradm is dealing with issues racking them, but hopefully a solution will be found.
* Scott Long and and then Hans-Peter Selasky worked on USB4/TB3 support -> needs a new maintainer/developer.
* jrm: reworked stumpwm port over the weekend, so it's a single bundled binary again. It's easier this way. Also will make the COMPRESSION knob on by default for SBCL, so the stumpwm binary goes from ~60MB to around ~11MB. Will hopefully push these changes tonight.
* pierre:
* prototyping graphical version of installer (some progress will be at https://github.com/khorben/gbsddialog)
* working on restoring his own desktop environment (\*/deforaos-\*) to be re-added to the ports tree
* desktop:
* adridg:
* wrapping up the Q3 report for KDE/Desktop
# 2023-10-16 Graphics team meeting
**New meeting place** https://meet.freebsd.org/group/public/xorg -- use whatever user/pw you want
Present: tcberner, dumbbell, manu, bsdimp, jrm, adridg, imp
To discuss:
* summer/winter-time adjustment
* europe will change on 28. of october
* north america 5. november
* we'll check with jake whether moving would improve availablility wrt to university
* status of drm
* news?
* manu:
* drm 5.15 has been updated in ports today
* wolf@freebsd.org found a memleak on amdgpu
* the leak was bad, it would lead to memory exhaustion pretty quickly
* dumbbell:
* vt(4) integration:
* recap: amdgpu in 5.17 dropped its fb_helper-specific code to use the generic `drm_fb_helper` which was commented out on FreeBSD. I worked on a new integration which exposes an fbdev-compatible API so we can use `drm_fb_helper` unmodified.
* The integration is almost finished. The last regression is about DDB/KDB support.
* Patches to `src` reviewed by manu and bz, concerns addressed hopefully, but not ready to be pushed to `src/`: I want to be sure the integration is correct before committing anything
* Linux 5.17 drm-drivers:
* vt(4) integration is the only hold-up
* tz@ frame.work notebook (see 2023-08-23)
* intel gen.13
* timerfd/signalfd:
* signalfd is not yet integrated
* jfree wants to integrate this
* (he also got a src bit just recently)
* timerfd is integrated and fixes are in, there is a minor regression with the glibc test suite
* status of nvidia-drm kmod
* manu asked zirias@ to take maintainership of xscreensaver
* the mail that we sent out a few months ago did not really lead to more commits in this area
* we should probably drop most of the ports (keep xwayland)
* not push them to ports@ directly, but rather look for active maintainers for them
* jrm/pierre/foundation
* jrm:
* the foundation is hiring someone to make official openjdk packages
* this could lead to better support in other packages (libreoffice, ...)
* pierre:
* bsdinstall reviews landed in src already
* further updates pending
* PXE is also in the works
* manu will talk about tftp/efi? with pierre
* bsdimp: if bios/pxe is required, strip stuff out so that the pxe-loader gets smaller (and is always small enough)
* kde/desktop:
* keeping stuff up-to-date; next major step will be when upstream moves to Qt6
# 2023-10-02 Graphics team meeting
* skipped
# 2023-09-18 Graphics team meeting
Present: tcberner, adridg, pierre
To discuss:
* contents of last meeting?
* pierre talked about issue about a version mismatch in the AMD drivers (manu knows, some bits still need to be rewritten to work around GPL-licensed code)
* EuroBSDCon
* no one of the present people was there
* kde/desktop:
* www/qt5-webkit will be dropped by the end of the year, unless someone really needs it
* adridg@ is working on the quarterly report
* appstream support in the pkg-repo and plasma5-discover should be usable soon (arrow@ works on that)
* pierre,foundation:
* openssl-emergency was resolved (linking the legacy provider and the engines to libcrypto.so)
* pxe fails to boot, as the loader is too big
* added separate boot loader for pxe specifically to work around this
* now able to boot with pxe (was broken since 13.0)
* this will help working on the installer (installing over PXE is still broken)
* after this, work on a graphical installer for 15 can begin if the foundation is behind it
# 2023-08-23 Graphics team meeting
Present: tcberner,
To discuss:
* general
* Torsten Zuehlsdorff (tz@) has a frame.work laptop, and is wondering, whether there is a way to help sped-up support for it
* jfree: dumbell got to 12G support, but got held-up in a vt(4) problem. So it has been stagnant for the past 6months.
* warner: whats the tty problem?
* jfree: it's on the github [issue](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/pull/236) and [issue](https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/pull/243)
* jrm asks whether Zoran Vujovic from Supermicro could join the meetings
* Zoran should probably try to provide a "reason" to be here, but not a too high-bar. We should try to be more open (warner).
* nvidia-drm by Austin Shafer landed:
* [commit](https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/commit/?id=4754e9fd33c4fae0359a272d72d9aa7fe75c7a82)
* [review](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D41497)
* This module implements the DRM API, which is commonly used for PRIME and Wayland setups.
* kde/desktop@:
* jbeich landed fix for plasma5-wayland from CheriBSD
* tcberner talked about "upstreaming back to ports" to CheriBSD folks
* [KDE mr 3200](https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace/-/merge_requests/3200) -- maybe better solution would be to adapt systems' profile to set xdg-vars like XDG_CONFIG_DIRS always?
* tcberner: create /etc/xdg to /usr/local/etc/xdg symlink in the installer
* plasma6-beta ports on [github overlay](https://github.com/tcberner/kde6-overlay/tree/main/libraries6)
* jrm: hopefully a new contractor will work with the Foundation on dbus/desktop issues. If it happens it will be at least a fews weeks or months away.
