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# Websites & Apps Team scratch pad
Running notes document for the Websites & Apps Team. This is a temporary document to help us plan and work together.
### PLEASE FOLLOW THE MEETING GUIDELINES MENTIONED [HERE](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/)
### PLEASE PLACE THE MEETING LOGS [HERE](https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/meeting-logs)
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
## May 30 2023
### Chair
- Akashdeep Dhar
### Attendees
- Akashdeep Dhar
- Emma Kidney
- Niko
### Agenda
- Fedora Websites 3.0 representation in FL38 Release Party
- Working on the slide deck
- Kinoite and Silverblue - Ported to newer Websites 3.0
- It is completely static - Minimal client side Javascript
- Graceful degradation when Javascript support is disabled
- Niko to confirm his presence by this Thursday
- https://gitlab.com/fedora/mindshare/home/-/issues/20#note_1410769967
### Notes
- Akashdeep and Emma to work on the slide deck
## May 23 2023
### Chair
- Akashdeep Dhar
### Attendees
- Akashdeep Dhar
- Ankit Sinha
### Agenda
- Fedora Websites 3.0 representation in FL38 Release Party
- https://gitlab.com/fedora/mindshare/home/-/issues/20#note_1385500040
### Notes
- Meeting called off due to weak attendance after 10 minutes from the hour
## April 4 2023
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- copperi
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Blogpost updates
- pretty much ready
- Release Status
- currently Shadow release so we don't have to fix a bunch last minute
- F38 on the 18th
- no alt texts on images
- Ashlyn add support in cms and document
- Hari to add descriptions
- Ash + others to migrate vue files
- Add skip to content button
- [issue 136](https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/issues/136) this should modify the tab key like on gitlab and Hari's site
- CSS file discussion
- to use local css per project instead of an external one
- We need a license file
- Follow way that Fedora does it already
- [Liecnse instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/license-approval/)
## March 28
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Akashdeep Dhar (If no one else volunteers)
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Onuralp Sezer
- Ashlyn Knox
- Gregory Lee Bartholomew
- Hari Rana
- Akashdeep Dhar
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Closing the council initiative with the release of the refreshed websites
- Do we do that?
- Or do we work on Badges first?
- Ref. Fedora Websites and Apps Community Survey 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFEIDk9sCV8
- Follow up with Ashlyn's blog post work
- [draft planning notes here](https://hackmd.io/@ash-lilyx/ryRLBtig3)
- feature focus
- feedback request
- shoutout list
## March 21
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Ashlyn
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Ashlyn
- Niko
- Francois
- Preetham
- Gregory
- Madeline
- copperi
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Commblog post
- Ashlyn to write
- Let's be conservative with site wide changes
- basic functionality of site is looking good
- Flock page has issues
- Justin asked for updates to the page b4 release
- Flock page isn't intended to be ready for the release
- Old flock site has been updated with information
- Let's stick with old one until after f38 release
- [x] done
- Update location, date, sponsorlist and calendar
- If it's in good shape, we could release Flock with everything else until then - keep it hidden
- **Goal for next 3-4 weeks**
- get some feedback
- minor tweaks
- social media marketing
- commblog tease for feedback
- manage feedback in commblog discussion topic
- social media boost with actual release
- CMS Gain Access
- Problem to be solved: support resources fore getting people access to collaborate using the CMS for editing content
- Discussion thread is good because it focuses on using already community tools
- Form to present some basic questions and help orient people
- Issue Template **vote wins for this direction**
- What comes next (after the big launch)
- A new page template for spins and labs
- we've gotten requests for new pages for these
- Badges
- Start
- Great for anyone wanting to work with APIs from Commblog and magazine
- Documentation for websites
- things to do leading up to releases
- things to do for events
- how to contribute
- routine tasks
- **don't re-explain how to use npm or vue**
- Hot topics in Readme, everything else in the Fedora Docs
- readme = everything you need to run, test, deploy, contribute (basics)
- fedora docs = more details, specific worfklows
- vitebook as component documentation
## 7th March
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Gregory Bartholomew
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Emma Kidney
- Gregory
- David
- Darknao
- Hari
- Paul
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Gregory: Playing with the menu, implementing ideas from discussion thread: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-workstation-front-page-revamp-first-cut-looking-for-feedback/37169/131
- Ticket: https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/merge_requests/467
- Server page - when the window is minimized, the white text overflows into the white bg behind the hero section.
