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Linked with GitHub
**Prop 7 - Nouns x Noir**
- proposer still waiting for the "right energy" to start working on the sculpture, has been busy with other projects
- money (5 eth) hasnt moved
**Prop 11 - Nouns Comic**
- proposer first wanted to return a portion of the funds (3 eth), then decided to pivot to a different format but then went silent
- I was unsucessfull in contacting them
**Prop 70 - SharkDAO: Nouns CC0 Story Foundations & Development**
- multisig is sub optimal (1/2), leftover 10.6k USDC
- due to ETH drawdown and suboptimal fund management, the team had to make [adjustments](https://discourse.nouns.wtf/t/eth-to-dollar-conversion-policy-prop-70/1726) (received funds @ 2890/eth, converted @ 1200/eth)
- original structure: 6 teams @ 60k each (20eth) + budget for legal fees + DAO oversight
- new structure: 4 teams + DAO oversight
- original payment structure: 30% Up Front, 20% Upon Rough Draft, 50% Upon Completion
- final 4 teams are:
- Sam Ellis & Jason Schwartz - Animated Series
- received 10 ETH and 35200 USDC
- created [NOUNS! The Animated Series](https://discord.com/channels/849745721544146955/970709974080692234/988174099517948034) pitchbook and story bible , later went [onchain](https://nouns.wtf/vote/121) to ask for funding for the pilot, but the prop was defeated
- Greidiens / Keenan Thompson Group
- received 6 ETH and 42000 USDC (full amount)
- created [Life Aint Bad ](https://discord.com/channels/849745721544146955/970709974080692234/1014222711825891330)
- BBDAO 1 - Animated Series - Scott Albert & Will Bryan
- received 6 ETH and 17000 USDC (for rough draft and storyboards)
- created [GLOW storyworld toolset](https://discord.com/channels/849745721544146955/970709974080692234/999050257033867304) and a draft for animated series called [Person, Place, Animal, Thing](https://discord.com/channels/849745721544146955/970709974080692234/1024790595333529663)
- BBDAO 2 - Feature Film - Van Robichaux & Garfield Lindsay Miller
- received 6 ETH and 12000 USDC (for rough draft)
- they made [youtube videos](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC56SLXJh1AbYqiO2G2ffAbA/videos) from their writing sessions
- the draft is not public
**Prop 75 - MadHappy**
- after a few weeks, the [collection](https://twitter.com/nounish/status/1597288513216868353?lang=en) has been discontinued from the website
- since they usually donate leftovers from older collections, I asked Peiman to share some with the community (we used a few pieces in Nouns Esports during some tournaments and I think he sent some to Mucho Love)
**Prop 83 - Nouns Children's Book Development**
- brandon's drafts didn't get a lot of love from the publishers, he posted a [propdate ](https://www.propdates.wtf/prop/83)in april
**Prop 93 - Nouns Bidder POAP V2**
- Plaid Shaman has taken over the project after brkfstsndwch went MIA, it's behind schedule by months and no one from the team is active in the community anymore
- [site](https://nounspoap.com/) is up and running and functions as an alternative auction front-end, but the latest POAP you can see was for Noun 687 (Apr 2023)
- I tested the site, provided feedback and offered to help many times, but the project seems to be moving nowhere,
- there should be leftover funds (originally reserved for POAP comissions) and I asked the team to return them to the DAO
**Prop 97 - MOOØNBEANS: Nouns Baked Beans**
- original prop assumed the product would launch in 3 months (Sept/Oct 2022)
- the CEO was going through a divorce with his wife and business partner, which is the reason behind the delay, the beans were supposed to be produced and waiting to get into stores, but unfortunatelly there has been no communication from their side in months
**Prop 104 - Free Glasses For Kids v4**
- 400k leftover funds
- *"in 5 months, The Vision Van has been able to provide 1713 eye exams and 1345 glasses"* - according to DMs from May, but there is little to no info in public, no media and no Propdates
- Josh Fisher received Eagle Vision Award for the collaboration between Nouns and Vision to Learn - [Warpcast](https://warpcast.com/joshuafisher.eth/0x4e43a673)
**Prop 109 - Nouns Brand (Clothing Brand) ⌐◨-◨**
- cardigan, bag and beanies were available at [clothes.wtf](https://clothes.wtf/), no info on the rest of the collection, and now the site doesnt even work anymore
- asked for 355 ETH @ 1100 USD/ETH, received ETH @ 1500 USD/ETH, so the project should have plenty leftover funds + a large budget for production and postproduction which has not happend,
- the [wallet](https://etherscan.io/address/0x08932da67e125fe527a1a5abf29dc22b8d61bdbf) that received the funds held over 100 ETH staked with Lido, but was emptied in early 2024
- jacob is not responding, I tried to contact him via multiple channels and asked him to return funds
