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# IPFS All Hands Call Jan 30th
**Moderator:** @RichardLitt
**Notetaker:** @sidharder
* @lgierth
* @RichardLitt
* @keks
* @Kubuxu
* @flyingzumwalt
* @dignifiedquire
* @diasdavid
* @victorbjelkholm
* @haadcode
* @hsanjuan
* @sidharder
* @frankpetrilli
* @keks
* @johnnycrunch
## Agenda
<!-- Ensure notetaker is present before you begin -->
- Roll call, by [timezone from east to west](../admin-guides/timezone-rollcall.md).
- Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
- How does this rotation of moderators & notetakers work? (@flyingzumwalt)
- As we go down the list of note takers/moderators the first week you will be a note taker and the secod week you will be the moderator.
- How can we insure high quality notes are being taken. Need a process of going back through the last week. Minutes.io could be used as a tool for meeting notes. Should look into minutes.io to see if it fits.
- How does someone take notes when the note taker is not familiar with the topic at hand?
- @RichardLitt will make an issue about how to take better notes, take this issue async.
- Notetaking & hackpad write permissions (@flyingzumwalt)
- Richard has been opening the security so all can edit.
- It's important to know who makes the edits is important. Opening the security will loose who the editor is.
- Want to sign in as Github account so that users contributions will be acknowledged?
- Editable is the default, let's stop marking the docs editable.
- @RichardLitt will make a note about this and PR it to ipfs/pm
- ipfs-go commands package pain points (@keks)
- i'm currently rewriting that package
- would be nice to know what annoys you so we can fix those problems
- please put them [here](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/3524)
- New Sprints starting, Finished Sprints Showcasing
- Finishing: [interop sprint](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-pm/issues/310)
- Finishing: [data.gov sprint](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-pm/issues/342) ["wrap-up" report](https://github.com/ipfs/archives/issues/87#issuecomment-275972936)
- Starting: [Soldify IPLD](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-pm/issues/343)
- Starting: [CI/CD/Testing Infra/Automation](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-pm/issues/344)
- Starting: [Orbit #1: Release Process](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-pm/issues/345)
- May be a bit of confusion of what we should do during the all hands call.
- Save sprint issues for the next call.
- Should move onto the Demos/Showcase on the 2 sprints that wrapped on Friday!
<!-- Add items above this line. Use this format:
- Item (@your_name: @target_audience)
- Demos
- David's Demo
* Demos from interop sprint (David's sprint):
* File Exchange
* other demos?
* Have improved the IPFS.js tutorials
* Haad: working on tutorials for interop between JS IPFS and Go IPFS.
* Franks Demo:
* There is a list of permutations of file size parameters that we want to test.
- Demos from data.gov Sprint:
- Because there are many organizations involved with this project that don't interface with IPFS, the wrapup report is important. Wrapup report goes through what we were able to accomplish.
- Continuing on with Hectors work on Cluster.
- ["wrap-up" report](https://github.com/ipfs/archives/issues/87#issuecomment-275972936)
* [iptest](https://github.com/Kubuxu/iptest) + metrics/reports
* [ipfs-pack](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-pack)
* The goals of IPFS-Pack - create a manifest of all the stuff in your directory. Hashes and Paths of all the files in the directory. It also creates a repo specially conigured using the local references. The DAG is just using pointers to the original directory. It's specifically about not duplicating files. Don't create extra copies. There are special instructions for the guys that will be coping the data.gov data onto IPFS. It's for the initial seeding of large amounts of data.
* Are there security issues with bad actors? Given the root hash of the pack the contents can be validated.
* [Instructions for adding large amounts of Data to IPFS](https://github.com/ipfs/archives/tree/master/tutorials/replicating-large-datasets)
* volume/swarm automation via [kubernetes-ipfs](https://github.com/ipfs/kubernetes-ipfs) (FrankPetrilli)
Our stated goal was not testing however we learned that we need to do extensive testing to see how things were going. This testing didn't directly contribute to our stated goals but we found it necessary.
# New Sprints Starting!
## Sprint: [Orbit #1: Release Process](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-pm/issues/345)
Haad: Orbit - will be working on the release process. Make Orbit easily distributable. Go reresourced on this, just me and Richard. Will try to make due. Need to figure out what the release process is, will be bugging who ever knows this. Richard to communicate with the appropriate people. Orbit, concentrating on fixing JS-IPFS API Pubsub?? Fairly confident that we can accomplish this, work should mostly be done, need help figuring out where things are.
## Sprint: [Soldify IPLD](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-pm/issues/343)
David: Most work is done, merging repos to finish. Need to have interop tests.
How does IPLD fit in to the bigger picture: We are trying to make IPFS interop with other decentralized data that is out there. Since the CID appeared things have changed, we can resolve through any kind of merkle link. IPFS becomes the perfect place for these types of data structures to exist. As of CID there is no IPLD object, IPLD does not exist, there is a different way of thinking now. We moved to CBOR because JSON is a loose format.
We are expecting to finish "The Workbench" - js-ipfs-core
The 3 phases of the evolution of IPLD:
* First there were just protobufs
* Then we moved to CBOR
* Then we created CIDs -- a new way to identify content using multicodec+multihash
## Sprint: [CI/CD/Testing Infra/Automation](https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-pm/issues/344)
Victor: End goal to have proper CI. Working on Integration Tests. (Victor, Lars and Kubu). Where do I go to find if each repo has tests and they are passing. Using Jenkins. Go-IPFS, tests are run and combined and sent to codecov.io. Does Jenkins make it easier to find coverage reports?
## Sprint: [Cluster features](https://github.com/ipfs/pm/issues/353)
Hector: Working on Cluster, sprintino is broken into milestones, we are starting on second milestone. First milestone was about general issues, second is about adding nodes to clusters. The third milestone will be about replication. In the Sprints Waffle board, these sprintinos are marked by a block at the final week of them.
<!-- After each call, it is the responsibility of the notetaker to save the last
version of the notes in a file in ipfs/pm/meeting-notes, by opening a branch and
submitting a PR. -->