- Dark mode: Workstation to be converted next. Dark Hero images can be found here if needed: https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/wwwfpo-2022/-/issues/51
- CoreOS: Release notes - mostly implemented. Release info coming from CoreOS Build API
- Support page: https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/merge_requests/422
- David available to help out.
- Flock page available in the shadow - ready to be sent to sponsors
- Languages menu: add to the flocktofedora footer - figuring out logistics, open to suggestions.
- Design updates:
- Posted [Server front page design](https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-server-front-page-revamp-looking-for-feedback/79037) on discussions for community feedback. Feedback is positive. [Comment from Peter Boy](https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-server-front-page-revamp-looking-for-feedback/79037/4) that should be looked at and discussed.
- [Dark versions of hero images](https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/wwwfpo-2022/-/issues/51) complete (?)
- Reworking [icons on Server page](https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/wwwfpo-2022/-/issues/57) to make it look more cohesive.
## 21st Feb
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- emma kidney (ekidney)
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- David Fan
- Jess Chitas
- Paul Power
- Gregory Bartholomew
- Hari Rana
- Francois
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Fedora Infrastructure requests for looking into the following issues
- https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10730
- https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10284
- Design updates:
- Discussion post for Cloud page: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-cloud-front-page-revamp-looking-for-feedback/47020
- Progress with Server graphic: https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/wwwfpo-2022/-/issues/23#note_1285747715
- Dark colours for the Fedora Palette : https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/wwwfpo-2022/-/issues/49
## 14th Feb
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Emma
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- David
- Gregory
- Paul
- Hari
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- New time - alternate between 2pm and 4pm Utc - Next Tuesday at 4pm
- Went over Design updates for Server
- Talked about Badges project and community meeting tomorrow.
- Meeting was short due to people being busy today.
## February 8, 2023
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Ashlyn
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Hari Rana
- Madeline Peck
- Emma
- Francois
- Gregory Bartholomew
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Whenisgood meeting time
- Design Updates
- Team Follow Ups for Page Content
- Engineering Updates
- Madeline is trying to attend these meetings more regularly and is looking for a small small, not pressing project to work on to beef up skills
## Notes
### Whenisgood
- meeting time doesn't suite some people
- 4pm UTC is better based on whenisgood
- switch back to tuesdays
### Design Updates
- Coreos and Cloud Hero Images work
- coreos, team is happy with design
- figuring out overlays wtih blender
- Drop shadows could be used to enhance text
### Page Content Follow Up
- follow up with individual teams
- [ ] iot
- Peter Robinson (follow ups were difficult)
- [ ] coreos
- weekly meetings discussed content recently
- currently happy with their content
- [ ] server
- this was discussed a while ago
- [ ] workstation
- also a while ago
- [ ] silverblue (follow up with after launch)
- Proposed changes in tickets
### Engineering Updates
- Footer being made to be easy to maintain
### Early Contributions
- create facilitated pair code sessions for newer devs to contribute to the code base
- timezone focused?
- akash
- niko
- ashlyn
- francois
- all in different places!