- tried contacting the other team members, no luck
**Prop 116 - Monthly Nouns Comics for mass market release**
- issues 1-4 are completed
- issue 1 sold out apart from the stock belonging to the DAO
- issues 2-3 sent off to print
**Prop 129 Nounify New York Fashion Week**
- delivered nearly nothing from their proposal
- the Nouns' presence at the event was very limited (noggles on the back side of a flyer)
- changed the location from Oculus to less exciting one
- no documentary, no nounish looks on catwalk
- it appears they did make the leather trunk but it didnt make it onto catwalk
- showed interest in "trying to make things right" at first, but have since stopped responding to my messages
**Prop 132 Nouns x Dopamine**
- they have only had 2 online orders (probably due to high price), so no meaningful revenue to share with the DAO, apart from that they have collaborated with Nouns Esports team
- they sent the reminder of their stock to Nouns Esports who then relaunched in [their shop](https://shop.nouns.gg/)
**Prop 135 Xanadu x Nouns: Mega Episode + Real-time Nouns World Toolkit**
- estimated release date was march 2023, delayed due to health issues
- collaborated with people from nounish communities to showcase them in the Nouns City they are building for the episode
**Prop 154 Agora Continuation [revised]**
- incentives budget so far unused (20 ETH)
- team was working on an extension proposal, but it seems they got funding from Optimism and other projects
**Prop 173 Sail Nouns in the New York Harbor for NFT.NYC 2023**
- waiting for video (should have been posted in December), photos from NY were cool
**Prop 181 Nouns x Everybody*
- leftover 2 eth in wallet, trying to reach 0xHindsight
- last unconfirmed tx was to send that eth to Hindsight, but his [wallet](https://etherscan.io/address/0x55b0a25d697647281553a177321DAd0a0Bf9A148) and profiles are inactive
- https://app.safe.global/transactions/queue?safe=eth:0x1b9c334929e2c7b83B9836Dcb7a3C478A5770eC6
**Prop 193 Nouns Basketball Court Restoration Project**
- hit a roadblock with city council that completely shut off the restoration at the planned location, was looking for a new location
- weird onchain activity - USDC swapped for ETH, which ended up in possibly a [scammer/drainer wallet](https://etherscan.io/address/0xbfcd86e36d947a9103a7d4a95d178a432723d6ad)
- I suggested returning the funds, no response to emails in months
**Prop 206 Nouns On The Ground 2023 ⌐◨-◨**
- IRL events seemed to be going well, [painted a mural in Brazil](https://twitter.com/aubtoshi_nft/status/1667597229656350720))
- On The Air live streams multicasted on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/OTGWTF), [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@otgwtf) and [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@otgwtf/streams),
- view count seems to be pretty low
- podcasts and interviews along with social media links can be found on their [website](https://otg.wtf/)
- they are producing a longer form documentary, should be published in early 2024
**Prop 207 Nouns Studio1 - extension 2023**
- Studio1 proposals have been pretty open-ended, with David not only working on bringing Nouns Sofubi to life, but also introducing Nouns to prominent figures within the industries he works in (toys, film, ...)
- it seems sofubi are finally going to come alive and be featured in [Loft store on 14th of July](https://twitter.com/davidzhorvath/status/1662192208181616642) along with small plushies
- they were originally planned for Q1 2022 but due to covid restrictions in Japan, it got delayed by a lot (especially the painting part)
- they are still not available for online orders, should be Q1 2024 hopefully
**Prop 208 NOUNS WHISKY ⌐◨-◨**
- had a [pop up](https://twitter.com/Nouns_Whisky/status/1663957074659639319) at south african whisky show
- launched in September - [Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/Nouns_Whisky/status/1699784693720498237)
- only 4 barrels sold so far
- released "[Spirits](https://twitter.com/Nouns_Whisky/status/1728543578706547066)" an AI created NFT collection and ran a giveaway
**Prop 218 Bring Nouns to 2m+ People over 15 Months at Japan’s Best Ski Resort and Integrate Nouns into the Alpine Subculture**
- project is underway
- installed posters, banners and stickers throughout the resort
- setup public planning channels in [Discord](https://discord.com/channels/1013610847580463127/1013610848436109439/1106014007468490862) to get the community involved
- installed [huge noggle sculpture](https://twitter.com/tha_swami/status/1674642118655225856) and [rails](https://twitter.com/benbodhi/status/1734087887694823470)
**Prop 256 The First Triple Back Flip in a Wheelchair**
- The first try was unsuccessful, but they produced a high-quality [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQRoLU0QxYg&ab_channel=EveryDay%2CForever).
