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###### tags: `SIG Software Supply Chain`
# CDF Software Supply Chain SIG Meetings
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## Quick links
* [Logistics](#Logistics)
* [Agenda and Notes](#Agenda-and-Notes)
* [2023-03-09 Meeting](#March-9-2023)
* [2023-02-23 Meeting](#February-23-2023)
* [2023-02-09 Meeting](#February-9-2023)
* [2023-01-12 Meeting](#January-12-2023)
* [2022-12-22 Meeting](#December-22-2022) - ***Cancelled***
* [2022-12-08 Meeting](#December-8-2022)
* [2022-11-24 Meeting](#November-10-2022) - ***Cancelled***
* [2022-11-10 Meeting](#November-10-2022) - ***Cancelled***
* [2022-10-27 Meeting](#October-27-2022) - ***Cancelled***
* [2022-10-13 Meeting](#October-13-2022) - ***Cancelled***
* [2022-09-22 Meeting](#September-22-2022)
* [2022-09-08 Meeting](#September-8-2022)
* [2022-08-25 Meeting](#August-25-2022)
* [2022-08-11 Meeting](#August-11-2022)
* [2022-07-28 Meeting](#July-28-2022) - ***Cancelled***
* [2022-07-14 Meeting](#July-14-2022) - ***Cancelled***
* [2022-06-23 Meeting](#June-23-2022)
* [2022-06-09 Meeting](#June-9-2022)
* [2022-05-26 Meeting](#May-26-2022)
* [2022-05-12 Meeting](#May-12-2022)
* [2022-04-28 Meeting](#April-28-2022)
* [2022-04-14 Meeting](#April-14-2022)
* [2022-03-24 Meeting](#March-24-2022)
* [2022-03-10 Meeting](#March-10-2022)
## Logistics
* **Meeting notes on HackMD**: https://hackmd.io/MX4W9EE0RBeO3xfJ9wDi_Q
* **When**: Second and fourth Thursdays at 16:00UTC (*See your timezone [here](https://time.is/1600_in_UTC)*)
* **Zoom Bridge**: https://zoom.us/j/94947282554?pwd=UndPWjFkQTJSUGo4WTRZWjlDaEQvUT09
* **Zoom International dial-in numbers**: https://zoom.us/zoomconference
* **Meeting Recordings**: [CDF Youtube Channel SIG Software Supply Chain Playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2KXbZ9-EY9TT2rKSBv6-BUdKqsJg9rAL)
* **Presentation Schedule**: https://hackmd.io/l1BfXp1kQKGKSaKLbl6xJw
* **CDF Public Calendar**: [here](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=linuxfoundation.org_mhf0kmgedn67ihni8r129avp24%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=UTC)
## Agenda and Notes
Meeting agenda and notes are kept on [HackMD.io](https://hackmd.io/MX4W9EE0RBeO3xfJ9wDi_Q) where everyone can add new topics to the agenda for upcoming meetings or take notes during the meetings. Please click edit button to edit the document.
### Next
- Upcoming topics we would like to discuss -- please place your name next to an item if you would like to lead the discussion:
- [OSS Review Toolkit](https://github.com/oss-review-toolkit/ort)
- SBOM storage / indexing
- Linking SBOMs from applications to docker containers they're in
- Osama Magdy's final GSoC talk
- apko and melange -- Batuhan Apaydin ("developer-guy") and Furkan Turkal
- sigstore tooling -- Batuhan Apaydin ("developer-guy")
### Standing Agenda (copy-and-paste to create a new session)
#### Participants
* your-name, your-affiliation
#### Agenda and Notes
- Supply Chain Maturity
- Best Practices Presentation
- Problem statement and questions
- Supply Chain Security
- Best Practices Presentation
- Problem statement and questions
- Supply Chain Events
- Events interoperability across supply chain implementations
- OSPO -- managing OSS in a way that brings value to our companies
### March 9, 2023
#### Participants
* David Bendory, Google/Tekton
* Fatih Degirmenci, CDF
* Brett Smith, SAS Institute
#### Agenda and Notes
- SIG Roadmap
- [Pull request](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-software-supply-chain/pull/34) is ~~up for review~~ merged
- Supply Chain Maturity Metrics
- Topic is brought up to the Best Practices SIG
- The next step is to go through and align the terminology used on the Supply Chain Security Metrics doc and then include it on the Best Practices Website
- PDF will also be created so people can download it
- Supply Chain Maturity
- Best Practices Presentation
- Problem statement and questions
- Supply Chain Security
- Best Practices Presentation
- Problem statement and questions
- Supply Chain Events
- Events interoperability across supply chain implementations
- OSPO -- managing OSS in a way that brings value to our companies
#### Action Items
- [x] Brett: Review Supply Chain Maturity Doc with eye towards events
- [x] Fatih: Take the first stab for the SIG Roadmap based on SIG Interop roadmap - current, near term, future
- [ ] Fatih: Document the summary of ongoing efforts under Outreach Committee, TOC, Ambassador Program to grow and sustain the community
### February 23, 2023
#### Participants
* David Bendory, Google
* Fatih Degirmenci, CDF
* Brett Smith, SAS Institute
* Emil Backmark, Ericsson, CDEvents
#### Agenda and Notes
- [Fatih] Supply Chain Events
- Should the SIG start discussing the Supply Chain events as a contribution to CDEvents?