#### Some topics
- Inline SVGS
- CSS animations
- CMS management and maintenance tasks
- admin roles for organizing groups that would allow people to commit using the CMS
- documentation on the workflow
- Potential recordings or streaming
- build up to hackathon for more engagement
- Follow up in chat and set up new meeting time
- make sure everyone else has had a change to weigh in
- pos/neg chat reaction
- if ++ then set up new meeting times on docs and fedocal etc, new invites
- [ ] Ping Akash to set new meeting time
- [ ] Emma and Hari to follow up with one another
- [ ] New Contributions Facilitation Sessions
- [ ] Ash to look in codebase for things to work on
- [ ] Ash, Madeline, Gregory follow up for a session time
## February 1 2023
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Ashlyn Knox
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Gregory Bartholomew
- Niko
- Francois Andrieu
- Hari Rana
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- websites 3.0 updates
- Launch Plan
## Notes
### Updates
- all download pages look good
### Launch Plans
- we have everything roughly 80% done and need avoid a crunch
- Beta release as a websites freeze
- 1 month period
- no new implementations for us
- just fix styles and stuff
### Server
- Niko and Emma are working on this
### Index Page
- 3 sections of content (ash to follow up with mo)
### Static Rendering Issues
- We aren't currently shipping a static site
- Download size is currently: 1.6mb with no images
- workstation page: 5.5mb
- mainly index page needs to be like 10kb
- we need to reduce the page size
### Non Development Tasks
- Team Outreach: Get features on updates to content that need to be made for f38
- Content Updates: copy text for pages, a lot of the content is place holder. A lot of gnome selling points on the mockups.
- Check the Fedora Wiki for communication info to do outreach
- DM Mo, Justin, Akash, or other long time Fedorans
### Prepare to Manage Feedback (early March)
- discuss with Mo and other folks on the best
## January 25 2023
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- What should be our approach towards building the frontend for the Fedora Badges system? [Vote here](https://https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/so-we-investigated-discourse-to-confirm-if-it-is-worthy-of-being-the-fedora-badges-frontend/46104)
- Change meeting time? [Vote here](http://whenisgood.net/yiwxkbw)
### Main Tasks
## January 18 2023
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Niko
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Ashlyn
- Francois
- Ellen
- Hari
- Jan
- Niko
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Discuss remaining work to do
### Main Tasks
- Download tickets
- Verify Page
- put verify instructions directly on the page
- TODO: Verify downloads design on the actual page as opposed to separate page (in modal) -- double check that it works good on mobile.
- Unanimous ++ on this direction
- Need to check if we are compliant with mac and windows icons
- this is something we will need to check before release
- Flock is populated enough for this release
- Niko to reach out to Server team
- navigation
- set up in cms
- change to yaml, make editable by others
- TODO: Start planning to reduce mental load for new contributors
- this will be towards our documentation effors
- Critical Info for new contributors is top focus
- TODO: Merge documentation into readme and start using Fedora Docs for the documentation.
- Ashlyn to focus on Index Page, Nav, and Footer
## Jan 4 2023
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Ashlyn
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Gregory
- Francois
- Hari
- Jefferson
- Emma
- Ashlyn
- Niko
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- CMS Review
- Navigation Bar Design
- Developer Experience
- Code Review for Standards
- Documentation that we are going to be able to write
## Discussion
### CMS Workflow
- Editorial workflow process (Docs)
- step by step with pictures
- what each stage of editorial workflow is for
### NavBar Design
- [Design Issue 50](https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/wwwfpo-2022/-/issues/50)
- Issue with "Downloads" category, can we name this better
- and "Community" categories
- Consider using plural terminology instead of singular for Global
- Emerging Editions causing confusion, potentially alienating
- can we make editions look more appealing and establish
- Terminology and Explanations of what each desktop is to improve o
- The edition page itself could have more documentation about it being more "advanced" one and not just a DE spin
- like Core and Cloud and more than an DE, but KDE, XFCE are more about the interface
- idea: labs should be made more discoverable over spins
### Developer Experience
- Nuxt Documentation: Docs need to be improved and changes still happening
- How to SSR, how to control what it chooses to render and when
- local build vs static is not working the same
- Note things that could break on deploy but not on local
- Needs to run locally with npm run generate first
- MR Test workflow
- `npm run generate`, `npx serve ./output/public` needs to be ran b5 merge
- view multiple pages
- **TODO** add the serve command to our docs **High Priority**
- Smaller more frequent merges
- Some learning resources for our team and contributors could help
- minor vue 2 to vue 3 syntax translations
- examples of syntax differences (how to translate)
- Lifecycle hooks in nuxt have been weird to use
- Merge Worfklow (Change suggestion)
- Fast Forward worfklow using rebase to avoid issues (harder but stabler)
- we can set this up as a requirement for our MRs
- when used in gitlab, web interface will get you to work through conflicts that it can't auto solve
- rebase should be done locally b4 testing and merge **if use web interface, must pull and test before merging**
- reviewers also need to test locally
### Code Review
- Naming Conventions
- ie: using Fp- prefix for wrapper/dumb components and components with data and state use terms like `CommunitySection` instead. then one use per page components use The prefix
- Conventions for logic
- ie: inline functions vs in script tag
### Council Meeting
- What do we need to do?