* fyi, horrible timedate1 implementation [repo](https://invent.kde.org/berner/freebsd_timedate1)
* pierre: nothing to report
* jfree:
* timerfd will pushed soon
* additional review requrired [D0177](https://reviews..org/D40177)
* x11@ message follow-up?
* message send by adridg@
# 2023-08-16 Graphics team meeting
- todo: fill in notes :)
# 2023-07-24 Graphics team Meeting
Present: tcberner, pierre, jfree
- from last time: mail to developers@ for review:
Moin moin
x11@ is looking for more people to help maintain its ports. Most of the xorg
ecosystem is in a maintenance phase, which does not require the restrictive
maintainership clause of the past.
So if you see an x11@ port that is out of date, or see an improvement that
could be made to it, please prepare a patch and give x11@ a heads-up of the
upcoming change. If you don't here anything negative back within a week, please
feel free to land it with an implicit approval.
mfg Tobias/x11@
- jfree:
- still pending in review. But after that igt-gpu-tools can land
- pierre:
- kde/desktop@:
- planned to add plasma6 ports from git
# 2023-07-10 Graphics Team Meeting
Present: tcberner,
- bsdimp: To discuss: state of x11@-ports
- Bugzilla management
- Maintainership reconsideration for some ports
- if x11@ maintains ports, they should be updated
- if drive-by commits are no longer an issue, maybe
we should loosen the lock on those ports
- we should try to communicate that x11@ is a bit more open
- "we appreciate the heads-up but if you don't hear anything from x11@ go ahead"
- tcberner will prepare an email for review (maintainership will stay, but ease the workflow).
- jfree:
- would like some am input from bsdimp:
- bsdimp: time to commit it
- signalfd has been done in the meantime and is ready for review
- bsdimp will take a look at whether this will introduce a precedent
- [review D40791](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D40791)
- ETA if possible this should land before the 14-freeze.
- pierre:
- openssl fixes are in, but nothing new wrt to desktop/x11
- working on FreeBSD installer
- adridg/tcberner, kde/desktop:
- not much happend ()
# 2023-06-26 Graphics Team Meeting
Present: tcberner, adridge, pierre
- To discuss: state of x11@-ports
- Bugzilla management
- Maintainership reconsideration for some ports
- pierre: openssl3 merge seems to be in good shape, and is in the tree, so 14 is no longer blocked. So graphics is up next.
- adriaan: qtcreator update landed
- adriaan: writing the quarterly report for kde/desktop
- kde: kf5 pending to push, same for gear and plasma
# 2023-06-12 Graphics Team Meeting
Present: tcberner, jrm, jfree
- manu: drm updates?
- dumbbell&co: drm 5.17 status?
- jfree:
- timerfd: done
- controvery surrounding implementation
- syscalls are simpler and make bsd-user translation easier
- ioctls avoid adding one-offs to syscall table
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D38459
- signalfd: 75% done
- only spare time to work on, etc september
- igt-gpu-tools: todo
- should be updated soon after signalfd
- jrm:
- working on other things (e.g., non-develpment FF duties and other tasks like tcpdump update)
- noticed video lockups, but they seem to be fixed after updating to a more recent main and rebuilding drm-515-kmod.
- manu mentioned something about losing accel after switching to a vt. This seems to happen for suspend/resume as well. Caveat: I'm still using quite old hardware (Sandy Bridge), so maybe this isn't happening elsewhere and thus not a priority. I'm unsure.
- pierre:
- focussed on openssl3 migration
- ade/tcberenr: kde,desktop stuff?
# 2023-05-29 ***Cancelled*** Graphics Team Meeting
- public holiday, see you again, in two weeks on june 12th
# 2023-05-15 Graphics Team Meeting
manu, dumbbel, adridge, tcberner
- manu:
- DRM updates
- Fix on Baytrail/Valleyview https://github.com/freebsd/drm-kmod/commit/e64430ea1cc180aca1afbbb306af710dcf86a84d (Only on 5.10 for now)
- patch committed from A. Shafer of nvidia should make switching iGPU and nvidia GPU work on FreeBSD
- xorg-server:
- people that care about xorg should take care of it
- communicate this fact on the mailng list
- dumbbell & Co:
- No real progress in the past few weeks
- DRM from Linux 5.17:
- `i915kms`: Seems to work on 12th gen.
- `amdgpu`: Kernel panic; thus some regression compared to 5.15/5.16.
- adridg/tcberner,kde@/desktop@
- not much happened
- all other things:
# 2023-05-01 Graphics Team Meeting
- manu:
- DRM updates?
- xorg-server?
- dumbbell & Co:
- jrm:
- Position given to Pierre Pronchery
- jfree:
- no update on timerfd, due to real life happening
- adridg/tcberner,kde@/desktop@
- not much happened
- recurring fallout
- due to Akonadi update (23.04)
- math/readstat fallout
- devel/qt5-qmake fallout fixed when single install (no other Qt packages installed)
- all other things:
- adridg@ gets a fun RISC-V board (for KDE), but will taste some FreeBSD first :)
- pierre & jrm:
- userland software delveoper at the FreeBSD foundatino
- openssl3.0 as first task
- user experience as core focus
# 2023-04-17 Graphics Team Meeting
Present: tcberner, bsdimp, adridg, jfree, jrm,
- manu:
- DRM updates?
- xorg-server?
- dumbbell (could not attend):
- "I had little time to work on FreeBSD in the past two weeks, but I still made some progress with vt(4). As part of my attempt to make nested panics work inside vt(4)/DRM callbacks (so we get core dumps), Mark Johnston helped me figure out the issue that was blocking me."
- jrm:
- update on foundations' paid position?