- [Emil] Of interest: can we track creation of SBOM as an event, or referenced from an existing event?
- [Fatih] I wonder if we would even treat discovery of CVEs as events?
- Conversations here would feed into the Events SIG
- [Fatih] Should we develop a SIG Roadmap?
- Yes
- Supply Chain Maturity
- Best Practices Presentation
- Problem statement and questions
- Supply Chain Security
- Best Practices Presentation
- Problem statement and questions
- Grow Community
- Workshops - the initial discussion is happening on [the doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UNRCIcNR96utZernFC5pyx8LDFYGNDtlzj-r-5Y3AoI/edit#)
#### Action Items
- [x] Fatih: shut down dormant Security SIG and migrate work products
- [The topic is brought up to the TOC](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uBHar55fTInWF9Li4t0lyG3tTC8BRLU0FfBfsgk_Jrs/edit#heading=h.efj7mpikrslq) and [the PR](https://github.com/cdfoundation/toc/pull/172) is up for review.
- [ ] Brett: Review Supply Chain Maturity Doc with eye towards events
- [ ] Fatih: Take the first stab for the SIG Roadmap based on SIG Interop roadmap - current, near term, future
- [ ] Fatih: Document the summary of ongoing efforts under Outreach Committee, TOC, Ambassador Program to grow and sustain the community
### February 9, 2023
#### Participants
* Liora Milbaum, RadHat
* David Bendory, Google
* Fatih Degirmenci, CDF
* George Kunz, Ericsson
* Brett Smith, SAS Institute
#### Agenda and Notes
- What is the direction for this SIG? -- Liora Milbaum
- It seems that the SIG is focused on Supply Chain Security. Is that our direction or is that "just" a recent focus?
- History: this SIG started partly in response to [this blog post](https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/blog/10m-to-improve-the-security-of-software-supply-chains) -- to bring focus on CICD more broadly
- Fatih: we don't currently have a roadmap; perhaps the Supply Chain Maturity conversations should be brought back in to drive the roadmap
- David: Maturity Metrics workstream product is one roadmap item
- Brett: do we want to bring back the "best practices" conversations we were having ([frsca](https://buildsec.github.io/frsca/))?
- Security SIG is dormant -- AI for Fatih to shut down Security SIG and move items to here
- Liora: is this a good forum for collaboration on CICD challenges?
- (concensus is yes
- David: Sounds like we have a "standing agenda" for this SIG:
- Supply Chain Security
- Supply Chain Maturity
- In both areas, we have standing items around "best practices" presentations + problem statements and discussion around meeting CICD challenges
- George: what about OSPO conversations around the value of OSS and managing that in our respective companies?
- Third pillar for standing agenda: OSPO and managing OSS usage + contributions in a way that brings value to our companies
- [Supply Chain Maturity Metrics](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CDSbQezqauwL2BaFob7o2ztLk6dTQGZqZCMZ_szNhW8/edit?resourcekey=0-ooiOpNu2gyR-KOlMNOCcDA) -- looking for a volunteer to adapt this doc for inclusion in [CDF Best Practices](https://bestpractices.cd.foundation/learn/assess/) -- David Bendory
- Brett: this doc would help us with compliance as we try to reach FedRAMP compliance. Perhaps this belongs in a GitHub repo in the SIG?
