changed 4 years ago
Published Linked with GitHub
tags: MetaCartel Chili

$CHILI Meeting Notes Friday 2021-07-09


What to do with rChili minting

  • Currently minting is locked at 188,333ish rChili.
  • Impossible to mint more.


  • Not minting more rChili. Using the Chuck E Cheese tokenomics.
  • There should be sufficient Chili/rChili in circulation for the time being.

Action Items

  • Expand blog post with new talking points and game mechanics
  • Release the blog with the release of the new farming contracts and schedule
  • Farms being built: Pat, Lou, Chair
    • Will followup with hackmd/forum post with link n deets
  • Need consensus, will present at Dao members meeting
  • DamagedGoods working on Docs
    • Requests materials sent directly


  • Can adjust farm distribution amount rather than create new token
  • Option: Don't mint/create more rChili
    • Create super duper MetaCartel NFT, rChili can be redeemed for said Nft
    • This funnels rChili back into the Dao
  • Note: "Anyone" can create an rChili project
  • Chili Cheese, noted
  • The DAO can mint Chili
  • Games charge rChili, its recycled
  • Metaphor: Paying the game creators in the tokens their game is going to accept.

Chili: Token, use this to play the game to get the ticket/rChili
rChili: Ticket, spent on prizes
Prizes: NFTs, and other things. Nice things.

  • Now: Only MC dao and stakers have rChili. To make a game, you need rChili. This is the way it works. MC can make games to attain more Chili.
  • A prize (nft) is created, rChili is accepted for the NFT. MC or anyone can do this.
  • You need rChili to make a game

Chuck E Cheese Metaphor


Input: Chili
Output: rChili


input: rchili
output: nft

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