- good news pending, next meeting more concrete response
- jfree:
- tried to work on IGT,
- timerfd work is done; manpage exposed some road blocks
- it is unclear whether FreeBSD has some hook to recognize time of day changes
- at the moment it's using callouts
- epoll shim uses a `sysctl hw.boottime` to do that
- https://github.com/jiixyj/epoll-shim
- warner: caching the boot time works, as this should catch large ntp stepping the time.
- warner: future re-work of the suspend/resume might also lead to changes in this area (ETA 14.5-ish)
- realtime is the main issue
- adridg,tcberner/kde@,desktop@:
- KF5 5.105 landed, Plasma 5.24.7
- Qt 6.5.0 update coming (CI-hosts are already using it)
- Qt 5.15.9 exp-run pending
- Readded support to disable DBus in at-spi2
- misc updates: libxml2, accountsservices
- cmake update landed in the tree
- all other things:
# 2023-04-03 Graphics Team Meeting
Meeting not held; only jrm and dumbbell were available.
- dumbbell:
- vt(4) integration
- Fixed several locking issues, after some valuable reports on GitHub.
- Still needs some improvements and fixes, as I still get crashes/reboots with a GENERIC kernel.
- Trying to fix kernel dumps when the kernel crashes inside a vt(4) callback. The problem is that a panic shows a stacktrace and a dump displays its progress on the console, which therefore reenters vt(4) code. This can trigger another panic inside the same vt(4) callback while e.g. the stacktrace is displayed. I'm working on a patch to skip the display of anything if the panic originates from vt(4) basically.
- Linux 5.18
- Started to backport patches from Linux 5.18 because 5.15-LTS seems to work better than 5.17 on my Intel 12th gen. Also people ask me when Intel 13th gen will be working.
# 2023-03-20 Graphics Team Meeting
Present: chris moerz, goran mekic, jake freeland, dumbbell, tcberner, joe, adridg
- manu:
- dumbbell&Co:
- Progress on vt(4) integration
- a new layer has been added to interact with vt
- this replaces the current integration layer (vt_fb), which was intialized form the drm drivers (memory region is passed, and written to)
- since 5.17 this is no longer working (no refresh)
- the new implementation explicitely calls the callbacks (as linux would do)
- seems to work [tm]
- console seems to be working now
- all drivers now use the drm_fb helpers
- tested successfully on amdgpu and intel
- chris tried to reduce some code duplication (still some issues, freeze occurs after initialization)
- Broken GuC support
- all versions >=5.15 seems to be affected
- complete freeze-up; without GuC the drivers loads fine, and sway/xorg works fine (on intel 12th gen)
- as it does not seem to be requied at the moment (as initially thought), this might not be a big issue at the moment.
- So disable GuC for now, probably.
- Reason for GuC: offloading more stuff to GPU/firmware, but not quite clear
- GuC seems to be required for proper power management, so we might suffer a bit more there
- also, it appears that there's additional offloading happening with GuC: HEVC/H.264, low level graphics context scheduling
- might be reasonable to test 13th gen to check whether GuC will be really required then
- kde,desktop@
- KDE Frameworks 5.104 landed
- Some build issues on 12.x (qt5-webengine, libqalculate, ...)
- issues might pile up for 12
- unfortunately still supported until end of year
- clang language/library support is starting to lag behind gcc now
- std:ranges, and so on
- even clang15 is lacking behind, so forcing modern llvm15 won't help us there
- clang16 was released recently so that might improve stuff a bit
- Upstream CI has memory issues
- probably ZFS Arc related
- needs urgent looking into
- jrm:
- google summer of code needs mentors/projects
- jfree:
- LinuxKPI wiki page needs accuracy checking
- https://wiki.freebsd.org/LinuxKPI
- Maybe an article in the handbook would be more appropriate?
- adridg:
- might be getting a decent RISC-V board to play around with for a while
- pr roundup
- desktop@:
- [pr 270361](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=270361) -- meson feature activation
- [pr 269996](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=269996) -- accesibility/at-spi2-core without dbus -- good to go
- [pr 267276 ](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=267276) -- graphics/tiff CVE fixes
- kde@:
- [pr 270293](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=270293) -- mlt6 against ffmpeg6
- [pr 270213](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=270213) -- QtAV against ffmpeg6
- [pr 270337](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=270337) -- ancient patch for curl in cmake -> adridg@
- x11@:
- [pr 268963](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=268963) -- update xorg-server (5CVE)
- possibly related [pr 265244](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=265244) and [pr 260526](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=260526)
- [pr 270331](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=270331) -- man pages missing in x11/libXtst
# 2023-03-06 Graphics Team Meeting
*please check the list of attendees, I forgot to do that while people were still present*
Attendees: tcberner, jrm, jfree, adridg, chris moerz, goran mekic, ihor, bsdimp, dumbbell
- dumbbell (&Co):
- Met with Christian and Goran who are interested in helping with drm-kmod
- Goran&Chris want to help out with the drm stuff
- dumbbell already showed how to backport patches, Goran is already trying that by himself and want to write some documentation
- Chris is looking at the vt(4) integration, so that we are compatible with Linux
- Progress on drm-kmod 5.17
- Even though all patches were backported, it did not work quite yet
- Intel 9th gen works, 12th gen does not
- Still debugging/investigating; GuC seems to be required starting from 12th gen, this is one lead
- The computer hangs at driver load time; intel-gpu-tool may not help yet
- amdgpu breaks the console because it now uses the generic drm framebuffer code which was not ported on FreeBSD yet
- kde@:
- www/qt5-webengine landed by kai
- mlt7
- CI update
- desktop@:
- accessibility/at-spi2-core -- this might get DBUS to people that do not want it x11-toolkits/gtk3
- consolekit/systemd-logind wrt to sysutils/accountsservice [D37679](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D37679)
- elogind (possibly no longer maintained)
- seatd
- possible solution: use seatd and add DBus
- https://sr.ht/~kennylevinsen/seatd/
- Currently supports Linux and FreeBSD, and has experimental NetBSD support.
