changed 2 years ago
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wPOKT LP Staking/Farming UX/UI Design Scoping Document v2


This document details the user experience and visual design needs to build a liquidity pool farming page for Wrapped Pocket, or wPOKT. This proposal is to create a minimum viable version of the product, and so will not contain every feature that may be eventually added. If something is not included in this document, assume it will not be designed as a part of this initial project.


  • Farming Interface
  • Visual Design

Farming Interface

An end-user oriented web page which will allow users to stake Liquidity Pool (LP) Tokens received from an external currency exchange. (In this case Uniswap) Staked tokens will yield wPOKT periodically, which will also be claimable on this page.
Functionally, this page will borrow heavily from

  • Pocket Network (Home)
  • Connect ETH Wallet (Metamask: any others?)
    • Disconnect

Farming Interface

  • Explainer
    • Text describing the function of this app.
  • Farming Round Timing
    • A timer indicating when the next round of wPOKT will be released.
  • Staking/Claiming Widget
    An interface for staking LP Tokens, and claiming wPOKT.
    • Display: Amount (tokens) currently staked
    • Display: Amount (tokens) available to stake
    • Form Field: Amount (tokens) to add to stake
    • Button: Stake
    • Button Withdraw (all stake)
    • Display: Amount (wPOKT) available to claim
    • Button: Claim (wPOKT, only for this pairing)
    • Toast/Modal: LP Tokens successfully staked.
      • Toast/Modal: LP Tokens successfully withdrawn.
    • Toast/Modal: wPOKT successfully claimed.
      • Toast/Modal: error in transaction.
  • Disclaimer/APY Estimator
    A disclaimer informing the user that estimations of APY are only rough predictions, and not guarantees of returns. The following information may need to be displayed individually for each supported LP pair.
    • Display: Value of 1 LP Token in ETH/DAI/wPOKT.
    • Display: Value of 24 hour return on 1 staked token in DAI/wPOKT.
    • Display: Percentage of 1 LP Token earned as rewards in 24 hours.

Visual Design

We expect POKT to undergo a brand refresh in the near future. To make that process smoother, this project will use existing assets developed for the wPOKT bridge raid where possible.

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