Speaker Agreement

Once a proposal is accepted and confirmed, the proposer agrees to comply with the following speaker guidelines:

  • The conference will schedule the session time, room and track based on venue and time slot availability.
  • Accepted session will be used for event promotion.
  • The conference will use the speaker's provided contact information to send updates about future events.
  • Session photos or recordings will be published on the official channel under a CC license.
  • Due to the large number of sessions, the conference cannot guarantee photos or recordings for every session. If needed, speakers may arrange their own documentation.
  • If your proposal not in English and does not include an English translation, the conference may translate your session details.
  • The proposer agrees to abide by the conference Code of Conduct (CoC): COSCUP CoC.



  • 大會將依據場地與時段條件安排議程的時間、議程廳大小與議程軌。
  • 錄取議程的相關資訊將用於活動宣傳。
  • 大會將透過講者提供的聯絡方式發送未來大會相關資訊。
  • COSCUP 是一個倡導開放的研討會,所有分享預設議程照片或錄影將以 CC 授權方式刊登於大會官方頻道。
  • 由於議程眾多,大會無法保證為每場議程拍攝照片或錄影,若講者有需求,請自行安排。
  • 大會議程表將提供英文版本。如您未提供議程英文翻譯,大會可能會自行翻譯您的議程資訊。
  • 提案者同意遵守大會行為準則(CoC):COSCUP CoC
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