- arrowd@ is looking at network-manager at work
# 2023-02-20 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: tcberner, jrm, jfree, manu, adridg, dumbbell
- dumbbell:
- Linux 5.17 backport finished
- finished this weekend, will include support for intel 12th gen integrated GPUs.
- no success yet, hangs on black screen
- improvement from green screen ;-)
- next setps: debugging and get it working
- 9th gen intel seems to work fine though
- fix amdgpu framebuffer/console support
- DRM <-> vt(4) integration?
- in 5.17 the specific code to handle terminal was dropped from the amdgpu driver; it now uses the generic code in `drm_fb_helper` which is commentted out on FreeBSD
- likely only supports modern linuxfb in the future
- vt(4) integration needs some work?
- manu: has not looked at the sources; linux seems to drop fbdev in the future?
- needs some looking into
- apparently fbdev is a second class citizen in 6.2 already
- dumbbell: will have to prioritize work on the framebuffer code as part of 5.17
- manu:
- graphics/drm-515-kmod created
- merged to master
- 5.15-lts branch created (5.15.25-ish)
- new port has been created (for current, should also work on stable in a few days)
- graphics/gpu-firmware-kmods updated
- further updates coming, hopefully before 13.x
- kde@ good news^2
- Plasma fixed
- commit [d51577ef32939d546ce293f0014124eb03f9d9eb](https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/commit/?id=d51577ef32939d546ce293f0014124eb03f9d9eb)
- Plasma updated
- in progress:
- multimedia/mlt7 update to 7.12.0
- requires review/feedback:
- www/qt5-webengine update [D38165](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D38165)
- net-im/libquotient
- adridg will take a look and try to fix it on 12.4
- desktop@:
- vala 0.56.4 done
- accessibility/at-spi2-core [pr 269704](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=269704)
- in progrss:
- graphics/tiff
- graphics/jpeg-turbo [pr 269449](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=269449)
- print/freetype2
- pending:
- audio/pulseaudio 16.1
- devel/dbus 0.14.6
- graphics/opencv 0.4.7
- devel/libsoup 3.3.1
- gnome@ state update:
- ???
- jfree:
- graphics/igt-gpu-tools 1.27.X update
- upstreamed patches
- timerfd almost done [D38459](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D38459)
- signalfd soon
- Intel 2nd and 13th gen testing
- 5.18 needed (soon ...)
- next meeting on the 6th of march
# 2023-02-06 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), jrm, jfree, manu, adridg
- kde@ good news
- arrowd is being paid to work / fix KDE ports on FreeBSD
- is working on the fix to Plasma Shell >= 5.25 at the moment
- manu update on drm&co:
- update mesa to the latest release
- holding back on merging to quarterly branch (should there be any regression lurking in the shadows)
- next release should be next week
- will include rust-icl
- should work on AMD
- intel possibly too?
- jbeich added an option to support rust-icl already
- only a build dependency
- manu: probably add it as an non-default option too (after testing on AMD hardware)
- dumbbell committed the changes for 5.13 and 5.14 updates
- 5.13 was not merged (due to problems, bisecting it, to figure out a weird issue in grafana in firefox)
- 5.14 will be merged in afterwards
- FreeBDS 13.2 will not receive 5.15
- drives should arrive in base before FreeBSD 14
- few open questions remain before it can be worked on
- jrm:
- some window manager updates
- job description went out
- has some great replies
- includes
- dbus shims (for desktop usage)
- pkg base support
- manu uses it, works great [tm]
- wiki might be a good (slightly?) outdated ressource on how to use it
- core will take a look into this too
- subpackes would also be an option for the future employee
- ok, to invite dumbbell for next meeting
- tcberner will invite him for the next meeting
# 2023-01-23 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@), Jake Freeland (jfree@)
- tcberner
- Upgrade issues reported, but it appears to be user error trying to do something complicated.
- Plasma not launching is still on the todo
- https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=461316
- KDE framework is Qt v6 now in upstream master
- adridg
- New cmake in main
- Review handbook for X11
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D38143
- has link
- should also look in handbook at KDE
- package descriptions need a once over, since they mention the outdated hal.