- They were unable to pass a [prop candidate for an extension.](https://nouns.wtf/candidates/0x437f04b2659506eb3e39d24e2c18a8e41f7f9a28-the-first-triple-back)
**Prop 277 Open Source Nounish Hardware + Production**
- product released on [nouns.engineering](https://nouns.engineering/)
- waiting for rev split
**Prop 296 Nouns Running Club - Fun, Fitness, and Frens**
- they regularly host events(runs) - [Twitter page](https://twitter.com/NounsRC), up to [6 runs](https://twitter.com/NounsRC/status/1696927442236063918) now
- still has majority of the funds
**Prop 303 - TSP x ASK Long Beach: Silverado Skatepark**
- progressing, few updates from Oni on [updates.wtf](https://www.updates.wtf/prop/303)
- The [Grand Opening](https://twitter.com/skatepark/status/1763393001059926284) was in February, the project recieved some [local media coverage](https://lbpost.com/news/photos-silverado-skatepark-reopens-after-153k-upgrade/)
- ended up using all funds
**Prop 306 - SNP - SD Comic Con: Connecting a Cornucopia of Creators**
- waiting for update from Josh and Adam (Defaulteduser),
- Adam should have some leftover funds but he is not responding to anyone
**Prop 313 and 331 - stETH peg protection**
- the [Optimism wallet](https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0xdD9e5Dab49d8394660d4Fe2383692448e3944d2b#internaltx) still holds over 1 ETH reserved for transactions costs we could eventually withdraw
**Prop 339 Prop Nounify Korea - stamp collection (revised)**
- fiveoceans is planning to return the money as the project didnt go anywhere (got [postponed initially](https://www.propdates.wtf/prop/339) due to problemns with tshirt design)
- he used the money for personal expenses, but says he is planning to return once he gets back on his feet
**Prop 362 Place Dustin Yellin's Nouns Sculpture at Zero Bond (NYC)**
- has been [placed at Zero Bond](https://twitter.com/dustinyellin/status/1707440509835247802), the estimated loan time stated in the Prop is up to 3 years
**Prop 369 Commercialization of the "Noggle Changer"!⌐◨-◨**
- glasses look great, [website](https://shop.polaris-c.net/) has been launched
- sadly only 50 pieces (out of 400) were sold in the initial sale
- waiting for rev split
**Prop 375 Noundry-Gallery.wtf**
- ran traits [competition with 5 eth in prizes](https://twitter.com/coralorca/status/1737455219511034240), posting [Propdates](https://www.propdates.wtf/prop/375)
- [second contest live ](https://twitter.com/coralorca/status/1750557418935980295)
**Prop 378 Public Good Beer**
- did multiple [activations in Brazil and Portugal](https://www.updates.wtf/prop/378)
- [new beer will launch in 2024](https://twitter.com/PublicGoodBeer/status/1743269381969490377)
**Prop 382 Bring a million shredders onchain (revised)**
- waiting for update, Gami is working on it
**Prop 387 Nounishpunk Playable Demo**
- the game is behind schedule, they should release a playable demo by the end of 2024 , updates [here](https://www.updates.wtf/prop/387)
- created an NFT collection which generated a lot of volume, their contract was later hacked, the bad actor [minted a large number of tokens for free](https://twitter.com/blacksantabad/status/1733113166794567853) and sold them into active OS bids, the team disabled selling of the NFTs and launched a [new mint ](https://twitter.com/nounishpunk/status/1743697664649072648)
**Prop 390 Investing in the Growth of Nouns DAO in Japan**
- on track, [first PH round finished](https://prop.house/0x84ae050b4861c59f25be37352a66a3f1e0328aaf)
**Prop 398 Noun en Scène (aka Mise en Scène with Noun 'Muppets') - TAKE 2!!**
- some WIP posts and pics can be found on [Chris's farcaster profile](https://warpcast.com/chrismeetworld)
- delayed due to personal issues
**Prop 425 Nouns : A Movie - Chapter 3, 4 & 5! ⌐◨-◨**
- ep 3 and 4 finished, waiting for ep 5
**Prop 433 The Rise of Blus - Episode 2 Droposal**
- sadly not a lot of [NFTs](https://nouns.movie/mint/2) were minted (35), since the droposal could not be executed properly due to fork-related issues
- waiting for [revenue split] (https://etherscan.io/tx/0x4003b1292e1e0afb42bd062bb7dfdf9679c00f0cc6a88668d9af7256d74a3b25)
**Prop 441 One Noun, Every Day, Forever... in an Action Rogue-Lite Game! V2**
- game is listed on steam, not yet publicly available
- [propdates](https://www.propdates.wtf/prop/441)
- https://x.com/nounscrown
**Prop 449 Let's take Prop House IRL**
- [event](https://twitter.com/sailornouns/status/1751752301411221727) happened in second half of January, hopefully we get to see even more media
- [Prop House round](https://prop.house/0xbf539b18f042cd4019ef9f625c37e698a0bf1747)
**Prop 450 A Nounish Coffee Shop — A Los Angeles IRL-to-URL Nounish Experience**
- regular [updates](https://www.propdates.wtf/prop/450)
- the team was not successfull in securing the location mentioned in the proposal, but they are actively working for another suitable one, they did some pop-ups in the meantime
**Prop 451 # "Book of Nouns" - 名詞の本 - An Internet-first Anime Story !**
- about halfway done
- behind schedule as they were rethinking the strategy in hopes of going viral (the insta page was stagnant)
- https://www.instagram.com/thebookofnouns/
**Prop 459 Play Nouns: A Fun Game UI Layer to Keep Nouns Weird**
- neither of the links seems to be working
- https://nounsgame.vercel.app/
- http://www.playnouns.com/
**468 Nouns Amigos or: How to Boost and Grow a Builders Community in Latam and Beyond**
**Proposal 488 Artist Program**
- some leftover eth in the wallet
**Proposal 494 NOUNS BREAKERS**