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# SIG Community
[Meeting Notes](https://hackmd.io/RmFqiyCASaKJyWdINuo8QQ)
[Calendar Op1st Community Meetings](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=operate.first.community%40gmail.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York)
[This Calendar Entry](https://tinyurl.com/Op1st-SIG-Community-cal)
[Project Board](https://github.com/orgs/operate-first/projects/16)
[Code Of Conduct](https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct)
[SIG-Community repo](https://github.com/operate-first/community)
## open from last meeting(s) --> next meeting
1. github discussions (from op1st comcloud, 20220830)
1. Bringing ALL the discussions to this meeting and async space
1. Removing the stale/rotten watch by Sesheta
1. Kruize - status? [Rashmi Badagandi]
1. middleware Engg team, part of a project called 'Kruize'
1. https://github.com/kruize/hpo
1. Github discussion boards (https://docs.github.com/en/discussions) as a part of our communication to the community?
1. Firstly, thoughts?
1. Secondly does this introduce more overhead about having to manage another communication channel vs the benifit of being able to arhcive and store discussions that dont fit in issues?
## 2023-09-28
### Attendees
- Bill Burns
No prior agenda and no attendee's for the meeting.
## 2023-08-10
### Attendees
- Bill Burns
No prior agenda and no attendee's for the meeting.
## 2023-08-03
### Attendees
- Bill Burns
No prior agenda and no attendee's for the meeting.
## 2023-07-27
### Attendees
- Bill Burns
No prior agenda and no attendee's for the meeting.
## 2023-07-13
### Attendees
- Bill Burns
No prior agenda and no attendee's for the meeting.
## 2023-06-22
### Attendees
- Bill Burns
No agenda, and no one showed for the meeting.
## 2023-06-08
### Attendees
- Bill Burns
No meeting due to lack of attendee's. Hope to continue to keep this forum (or another) as folks have topics.
## 2023-03-09, 2023-03-16, and 2023-03-23 cancelled
"Due to preparations for the [announcement about the Operate First community cloud](https://lists.operate-first.cloud/archives/list/community@lists.operate-first.cloud/thread/XAWZHZJ4WBGU2IOOYWKWARUGCNW23PFA/) sunsetting combined with travel, I ended up cancelling these meetings until we could be working in the clear again." -- Karsten Wade @quaid
## 2023-03-02
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
### Agenda and Notes:
1. Longer existing items
1. Centralizing SIG Community as the main meeting to get Op1st things done and talked about
1. Removing the stale/rotten watch by Sesheta on the SIG Community project board (to enable long-running tickets)
1. Regular status updates or awareness of Open Source projects running on the community cloud Open ops dev environments.
1. Github discussion boards (https://docs.github.com/en/discussions) as a part of our communication to the community?
1. Current important topics
1. Catch up on minutes and recordings
* [x] ACTION @quaid post minutes
* [ ] ACTION @quaid post videos on Op1st YT channel
* [ ] ACTION @quaid email list with update about meeting, minutes, etc.
3. Meeting is now weekly
* [x] ACTION @quaid change invite
* [ ] ACTION @quaid notify mailing list - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/235
4. SCALE 20x discussion going - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/236
5. Refocusing the Op1st lens - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/237
1. What are the tough questions to answer first?
1. "Back to the lab"
1. What does it really mean to be a community of practice?
1. E.g. Can we work with Ansible and Project Wisdom to create a library of draft playbooks for a CoP to peer review?
6. SIG-SRE plan - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/238
7. Status of all projects
8. Working with Janus-idp - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/240
9. How many steps ahead can you "know" for Open? Discussions lead to agreements, agreements keep us going between affinity and alignment - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/241
## 2023-02-23
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Bill Burns @billburnseh
### Agenda and Notes:
1. Longer existing items
1. Centralizing SIG Community as the main meeting to get Op1st things done and talked about
1. Removing the stale/rotten watch by Sesheta on the SIG Community project board (to enable long-running tickets)
1. Regular status updates or awareness of Open Source projects running on the community cloud Open ops dev environments.
1. Github discussion boards (https://docs.github.com/en/discussions) as a part of our communication to the community?
1. Current important topics
1. Meeting is now weekly
* [x] ACTION @quaid change invite
* [ ] ACTION @quaid notify mailing list - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/235
1. SCALE 20x discussion going - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/236
1. Refocusing the Op1st lens - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/237
1. What are the tough questions to answer first?
1. "Back to the lab"
1. What does it really mean to be a community of practice?
1. E.g. Can we work with Ansible and Project Wisdom to create a library of draft playbooks for a CoP to peer review?
1. SIG-SRE plan - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/238
1. Status of all projects
1. Working with Janus-idp - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/240
1. How many steps ahead can you "know" for Open? Discussions lead to agreements, agreements keep us going between affinity and alignment - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/241
## 2023-02-09
NOTE: Calendar entry is now changed to hold this meeting weekly; last week we forgot to hold the meeting because we hadn't changed the calendar invite.
