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# Boonmee Lab & Elect
### 採訪對象
- Elect PM / Punch-up Co-founder [Thanisara Ruangdej](https://www.linkedin.com/in/thanisara-r/)
- Elect Engineering / Punch-up Co-founder [Puripant Ruchikachorn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/puripant/)
- Computer Science / Elect Engineering [Pattarawat Chormai] https://pat.chormai.org/
- Parliament Listening
- Politics and Business
- Thailand's General Election 2562 (2019) Zone and Candidate Browsing Website
- [ ] https://wonderful.software/elect-live/
- [ ]
###### tags: `設計` `曼谷`
- [ ] [2014年泰國政變](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014%E5%B9%B4%E6%B3%B0%E5%9C%8B%E6%94%BF%E8%AE%8A)
- [ ] https://www.thenewslens.com/article/114800
- [ ] https://www.taisounds.com/w/TaiSounds/society_19032214070609361
- [ ] [泰國選舉選什麼(上):4張圖表看懂泰國「新版本」選舉制度](https://www.thenewslens.com/feature/2019thaielection/115393)
- [ ] [泰國選舉選什麼(下):究竟軍政府將繼續執政,還是「民主派」有機會挑戰翻盤?](https://www.thenewslens.com/feature/2019thaielection/115845)
- [ ] [【泰國大選】泰國選前分析:126席與376席,這是一場起跑點不公平的選舉](https://www.thenewslens.com/feature/2019thaielection/115773)
- [ ] [分配混合制](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed-member_proportional_representation)
- [ ] [2019年泰國眾議院選舉](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019%E5%B9%B4%E6%B3%B0%E5%9C%8B%E7%9C%BE%E8%AD%B0%E9%99%A2%E9%81%B8%E8%88%89)
- [ ] [【投書】2019泰國大選:一場關於民主與獨裁陣營的對抗](https://opinion.cw.com.tw/blog/profile/52/article/7884)
- [ ] [泰文|iLaw, MMA](https://ilaw.or.th/node/5059)
- [ ] [泰國大選啟示錄(下):選舉奧步?泰國還能微笑嗎](https://global.udn.com/global_vision/story/8663/3719590)
- [ ] [2019泰國總理大選懶人包 快速了解泰國選舉選什麼](https://visionthai.net/article/2019-thailand-election-info/)
## 前言
*選舉時間軸。很有趣的互動網頁設計,讓人一直滑不完,就像是遙遙無期的選舉一般。圖片取自[Election Timeline](https://elect.in.th/election-timeline/),Elect。*
## 八年選舉漫長等待的焦慮
然而,由於泰王瓦吉拉隆功(Maha Vajiralongkorn)[^1]在2017年簽署泰國第20部憲法,國會議員的選舉制度不同於那些公民課本有教過的聯立制(德國)、並立制(日本),而是採用軍方政府設計更複雜的改良式[分配混合制(Mixed Members Apportionment, MMA)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed-member_proportional_representation)[^1];此外,遲來八年的大選,蓄積了豐沛的公民動能,共有77個政黨、2,810人參與500人的眾議院議員參選。
### 當我們開始在意青年的政治參與動能
> 642萬青年作為首投族,是一股怎麼樣的勢力?
*首投族影響力地圖(圖片取自[First Time Voters](https://elect.in.th/first-time-voters/),Elect)*
[^5]: 根據中選會發布的2020台灣大選公告,首投族近31.8萬人,總統、副總統及立委選舉首投族人數有近118萬(佔選舉數人數的6.13%)。陳奕安,〈中選會發2020大選公告 首投族31.8萬人〉,風傳媒。https://www.storm.mg/article/1705699 (發布時間:2019年9月13日)
## 橫跨科技、媒體、設計的Elect
> 因為我們相信民主制度;
> 因為我們相信新世代的==能量/動能/力量(power)==
> 因為我們相信資訊 ==(information)== 的力量。
=="In VOTE We Trust"(不知道怎麼翻譯ಥ_ಥ)== 作為Elect的副標題,可以譯作「我們相信投票」、「選擇我所信任的」。源自於2018年資訊設計公司[Boonmee Lab](https://www.boonmeelab.com/)的專案(現已獨立),面對眼前遲來八年的泰國大選,由一群資料工程師、記者媒體、設計師的團隊,作為關注政治的公民,投身於選舉的資訊設計與傳播,大聲疾呼對於改變的渴望。
有別於傳統媒體以文章、相簿、採訪影片呈現報導,Elect團隊認為應將新媒體,如資訊視覺化、互動式網頁、動畫影像內容(motion video content)、遊戲化帶入受眾溝通過程中。從原先主打政治效能感低落的年輕世代,到受到一般大眾、跨出同溫層的喜愛。成功在3個月內,獲得200萬瀏覽人次,並且獲得[資料新聞獎](https://datajournalismawards.org/projects/elect-in-th/)。
