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# split 10x scATAC bam by clusters
I want to split the PBMC scATAC bam from 10x by cluster id. So, I can then make a bigwig for each cluster for visulizing in `IGV`.
The first thing I did was googling to see if anyone has written such a tool (Do not reinvent the wheels!). People have done that because I saw figures from the scATAC papers. I just could not find it. Maybe I need to refine my googling skills.
I decided to write one myself. The following is my journey for this small task.
download the 5k pbmc scATAC data from https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-atac/datasets/1.0.1/atac_v1_pbmc_5k
### split the cell barcodes by cluster id
cd analysis/clustering/graphclust
head clusters.csv
# there are ^M characters at the end of the line if you do cat -A you will see it.
# change it to unix
dos2unix clusters.csv
awk -F"," 'NR>1{print $1 >> "cluster_"$2".csv"}' clusters.csv
wc -l *csv
330 cluster_10.csv
322 cluster_11.csv
258 cluster_12.csv
191 cluster_13.csv
608 cluster_1.csv
563 cluster_2.csv
559 cluster_3.csv
532 cluster_4.csv
483 cluster_5.csv
425 cluster_6.csv
366 cluster_7.csv
360 cluster_8.csv
338 cluster_9.csv
5336 clusters.csv
### use bamtools
time bamtools filter -tag CB:Z:AAACTGCAGAGCAGCT-1 -in atac_v1_pbmc_5k_possorted_bam.bam -out AAACTGCAGAGCAGCT-1.bam
This takes a little over 1 hour for one barcode! And there is no easy way
to specify a group of barcodes.
### use the linux tricks
inspired partly by this post https://www.biostars.org/p/263346/
wc -l clusters.csv
5336 clusters.csv
and let's see how fast each regular expression takes for `awk`
time samtools view atac_v1_pbmc_5k_possorted_bam.bam | awk -v tag="CB:Z:AAACTGCAGAGCAGCT-1" 'index($0,tag)>0' >> AAACTGCAGAGCAGCT-1.sam
real 27m14.332s
user 48m36.883s
sys 4m37.908s
It is not too bad, but if we loops over the `clusters.csv` files for 5335 times,
samtools view -H atac_v1_pbmc_5k_possorted_bam.bam > header.txt
cat clusters.csv \
| sed '1d' \
| while IFS=',' read -r barcode cluster
do samtools view atac_v1_pbmc_5k_possorted_bam.bam | awk -v tag="CB:Z:$barcode" 'index($0,tag)>0' >> "$cluster.sam"
## then cat the header with the sam.
it will take ~30min * 5335 = ~100 days to finish.
we can do better to parallize by GNU parallel
## not tested...
cat clusters.csv \
| sed '1d' \
| parallel --colsep ',' -j 40 'samtools view atac_v1_pbmc_5k_possorted_bam.bam |awk -v tag="CB:Z:{1}" 'index(\$0,tag)>0' >> {2}.sam'
Again, using 40 cores may reduce our time to 100/40 = 5 days.
### use pysam
Let's only loop over the sam file once
import pysam
import csv
cluster_dict = {}
with open('clusters.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
#skip header
header = next(csv_reader)
for row in csv_reader:
cluster_dict[row[0]] = row[1]
clusters = set(x for x in cluster_dict.values())
fin = pysam.AlignmentFile("atac_v1_pbmc_5k_possorted_bam.bam", "rb")
# open the number of bam files as the same number of clusters, and map the out file handler to the cluster id, write to a bam with wb
fouts_dict = {}
for cluster in clusters:
fout = pysam.AlignmentFile("cluster" + cluster + ".bam", "wb", template = fin)
fouts_dict[cluster] = fout
for read in fin:
tags = read.tags
CB_list = [ x for x in tags if x[0] == "CB"]
if CB_list:
cell_barcode = CB_list[0][1]
# the bam files may contain reads not in the final clustered barcodes
# will be None if the barcode is not in the clusters.csv file
cluster_id = cluster_dict.get(cell_barcode)
if cluster_id:
## do not forget to close the files
for fout in fouts_dict.values():
real 172m58.758s
user 172m10.678s
sys 0m46.071s
Note, some read record in the bam file do not have `CB` but only `CR`.
from https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-atac/software/pipelines/latest/output/bam
| Tag | type | Description |
| CB | Z | Chromium cellular barcode sequence that is error-corrected and confirmed against a list of known-good barcode sequences. |
| CR | Z | Chromium cellular barcode sequence as reported by the sequencer|
How many of those reads with `CR`?