- jake
- Alderlake laptop support
- Christian Moore
- https://github.com/christian-moerz/drm-kmod
- dumbell is working on the update: he's up to 5.14
# 2023-01-09 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@),
- tcberner:
- will take over organizing the meeting for a while
- kde@/desktop@
- still trying to figure out why plasma > 5.24 fails to start
- did some printf debugging in startplasma but no progress so far
- kde@:
- other updates all are going smoothly
- wayland still broken likely, but cheriBSD got it working
- [linkedin post](https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/prison/-/commit/14fb6f0a31373b242bdeb18cf9f3a36441bf86b5)
- gnome@
- dead? fluffy and vishivin, but nc seems to be afk
- maybe needs looking into in the future
- llvm default was bumped to 15
- this makes ports by default in sync with graphics/mesa-libs so fewer different llvm installations on a desktop system are required
- together with llvm.mk this should improve the situations some more
- desktop@
- tiff security fix [267276](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=267276) ready to land
- bsdimp will update the notes in the repo
# 2022-12-05 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Joseph Mingrone (jrm@),
Emmanuel Vadot (manu@), Jake Freeland (jfree@),
Niclas Zeising (zeising@)
- manu:
- not much happended, until the beginning of december
- mesa update to 22.3 happend (includes undcoumented removal of xvmc),
- contains Rusticl (will replace clover in the future)
- llvm-dependency updated to llvm15
- opencl dependencies updated to
- drm-kmod
- merged in patches from 5.11 (5.12 patches available but untested) (by dumbbell@)
- merged in patches for amd firmware in never version (by dumbbell@)
- new updates for some xorg libraries
- TODO: make LLVM_DEFAULT=15 in bsd.default-version.mk
- kde/desktop:
- not much happend
- still have issues with the plasma session coming up
- jrm:
- working on stumpwm (written in common-lisb)
- next meeting will be on january 9th 2023, on 19:30 CET
# 2022-11-21 Graphics Team Meeting
- Skipped
- Next meeting on 2022-12-05 at 19:30 CET
# 2022-11-07 Graphics Team Meeting
- Skipped
- Next meeting on 2022-11-21 at 19:30 CET
# 2022-10-10 Graphics Team Meeting -- 19:15CEST instead of 19:00
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Joseph Mingrone (jrm@), Warner Losh (imp@), Jake Freeland (jfree@)
- kde:
- Plasma >= 5.25 may be fixed by the DBus update landed earlier today -- still need to verify
- qt6-webengine still pending due to kai@ being on holiday
- jake:
- questions about LinuxKPI:
- how to contribute to changes?
- what should be converted, and what not?
- warner: convenience vs long-term strategy
- contact Bjoern or Manu for details/advice
- sync files (Linux vs FreeBSD KPI in Userspace)?
- looking for a src-mentor
- network-manager interface would be very good to have soon
- Gleb Popov (arrowd@) already implemented bsdidsk2 (udisk2) for FreeBSD -- so he may be a good candidate for the foundation to contact.
# 2022-09-26 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@), Warner Losh (imp@)
- Quarterly Report:
- x11@ is there anything to write about, who will do it?
- xorg upgrade?
- drm stuff from manu?
- package repo's for all FreeBSD
- src-based packages (ala Linux)
- different repos by FreeBSD-version
- most likely multiple solutions needed to fit all the use-cases
- kde@/desktop@ handled by adridg@
- qt6-webengine, will arive soon
- Felix Palmen: if intersted should try to join x11@
- adridg@
- poudriere failures due to file(1) being patched wrongly (100 file limit)
# 2022-09-12 Graphics Team Meeting
- Skipped due to schedulling conflicts
# 2022-08-29 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@), Joseph Mingrone (jrm@),
- Qt6 finally landed
- webengine/webview pending (kai Kai Knoblich is working on that)
- Plasma 5.25.4 is pending
- Is blocked at the moment due to an issue with kactivitymanagerd not starting up
- [458356](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458356)
- Jake Freeland will likely join some future meetings (GSOC student)
- See e.g. [D36213](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D36213)
- jrm:
- worked on fixing x11-wm/stumpwm [8bcff3b7](https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/commit/?id=8bcff3b7dc77952a94aadf0b421e421173a39546)
- adridg:
- will start with the quarterly notes (he needs to start now, due to old age)
# 2022-08-15 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@), Warner Losh (imp@), Joseph Mingrone (jrm@)
- kde: Qt6 finally not segfaulting anymore (not due to us, but upstream did something, apparently)
- exp-run pending (to ensure that Qt5 is not broken by the import)
- pam fix merged to 13-stable, should be in next release -> plasma 5.25 can be updated
- 5.25 still has some issues (kactivitymanagerd not starting on its own, blocking startkde_x11)
- cmake 3.24 exp-run pending (lots of fun fallout)
- has if_linux now... if_freebsd will be added for symmetry
- will simplify patches, as you no longer need to compare operating system name to "FreeBSD"
- desktop:
- cairo issues - pending update/plist fixes [263852](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=263852)
- llvm-default/qdoc->LLVM_DEFAULT value
- [263456](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=263456)
- [263302](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=263302)
- chasing the first would resolve the latter.
- se@ AMD issue probaby not in the "best-effort" range.
- possibly add some documentation on the "best-effort" range and the expectiations users can have on the tree.
- foundation is interested in supporting FreeBSD/graphics
# 2022-08-01 Graphics Team Meeting
- Skipped
# 2022-07-18 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@), Joseph Mingrone (jrm@), Warner Losh (imp@)
- manu:
- librdrm updated to the latest version, still testing
- bapt is working on xorg and xwayland to the latest versions [D35661](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D35661) and [D35662](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D35662)
- kde:
- Qt6 still being annyoing and segfaulting when simple UI elements are used
- hello world works ([screenshot](https://people.freebsd.org/~tcberner/patches/qt6-helloworld.png)) -- but adding for example a QComboBox will make it segfault
- still issue with PAM fix not backported to 12.x and 13.x (blocking update of screenlocker components)
- jrm: freetype2 review [D35712](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D35712)
- good to go with PORTREVISION bump
# 2022-07-04 Graphics Team Meeting
Skipped (July 4th)
# 2022-06-20 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Warner Losh (imp@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@)
- not much happend in the past two weeks -- next meeting on Juli 4th (or two weeks after)
# 2022-06-06 Graphics Team Meeting
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@), Warner Losh (imp@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@)
- kde:
- kde removed the setuid helper from the screenlocker (as pam (read linux pam) can self-auth without root permissions)
- https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kscreenlocker/-/merge_requests/59#note_454084
- possible fix:
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D35169
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D35347
- https://github.com/Zirias/unix-selfauth-helper
=> Get EN to be created and that should be resolved
- manu:
- Updated drm to the latest version (diff: ) and dogfooding.