- Who is going to be there?
- What is in scope of this meeting?
## December 28th
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Ashlyn
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Jefferson
- Francois
- Ashlyn
- Gregory
- Hari
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Translation Work: Make sure everything is translatable
- we shouldn't worry about adding new translations atm
- hold off on new translations until after the 11th
- Freeze for meeting on January 6th (no merges between 6th and 11th)
- Freeze on MRs and code, Documentation and Design are good to continue
### Documentation: During and leading up to freeze
- topics:
- code contributions
- component organization (easy to get discouraged)
- workflow for: **updating content in CMS vs layout with components**
- ex: create a small sample workflow to show how to add content with cms and apply with component to make it easy to see how the method scales/applies
- How to update CMS schema (using partials and extra files intead of the config directly)
- Revamp Scope
- list of pages that are to be worked on which are in scope for this cycle
- Update Documentation topics in [Issue 44](https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/issues/44)
- workflow:
- use built in tasks feature to add topics
- title, description needed, tag with tasks::docs
- add images and files into the subtasks directly using the attach feature in the description section
- Documentation writing process:
- docs written in fedora docs and deployed to staging
- upon launch and the move to this new site, we then merge that down into production
- add links to the readme and wiki to make sure everyone can find the docs easily
### Code Review [Issue 83](https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/issues/83)
- use the built in tasks for action items
- come to conclusions on action items in the comments section
- after we've determined how this works, we could/should put notes in the components directories and sub directories (md or txt)
- this information would be added to vitebook after we are ready to migrate to separate components repository so the doc files in the repo aren't permenant (if we could look up how vitebook does this, we could potentially safe ourselves some time by following their approach)
## December 21
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Ashlyn
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Gregory Bartholomew
- Hari
- Jan Kuparinen
## Agenda
- Last week:
- CMS fix from @jefferson (Cloud, CoreOS now editable in CMS)
- navbar initial updates from @WfT0jCrcQoW62E4ZDZOTWA
- magazine test from @glb
- download page initial support & release.js refactor from @nikodunk
- removed full-static setting for full vue support
## Notes
- Navigation
- import data at layout level and send to footer and nav components from there
- it is easier to add that to component level later if we need to than to have to move the other way around
- Static
- Preferable for many cases
- Can we set SSG at route level
- hacks online for splitting ssg and client side rendering
- research on whether [these ssr routes can be used](https://nuxt.com/docs/guide/directory-structure/server)
- does this work at build time and then be available statically?