# every read has a CR tag
samtools view atac_v1_pbmc_5k_possorted_bam.bam| grep -v "CR" | wc -l
# not every read has a CB tag.
samtools view atac_v1_pbmc_5k_possorted_bam.bam| grep -v "CB" | wc -l
### use pybam
Note that pybam is python2.x
source activate py27
cd ~/apps
git clone https://github.com/JohnLonginotto/pybam
inside python:
import pybam
import csv
cluster_dict = {}
with open('clusters.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
#skip header
header = next(csv_reader)
for row in csv_reader:
cluster_dict[row[0]] = row[1]
clusters = set(x for x in cluster_dict.values())
# open the number of bam files as the same number of clusters, and map the out file handler to the cluster id
header = pybam.read('atac_v1_pbmc_5k_possorted_bam.bam').file_header
fouts_dict = {}
for cluster in clusters:
fout = open("cluster" + cluster + ".sam", "w")
fouts_dict[cluster] = fout
for read in pybam.read('possorted_bam.bam'):
## not always the same position in the list for the CB tag
## there could be no CB tag for a certian read as well
## it will return empty list
CB_list = [ x for x in read.sam_tags_list if x[0] == "CB"]
if CB_list:
cell_barcode = CB_list[0][2]
cluster_id = cluster_dict.get(cell_barcode)
if cluster_id:
fouts_dict[cluster_id].write(read.sam + '\n')
## do not forget to close the files
for fout in fouts_dict.values():
real 1262m30.849s
user 1240m11.906s
sys 22m9.325s
Did not find how to write to a bam file, so I have to write to a sam file. I asked on github issues but no responses. The author is not actively maintaining the library anymore.
### use hts-nim
Thanks Brent for providing the code.
#### htslib need to be in `$LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:
wget https://github.com/samtools/htslib/releases/download/1.6/htslib-1.6.tar.bz2
tar xjf htslib-1.6.tar.bz2
cd htslib-1.6
./configure ~/bin/
# add this to .bashrc and source ~/.bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/n/home02/mtang/apps/htslib-1.6
#### install `nim` and `hts-nim`
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brentp/hts-nim/master/scripts/simple-install.sh
chmod u+x simple-install.sh
# add nim to PATH
git clone https://github.com/brentp/hts-nim
cd hts-nim
nimble install -y
import hts
import os
import strutils
import tables
var ibam:Bam
# lookup from cb -> cluster
var clusterTbl = initTable[string,string]()
# lookup from cluster -> bam
var tbl = initTable[string, Bam]()
for x in paramStr(1).lines:
var toks = x.strip().split(",")
clusterTbl[toks[0]] = toks[1]
if not open(ibam, paramStr(2)):
quit "couldn't open bam"
for aln in ibam:
var cb = tag[string](aln, "CB").get
if cb.isNullOrEmpty: continue
if cb notin clusterTbl: continue
var cluster = clusterTbl[cb]
if cluster notin tbl:
var obam: Bam
if not open(obam, "out-cluster-" & cluster & ".bam", mode="w"):
quit "couldn't open bam for writing"
tbl[cluster] = obam
for k, bam in tbl:
#### compile
save it to `split_scATAC_bam.nim` and compile:
nim compile -d:release scATAC_split_scATAC_bam.nim
split_scATAC_bam clusters.csv atac_v1_pbmc_5k_possorted_bam.bam
real 105m17.140s
user 102m17.214s
sys 2m58.312s
it is 172/105 **~1.6 times faster** in `hts-nim` than in `pysam`.
### speed up
* parallize by chromosome
* pysam parallization
* `hts-nim` from Brent:
* >you can add `threads=2` (or 3) to the `open` calls to get a bit more speed on de/compressing the bam which will be the most CPU time
* C htslib, I expect the speed will be similar to `hts-nim` since `hts-nim` is a wrapper around it.
### Lessons learned
I had [a bug](https://github.com/brentp/hts-nim-tools/issues/5#issuecomment-464114496) in my `pysam` code and it pulls out some reads without the `CB` tag. Thanks Brent for catching it. I spent some time to debug and could not find it.
Lessons that I have learned:
* How to make sure the output of the software is correct is very difficult. unit testing is important.
* It is good to have somone else with more programming experience to look at the code for you. You are so used to the code that you write and can not find the "obvious" problem.
* Do not use libraries that are not well maintained. The `pybam` author is not maintaining the library now and it is written in python2.x. I am writing all my python code in python3.x