- GitHub will make it public + enable easy smaller-scale collaboration
- Liora: I'm curious how you handle the question of where to keep public keys?
- David: this is a "root of trust" problem -- how do you decide whether or not to trust a public key? How do you determine the leaf nodes that you trust and verify no further?
- Brett: Agree with David -- if you decide you trust GitHub (which is itself a big "if"), then you have to ask what security controls you need on the repository yourself.
- Liora: if I can pull the key from JFrog where I pull the artifact, why do I need to keep the key in GitHub and pull it from a separate location? Also, someone needs to maintain the key in GitHub, which relies on a manual human step. This feels like I'm losing my chain of custody -- I don't have logs and an audit trail.
- Brett: provenance should be machine-generated and not falsifiable.
#### Action Items
- [x] David Bendory: migrate [Maturity Metrics](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CDSbQezqauwL2BaFob7o2ztLk6dTQGZqZCMZ_szNhW8/edit?resourcekey=0-ooiOpNu2gyR-KOlMNOCcD) to SIG GitHub repo
- DONE: result is [here](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-software-supply-chain/blob/main/docs/supply-chain-maturity.md)
- [ ] Fatih: shut down dormant Security SIG and migrate work products + roadmap to here
- [x] David Bendory: I'll set up our standing agenda + post to Slack
### January 12, 2023
#### Participants
* Liora Milbaum, Red Hat
* Fatih Degirmenci, CDF
* Georg Kunz, Ericsson
* Parth Patel, Kusari
#### Agenda and Notes
* Open Discussion
* What are our next steps?
* SIG Roadmap to identify what we would like to work on based on the ideas shared by the SIG participants
* Supply Chain Security and CDEvents
### December 22, 2022
Canceled for YE break
### December 8, 2022
#### Participants
* Fatih Degirmenci, CDF, SIG co-chair
* David Bendory, Google
* Justin Abrahms, eBay
* Chuang Wang, Google
* Liora Milbaum, Red Hat, SIG co-chair
* Ankit Mohapatra
* Al Huizenga, Google
#### Agenda and Notes
* SIG Updates, Fatih Degirmenci
* Fatih plans to step down from co-chair of SIG
* Nominations for co-chair can be made in GitHub on [Issue #26](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-software-supply-chain/issues/26)
* Upcoming Meetings, All
* 2022-12-22: Canceled
* 2023-01-12: Planned first meeting in new year
* End-to-end Pipeline-level Provenance in Tekton, Chuang Wang (Google Tekton SWE)
* Demo meets [SLSA L3](https://slsa.dev/spec/v0.1/levels)!
* [demo source in GitHub](https://github.com/chuangw6/demos/blob/main/cdf)
* uses [multi-task pipeline](https://github.com/chuangw6/demos/blob/v0.1/cdf/pipelines/ci-pipeline.yaml) in Tekton to clone repo + build image
* [PipelineRun](https://github.com/chuangw6/demos/blob/v0.1/cdf/pipelines/ci-pipelinerun.yaml) references pipeline in GitHub to comply with SLSA's "[build as code](https://slsa.dev/spec/v0.1/requirements#build-as-code)" requirement
* Related: See David Bendory's [Binary Authorization Demo](#Agenda-and-Notes5) from the Aug 11 SIG meeting
* SBOM Scorecard, Justin Abrahms
* https://github.com/eBay/sbom-scorecard
* \<addme\>
#### Action Items
* None
#### Meeting Recording
* \<addme\>
### November 24, 2022
Cancelled due to lack of topics.
### November 10, 2022
Cancelled due to lack of topics.
### October 27, 2022
Cancelled due to KubeCon / CloudNativeCon.