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
### Agenda and Notes:
1. Finish updating project board **DONE**
1. Longer existing items
1. Centralizing SIG Community as the main meeting to get Op1st things done and talked about
1. Removing the stale/rotten watch by Sesheta on the SIG Community project board (to enable long-running tickets)
1. Regular status updates or awareness of Open Source projects running on the community cloud Open ops dev environments.
1. Github discussion boards (https://docs.github.com/en/discussions) as a part of our communication to the community?
1. Current important topics
1. Meeting is now weekly
* [x] ACTION @quaid change invite
* [ ] ACTION @quaid notify mailing list - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/235
1. SCALE 20x discussion going - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/236
1. Refocusing the Op1st lens - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/237
1. What are the tough questions to answer first?
1. "Back to the lab"
1. What does it really mean to be a community of practice?
1. E.g. Can we work with Ansible and Project Wisdom to create a library of draft playbooks for a CoP to peer review?
1. SIG-SRE plan - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/238
1. Status of all projects
1. Working with Janus-idp - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/240
1. How many steps ahead can you "know" for Open? Discussions lead to agreements, agreements keep us going between affinity and alignment - https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/241
## 2023-01-26 - NOW EVERY WEEK
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
### Agenda and Notes:
1. Meeting is now weekly
2. SCALE 20x discussion going
3. Refocusing the Op1st lens
4. What are the tough questions to answer first?
3. "Back to the lab"
4. What does it really mean to be a community of practice?
5. E.g. Can we work with Ansible and Project Wisdom to create a library of draft playbooks for a CoP to peer review?
1. SIG-SRE plan
4. Status of all projects
5. Working with Janus-idp
6. How many steps ahead can you "know" for Open? Discussions lead to agreements, agreements keep us going between affinity and alignment
### Action Items:
* [ ] Karsten to email list and hit-up all the slacks about SIG-SRE discussion & kick-off
* [ ] Karsten to sync with Janus-IDP team on communitization plan
* [ ] Karsten to write post about "Open Source is a doing thing, you can't know it enough until you are doing it"
* [ ]
## 2022-10-06 - every-other-week meeting
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Kristi Nikolla @knikolla
### Agenda and Notes:
1. Decision: Closing Contribex Docs WG, rolling remaining work up to the Community SIG
1. Decision: Closing Websites Updates WG, rolling remaining work up to the Community SIG
1. Docs sprint - week of 10 Oct sometime, to be announced
1. Bringing more contributors on board
1. instead of "scary" github process, easy onboarding process (mentor, buddy, forms, ...)
1. walk-through (optical, guided, video, ...)
1. Update on NERC
1. last mile
1.steady, slow process
1. Conferences
1. [AnsibleFest 2022](https://www.ansible.com/ansiblefest)
1. Oct 18. & 19., 2022
1. Erin's Talk
1. KubeCon in progress/ just happening
1. OKD at OpenShift Commons
1. [SRE coloring book](https://t.co/osfofu9TpN) and [stickers](https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/blob/main/src/assets/landing-logo.svg)
1. Ops recruiting drive for operate-first.cloud
1. Sustainability SIG and OS-Climate
1. [FOSDEM 2023](https://fosdem.org/2023/)