- Need to follow up with Francois
- Magazine Test Site
- Pull out of develop and main due to speed issues
- Not in deployment for f38 scope
- Keep in branch for development and experimentation and keep branch updated
- lessons from initial trial
- client side rendering is slowing things down
- api calls should be made b4 build and not from client queries
- build needs to be incremental
- [issue in nuxt official repo addressing this](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/issues/6138)
- chats and real time updates should be client side, everything else should be static
- major spot for client side would also be our ui elements like nav
- [headless wordpress](https://wpengine.com/resources/headless-cms-and-wordpress/)
- Code Review & Documentation
- Communication is key
- Use README file for a quicksheet and links to contributor docs
- Fedora Docs for our contributor documentation
- anticipate a fairly extensive doc writing phase
- research on how to approach writing these docs + community outreach with other Fedora Teams for some extra support
- Code Review Process:
- topic and issue focused (ie: naming conventions, prop structures...)
- make sessions available for new contributors shadowing to learn
- Documentation Organization:
- set up separate pages for things like: code contributions, design, issues, onboarding (let's to not overcomplicate but be scalable)
- [Example](https://gitlab.com/fedora/docs/docs-website/pages)
- Get some support on documentation writing for the new year
- Finish up current work as much as possible
- Plan code reviews and optimization sessions
## December 14
### Chair + Notes
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Ashlyn
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Jefferson
- Hari
- Gregory
- Francois
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Introductions (if any new attendees) & personal check in
- Theme for Fedora Magazine - Gregory Idea
- Update from Past Week's MRs
- [Active Merge Requests](https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/merge_requests)
- [Open Issues](https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/issues)
## Notes
### Wordpress Theme
- Suggested to use nuxt 3 to render our wordpress sites
- Static with client side hydration
- Will it work w/o javascript
#### Tasks
- Create new branch with wordpress site content
- Two ways to go:
- Add mag and blog to current repo
- Original idea: Create fp-components repo and import into other repos based on boiler plate
- Track Discussion: Issue, Test Deploy in MR
- TODO: Research headless wordpress workflow with Nuxt
### Update from Past Week's MR's
- Download Page for Cloud
- Cloud & CoreOs updates
- CMS create file in data
#### Navigation
- Need to follow up regarding translation
- Present issue: translator is having to deal with technical and non technical content (should only be translating non-technical)
- Use this work to fix this issue
- Two Ideas:
- aggressive code splitting (functional and non functional) probably messy
- Use a strict naming convention for attribute names that are to be translated (like a prefix to note stuff that shouldn't be touched, weblate would ignore that content)
- Merge current MR down and follow with content and style work in separate MR, keep on index page for the time being.
### Flock Collage
- Accept Francois Suggestion and then merge
## Components Breakings and Handle Component Variations
- [Naming Conventions](https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/issues/80)
- Need to address variations in design and layouts
- Review how other people are doing it
- ie: [Vuetify](https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/issues/80)
- TODO: Create an issue to track this
- Atomic Approach:
- More components to handle variations [article](https://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/table-of-contents/)
- very specific things handled by components
- Component versioning?
- would work well with large scale changes down the road
### Documentation
- We should look at relating our discussions on various issues to our documentation with our meeting notes and videos
## Follow Up (next week)
- [Hari Dark Theme Design Work](https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/wwwfpo-2022/-/issues/47)
- Upgrade from the current yolo dark theme
- Engage design team on building an official dark theme
- Follow up at design meeting
## Other Things
- Archive our design feedback repo in favour of the wwwfpo repo
- Move over accessibility issue to wwwfpo
## December 7
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Akashdeep Dhar
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Akashdeep Dhar
- Ashlyn Knox
- Emma Kidney
- Onuralp Sezer
- Gregory Bartholomew
- Niko Dunk
- Francois Andrieu
- Jan Kuparinen
- Jefferson
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Welcome back Akash :)
- Community Survey Report 2022 (thank you Akash, Emma, Onuralp)
- Jan 11 Review Update (mairin) - screenshare, signoff then.
- Staging deploy Update (darknao)
- got first review of PR, deployed some time this month.
- built on ansible, not on ansible, so that not dependent on gl
- Update on Current snapshot after last week (Niko)
- Thanks to everyone who contributed!