### October 13, 2022
### September 22, 2022
#### Participants
* Brett Smith, SAS Institute
* Terry Cox
* David Espejo
* Georg Kunz
* Grant Buskey
* Jill
* Parth Patel
* Fatih Degirmenci
* Justin Abrahms, eBay/CDF
* Kara de la Marck
* Osama Magdy
* David Bendory
#### Agenda and Notes
* CI/CD Pipeline at SAS, Brett Smith
* Supply Chain Maturity Model Workstream, All
* [Announcement Blog Post](https://cd.foundation/blog/2022/09/22/software-supply-chain-sig-launches-maturity-model-workstream/)
* Meetings: Every other Tuesday at 16:00 UTC (details [here](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-software-supply-chain/tree/main/workstreams/scmm#meetings)), starting October 4
#### Action Items
* None
#### Meeting Recording
* \<addme\>
### September 8, 2022
#### Participants
* Osama Magdy, Jenkins X
* Kara de la Marck, CDF
* Parth Patel, Kusari
* Rajat Gupta, Jenkins X
* Fatih Degirmenci, CDF
* Georg Kunz, Ericsson
* David Espejo, VMWare
* Brad Beck
* Andrea Frittoli, IBM
* Ankit Mohapatra, Berkshire grey
* Justin Abrahms, eBay, CDF TOC/Board/SIG-Interoperability
#### Agenda and Notes
* Action Item Review, All
* [FRSCA](https://github.com/buildsec/frsca), Parth Patel, Kusari
* Supply Chain Maturity Model Workstream, David Bendory, Google
* [Workstream Readme](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-software-supply-chain/tree/main/workstreams/scmm)
* [Doodle Poll to find meeting time](https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dG5MZ45a)
#### Action Items
* None
#### Meeting Recording
* \<addme\>
### August 25, 2022
#### Participants
* Ankit, Berkshire grey
* Osama Magdy, Jenkins X
* Rajat Gupta, Jenkins X
* Justin Abrahms, eBay, CDF TOC/Board/SIG-Interoperability
* Brett Smith, SAS
* Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson, CDEvents
* Fatih Degirmenci, CDF
* Kara de la Marck, CDF
* Rajat Gupta
* Tharwat Abou-Helal
* David Bendory, Google
* David Espejo,
* Hergy Tchuinkou,
* Parth Patel, Kusari
* Georg Kunz, Ericsson
#### Agenda and Notes
* Action Item Review, All
* Supply Chain Security Journey for Jenkins X - Now and Beyond, Osama Magdy, Jenkins X
* Supply Chain Maturity Model, David Bendory, Google
* Context: [slack msg](https://cdeliveryfdn.slack.com/archives/C0333C92VTR/p1660740646761439)
* https://github.com/ossf/scorecard
* **C**ode **H**ealth **P**roject **S**core ("CHiPS" and SLSA) (hat/tip -- thanks to Billy Lynch for the clever name!)
* Parth -- runtime attestations ("is my application only reaching out to known destinations")
* Justin -- this sounds like policies that provide metrics around maturity
#### Action Items
* ~~Interested in Supply Chain Maturity Model / "CHiPS"? Please contact David Bendory on Slack to get involved.~~
* ~~From Zoom: Brett, Justin, Ankit, and Parth stated their interest to take part in the effort on Zoom chat~~
#### Meeting Recording
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Txe1wBt0pcM
### August 11, 2022
#### Participants
* Fatih Degirmenci, CDF
* Tracy Ragan, DeployHub, Ortelius and OpenSSF Board Member, CDF TOC
* Justin Abrahms, eBay, CDF TOC/Board/SIG-Interoperability
* Terry Cox, Bootstrap
* Kara de la Marck, CDF
* David Bendory, Google
* Chuang Wang, Google
* Yongxuan Zhang, Google
* Prakash Jagatheesan, Google
* Ronan, Google
* Tim Miller, Kusari
* Alex Misdorp
* Michael Lieberman, Kusari
* Parth Patel, Kusari
* Andrea Frittoli, IBM, CDF TOC/Board/SIG-Events
* Brett Smith, SAS
* Charles Tudor, SAS
* Eric Wimmer, SAS
* Su Johnson, SAS
* Scott Todd, SAS
* Jill Madritch, SAS
* Ankit D Mohapatra, berkshire grey
* Rajat Gupta, Jenkins X
* Osama Magdy, Jenkins X
* Terry Cox
* David Espejo
* Georg Kunz
* Juliane
#### Agenda and Notes
* Binary Authorization, David Bendory, Google
* [Binary Authorization on Borg Whitepaper](http://cloud.google.com/security/binary-authorization-for-borg/)
* [Binary Authorization on Google Cloud](http://cloud.google.com/binary-authorization/)
* [Scripted Demo of Binary Authorization on GCP](https://github.com/bendory/tekton-on-gcp)
* More about [Container Security at Google](http://cloud.google.com/containers/security)
* CDF Reference Architecture, All
* Aligning our efforts to contribute to the CDF Reference Architecture from Software Supply Chain perspective
* The deck used to kick off the discussion around the CDF is available [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SSSHPLSXEUgg0vu644zrZPvCW9sUYSBwzSCDO_fZtF8/edit)
* The work started within SIG Best Practices which meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month at 16:00 UTC. Meeting logistics available [here](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-best-practices#meetings).