- Spent last few weeks to fix un- and reloading for drm drivers
- Works perfectly fine for AMD-GPUs
- Intel GPU's have some undeterminstic failures
- Multiple bug fixes
- i2c
- drmkmod
- Did some bugtracker cleanup
- Yet to come, mesa update (22.x)
- general:
- update the llvm-default to 13 PR to be default to 14.
- PR (263456)[https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=263456]
- warner&manu:
- will take an other look at the kmod situation (->portmgr).
# 2022-05-23 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
- Meeting skipped due to schedulling issues :)
# 2022-05-09 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@), Warner Losh (imp@), Joseph Mingrone (jrm@)
- manu
- changed how drm-ports work (previously `-${freebsd_version_name}-kmod`) -- now `drm-${linux_version}-kmod`
- modern GPU require firmware: gpu-kmod-firmware port has been changed so that users don't have to install all the firmware, but can only install the one they need.
- a metaport is still available so that users that are unsure can "have it all".
- drm-kmod has been updated by wulf@
- seems to work fine
- currently working on making the module un-loadable
- adriaan
- has been fixing buildfailures (random-thingies)
- trying to get plasma-wayland to work again
- jrm
- display port issues with sandy-bridge laptop -- external monitor suddenly turning off is probably specific to DP.
- still not quite sure what the issue is
# 2022-04-25 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@), Warner Losh (imp@), Joseph Mingrone (jrm@)
- bsdimp
- LinuxKPI: latest RC works with the packages, so should be good to go for the release.
- GSoC
- possible student for manu@
- kde@
- reasonable bug count number
- usual updates are happening on schedule
- Qt6 is getting more important
- still the same segfaults (likely due to unique_ptr differences [kde blog](https://blogs.kde.org/2021/02/20/uniqueptr-difference-between-libstdc-and-libc-crashes-your-application) )
- CI: dfaure@kde.org is keeping an active eye on KDE Frameworks unit tests
- kwin/wayland also is being monitored
- desktop@
- not much changed
# 2022-04-11 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@), jrm, Warner Losh (imp@)
- adridg@ vanquished a bunch of desktop@ bugs
- cairo bug [257091](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=257091) still needs some looking into
- glib related issues:
- glib-networking
- jbeich is also handling
- would require some synchronization
- libxml2
- reverted to autoconf due to dependency loops with cmake
- kde@ not many new bugs
- is there something we don't do on FreeBSD that Linux does when unplugging HDMI displays (like automatically trigger xrandr) -> manu?
- ask more people
- warner: made sure that linux kpi is binary compatible for 13.1 to 13.0
- plan is to have a windowed compatibility
- limited abi stability within the window
- 99% of binary incompatibility problem are solved by this
- stuff had to be moved around a bit to made this work nicely
- hopefully this approach makes it less painful than the 12.x release cycle
- this will be properly resolved once manu moves the drivers back into the src
- no guarantee: just a "best effort"
- CI: foundation is likely willing to support financially
- hardware and people
- what is mostly lacking is someone to spear-head it
# 2022-03-28 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@), jrm
- manu
- mesa updated to latest 21.3-release (last release with the "old" drivers)
- 22 branch will drop some drivers
- Radeon r100, r200 and so on will lose support (these are the 2004-era devices, not the newer ones with similar name)
- there is a branch upstream to add some support back again
- no plans to add suport on FreeBSD, but contributions will not be rejected
- Intels 1st generation gpu will likely also get dropped
- will land after quarterly has been cut
- drm
- work on 5.10 on-going
- everything on Linux KPI side available
- should be done soon [tm]
- after 5.10 a lot of Linux KPI parts need to be moved to base
- lots of possibilites for conflicts
- will lead to sume fun-updates for current users
- adriaan
- writing the quarterly report
- KDE FreeBSD CI fixes
- for kmail
- kdeconnect-kde (needs some fixing so that "support" can be official again)
- tcberner
- preparing some triggers
- kde@
- update issues with KF5 upgrades
- old: include/Foo/Foo <-- header
- new: include/Foo/Foo/Foo <-- header location now a directory
- suggested fix: add UPDATING note as it only affects one package (grantleetheme-21.12.3 -> 22.03.0 at the moment)
- jrm
- Says hello
- Some issues with hot CPU, Kabylake / Skylake?
- with drm-5.9
- drm-5.8 worked better
# 2022-03-14 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@)
- switch meeting one hour earlier (@bsdimp update calendar) for the meeting on the 28th march (17:00 UTC to handle DST stuff)
- bsdimp will handle it
- FreeBSD 13.1-beta and drm should just work (after recompiling against the proper kernel sources).