1. Feb 4. & 5., 2023
1. Talks (Pep, Tom, Marcel submitting talks)
1. Table ?
1. DevRooms ?
### Action Items:
* [ ] Closing Contribex Docs
* [ ] info to mailing list
* [ ] close/ clean/ move repos, boards, issues, PRs
* [ ] update .MDs
* [ ] update .YAMLs
* [ ] Closing Websites Updates WG
* [ ] info to mailing list
* [ ] close/ clean/ move repos, boards, issues, PRs
* [ ] update .MDs
* [ ] update .YAMLs
* [ ] Document the "closing of a working group"-process
* [ ] @quaid to email mailing list about closing these WGs
* [ ] @schwesig to email community@lists.operate-first.cloud about docs sprint (week Oct 10th to 14th)
* [ ] @quaid to contact Lars with draft of Ops recruiting and prototype-to-sustainable plan
* [ ] @quaid to contact Cara Delia about OS-Climate and Sustainability SIG
* [ ] @quaid to write up the "NERC and Operate First narrative", socialize among MOC-Alliance
## 2022-09-25 - every-other-week meeting
### Attendees
- Julia Kreger (TheJulia)
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Kristi Nikolla @knikolla
- Michael Clifford @michaelclifford
### Agenda and Notes:
1. NERC status
1. support level is on a good level
1. current Data Science meetup biweekly
1. bringing it into this SIG
1. @schwesig will keep it running for now
1. https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/192
1. https://github.com/operate-first/community/tree/main/sig-data-science
1. github discussions
1. to be checked
1. (TheJulia) there is likely value in discussion boards, however perhaps many discussion boards on a per repository level may not be the best solution for a large diverse community. Just a thought, it is definitely a bigger discussion thread we should engage a wider audience on.
## 2022-08-25 - every-other-week meeting
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Michael Clifford @michaelclifford
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Kristi Nikolla @knikolla
### Agenda and Notes:
1. Helping NERC
1. OpenShift prod/upstream developer
1. RHODS/ODH upstream developer
1. Include Kristi Nikolla as central point of contact
1. Affiliate links and page
1. https://github.com/operate-first/operate-first.github.io/pull/186
1. We could use columns to fit the links and logos in the footer, in a future iteration
1. We could put a wall of links in the main page column, perhaps after we have a half-dozen (6) or more
1. https://massopen.cloud/connected-initiatives/operate-first/ needs a backlink to operate-first.cloud
1. Need to work with affiliates to get white-font logos from them
1. Fixing the footer links to replace the redhat.com ones
#### not discussed --> next meeting
1. Bringing ALL the discussions to this meeting and async space
1. Removing the stale/rotten watch by Sesheta
1. Kruize - status? [Rashmi Badagandi]
1. middleware Engg team, part of a project called 'Kruize'
1. https://github.com/kruize/hpo
### Action Items
- [ ] (future) create a v4, colored logos to the right (may be a problem, no white font logos yet available) @schwesig
- [ ] go with version v3 (white logo right, remove proxy affiliate link for now) @schwesig
- [ ] from now on, meeting notes as PR and review
- [ ] https://massopen.cloud/connected-initiatives/operate-first/ needs a backlink to operate-first.cloud
## 2022-08-11 - every-other-week meeting
### Attendees
- Tray Keller @treytorious
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Michael Clifford @michaelclifford
### Agenda and Notes:
1. Operate First Community Meetings should be added to the Operate First YouTube Channel.
1. Operate First DevConf Presentation
## 2022-07-28 - every-other-week meeting
Cancelled for SCaLE 19x
## 2022-07-14 - bi-weekly meeting
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Julia Kreger @ashinclouds (twitter) TheJulia (IRC)
- Rashmi Badagandi
- Amy Marrich @spotz
- Michael Clifford @michaelclifford
### Agenda and Notes:
1. [OpenInfra Labs Discussion](https://lists.opendev.org/pipermail/openinfralabs/2022-July/000246.html)
1. [Foundation list](https://lists.openinfra.dev/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/foundation)
2. [OpenInfra Labs](http://lists.opendev.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openinfralabs)
1. Potential collaboration/network opportunity with the [OpenStack Scientific SIG](https://meetings.opendev.org/#Scientific_Working_Group)
1. This group is largely a group of operators with extensive workload understanding to support scientific computing operations, so there could be points of collabroation, insight, networking which could facilitate growing additional context and spreading information.
1. Could be our actual upstream point for those members of our community, e.g. NERC, MOC Alliance, and OpenShift operators
3. Proposal: have all new Op1st projects be "under mentorship" in Open Infra Labs, not having Op1st be also an upstream umbrella itself.
4. Widen the field for feedback loops
5. Plus side of this could be OpenInfraLabs has it's own opendev namespace, and as a result CI system to support it via OpenDev.
