⚔️ Raid Guild Proposal <> wPOKT LP Staking/Farming ⚔️

Creation of the wpokt/ETH LP Pool and staking UI for the wPokt ERC20

Raid Party

Scope of Work

This proposal covers the work required to create a Uniswap V2 LP pool, a staking/rewards contract and the UI to govern said utility. Specific scope detail is contained in the below scope documents.

Proposal from RaidGuild

Expected Deliverables


  1. July 21st
    • UI Design
  2. Aug 4th
    • Front End
    • Smart Contracts
    • Full Build

Out of Scope

Required Resources



Estimate Time Estimate
UI Design $ 1,800 wxDAI 1 weeks
Front End $ 4,200 wxDAI 1.5 weeks
Smart Contracts $ 3,500 wxDAI 1 weeks
Total Estimate $ 9,500wxDAI 2.5 weeks

Note: UI design and the development work can be run in conjunction. Conservative estimate would involve an overlap in SC and FE work.
Note: the above figures include administration and project management


Verified payment of $ 9,500wxDAI into RaidGuild's smart escrow service will initiate the project.

Raid ID: 6bfd6656-f8b8-409c-ab10-1492b8cc75f5

Please connect with your EOA to submit payment into escrow.

Upon successful completion of deliverables, we will ask you to release the full funds in escrow.

In case of dispute

If you lose confidence in the Raid Party at any time, you may Lock the remaining funds in escrow.

If you do not release funds upon completion of deliverables, the Raid Party may Lock the remaining funds in escrow.

In both cases, the Lock triggers the arbitration provider (i.e., LexDAO) to review the dispute. Based on their review, the arbitration provider will decide which party should receive what amount of funds, and will send a transaction to the escrow contract that will transfer the appropriate amounts to each party.

We sincerely hope this won't be the case, but all parties are protected nevertheless.

We look forward to Raiding, please reach out with any questions or concerns!

RaidGuild Emblem

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