[^6]: 公民團體包含 ==Internet Law Reform Diaolgue(iLaw)== 、 ==WiseSight== 、 ==Creden.co== 。
## 從資料到資訊,原來可以這樣呈現。
*設計你的黨徽(圖片取自[Create your own party](https://elect.in.th/your-party/),Elect)*
*民主歷程牌卡遊戲。(圖片取自[Democracy Timeline Game](https://elect.in.th/game-timeline/),Elect)*
## 開源社群參與與管理
「看著滿街的選舉旗幟,我還是不知道要投誰;我認為應該要有更多候選人資訊,作為判斷依據」,競選期間人在柏林的工程師[Pattarawat Chormai](https://pat.chormai.org/)說道。在擔任遠端的程式志工期間,他以競選人姓名串連[Credo.co](https://creden.co/index.html)線上信用評分系統、與政府承包商公開資訊(Thailand Government Spending),了解候選人背後的可能金源與政府關係緊密程度;此外,也透過郵遞區號串連每個選區的候選人,並且巧妙地連結到該候選的Google搜尋結果,讓選民們自行判斷候選人的相關資訊。
*政治和商業網絡(圖片取自[Politics & Business](https://elect.in.th/politics-and-business/),Elect)*
*搜尋你的選區候選人(圖片取自[Search for candidates](https://elect.in.th/candidates/),Elect)*
有趣的是,擔任PM的Thanisara Ruangdej分享在志工管理的過程裡,沒有特別的工作流程,僅透過Trello和Slack作為溝通平台,並且充分讓志工發揮自身能力,再由PM進行專案溝通,便創作出這麼多有趣的專案。
## 等待政治環境改變的天光
> 我們相信終會盼到選舉的到來,儘管無法知道那一天到底是什麼時候。但我們會持續做下去,直到看見政治環境改變的天光。
團隊期待人們能夠成為「積極參與的公民(acitve citizen)」,包含選舉後的[破除假訊息專欄](https://elect.in.th/2019/08/fake-news/360/);戲稱為[「竊聽議會」](https://elect.in.th/parliament-listening/?date=27-02-2020)的專案,了解每個議員到底在議會說什麼議題、說多久時間;又或是受邀參與[緬甸仰光的公民科技論壇](https://www.facebook.com/civictechtalks/videos/2490736400979900/),分享Elect的方法論,支持緬甸或泰國在地民主相關倡議團體與媒體。
- "We believe that there will be elections. But we never knew exactly what day it was. Regardless of what date or time, our purpose is just to keep doing it. Until election day"
- 長遠目標(Thailand’s political database as well as a regional community supporting shared ideas and know-how for the press and organizations which stand for democracy.)
- 作為泰國政治資料庫
- 分享know-how,支持在地民主相關倡議團體、媒體
- 提供人民的政治效能感
- 對於政府施壓,Because when the private sector has risen to gather information about the election The question arises whether or not the government has disclosed sufficient information to society.
- More relevant evaluation measures would include observing the narrative of audience engagement, which can imply an awareness and understanding about the democratic values and data-driven discussion we have tried to communicate.
#### 其他有趣專案:這次不比較iPhone機型
-[ ] 附圖:政黨比較仿造Apple「比較iPhone機型」(沒有業配喔ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ)(圖片取自:[apple.com](https://www.apple.com/tw/iphone/compare/))
#### 工程
1. 網站:客製化Wordpress
2. CMS system
3. 前端stack:HTML, SCSS, PHP, React, and d3.js
4. back-end and general-purpose scripting languages such as Node.js and Python
5. We adopt multiple development and deployment software/tech such as git, webpack, Gatsby, CircleCI.
6. We also exploit the benefit of HTTP caching and pass the traffic through Cloudflare, which reduces the peak load to our server.
7. We get the processed social data as a courtesy from WiseSight, providing social data analytics and other online solution.