- manu will test during this week to make sure
- binary compatibility should not be an issue [tm]
- x11-toolkits/Xaw3d can be updated freely
- xorg-server pr [260526](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=260526) can go in
- tcberner will do that some time soonish
- mesa 22 got released last week (hopefully all patches till apply, not yet looked at by manu)
- probably wait for the first .1 release (no need to hurry)
- manu:
- worked on syncing drm-kmod
- panfrost driver (for arm)
- this should lessen pain for future imports
- updating drm-kmod to 5.10 (eta end of this week)
# 2022-02-28 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Warner Losh (imp@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@)
- manu:
- mesa-21.3.7 landed
- including lava-pipe (like llvm-pipe, but for vulkan)
- added panfrost driver for arm64
- drm test tool
- tests can be started independently
- main programm that runs all tests (and report) not working atm
- requires testing (and patches)
- drm-kmod to be updated from 5.8
- some pending GPL rewrites
- drm will get back into base (ETA 2022Q2-ish)
- not yet publically announced (as road map not clear yet)
- advantages:
- in sync with base
- easier to handle for users (not additional software required)
- firmware will still be in ports (required for amd, but for intel not that important)
- zeising/x11:
- still busy in RL
- desktop/kde:
- wayland is still an issue with wayland
- Qt6 still pending
- desktop/gnome:
- maybe invite nc@ at some poit to the meeting
- desktop/adridg:
- copperspice added
# 2022-02-14 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Warner Losh (imp@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@)
What shall we do with a drunken sailor,
What shall we do with a port man-a-ger,
tra la la la la
- x11@
- desktop@/kde@
- work on lumina converting to cmake instead of qmake
- copperspice to be readded
- plasma wayland still needs work
# 2022-01-17 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@), Warner Losh (imp@)
- x11@
- review [D33332](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D33332) mesa update
- can be merged
- last release with dri drivers
- drm kmod updated to 5.7 (on current, soon to be mfc'ed to 13.1+)
- lot of cleanup done, nearly all gpl headers removed
- support for 12.x not in scope
- make the policy public, that only current and $(current-1) are supported officially by the graphics project
- other releases are best effort (no one will break it on purpose)
- imp@ will create a draft for the public communication
- desktop@
- Qt-ports switched to the KDE-Qt patch collection
- priority of kde@
- get plasma wayland working again
- get Qt6 into ports
- poppler stuck at 21.12 because 22.01 requires c++17, while some ports depending on poppler require <=c++14
# 2021-12-06 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@)
- kde@ bugs
- https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-95401
- desktop@ bugs
- give meson to jbeich?
# 2021-11-22 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Warner Losh (imp@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@)
Note: meet.kde.org seems to have issues at the moment (19:00CET)
Altnerate meeting link: https://meet.google.com/sox-uiin-nen (this week only)
- manu worked through some of the PR ~80ish
- open prs to discuss
- pr [259160](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=259160) ready to commit (fix build on riscv64)
- pr [259455](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=259455) "loading i915kms from rc.conf cause system freeze"
- you should not be able to do that...
- but maybe some stuff may have changed...
- pr [259670](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=259670) "sporadic GPU hang with i915kms"
- pr [259791](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=259791) "enable SNA by default"
- pr [259949](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=259949) "x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware is broken after libdrm-2.4.108"
- merge request for FreeBSD CI: [FreeBSD CI DRM](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm/-/merge_requests/204)
- non native
- qemu
- FreeBSD 13.0
- review for native i2c
- [D33053](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D33053)
# 2021-11-08 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Warner Losh (imp@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@)
- x11/xorgproto update 2021.5 [D32766](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D32766) good to go? -- yes: approved
- [pr 259410](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=259410) - possibly close, as libinput-driver should be enough in virtually all cases
- kde@ should check why x11/plasma5-plasma-desktop depends on it
- x11-servers/xorg-server: remove DEVD option
- desktop@
- Qt6 roadmap
- adopted ImageMagick ports
- [pr 259614](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=259614) fixes plasma-wayland session
- drm-kmod:
- cleanup on headers done
- ETA next wednesday
- i2c reimplemented in LinuxKPI (clean reimplementation without stolen code)
- i2c nodes exposed to user land / can be queried & controlled from user land
- nc@ created PR for 5.7
- needs some work
- mesa-21.3 not out yet (rc4)
# 2021-10-18 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Warner Losh (bsdimp@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@)
- Update for X server update
- Only portrevision nit.
- Mesa 21.3 is last of the 21 series
- Manu waiting for it to become final
- drmkmod
- thanks to Wulf we have 5.6 that's almost ready
- 5.6.16 or 5.6.17 level
- suspend / resume broken for amd laptop
- amd is a mess, so bisection hard (problems fixes introduce regressions)
- Kaby Lake suspend / resume broken traced to a single commit
- Lots of cleanup on linux kpi directory
- split include directory to have gpl and bsd licensed files separated
- may do that c files too
- Bump libclc level (llvm10->llvm11)
- OpenCL may be broken with llvm11 patch
- Updating to llvm12 in progress
- Jan Beich created flavored version for SPIRV llvm11 needed for intel GPUs (spirv-llvm-translator)
- Update graphics firmware to be flavorized so it's one per GPU type and generation [D32497](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D32497)
- Default is that you'll get all the firmware, like before (though it's big 250MB due to AMD GPU firmware count)
- But you can install just the thing you need, if you know what that is
- drm port requires only a few things, so we'll keep it unified.
- Desktop and KDE Land
- Things are generally good
- Breakage on -current for a short time due to unconditional linux header (since fixed)
- libinput updated (Adriaan did the update to 1.19)
- Qt stopped supporting Qt5. KDE has a bunch of patches on top of our patches for KDE Qt patch collection.
- Requests to make dbus optional, but there be dragons when enabled
- Is quite complicated, and likely impossible
- Next meeting on Nov 8th rather than Nov 1st to avoid DST cutover differences between US and EU.
# 2021-10-03 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Warner Losh (bsdimp@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@), Kevin Bowling
- libinput: KDE upstream would like 1.19.x for the upcoming release -- port is still at 1.16.4.