6. Need to diagram the two-way paths to GitLab and GitHub
6. Governance reboot needs our participation
1. Data science
2. Meetup transfer to Community SIG ownership/oversight
3. Karsten presenting on 26 July to the meetup to give an overview of the Op1st project and make an open call for participation
4. Will need specific things setup in advance: Slack channel? Repo cleanup? README check?
4. Data Science SIG
5. Call for interest in membership, looking for a co-Chair.
### Additional Info
1. [Rashmi Badagandi]
2. middleware Engg team, part of a project called 'Kruize'
3. https://github.com/kruize/hpo
## 2022-06-30 - bi-weekly meeting
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Michael Clifford @michaelclifford
- Aakanksha Duggal @aakankshaduggal
### Agenda and Notes:
1. DS Meetup Transition
* Repo move done
* Jupyterbook done
* Michael presented future of the meetup - https://youtu.be/SsS5QvpDbdA
* Need to send a "request email" for co-chair and members of the community
* Setup WG meeting - thor and/or Karsten reqd in meeting.
* SCaLE workshop discussing, seeing if the full-day schedule Karsten proposed can work, discussions ongoing in Slack.
## 2022-06-16 - bi-weekly meeting
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Michael Clifford @michaelclifford
- Aakanksha Duggal @aakankshaduggal
- Tray Keller
### Agenda and Notes:
1. DS Meetup Transition Working Group - Next steps?
1. PR with charter that makes it clear Community SIG owns this
2. Invite to WG on community@, Slack
1. (there's already a data-science channel, need to ensure we don't have two data-science channels)
4. Group identifed, then pick a meeting time
5. Get together, plan, execute
6. Migrate templates etc. from old repo to `community` repo
7. Identify a cutover date to new repo for storing the archive of meetups
1. DS SIG Charter review - is there sufficient interest in this SIG?
1. https://github.com/operate-first/community/pull/193
2. Promo it at next meetup
1. Kruize - autotune, hpo
2. Group is beginning onboarding process
1. SCaLE workshop
1. Level: intermediate? beginner?
1. AIOps workshop: How DS and SRE support each other
3. Six weeks from today (five weeks to create)
4. Possible workshop leaders: Michael, Oindrilla, Humair
3. Morning is setting up the tools environment
4. Afternoon is doing things
### Actions
1. Michael makes the WG charter PR
2. Aakanksha invites WG participation, idea of adding a general meetup
3. Karsten to attend next meetup to propose WG and SIG
4. Karsten to write workshop follow-up email
## 2022-06-02 bi-weekly meeting
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Thorsten @schwesig
- Michael Clifford @michaelclifford
- Jason Brooks
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
- Aakanksha Duggal
### Agenda and Notes:
1. Data Science SIG [Charter Proposal](https://github.com/operate-first/community/pull/193)
1. Request additional reviewers
1. Needs additonal community support beyond OSG DS team
1. Move Data Science Community Meetup to Operate First
1. [Issue](https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/192)
1. Needs a community owner to hand off to
1. Onboarding Kruize Autotune & HPO
- https://github.com/kruize/autotune
- https://github.com/kruize/hpo
- Where is our onboarding process doc?
### Brain dump:
* ...
### Actions
* ...
## 2022-05-19 bi-weekly meeting
no meeting
## 2022-05-05 bi-weekly meeting
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Thorsten @schwesig
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
- Jon Weiser
### Agenda and Notes:
1. SIG Data Science
1. Goal is a stand-alone group that consists of and represents wider DS interests in project.
2. Currently recruiting for leadership and members.
3. Existing Op1st DS engineers are interested and willing to help kickstart this group, and want to see it rooted in a wider group than just their team from the start.
3. DS Meetup => Op1st meetup
4. Discussions underway with DS Meetup leadership about evolving the meetup to be a general Op1st meetup.
5. Management would move under the Community SIG, potentially moved into an Events SIG or similar in the future.
5. Mailing lists and communication channels
1. Some SIG, WG, and subprojects need ways to email their users about e.g. meetings without requiring the users to learn all of the various Op1st methods.
2. One option is to have an easy way like an email proxy
1. We may want to give every SIG, WG, and subproject their own mailing lists as a natural place for discussions, decisions, and observing-the-action can take place.
1. The main community@ mailing list may be a barrier to some userbases; there needs to be a way to choose not to be on that mailing list and still participate as a user or contributor to a part of the project.
7. Open Services Group
1. OSG as a best practice for growing a community is not fully usable, because OSG is so far more an internal group yet
8. "Operate First" as a term
2. It's a continuity, the ideal state is when you start on development, you are operating from that same instance.
3. We want developers to be thinking about how to operate from the beginning, not just pondering operations, but actually operating.
