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25 August 2020
## Share your code snippet
If you want to share your code snippet, copy paste your snippet within a section of three backticks (```):
As an **example**:
(*you can copy paste this example and add your code further down*)
## Participants
Name | Challenges
--- | ---
Damiano Oldoni |
Emma Cartuyvels|**
Els Lommelen |*
Hans Van Calster |**
Els De Bie |** (oops forgot)
Salvador Fernández | ***
An Vanden Broeck | **
Raïsa Carmen |**
Anja Leyman| **
Leen Govaere | ***
Thierry Onkelinx | ***
Luc De Bruyn | **
No yellow sticky notes online. Put your name + " | " and add a "*" each time you solve a challenge.
## Live coding snippet
library(MASS) # provides `cats` data
gamma_est <- function(data) {
# this fits a gamma distribution to a collection of numbers
m <- mean(data)
v <- var(data)
s <- v/m
a <- m/s
return(list(a = a,s = s))
calc_var <- function(estimates){
var_of_ests <- apply(estimates, 2, var)
return(((n - 1)^2/n)*var_of_ests)
gamma_jackknife <- function(data) {
## jackknife the estimation
n <- length(data)
jack_estimates = gamma_est(data[-1])
for (omitted_point in 2:n) {
jack_estimates = rbind(jack_estimates, gamma_est(data[-omitted_point]))
jack_var = calc_var(jack_estimates)
# jackknife gamma dist. estimates of cat heart weights
Credits: Chris Paciorek, Department of Statistics, UC Berkley
## Challenge 1
Emma: I used debug(EvenOdd)
evenOdd <- function(n) {
char_n <- as.character(n)
char_n_split <- strsplit(char_n, "")[[1]]
counter_even <- 0
counter_odd <- 0
for (i in char_n_split) {
digit <- as.integer(i)
if (digit %% 2 == 0) {
counter_even <- counter_even + 1
} else {
counter_odd <- counter_odd + 1
return(list(n_even = counter_even,
n_odd = counter_odd))
debug(evenOdd) and F10 (next statement)
# vectorised version
evenOdd_vector <- function(n) {
char_n <- as.character(n)
splitted <- strsplit(char_n, "")
splitted <- lapply(splitted, as.integer)
counts <- sapply(
function(x) {
odd <- sum(x %% 2)
c(n_even = length(x) - odd, n_odd = odd)
evenOdd_vector(c(398473234, 459))
solution withouth strsplit
evenOdd <- function(n) {
char_n <- as.character(n)
counter_even <- 0
counter_odd <- 0
for (i in seq_len(nchar(char_n))) {
digit <- as.integer(substring(char_n, i, i))
if (digit %% 2 == 0) {
counter_even <- counter_even + 1
} else {
counter_odd <- counter_odd + 1
return(c(n_even = counter_even,
n_odd = counter_odd))
Example with a conditional breakpoint. Enter the debugger only when `i > 3`
evenOdd <- function(n) {
char_n <- as.character(n)
counter_even <- 0
counter_odd <- 0
for (i in seq_len(nchar(char_n))) {
browser(expr = i > 3) # conditional breakpoint
digit <- as.integer(substring(char_n, i, i))
if (digit %% 2 == 0) {
counter_even <- counter_even + 1
} else {
counter_odd <- counter_odd + 1
return(c(n_even = counter_even,
n_odd = counter_odd))
I used source and red points
? I didn't get an error, so debug seemed strange
Luc -> debug(evenOdd)
Hans -> debug(evenOdd)
Need to split char_n into character digits; I used strsplit() to do it +
simple example to try out strsplit():
a <- "1234"
strsplit(a, split = "")
strsplit(a, split = "")[[1]]
evenOdd <- function(n) {
n <- as.integer(n)
char_n <- strsplit(as.character(n), split = "")[[1]]
counter_even <- 0
counter_odd <- 0
for (i in char_n) {
digit <- as.integer(i)
if (digit %% 2 == 0) {
counter_even <- counter_even + 1
} else {
counter_odd <- counter_odd + 1
return(list(n_even = counter_even,
n_odd = counter_odd))
Salvador -> debug(evenOdd). Found the error inside the loop: the length of char_n is 1, so it returns only if the whole number is odd or even.
## Challenge 2
Thierry: debug(steps), F10 (next statement) and shift+F4 (step into)
The step() works simpler when evenOdd() returns a vector instead of a list.
Note that `x %% 2` equal 1 when `x` is odd. Hence `sum(`x %% 2`)` is the number of odd items in `x`.
evenOdd <- function(n) {
char_n <- as.character(n)
char_n <- strsplit(char_n, "")[[1]]
n_odd <- sum(as.integer(char_n) %% 2)
return(c(n_even = length(char_n) - n_odd, n_odd = n_odd))
step <- function(n) {
as.integer(paste0(c(evenOdd(n), nchar(n)), collapse = ""))
steps <- function(n) {
n_steps <- 0
while (n != 123) {
n <- step(n)
n_steps <- n_steps + 1
Emma: debug(step) and read error steps
evenOdd <- function(n) {
char_n <- as.character(n)
char_n_split <- strsplit(char_n, "")[[1]]
counter_even <- 0
counter_odd <- 0
for (i in char_n_split) {
digit <- as.integer(i)
if (digit %% 2 == 0) {
counter_even <- counter_even + 1
} else {
counter_odd <- counter_odd + 1
step <- function(n) {
n_odd_even_total <- c(evenOdd(n), nchar(n))
step1 <- as.character(n_odd_even_total)
step2 <- paste(step1, sep = '', collapse = '')
step3 <- as.numeric(step2)
steps <- function(n) {
n_steps = 0
while (n != 123) {
n <- step(n)
n_steps <- n_steps + 1
# steps as a recursive function
steps2 <- function(n) {
if (n == 123) {
steps2(step(n)) + 1
Hans: debug(steps) and see that the function is not initialized and n is not correctly returned in the while loop
steps <- function(n) {
n_steps <- 0
while (n != 123) {
n <- step(n)
n_steps <- n_steps + 1
n <- paste0(n$n_even, n$n_odd, n$n_total)
n <- as.integer(n)
Salvador: debug(step)
## Challenge 3
Thierry: Use the `assertthat` package to validate the input.
`.Machine$integer.max` is the largest integer value the machine can store.
evenOdd <- function(n) {
if (!require(assertthat)) {
stop("Please install the assertthat package.")
is.number(n), # must be a single number (real or integer)
noNA(n), # may not contain missing values
0 <= n, # must be positive
n <= .Machine$integer.max
if (!is.integer(n)) {
assert_that(abs(n - as.integer(n)) < 1e-8, msg = "Not an integer")
n <- as.integer(n)
char_n <- as.character(n)
char_n <- strsplit(char_n, "")[[1]]
n_odd <- sum(as.integer(char_n) %% 2)
return(c(n_even = length(char_n) - n_odd, n_odd = n_odd))
evenOdd(c(1, 1234))
evenOdd(list(1, 1234))
THANK YOU !! Very interesting session!! Whoop whoop!