- look at [issues](https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/issues)
- need a "good first issue" label
- [Navigation Prototype](https://design.penpot.app/#/view/67289d0b-79f1-800b-8001-83547cd4bf01?page-id=ebf54ab3-8fb9-80f6-8001-835add565a27§ion=interactions&index=0&share-id=0287358f-ba0f-80b3-8001-b0a6c37a621e) (Ashlyn Knox)
- Beautiful prototype! both mobile & desktop
## Meeting Notes
### Community Survey Report
- Low Survey Response
- 60/40 positive response to ease of contributing to the team
- not knowing where to start is a main blocker
- What people say about the team:
- General positive response to our revamp effort and collaboration with other teams
- Interest in Fields of Contribution
- Frontend has teh most
- followed by translation and testing
- design and other low
- no positive for documentation
- We do need to follow up with our dev documentation
- On Sharing Team Updates
- Nest and Release Parties as places for updates
- More visuals are better (notes)
- Mindshare
- We need to do more activities that engage the communty
- **Takeaway**: We need to advertise our survey's more
### Council Review January 11
- Relaxed Presentation
- Screenshare and walkthrough of the content
- Get general feedback from council
### Staging Deploy
- _deploy from gitlab to openshift_
- first review of PR, deployed some time this month
- built using a fedora image. The pipeline is the same as the gitlab pipeline
- suggested to send a static deploy to ansible, but the current approach is the faster way and considered better way for now.
- this could be revisted later
- There could be problems of having things dependent on the gitlab pipeline, more people could fix things when using the ansible infra pipeline (OSPO)
### Current State of things
- Internationalization
- Community page templating
- Dropdowns in nav working
### Issues
- Use tasks inside of issues to break things up
- add good_first_issue tag
### New Nav Deploy to other Sites
- Potentially pull the generated content in a partial from our site and use that for the others
### Side Notes
#### Internships and Practicum Mentorships
- We need more emphasis on the mentees documenting their work than getting as much completed so that people can pick up from where they left off
#### Frozen-Flask
- src.fpo rpm https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-frozen-flask
- hang on for a release and then move away from it [relevant repo](https://pagure.io/fedora-web/websites/)
## November 30
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Onuralp, Niko
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Máirín
- Jefferson
- Gregory
- Onuralp
- Ellen
- Francois
- Sajid
- Madeline Peck
- Tanu (first meeting, weclome!)
- Sajid (first meeting, welcome!)
- Copperi
- Emma
- Ashlyn
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- What happened last week
- new pages - new designs coming
- merging static - merge
- f38 release - need signoff from council
### Survey Results
Survey that was sent out...
Didn't get enough people to go through it.
Next time maybe better plan to get the survey out?
Onuralp doesn't have access to results to summarize but Emma has access, he will reach out to her.
## F38 Release Plan
- Looking to have staging page set up for testing
- Talk to Fedora council / demo staging in Jan [Mo to request]
## What happened last week
- We now have new pages built - Fedora Core OS and Fedora IoT. Waiting on Cloud design.
- Francois built a dark mode.
- Full i18n support with more languages rolling in.
- A couple of pull requests to discuss
- We now have more hands than we have designs.
## Needs from Design Team
- Mo to add link to Penpot for Workstation Downloads page
- Dropping get started tab for each edition for f38 release
- Moving forward can use CMS to input any needed strings / taglines
- Emma looking to share CoreOS design with CoreOS team on discussions.fpo to get feedback/discussion in case changes needed
- Mo still working on front page design
- (should replace framework laptop with lenovo)
## What to merge next week
- Merge requests open // experiment with true static
- darknao is ok with it, ok to merge
## Staging Deployment Discussion
## For new people
- We're doing a lot of showing the GitLab project which is linked to from our chat in Element
- The GitLab readme has some getting starting info with a training video and there is some Wiki docs as well.
