Executable beacon chain spec

Beacon chain



Name Value

Updated containers

Updated BeaconState

Note: BeaconState fields remain unchanged other than the removal of eth1_data_votes and addition of application_state_root. The latter stores the root hash of ethereum application state.

class BeaconState(Container): # Versioning genesis_time: uint64 genesis_validators_root: Root slot: Slot fork: Fork # History latest_block_header: BeaconBlockHeader block_roots: Vector[Root, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT] state_roots: Vector[Root, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT] historical_roots: List[Root, HISTORICAL_ROOTS_LIMIT] # Eth1 eth1_data: Eth1Data # [removed] eth1_data_votes eth1_deposit_index: uint64 application_state_root: Bytes32 # Registry validators: List[Validator, VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT] balances: List[Gwei, VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT] # Randomness randao_mixes: Vector[Bytes32, EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR] # Slashings slashings: Vector[Gwei, EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR] # Per-epoch sums of slashed effective balances # Attestations previous_epoch_attestations: List[PendingAttestation, MAX_ATTESTATIONS * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH] current_epoch_attestations: List[PendingAttestation, MAX_ATTESTATIONS * SLOTS_PER_EPOCH] # Finality justification_bits: Bitvector[JUSTIFICATION_BITS_LENGTH] # Bit set for every recent justified epoch previous_justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint # Previous epoch snapshot current_justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint finalized_checkpoint: Checkpoint

Extended BeaconBlockBody

Note: BeaconBlockBody fields remain unchanged other than the addition of application_payload.

class BeaconBlockBody(phase0.BeaconBlockBody): application_payload: ApplicationPayload # User execution payload

New containers


Application transaction fields structured as an SSZ object for inclusion in an ApplicationPayload contained within a BeaconBlock.

class Transaction(Container): nonce: uint64 gas_price: uint256 gas_limit: uint64 recipient: Bytes20 value: uint256 input: List[Bytes1, MAX_BYTES_PER_TRANSACTION_PAYLOAD] v: uint256 r: uint256 s: uint256


The application payload included in a BeaconBlock.

class ApplicationPayload(Container): parent_hash: Bytes32 # Hash of parent of virtial eth1 block block_hash: Bytes32 # Hash of virtual eth1 block coinbase: Bytes20 state_root: Bytes32 gas_limit: uint64 gas_used: uint64 receipt_root: Bytes32 logs_bloom: Vector[Bytes1, BYTES_PER_LOGS_BLOOM] difficulty: uint64 # Temporary field, will be removed later on transactions: List[Transaction, MAX_APPLICATION_TRANSACTIONS]

Helper functions

def compute_time_at_slot(state: BeaconState, slot: Slot) -> uint64: return uint64(state.genesis_time + slot * SECONDS_PER_SLOT)
def get_recent_beacon_block_roots(state: BeaconState, qty: uint64) -> Sequence[Bytes32]: return [get_block_root_at_slot(state.slot - i) if GENESIS_SLOT + i < state.slot else Bytes32() for i in reversed(range(1, qty + 1))]
def get_beacon_block_roots_for_evm(state: BeaconState) -> Sequence[Bytes32]: num_block_roots = min(BLOCK_ROOTS_FOR_EVM_SIZE, SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT) return get_recent_beacon_block_roots(state, num_block_roots)
def compute_randao_mix(state: BeaconState, randao_reveal: BLSSignature) -> Bytes32: epoch = get_current_epoch(state) return xor(get_randao_mix(state, epoch), hash(randao_reveal))
def get_application_block_hash(block: BeaconBlock) -> Bytes32: return block.body.application_payload.block_hash

Block processing

def process_block(state: BeaconState, block: BeaconBlock) -> None: process_block_header(state, block) process_randao(state, block.body) process_eth1_data(state, block.body) process_operations(state, block.body) process_application_payload(state, block.body)

Eth1 data

def process_eth1_data(state: BeaconState, body: BeaconBlockBody) -> None: state.eth1_data = body.eth1_data

Application payload


Let class ApplicationState be the abstract class representing ethereum application state.


class BeaconChainData(Container): slot: Slot randao_mix: Bytes32 timestamp: uint64 recent_block_roots: Sequence[Bytes32]


Let get_application_state(application_state_root: Bytes32) -> ApplicationState be the function that given the root hash returns a copy of ethereum application state. The body of the function is implementation dependant.

Application state transition function

Let application_state_transition(application_state: ApplicationState, beacon_chain_data: BeaconChainData, application_payload: ApplicationPayload) -> None be the transition function of ethereum application state. The body of the function is implementation dependant.

Note: application_state_transition must throw AssertionError if either transition or post-transition verifications has failed.

Note: one of potential implementations of this function is delegating the call to eth2_insertBlock.


def process_application_payload(state: BeaconState, body: BeaconBlockBody) -> None: """ Note: This function is designed to be able to be run in parallel with the other `process_block` sub-functions """ # Utilizes `compute_randao_mix` to avoid any assumptions about # the processing of other `process_block` sub-functions beacon_chain_data = BeaconChainData( slot=state.slot, randao_mix=compute_randao_mix(state, body.randao_reveal), timestamp=compute_time_at_slot(state.genesis_time, state.slot), recent_block_roots=get_beacon_block_roots_for_evm(state) ) application_state = get_application_state(state.application_state_root) application_state_transition(application_state, beacon_chain_data, body.application_payload) state.application_state_root = body.application_payload.state_root

Fork choice


  • Eth1 data: Eth1 data included in a block must correspond to the Eth1 state produced by the execution part of the parent block. This acts as an additional filter on the block subtree under consideration for the beacon block fork choice.



