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# The Turing Way Collaboration Café
tags: turing-way, collaboration-cafe
:warning: :warning: :warning:
As a community, we are moving away from using HackMD for our public community calls! Please join us on Framapad: https://annuel2.framapad.org/p/ttw-collaboration-cafe
:warning: :warning: :warning:
If you are new to HackMD, please see this document for a short guide (right click, open in a new window): [https://hackmd.io/@turingway/hackmd-guide](https://hackmd.io/@turingway/hackmd-guide).
To learn more about The Turing Way, visit our welcome page: https://the-turing-way.start.page/.
We're delighted to have you here. All are welcome - no sign-ups needed. (We do recommend bringing your actual tea, coffee, water, etc. to this cafe! :coffee: :sparkles: :cake:)
**What?** [Collaboration Cafes](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/coworking/coworking-collabcafe.html) are **online collaboration and coworking calls** that engage anyone interested in learning and discussing about research best practices and sharing them on The Turing Way book: https://the-turing-way.netlify.com
These are our regular community calls: where folks work on contributions to the project, discuss shared interests, or learn about how to get involved!
**When?** 7 February 2024, 15:00 - 17:00 Europe/London ([see in your time zone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/London/2023-10-04/15:00))
**Zoom Information***:
* https://turing-uk.zoom.us/j/94049181248?pwd=Q09vZGlkMkFOajVKbUdSZDFXSDlGUT09
* Meeting ID: 940 4918 1248, Passcode: 587360
*Note: The waiting room is enabled. The host of this call will let you in.*
**Next calls:** **21 February 2024**, 15:00 - 17:00 Europe/London ([see in your time zone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/London/2022-10-18/15:00))
> :calendar: You're in the right place even if you're early, we update the dates every 2 weeks ready for the next cafe! To subscribe to our google calendar, use this link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=dGhldHVyaW5nd2F5QGdtYWlsLmNvbQ
For upcoming dates, please subscribe to *The Turing Way* calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=dGhldHVyaW5nd2F5QGdtYWlsLmNvbQ
**Who?** ***Everyone** interested in reproducible, ethical, and inclusive data science and research are welcome to join the full or any part of The Turing Way project, community, and/or this call. No prior sign-ups needed!*
***All questions, comments, and recommendations are welcome!***
## Check-in and icebreaker
**Name + Pronouns + What are you going to do in 2024 FOR THE PLOT (aka. to further the story of yout life) + an emoji ([emoji cheatsheet](https://github.com/ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet/blob/master/README.md))**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.) Use the 🤫 emoji if you would not like to be included in our public archive*
### "Community Chats" Schedule
_While Collaboration Cafes hold themed break-out rooms for projects that community members are working on, we are trialling themed "Community Chats" in the main room. These chats may be community or research-related: whatever you want to discuss or present! Feel free to join in without any pressure to participate - and remember, you can always drop by anytime, no sign-ups needed!✨_
| Date | Theme | Discussion Lead | Host |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | ----- |
| 17 January | Working Group discussion take-overs! | N/A | Anne |
Possible topics (feel free to add your own ideas! :sparkles:)
* Github Co-pilot? AI Code generation?
### Advertise and promote your event or anything exciting you're working on. ✨
## Breakout rooms: Topic proposals and notes
*While no sign-ups are required to attend Collaboration Cafe, if you have an idea for a topic you'd like to discuss in a breakout room, please add it below and put your name next to it. If you like one of the topics that are already suggested, please add your name next to that one. For more information about breakout rooms see [the description on GitHub](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/project_management/online-collaboration-cafe.md#breakout-rooms).*
* Main Room:
* Hour 1: Infrastructure Working Group: Splitting the TTW repository
* Hour 2: Accessibility Working Group:
### Link List ✨
### Notes from Discussion
## Agenda
| Time | Activity |
| ---- | -------- |
| 10 mins | Introductions and Needs for Rooms |
| 20 mins | 🍅 1st Pomodoro session |
| 5 mins | ☕️ Break - **not enforced** |
| 20 mins | 🍅 2nd Pomodoro session |
| 10 mins | ☕️ Break - **enforced: 1hr mark** |
| 20 mins | 🍅 3rd Pomodoro session |
| 5 mins | ☕️ Break - **not enforced** |
| 20 mins | 🍅 4th Pomodoro session |
| 5 mins | 👋 Wrap up: celebrations, reflections and future directions |
| 5 mins | 👋 Close |
### Pomodoro timer for this session
### Feedback at the end of the call
## Host/Co-host a future call
*Have you previously participated in a Collaboration Café? Sign up to host or co-host a future call.*
We have posted guidance and resources for the chairs/hosts in our chapters: https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/coworking/coworking-collabcafe.html.
*Name / Slack handle / Contact information *
### Useful links
* Welcome Page: [the-turing-way.start.page/](https://the-turing-way.start.page/)
* The Turing Way GitHub repository: github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way
* Join us on Slack: tinyurl.com/jointuringwayslack
* Join the mailing list: tinyletter.com/TuringWay
* Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/turingway
* Follow us on Fosstodon: fosstodon.org/turingway
### Code of conduct
* [Take a moment to read this](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
**Archives of previous Collaboration Cafe calls are hosted in this archive note: https://hackmd.io/@turingway/HkG_WJXt2**