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# Ansible Meetup Code of Conduct / D&I Survey
###### tags: `D&I`
The Ansible community Diversity and Inclusion working group would like to survey our existing meetup organizers to check in and make sure they're familiar with the Ansible Code of Conduct, if they feel comfortable/confident with how to enforce the CoC or address violations, if there have been any incidents, and if there's anything we can do to better support them in this area. ([Meeting notes](https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/ansible-diversity/2021-02-18/ansible_d&i_wg_agenda:_https:github.comansiblecommunityissues577.2021-02-18-19.02.log.html))
## Potential Questions:
1. Are you familiar with the Ansible Code of Conduct (CoC)?
2. As a meetup organizer, you are an enforcer of the Ansible Code of Conduct at your events. How comfortable are you with this role?
3. Have you ever had to enforce the Code of Conduct at an Ansible event?
4. Could we help you in this area
# Design
* Landing page
* Why are you being asked this?
* Goal seems specified, questions are direct. Do we need other things?
* Mention the D&I working group and how to connect with the group
* How long it will take
* Who gets access to the data
* Current Questions
* One
* Add link to CoC. Spell out "Code of Conduct", don't use the acronym
* Does this need to be a scale of familiarity?
* Yes *action* define responses
* ~~Do they think their *attendees* are familiar? A CoC isn't much use if the people who need it aren't aware of it.~~
* Nope, do this later
* Two
* Is this clear enough / can it be misinterpreted? Do we need to give scenarios?
* Are people going to feel comfortable answering this? Do we need to edge around it?
* Three
* Can we word this away from hypotheticals (what should Ansible do to help)? We'll likely get unworkable replies - better to use experience eg "what problems have you met when applying the CoC, or think you might meet?"
* Do we think help might take different forms in different scenarios? i.e do we need to ask this more than once for different scenarios?
* Thanks & when to expect results
* Notes
* No question on incidents - the goals state "if there have been any incidents" but we haven't asked about it
* Do we need demographics? I can see differences of opinion, say, across different coutries ...
* Maybe we can ask them to indicate which meetup group(s) they organize, we need to be able to contact them anyway to follow up if they need assistance
* Do we have anyone we can test the survey on?
* How about Red Hatters who organize some of the meetups? (e.g. gundalow)
## ~~Draft~~ Survey
The Ansible community Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) [working group](https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Diversity) would like to survey our existing meetup organizers to check in and make sure they're familiar with the Ansible [Code of Conduct](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/community/code_of_conduct.html#code-of-conduct) (CoC), if they feel confident with how to enforce the CoC or address violations, if there have been any incidents, and if there's anything we can do to better support you in this area. Our goal is to **support you better**, not to blame people.
This survey should take no more than 5 minutes of your time.
The raw data will be available to the D&I Working Group, and the Ansible Community Team. The aggregate results (for example, the percentage of respondants who answered "Yes" to a specific question) will be made public. No individual responses or personally identifiable information (PII) will be made public. If you need to speak to someone regarding your response, please contact TODO:MAIL
* How familiar are you with the Ansible [Code of Conduct](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/community/code_of_conduct.html#code-of-conduct) (CoC)?
Please answer on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is "I do not know what a CoC is / I have never heard of Ansible's CoC" and 5 is "I have read Ansible's CoC in full / I understand how it applies to my meetup"
* As a meetup organizer, you are responsible for enforcing the Ansible Code of Conduct at your events. Do you feel confident in your ability to perform this role?
Please answer on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is not at all confident and 5 is "I have already handled these types of incidents or I have had training in responding to these types of incidents".
* Have you ever had to enforce the Code of Conduct at an Ansible event?
Examples of Code of Conduct enforcement might include:
- Asking an attendee to refrain from repeatedly interrupting a speaker
- Asking an attendee to refrain from touching another attendee
- Prohibiting someone from attending an event due to behaviour they had previously been warned about
Yes / No
(if YES)
* Did you report this incident to the Ansible Community Team (for example; by emailing codeofconduct@ansible.com, emailing a specific member of the community team, or contacting the team on IRC)?
* (Optional) Which meetup do you organize (this information will only be shared with the Community Team)?
* (Optional) Would you like us to follow up with you to discuss the Ansible Code of Conduct?
Yes / No
(if YES)
* Please provide your email address (this information will only be shared with the Community Team).