## 小百科時間
2014 年泰國政變後,由軍政府掌權,成立國家和平秩序委員會(NCPO),禁止政黨活動。
軍政府不斷推遲大選日期, 2018 年 12 月宣布解除禁止超過 5 人的集會及政治活動的禁令,允許政黨舉辦政治集會或示威,今天選舉委員會宣布 3 月 24 日舉行睽違 5 年的國會選舉。
2014 年軍方掌權後,終止憲法並頒布臨時憲法,解散國會,由軍政府指派 250 人取代原本國會的功能,之後軍政府受到內外壓力,為了再次落實民主,於是草擬新憲法草案,並於 2016 年 8 月由泰國選民公民投票,公投結果以近 62 %的贊成票通過。
::: info
2017年4月,十世泰皇瓦吉拉隆功(Maha Vajiralongkorn)簽署新憲法,宣布泰國頒布第20部憲法。
這部新憲法共有 279 條,其中重點在國會選舉總理的方式,由原先眾議院 500 名議員選出總理,改由參議院和眾議院共同選舉,總理候選人必須獲得兩院議員全體半數以上的支持才能出任總理。
新憲法將參議院議席從 200 席增加到 250 席,眾議院 500 席不變。憲法也改變了參議院的產生方式,從之前由選民選舉和獨立機構指派改為完全由軍方指派。
根據這部憲法,**參議院** 250 席中 50 席由選舉委員會指派, 200 席由國家和平秩序委員會指派,陸海空三軍總司令、武裝部隊最高司令、國家警察總監與國防部次長占其中 6 席;意思是軍政府完全掌控參議院的席次。
參眾兩院共 750 席,軍政府就占 1 / 3 ( 250 席),而在沒有一個政黨完全掌握其餘 2 / 3 的情況下,預期軍方仍是最大的政治勢力。
[^2]: 〈泰國軍政府掌控國會1/3席次 仍是最大勢力〉,芋傳媒。https://taronews.tw/2019/01/23/235868/(發布時間:2019年1月23日)
[^4]: 王凡、李宗憲,〈台灣大選2020:你應該知道的六件事〉,BBC中文。https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-50743343(發布時間:2019年12月12日)
[^1]: 吳象元,泰國選舉選什麼(上):4張圖表看懂泰國「新版本」選舉制度,關鍵評論網。https://www.thenewslens.com/feature/2019thaielection/115393(發布時間:2019年3月22日)
# [Boonmee Lab](https://www.boonmeelab.com/)
- Human-Centered Design + Data Science + Technology = Meaningful Impact
- Data Visualization, Databoard, Data Storytelling Workshop
- UX/UI, Conversational UI, Usability Testing
- API Development, Platform Developmemt, Machine Learning
## [過往專案](https://boonmee-lab.webflow.io/project-category/data-lab)
### [Youpin](https://www.youpin.city/): AI驅動客戶服務
### [Blue Basket](https://www.bluebasket.market/): Online health and natural groceries deliver to your door.
### Elect: Online political Data Journalism for Thailand
#### [Your Party](https://elect.in.th/your-party/)
Let audiences create their own political parties by answering the quiz - designed based on interests: education, economy, military, etc. Finishing all questions, the audiences get their own political party and logo, analyzed from their selected choices.
This quiz, at that time, aimed to get attention to the following election from social media users when it got shared.
#### [Election Timeline]
The last general election in Thailand was set in 2011. And since the coup d'état in 2014, for 8 years, Thai people kept asking when the election would take place.
So we created the timeline of Thai election’s postponement, featuring how long Thais were waiting and key events happening during that period of time.
Besides facts about the election, we also provided audiences a sense of long waiting by endless-like scrolling.
- 2014/5/22 國家安全保護委員會(National Peace Keeping Committee, NPKC)推翻Phuea政府
- 2015/2/9 與日本首相安倍晉三對談,表示預計隔年(2016)舉辦選舉
- 2015/9/5 But then the NHSO passed a resolution disapproving of Bowon Sak's constitution. Causing it to count as one to start a new constitution
- 2015/9/27 General Prayut discusses with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. It is expected that general elections will be held by mid-2017.
- 2015/10/5 General Prayut set up a KMU to create a new constitution. Give time to work according to the formula 6 + 4 + 6 + 4
- 2016/8/7 But the constitutional referendum caused the content to be revised Causing the mid-2017 elections to not be possible
- 2017/4/6 Finally enforcing the 2017 constitution, but have to wait 8 months to create child law and another 5 months to hold elections
- 2017/10/3 Gen. Prayut Promised Donald Trump, US President, that in 2018, Thailand will announce election day
- 2017/10/10 After the cabinet meeting Gen. Prayut Said that it will announce the election day in June and will hold an election in November
- 2017/12/22 But then the NCPO used Article 44 to amend the Political Parties Act. Extend the time to unlock political parties for another 90 days
- 2018/1/25 National Legislative Assembly extends the time for enforcing the election of MPs. For another 90 days, causing the election to shift to the year 2019
- 2018/6/25 After contracting with Teresa May at the beginning of the year 2019, Vishnu Kreangam revealed that the election day is likely to be in the period from February to May.
- 2019/1/23 Royal Decree on Election of MPs announced in the Government Gazette The Election Commission announced that it will hold an election on March 24.