Let get_eth1_data(application_state_root: Bytes32) -> Eth1Data be the function that returns the Eth1Data obtained from the application state specified by application_state_root.

Note: This is a function of the state of the beacon chain deposit contract. It can be read from the eth1 state and/or logs.


Used by fork-choice handler, on_block, to

def is_valid_eth1_data(store: Store, block: BeaconBlock) -> boolean: parent_state = store.block_states[block.parent_root] expected_eth1_data = get_eth1_data(parent_state.application_state_root) actual_eth1_data = block.body.eth1_data is_correct_root = expected_eth1_data.deposit_root == actual_eth1_data.deposit_root is_correct_count = expected_eth1_data.deposit_count == actual_eth1_data.deposit_count return is_correct_root and is_correct_count

Updated fork-choice handlers


Note: The only modification is the addition of the Eth1Data validity assumption.

def on_block(store: Store, signed_block: SignedBeaconBlock) -> None: block = signed_block.message # Parent block must be known assert block.parent_root in store.block_states # Make a copy of the state to avoid mutability issues pre_state = copy(store.block_states[block.parent_root]) # Blocks cannot be in the future. If they are, their consideration must be delayed until the are in the past. assert get_current_slot(store) >= block.slot # Check that block is later than the finalized epoch slot (optimization to reduce calls to get_ancestor) finalized_slot = compute_start_slot_at_epoch(store.finalized_checkpoint.epoch) assert block.slot > finalized_slot # Check block is a descendant of the finalized block at the checkpoint finalized slot assert get_ancestor(store, block.parent_root, finalized_slot) == store.finalized_checkpoint.root # [Added] Check that Eth1 data is correct assert is_valid_eth1_data(store, block) # Check the block is valid and compute the post-state state = pre_state.copy() state_transition(state, signed_block, True) # Add new block to the store store.blocks[hash_tree_root(block)] = block # Add new state for this block to the store store.block_states[hash_tree_root(block)] = state # Update justified checkpoint if state.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch > store.justified_checkpoint.epoch: if state.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch > store.best_justified_checkpoint.epoch: store.best_justified_checkpoint = state.current_justified_checkpoint if should_update_justified_checkpoint(store, state.current_justified_checkpoint): store.justified_checkpoint = state.current_justified_checkpoint # Update finalized checkpoint if state.finalized_checkpoint.epoch > store.finalized_checkpoint.epoch: store.finalized_checkpoint = state.finalized_checkpoint # Potentially update justified if different from store if store.justified_checkpoint != state.current_justified_checkpoint: # Update justified if new justified is later than store justified if state.current_justified_checkpoint.epoch > store.justified_checkpoint.epoch: store.justified_checkpoint = state.current_justified_checkpoint return # Update justified if store justified is not in chain with finalized checkpoint finalized_slot = compute_start_slot_at_epoch(store.finalized_checkpoint.epoch) ancestor_at_finalized_slot = get_ancestor(store, store.justified_checkpoint.root, finalized_slot) if ancestor_at_finalized_slot != store.finalized_checkpoint.root: store.justified_checkpoint = state.current_justified_checkpoint


Beacon chain responsibilities

All validator responsibilities remain unchanged other than those noted below. Namely, the modification of Eth1Data and the addition of ApplicationPayload.

Block proposal

Constructing the BeaconBlockBody

Eth1 Data

The block.body.eth1_data field is for block proposers to publish recent Eth1 data. This recent data contains deposit root (as calculated by the get_deposit_root() method of the deposit contract) and deposit count after processing of the parent block. The fork choice verifies Eth1 data of a block, then state.eth1_data updates immediately allowing new deposits to be processed. Each deposit in block.body.deposits must verify against state.eth1_data.eth1_deposit_root.


Let get_eth1_data(application_state_root: Bytes32) -> Eth1Data be the function that returns the Eth1Data obtained from the application state specified by application_state_root.

Note: This is a function of the state of the beacon chain deposit contract. It can be read from the eth1 state and/or logs.

  • Set block.body.eth1_data = get_eth1_data(state.application_state_root).
Application Payload

Let produce_application_payload(parent_hash: Bytes32, beacon_chain_data: BeaconChainData) -> ApplicationPayload be the function that produces new instance of application payload.

Note: one of potential implementations of this function is delegating the call to eth2_produceBlock.

  • Let randao_reveal be block.body.randao_reveal of the block that is being produced
  • Set block.body.application_payload = get_application_payload(state, parent, randao_reveal) where:
def get_application_payload(state: BeaconState, parent: BeaconBlock, randao_reveal: BLSSignature) -> ApplicationPayload: application_parent_hash = get_application_block_hash(parent) beacon_chain_data = BeaconChainData( slot=state.slot, randao_mix=compute_randao_mix(state, randao_reveal), timestamp=compute_time_at_slot(state.genesis_time, state.slot), recent_block_roots=get_beacon_block_roots_for_evm(state) ) return produce_application_payload(application_parent_hash, beacon_chain_data)

Network Upgrade


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