- adridg@ will create a PR, and set "Maintainer Feedback?" flag
- seems to be no reason for the holdback on 1.16
- Fails in patching when bumped to 1.19.x (problem is in shebang files, adridg@ on it)
- fontconfig is still on the todo for adridg@
- xorg-server update is still on the todo of tcberner@
- kde now uses gitlab CI, more FreeBSD systems in KDE upstream (now FreeBSD 13, previously 12)
- Wayland not working in 13 and 14
- adridg@ will take look at it
- PR to make dbus optional
- Very foot shooty
- Having the option is fine, so long as it doesn't break other ports
- Binary nvidia driver - kbowling
- Suspend / resume working with it
- Suspends fine, resume fails with ACPI error (card not back in D0 state)
- Hooks for all this in sources we have for binary driver
# 2021-09-20 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@), Warner Losh (bsdimp@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@)
- Pulseaudio and Pipewire is what's interesting now
- Pulseaudio is working and bugs closed
- Pipewire isn't working quite right with with chrome (www/qt5-webengine requires libpipewire-0.20, we have 0.3x in ports)
- Developed with Wayland in mind (need pipewire to do screen sharing, etc)
- KDE wants a newer pipewire than chromium wants
- Version updates are in progress (need two versions: one for KDE and one for webengine)
- Chromium needs / wants newest pipewire (unsure if this means not enabled or silently bundled)
- X11 PRs
- libwacom building with llvm13: it's doing weird things
- Minor updates
- wayland updates in progress (assigned to portmgr)
- Waiting for exp run to finish
- wayland protocol update fine
- complaint that pure UEFI mode isn't working with xorg. Likely a documentation bug.
- Another one that's a known issue
- Need to have a PR scrub and maybe a bug-a-thon to fix the known issues and/or document known problems.
- Desktop PRs
- fontconfig is next up for Adriaan
- Need hook into the pkg triggers for running the pkg trigger script when we install a font.
- Waiting on pkg triggers to be allowed into tree
# 2021-09-06 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@), Warner Losh (bsdimp@), Adriaan de Groot (adridg@)
- tcberner@ will prepare the xorg-server update
# 2021-08-23 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Warner Losh (bsdimp@)
- **TO DISCUSS**: how to monitor directories effectively
- opening all files in ~ can be too much
- a better monitoring solution for files is required that does not need opening individual files
- also blocked umounting (maybe solved by using O_PATH)
- Steps to take: open PR for kqueue/kevent
- [PR 258010](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=258010)
- probably foundation should get involved and found development (read: pay kib to do it)
# 2021-08-09 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Niclas Zeising (zeising@), Warner Losh (bsdimp@)
- Review [D31465 - Make libglvnd a LIB_DEPEND in various usages](https://reviews.freebsd.org/D31465)
- Need to make sure the dependencies are sane after this change
- Manu should review to make sure things are the right way around
- mesa-devel and mesa-libs switches from having a build dependency to library dependency
- Need to do poudriere bulk to make sure things build and there's no surprise dependencies
- Seems like it might be OK, but there's a number of non-obvious issues manu@ will want to comment on as to why it's the way it is today.
- xorg update still pending... team is on European Holiday
- Patch for nvidia driver Danfe is taking care of [257456](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=257456)
# 2021-07-26 Graphics Team Meeting Notes
Attendees: Niclas Zeising (zeising@), Tobias Berner (tcberner@), Emmanuel Vadot (manu@)
- mesa 21.1.5: broken on FreeBSD 11.4. Fix exists, requires testing, pr [257305](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=257305).
- issue on powerpc fixed by Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj@)
- question crocus pr [257335](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=257335), only for mesa-devel. Crocus is not the default in mesa 21.2.
- new xorg version [1.20.12](https://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-announce/2021-July/003098.html)
- just needs patching and runtime testing
- easy [tm]
- nvidia drivers require some headers possibly (probably bad idea, because of unkonwn side-effects)
- manu will handle communication with ashafer from nVidia.
- providing headers as a package is feasible once we have sub-package support
- One report of font rendering issues on i386 on FreeBSD 12.2 with radeonkms pr [252924](https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=252924)
- probably nothing we can do, the GPU is old, and i386 is best effort.
- Niclas has replied in the PR.
# 2021-07-12 Graphics Meeting Notes
Restarting the note taking for the meeetings
Attendees: Emmanuel Vadot, Niclas Zeising, Tobias Berner, Adriaan de Groot, Warner Losh
- ast driver changes - landed and reporter confirmed working.
- New Xorg server has a new development snapshot for 1.21
- Preview release out
- Unclear if there will be a proper release or just snapshots
- New PRs with old bugs, old PRs with new comments
- libdrm / mesa update
- Manu has update ready for both of these
- briefly tested today, lightly testing
- Updating reviews as manu finds/fixes bugs
- Hope to commit early next week
- Need to cleanup some issues wrt drm driver
- Want subpackages so we can avoid double compiles, poudriere folks have some issues they are ironing out before it goes in.
- Plan to give people the weekend to test before committing next week.
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D31003
- https://reviews.freebsd.org/D31165
- drm 5.5 driver has landed
- Had for a year, but only working on amd gpu
- Wulf finished bits for linuxkpi and drm parts
- drm-devel has been updated
- some issues have been reported with amd gpu
- otoh, some reports of newly working hardware
- We were on 5.4 LTS and hope to eventually transition to 5.10 LTS
- 5.5 is next step towards that goal
- OpenBSD simplifies a lot of things by avoiding linuxkpi and/or not dealing with SMP aspects.
- A big issue moving forward is that starting in 5.6, drivers require the ability to partially map a buffer, which we don't yet have support for in linuxkpi.
- Experimental efforts for 5.6 and 5.7 stalled on needing that functionality.
- Manu's currently planning time for this work in August
- kde status: everything is broken and it's Adriaan's Fault.
- he's fixing the dependencies so that build and testing dependencies aren't installed unnecessarily.
- https://xkcd.com/1172/ must be avoided :)
- Turtle can't speak Albanian
- Upside is that the dependency tree is much smaller which helps all the FreeBSD live systems. (Alex, HelloSystems)