* The initial work can be seen by CDF Best Practices website preview [here](https://deploy-preview-23--prod-bp-cdf.netlify.app/architecture/).
* The contributions can be made to https://github.com/cdfoundation/best-practices-site/tree/refarch1
#### Action Items
* AI: David Bendory to figure out if he can share the data points (e.g. proto or yaml) for the sbom/provenance they capture.
* Response: https://slsa.dev/provenance exactly matches Google internal format in some places, while in others it is similar information but the schema is different.
#### Meeting Recording
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQm0bJy3N6Y
### July 28, 2022
Cancelled due to vacation period.
### June 14, 2022
Cancelled due to vacation period.
### June 23, 2022
#### Participants
* Fatih Degirmenci, CDF
* Brett Smith, SAS
* Ankit, BG, Jenkins X
* Terry Cox, Bootstrap
* Andrew Larsen, SAS
* Sudhindra Rao, JFrog
* Stephen Chin, JFrog
#### Agenda and Notes
* [Pyrsia](https://pyrsia.io/) Presentation, Sudhindra Rao [Presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18HnAVTWMIj8HAXepjXPQloDPNRZd4Dqy/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101931522664284912957&rtpof=true&sd=true)
#### Action Items
* None
#### Meeting Recording
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SNKO8Fysbc
### June 9, 2022
Cancelled due to [cdCon 2022](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/cdcon/).
### May 26, 2022
#### Participants
* Stephen Levine, VMWare
* Ciro da Silva Costa, VMWare
* Terry Cox
* David Espejo, VMWare
* Joshua Winters
* Kara de la Marck
* Rasheed Abdul-Aziz
* Sam Coward
* Scott Rosenberg
* Waciuma
* Fatih Degirmenci
* Ankit Mohapatra, Dexai Robotics, Jenkins X
#### Agenda and Notes
* Action Item Review, All
* Open PRs discussion on SIG PoC, All
* PR on SIG PoC is open for feedback: https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-software-supply-chain/pull/12
* PR on Pipeline Stages is open for feedback: https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/pull/97
* [Cartographer](https://cartographer.sh/) Presentation, Stephen Levine and Ciro da Silva Costa
#### Action Items
* None
#### Meeting Recording
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DkKBGauYh0
### May 12, 2022
#### Participants
* Georg Kunz, Ericsson
* Erhan Vikyol, Storebrand
* Daniel Krivelevich, Cider Security
* Omer Gil, Cider Security
* Terry Cox
* Ann Marie Fred, Red Hat
* Asaf Greenholts
* David Espejo
* Kara de la Marck, CDF
* Moïse
* Fatih Degirmenci, Ericsson Software Technology
* Ankit Mohapatra, Dexai Robotics, Jenkins X
#### Agenda and Notes
* Action Item Review, All
* Top 10 CI/CD Security Risks and CI/CD Goat, Daniel Krivelevich, Omer Gil, Cider Security
* [Top 10 CI/CD Security Risks (PDF)](https://www.cidersecurity.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Top-10-CICD-Security-Risks-.pdf)
* [Top 10 CI/CD Security Risks (GitHub)](https://github.com/cider-security-research/top-10-cicd-security-risks)
* [CI/CD Goat (GitHub)](https://github.com/cider-security-research/cicd-goat)
* Continue discussion on [SIG PoC](https://hackmd.io/U6q685gFTdWRrkWZechvGw?view), All
* Isn't it still valuable to establish pipelines to demonstrate the activities to perform and stages/steps to create?