#### [Compare Political Parties](https://elect.in.th/compare/)
When political parties started to move for the election, to help audiences conveniently got to know a wide range of parties and make a right decision in the election, we create a simple platform for comparing key details and policies of each party - just like when specs of electronic devices get compared!
#### [Democracy Calendar]()
#### [First-time voters](https://elect.in.th/first-time-voters/)
#### [Election Simulator](https://elect.in.th/election-simulator/?gov=%7B%22allyParties%22%3A%5B%5D%2C%22mainParty%22%3A%22%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%B7%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%AD%E0%B9%84%E0%B8%97%E0%B8%A2%22%2C%22senatorVotes%22%3A0%7D&preset=%22official_may25%22)
#### [MineSweeper](https://elect.in.th/minesweeper/)
#### [Post-election Timeline](https://elect.in.th/postelection-timeline/)
# Elect: In VOTE We TRUST
- [ ] Open Design嗎?
共同創辦人:[Thiti Luang](https://www.linkedin.com/in/thitiluang/?originalSubdomain=th)
- [ ] LinkedIn敲爆他
合作對象:Boonmee Lab, The MATTER, Minimore
## 參考資料
1. "เราคือใคร.. ทำไมต้อง ELECT?", ELECT, 12 November, 2018. https://elect.in.th/about/
3. "Come to see the lauch event "Elect", Thai political and election information website in 2019", atimeNews, 25 Novemeber 2018. http://www.atimedesign.com/webdesign/elect-event/
4. "ELECT.in.th", CEN Data Journalism Awards https://datajournalismawards.org/projects/elect-in-th/
5. 仰光演講 https://www.facebook.com/civictechtalks/videos/2490736400979900/
6. OpenTechSummit Thailand,https://eventyay.com/e/aac5bcc7/speakers
## 訪談
1. 自我介紹
2. Open Up Summit
3. How does the ELECT project start from election information to parliament listening?
4. How to focus on local election or "active citizen"
5. How does the ELECT become open project (including front-end, back-end, data analysis, design)? And further encourage the citizens to engage in?
6. Workflow
7. Scale
7. Does the ELECT project want to introduce its communication methodology (data analysis x infographic x media) to other countries? And how will it conduct?
8. Myanmar之外
9. Political之外
9. What is the expectation of the project to have an impact on the current political environment in Thailand?
- ex. dissolvation of Future Forward Party
- How to collaborate with the government?
- How the government view the open data?
- How to start from Industrial Design to Information design, and what is the difficulty to work with the computer science background?
- 未來展望
- Journalist Infographic Seminar with Journalsim Instiute, READr, and ELECT Project
- Open Project sharing on Open Up Summit
1. 團隊規模與組成?
2. 竊聽專案?
3. 如何和跨部門合作?(Election Commission of Thailand數據庫、新聞媒體)
4. [Open Information Center on Elections](http://opendata.ect.go.th/)
5. 我看最新的ECT資料是2016、很多PDF檔或手寫檔ㄟ
5. 政府對於開放數據的看法?
6. Open Government的程度?
7. Digital Government Agenct
8. http://opendata.ect.go.th/
8. 如何Open Project?或是讓民眾參與其中?
9. workflow
10. 7. 如何將方法論輸出?
10. 第二大黨被解散?
11. 如何從industrial design跨領域到資訊設計,還和一大堆computer science的人合作?
12. 還有沒有其他的社會設計團體?
## 台灣對照
- [投票指南](https://votetaiwan.tw)
- [選前大補帖](https://vote.ly.g0v.tw/)
- [2020 總統候選人事實查核計畫,讀+Readr](https://www.readr.tw/series/fact-check-2020)
- [2020 總統大選,讀+Readr](https://www.readr.tw/series/2020president)
- [沃草Youtube直播](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXSMxOH8hpWYbNd7LgLi1sA)
- 沃草,〈你看到的外媒報導沒出現嗎?〉(https://musou.watchout.tw/map/181124)
- 〈【投書】2019泰國大選:一場關於民主與獨裁陣營的對抗〉(https://opinion.cw.com.tw/blog/profile/52/article/7884)
- https://lab.ocf.tw/2020/01/06/vote2020/
## 慈慈memo
- 2019年的泰國選舉甚至還延期一個月(笑死(´・Д・)」)
- 好想要辦一個新興新聞資料視覺化的論壇
- 謝吉龍
- Readr
[Punch Up](https://www.facebook.com/punchupworld)
- 實習生:蔡易珊 https://www.facebook.com/etnstar
- E-government 4.0 in Thailand: The role of central agencies https://content.iospress.com/articles/information-polity/ip180006