WG projects | DIF page | Mailing list | Agenda Archive
For this call, you are encouraged to turn your video on. This is a good way to build rapport given we are a large, disparate group experiencing a lot of churn.
This document is live-edited DURING each call, and stable/authoritative copies live on our github repo under /agenda.md .
Please note that we might not notice a pullrequest in time, but you are free to propose agenda items for future meetings via hackmd.
Proposed by Steve:
Meeting Themes:
Meeting Link (US): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89889793246?pwd=T0g0WTJYNkpKc21rd0dZUk9BR29BQT09
Meeting Link (APAC/EU): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84024301523?pwd=yBIXeIjJlwVmzpHIWZyzoohlbOoUNB.1
Welcome / Introductions
Discussion / Topics
Welcome / Introductions
Discussion / Topics
Welcome / Introductions
Discussion / Topics
DIDComm Protocol Format: Device to communicate to the mediator where to send push notifications webhooks
For example: ```json
"type": "…/set-webhook",
"body": {
"uri": "https://example.com/api/{unique-id}/webhook"
Webhook Message Format: The push notification webhook payload
For example: ```json
HTTP POST /api/v1/{unique-id}/webhook
{ "type": "forwarded-message", message": "New DIDComm message received at {timestamp} for {did}", "timestamp": 123456789, "target": did}
Welcome / Introductions
Discussion / Topics