4. We want operators to by developing from the beginning.
9. Blog update
4. https://operate-first.cloud/blog is live
5. Guides, template, and process docs are in PR:
6. https://github.com/operate-first/community-handbook/pull/43
7. https://github.com/operate-first/blog/pull/5
10. Training coming:
1. Likely-to-change test: https://www.operate-first.cloud/training/operate_first_mindset/intro.html
1. First two modules loaded in, getting hooked into new navigation and normal hookup as a Jupyter Notebook
11. Improving this meeting
1. Does this meeting show good inner workings?
### Brain dump:
* SIG Metrics idea (not a hot topic, just came up)
### Actions
* ...
## 2022-04-21 bi-weekly meeting
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Thorsten @schwesig
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
### Agenda and Notes:
1. KubeCon Vision
2. Organic Growth of Community
3. regular check with the WG that are working with the SIG Community
### Brain dump:
* Organic Growth
* **48h reminder slack&email!**
* **2h reminder slack&email!**
* post-meeting info?
* lessons learned from OSG
* be open, welcome new members personally and fast
* Potentionally have an #introduce channel on slack, to make a more welcoming environment
* mentor? in person, virtual, a few questions to start with
* real mentor at the start maybe a lot of time/work, but could lead to experiences/lessons learned how to make a better "autointroduction"
* Welcome "Template", Introduce yourself, typical questions
* KubeCon Vision
* May, 16th
* May, Thu 12th: having website/things ready
* Stickers, Swag, Website
* Check with the WGs
* celebrate epics/bigger goals with the team
### Actions
* 48h reminder slack&email
* 2h reminder slack&email
* Stickers/Design
* Swag
* May, Thu 12th: having website/things ready
## 2022-04-07 bi-weekly meeting
### Attendees
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Thorsten @Schwesig
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
- Humair Khan @humairak
### Agenda and Notes:
1. SIG minimal required processes vs guidelines
2. Have a README that includes purpose, meeting times, people involved, etc.
3. Publicize the meetings
4. Reminder about upcoming meeting in Slack, email
5. 48 hours in email and Slack, 2 hours ahead in Slack
6. Publish minutes and recording to consistent page
1. Agenda creation
2. Initial agenda is announced by chair 2 days ahead with meeting announcement
3. Invitation to add agenda items, sometimes with callouts to specific groups
4. Agenda is always open for people to add items
5. Chairs are responsible for priority of agenda items, driving the agenda during the meeting
1. Post meeting work
2. Publish meeting notes into sub-folder
3. Push video to YouTube
3. SIG Community meeting purpose
3. promotion of this venue
4. Data Science SIG
### Brain dump:
* Send announcement/reminders on mailinglist/slack #announcements about upcoming meetings a few days ahead of said meeting
* Create a meeting structure which effectively syncs members about sub-project and working group updates
* Each SIG adds their updates to the agenda pre-meeting
* Each SIG shares what has been accomplished from their respective sub-project/workin-group from the time in between meetings
### Actions
* @humair PR for this min required processes
* Chairs: Finish and follow this new process by next SIG Community meeting
## 2022-03-24 bi-weekly Meeting
### Attendees:
- Marcel Hild @durandom
- Karsten Wade @quaid
- Thorsten Schwesig @schwesig
- Jeremy Eder @jeremyeder
- Bryan Montalvan @bryanmontalvan
### Agenda and Notes:
1. Project blog
1. https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/24
1. Agreed: we can use Markdown files and gitops publishing process
1. Marcel will find some folks interested in doing the tooling side of this.
1. Karsten can create the editorial process in https://github.com/operate-first/community/issues/25
1. Defining SIG practices:
2. https://github.com/operate-first/community-handbook/issues/35
#### BrainDump (unsorted thoughts)
* Does a SIG meeting needs to be "prepared"
* Do "members" need to prepare/be prepared
* How to lead a SIG
* How to organize a SIG
* What should be done during a SIG meeting
* What should be discussed in a SIG meeting
* Finding/Using best practices can be set until new practices are needed/brought up (e.g. HackMD)
* If there is a WG/SP for a topic, it doesn't need to be discussed in the SIG?
* What about MUST issues? Just wait until someone "assigns"
* How to deal with the situation about internal and external members
* what if... internal members are the majority
* what if... internal members are the only group
### Actions:
* Blog ready by mid of April @schwesig
* SETTING best practice e.g. use HackMD (until other best practices are found)
* Bulleted list pulling out all actions from the notes into one list
* Format loose but must include one or more people who are responsible.