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# Real Time Translation of g0v Hackathon
Welcome everyone
Want to help to translate what's said on stage?
Go to **https://goo.gl/PJyNXL**
### WiFi SSID: `g0v`
### WiFi Password: `g0v@20170916`
Breakfast on your right ->
Newbie orientation @9:25
Donate to human donation box if you would

It's time for newbie orientation
What is g0v hackathon? Don't worry.
1st rule: Eat!
g0v hackathon is about working together, so make friends!
Tips: electricity/extension cords.
WiFi SSID: `g0v`
WiFi Password: `g0v@20170916`
Quick start:
Go to Hackfoldr:
* hack.g0v.tw for notes
* x.co/g0v26
Check out FAQ for newbie.
Do you want to propose a project?
Go here: http://bit.ly/2x3wtu4
You can edit hackfoldr to add more links
Find ppl with yellow vests to ask questions
They are nice people
How do we work together?
* **Hackpad**: g0v.hackpad.tw
* **HackMD**: hackmd.io (It's Markdown)
* **Slack**: http://join.g0v.today/ (invite yourself) collaboration online -> http://join.g0v.tw/
for English chat channel: #general-en
Again, ppl with yellow vests will help you <3
Join g0v Slack! at join.g0v.today
Enter your email and go receive your invite
FYI Ignore the bangkok...
So "keng" (means pit/hole) at g0v is a project
So after a keng is created, push ppl into it!!!
*Feel free to 'push' sb into the "keng", or dig more "keng"s*
What does **++** means?
It means you're so good! So g0v++ ly++ yutin++
What happens if you don't write code?
It's OK! g0v welcomes everyone!
Be helpful!
FYI: 3pm for presentations.
You can host hackathons too!
g0v is a spirit of working together
Nobody is doing this?
Thank you xiaoban <3
# clkao
This is the fifth anniversary hackathon
We usually name our hackathons after historical events of Taiwan
This week is also CivicTechFest
Many civic tech ppl is here in Taiwan
A lot of meetings in the past few days
About 160 ppl came
This is the last dat of CivicTechFest
Another important thing is autumn g0v grant kickoff
WiFi: ask yellow vest ppl
So Toilet is hard to find, men's room's on 1F, lady's room's on 2F
Today's agenda:
* proposals 3mins each
* self-introduction
* usually with 3 keywords
* today, only 2 keywords!!! Omg
* A lot of food
* 2pm: autumn g0v grant kickoff
We have a lot of foreign friends today
We are assigning "office hour" to each project
4pm sign up for final presentation
5pm present
All info is at **hack.g0v.tw**
We tried our best to translate into English
Office hour at around 3pm, you can go to other ppl's project during their office hour
Let's jump (?)
the art of g0v: how to dig a hole for ppl to jump?
Need help with your project? List what you need in the Google Sheet
Stickers! Everyone loves them
Use stickers to identify your skills
# Tell you a tip
## How to propose at a g0v hackathons?
* clearly define your problem
* share your initial thought(s)/solution(s)
* Good documentation helps
* list the help you need at the current stage
* licensing matters! open license recommended
* finish in 3 mins!
# DONT's & DO's
* (DONT) Can oyou do this for me?
* (DONT) Is there any one?
* (DO) I want to do this, anyone join me?
Again, ppl with yellow vest are your friend
So this is an old joke
Ignore it...
# How to find your ideal project?
* Find "Pit master" with a red arm badge.
* Find desk signs
Let's make this a safe space for everyone!
No attacks/harrassment please.
Badge is important
Also, you're in Taiwan. We recycle.
# One plate for one person!
New stickers are available
Please donate to support g0v!

Donate donate donate <3
Also, coffee pack are free for you to take. Hot water available
This is a self-help space
We have many volunteers today please thank them if you can
Hi hi hi <3
Captioning for y'all
If you want to help, find chihao or just go **https://goo.gl/PJyNXL**
g0v hackathons are organized by g0v-jothon
Now let's begin the proposals!
# Proposal: ronny
Break-apart "Open data council" at Executive Yuan
What is Open data council?
meeting every 6 months
civic councilers more than 1/3
Sounds like a good idea?
Actually no. Civic rep are not so civic. They are actually former gov staff
There's no accountibility
Let's break it down
Look at frequency of their meetings
Tag each rep in the council
Let's break it down and have a closer look!
# Proposal: weiyen
Hi I'm nobody
The project is JsonView
It's about fast pushing open data to user
I started in June
But I was in a bad mode so...
I learned software engineering myself
Question: why do I have to learn so many languages and things?