## Nuxt link issue
- Ashlyn thinks she figured out what is happening, thinks can solve by end of today.
- Ashlyn fine merging the full static PR to solve this for now.
## November 23, 2022
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Niko
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
- Ashlyn
- Emma (ekidney)
- Francois
- Niko
- Jefferson
- Gregory
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Welcome and Introductions with New Contributors
- Review of the work being done in the past week
- upgrade to nuxt 3 (stable)
- darkmode uses tailwind's darkmode settings
- navbar reorganization (so all 5 editions are in the nav)
- mobile stacks better now and loads up
- footer mobile setup working
- FpLink and FpImage as temporary replacements to NuxtImage and FpImage
- Discuss tasks that would be good first issues for new contributors
- download pages
- Fedora Cloud (when designs are ready)
- can we link the design tickets to the development tickets based on the repos being in the same project?
- Prerender and routing bug progress
- Francois made progress on issue - see [ticket](https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/fedora-websites/fedora-websites-3.0/-/issues/71) (potentially stripping out javascript?)
- Jefferson brough up excellent point that Astro framework supports true static website, and could re-use Vue templates.
- Niko: right tool for the job vs. switching cost?
- Staging deployment
- Francois is looking to push to stg.fedoraproject.org next week once infrastructure team is back
## Issues
- Local Navbar on Header vs Hero white color is hard to see
## 2022-11-23
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Reduce amount of javascript loaded on static site
- Nuxt 3 upgrade done - let's never touch again
## 2022-11-16
### Chair
- Máirín Duffy
### Attendees
- mizmo
- darknao
- niko
- glb
- t0xic0der
- Jefferson Oliveira
### Agenda
#### Updates:
- Ashlyn landed community pages,
- Francois added markdown fixes
- Akashdeep has started probing into the survey results
- Jefferson I'm working on the coreos page, I had started with mock data, but now I'm adding the style from the designs, I will create a draft PR today or tomorrow.
#### Local Nav Mobile Design Discussion
- [Gitlab issue with screenshots](https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/wwwfpo-2022/-/issues/38)
- How to merge Local bar with Global bar on mobile (2 sep components)
#### New staging site discussion now that F37 is out
- Getfedora vs fedoraproject.org? Mairin: fedoraproject.org
### Action Items
- [ ] Mo to update https://gitlab.com/fedora/design/team/wwwfpo-2022/-/issues/38 with summary from today; idea to change CTA on mobile to help/info instead of download (less practical on a mobile device), use hero stretch to full screen with CTA buttons, but this leaves an issue for navigating locally when not on front page :-/
## 2022-11-08
### Chair
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#_how_to_chair_team_meetings).
- Ashlyn
### Attendees
> Please follow the [guidelines](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#guidelines) and [regulations](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#self-aware).
## Agenda
> Please follow the [instructions](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/engg/meetings/#agenda).
- Check in (how is everyone doing?)
- Announcements
- Tuesday meetings have been removed for now, in favour of the Wednesday meetings (and to save some time)
- Wednesday meetings have now been renamed to "Fedora Websites and Apps Team Weekly Meeting" - to include everything
- Folks might have been spammed with the cancellation/rename emails from Google Calendar - Inconvenience is regretted
- Review work done on the revamp this week
- Flexible Layouts for edition supporting pages and content partials for SIG focused banners
- Markdown rendering issue [Response from nuxt team](https://github.com/nuxt/content/issues/1638#issuecomment-1302900932)
- What's next?
- Creating pages with maintainable templates
- Optimizing components for easy reuse across pages
- CMS tweaks from follow up UX testing (documentation and labels - no actual content changes)
- Heads up: [Fitting the new f38 mobile/Phosh spin/lab in websites](https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fitting-the-new-f38-mobile-phosh-spin-lab-in-websites/43887)
## Other historical minutes
Moved to https://gitlab.com/fedora/websites-apps/meeting-logs