* CI/CD Terminology for Supply Chain Stages/Steps, All
* Contributing to SIG Interoperability Pipeline [Stages](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/blob/master/docs/vocabulary.md#pipeline-stages)/[Steps](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/blob/master/docs/vocabulary.md#pipeline-step-types) terminology
* The initial PR: https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/pull/97
* This will be useful as an input to [SIG PoC](https://hackmd.io/U6q685gFTdWRrkWZechvGw?view)
#### Action Items
* None
#### Meeting Recording
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFag1LrDBcg
### April 28, 2022
#### Participants
* Fatih Degirmenci, Ericsson Software Technology
* Kara de la Marck, CDF
* Thomas Schuetz, Dynatrace
* Josh Gavant, Red Hat ([@joshgav](https://github.com/joshgav))
* Terry Cox
* David Espejo, VMware
* Maxime Gréau, Elastic
* Emil Bäckmark, Ericsson
* Georg Kunz, Ericsson
#### Agenda and Notes
* Action Item Review, All
* [CNCF TAG App Delivery](https://github.com/cncf/tag-app-delivery) and [podtato-head](https://github.com/podtato-head/podtato-head), Thomas Schuetz (Dynatrace) and Josh Gavant (Red Hat)
* The work that is done by TAG App Delivery and Pod-tato has potential to be used as part of [CDF SIG Software Supply Chain Proof of Concept](https://hackmd.io/U6q685gFTdWRrkWZechvGw?view) to look at runtime aspects of Software Supply Chain.
* Issue about documenting how to propose new scenarios/patterns and development frameworks: https://github.com/cncf/tag-app-delivery/issues/167
* Similar ideas
* OpenTel: <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nCV32KvYzowspjWk9ym6MoLOc-1D_RF-EcX7Dnf_VcE/>
* SIG Events POC: <https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-events/tree/main/poc>
* CI/CD Terminology for Supply Chain Stages/Steps, All
* Contributing to SIG Interoperability Pipeline [Stages](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/blob/master/docs/vocabulary.md#pipeline-stages)/[Steps](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/blob/master/docs/vocabulary.md#pipeline-step-types) terminology
* The initial PR: https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/pull/97
* This will be useful as an input to [SIG PoC](https://hackmd.io/U6q685gFTdWRrkWZechvGw?view)
#### Action Items
* None
#### Meeting Recording
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mi8C106J28
### April 14, 2022
#### Participants
* Jason Hall (Red Hat)
* Maxime Gréau (Elastic)
* Ankit (Dexai Robotics)
* Kara de la Marck (CDF)
* Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson Software Technology)
* Terry Cox
* Priya Wadhwa (Chainguard)
* Liora Milbaum (Red Hat)
#### Agenda and Notes
* Action Item Review, All
* Meeting Time Change, All
* Meeting time changed to [15:00 UTC](https://time.is/1500_in_UTC)
* Meeting invite sent to the SIG's maillist - https://lists.cd.foundation/g/sig-software-supply-chain
* Setting the scope for the SIG PoC, All
* PoC Document: https://hackmd.io/U6q685gFTdWRrkWZechvGw?view
* [TektonCD Chains](https://github.com/tektoncd/chains) Presentation/Demo,Priya Wadhwa, Chainguard
#### Action Items
* None
#### Meeting Recording
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4-sRRAOTRA
### March 24, 2022
#### Participants
* David Espejo [VMware]
* Georg Kunz, Ericsson
* Mike Lieberman [Citi, CNCF Supply Chain Security WG]
* Billy Lynch [Google, Tekton]
* Ankit Mohapatra [Dexai Robotics, Jenkins X]
* Kara de la Marck, CDF
* Erhan Vikyol, Storebrand
* Liora Milbaum, Red Hat
* Fatih Degirmenci, Ericsson Software Technology
* Terry Cox
* Andrea Frittoli, IBM
* Ann Marie Fred, Red Hat
* Enric Forn
* Maor Kuriel
* Moïse Kameni
* Parth Patel
* Praneetha Manthravadi
* Timothy Miller
#### Agenda and Notes
* Action Item Review
* Meeting Time Change
* Meeting time will change to 15:00 UTC starting from next meeting on April 14th
* Meeting invite will be sent to the SIG's maillist - https://lists.cd.foundation/g/sig-software-supply-chain
* Upcoming Presentations
* The schedule is available [here](https://hackmd.io/l1BfXp1kQKGKSaKLbl6xJw?view)
* [TektonCD Chains](https://github.com/tektoncd/chains), Priya Wadhwa, Chainguard, 2022-04-14, 15:00 UTC
* CNCF TAG App Delivery and [Pod-tato Head](https://github.com/podtato-head/podtato-head), Thomas Schuetz, Dynatrace, 2022-04-28, 15:00 UTC
* [Cartographer](https://cartographer.sh/), James Rawlings, 2022-05-12, 15:00 UTC
* Secure Software Factory Reference Architecture and SSF Presentation/Demo/Discussion, Michael Lieberman
* Secure Software Factory Reference Architecture: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15M_Mzfqy634E_sqoslmOXsZJl4TedpbXpBjOfz-hnXk/edit
* SSF Reference Implementation: https://github.com/buildsec/ssf
#### Action Items
* None
#### Meeting Recording
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SXcXk2cO3c
### March 10, 2022
#### Participants
* Fatih Degirmenci, Ericsson Software Technology
* Maxime Gréau, Elastic
* Ann Marie Fred, Red Hat
* Erhan Vikyol, Storebrand
* Tracy Miranda, Chainguard
* Kara de la Marck, CDF
* Ankit D Mohapatra, Dexai Robotics
* Melissa McKay, JFrog
* Andrea Frittoli, IBM
* Georg Kunz, Ericsson
* Terry Cox
* Liora Milbaum, Red Hat
#### Agenda and Notes
* Welcome and Introductions
* What is SIG Software Supply Chain and Why?
* Approach of the SIG
* SIG Logistics
* SIG Roadmap
* Initial Topics for the SIG Roadmap
* Knowledge Transfer
* Next Meeting on March 24, 2022
* March 24th falls between when NA and EMEA makes the summer time change
* If we meet at [16:00 UTC](https://time.is/compare/1600_24_Mar_2022_in_UTC/CET/PT), the meeting time will remain same for EMEA but will be 1h later for NA
* If we meet at [15:00 UTC](https://time.is/compare/1500_24_Mar_2022_in_UTC/CET/PT), the meeting time will remain same for NA but will be 1h earlier for EMEA
* Or we skip the meeting to keep things simple - our next meeting would be on April 14, 2022
* Open Discussion
* References
* [Meeting Presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-nt-1Pe4WwiKoDT-ooWAxKPDunSoqeES9Qb3WTEkE9M/edit)
* [CDF SIG Software Supply Chain Charter](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-software-supply-chain#overview)
* [CNCF TAG Security, Software Supply Chain Best Practices Whitepaper](https://github.com/cncf/tag-security/blob/main/supply-chain-security/supply-chain-security-paper/CNCF_SSCP_v1.pdf)
* Secure Software Factory
* [Website](https://github.com/cncf/tag-security/blob/main/supply-chain-security/supply-chain-security-paper/CNCF_SSCP_v1.pdf)
* [GitHub](https://github.com/buildsec/ssf)
* [RFC](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15M_Mzfqy634E_sqoslmOXsZJl4TedpbXpBjOfz-hnXk/edit)
* [TektonCD Chains](https://github.com/tektoncd/chains)
* [CNCF TAG App Delivery Pod Tato Head](https://github.com/podtato-head/podtato-head)
* CDF SIG Interoperability Terminology Work and Quality Gates Discussion
* [PR on Pipeline Stage Terminology](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/pull/76)
* [PR on Pipeline Step Types](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/pull/81)
* [Quality Gates Discussion](https://github.com/cdfoundation/sig-interoperability/discussions/83)
#### Action Items
* None
#### Meeting Recording
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i6pcPr09Uk