I want to do a module for Android
It's a jar file
Let's see an example
The module can output view from a Json file
I need testing engineers, marketing, project manager
Thank you
# Proposal: poga
Preservation (backup) and analysis of civic tech
now data is at the core of open gov
data is money
but it can be very fragile
So I want to backup the data
Data scientists themselves are the backup
Share data with **Dat**
I built a tool: Dat -> Jupiter Notebook
Today, I want to identify the important data to backup
# Proposal: maggie
Hi I'm maggie
I'm not an engineer
So let's watch a video
Let's skip the video
Justwithin is a sharing, caring platform
An outlet for your mind
Linking ppl together from virtual to real world
Donate your time to help each other
This is our team & vision
It's a circle
Today I want to focus a building a AI chatbot
Collecting ppl's thoughts and interest
We have a freemium business model
Join us!
UX designer
Graphic Designer
Backend engineer
marketing research
# Proposal: yuren
punch card on blockchain
log your work hours on blockchain
**Experiments and exploration**
Past project:
labour law calculator
labour law function library
it's about labour law
Why do we need to log our work time
usually there are two versions of the log
One for the administration, one is real
Problem: labour inspectors not enough!
Is there a more transparent way?
Is there a more efficient way (for the inspector?)
Today I will research current loggin system
Share the problems you know with me
Discussing if blockchain is really the savior?
It's mainly a discussion on blockchain and labour issue to find better solutions
# Proposal: jeff
Assisting registration of corporations
To fillin the holes of current registration process
Target: this web-based system (name is too long)
## sub-project 1: corporation name search tool
Is the name lucky?
## sub-project 2: corporation registration document generator
There are a lot of redundency in the current process
I want to streamline the process
2017 July: 4014 corporations were registered
2 dev, 1 admin, 1 designer
back-end dev, legal, process designer
# Proposal: Amis moedict
title: O citing no AMIS
(chihao: this is super cool)
Greetings in Amis!
(chihao: Amis is a native tribe here in Taiwan)
This is a progress report
We've added many phrase into the dictionary. Thank you very much!
The dictionary now speaks Amis!
Now it's easier to learn Amis using the dictionary
Front-end dev to help with page layout
Chats welcome if your interested in Amis or Austronesian culture!
So one of our team member are at her tribe now
I'm at the Shinshe tribe now
Thank you so much for your help
Now my grandfather will thank everyone with my language
Hello everyone!
Now I will speak in Kbalan
(Kbalan is a language in the Austronesian family)
Thank you!
# Proposal: chewei
public property bribery / action
Today we are at the old HQ of airforce
Let me share with you news regarding bribery related to public property
I opened a note about this "community" of bribery
Past project: Taipei public property search website
Adopted by Taipei City Gov
We ran into problem about showing the outlines of buildings
Need help!
Now central gov and taipei gov are opening data regarding public property
This project is also continuing that survey
# Proposal: CSR info platform
This project is about CSR open data
What is CSR?
Social + Environment + Economic responsibility of a corporation
Currently: CSR PDF files
Not machine readable, lack of communication and oversight
This project is facilitating communication between citizens and corporation
Raise awareness re: CSR
Open up CSR data
Build a data platform
* online form
* online db
* crawler
* visualization
* data analysis
# Proposal: mrorz
spring g0v grant recipient
This project is about ppl who doesn't use Google
But use LINE to forward many info
Cofact is a LINE bot that fact check messages
We have a group of editors behind the bot to reply ppl's inquiry
How can you help?
Be Cofact's editor!
It only takes 20 secs
Goto cofacts.g0v.tw
Reply to ppl's question: is this news? or fake news?
I saw this link
ppl doing nazi salute and got beaten by passersby
We also have a forum for discussion
Our camp is at the back of the hall
# Proposal: transcribing china gov bullshit
Goal: produce transcript of video of the recent lee trial in China
Help: correcting the transcript
CC0 license
Future use: translating this into more languages
Need ppl who knows simplified chinese
g0v slack channel #lee-transcript
Let's transcribe china gov bullshit
# Proposal: urban renewal
Background: many disputes re: urbal renewal
Lack of trust and transparency
Can "openness" help?
Housing Justice is at the center of this project
We want to do:
gov website is difficult to use
gov staff is overwhelmed
professional info is hard to understand for everyone else
fork this platform for different purpose
Current progress:
Website is looking good!
All urban renewal projects in Taipei are online
We need ppl with passion at the topic of urban renewal
data scientist
# Proposal: hsiaoA
National Treasure
spring g0v grant recipient
Hi I'm hsiaoA, cofounder of National Treasure
What is National Treasure
Taiwanese overseas collecting historical material about Taiwan
In New York, in UN
we organize volunteers to go to the archives and "dig" those treasures
We also have an app for the volunteers for mission dispatch
Volunteers taking photos of the documents
auto upload to our server
The 4th steps is the most important
* debug
* translation
* digest
Current progress:
we got the g0v grant 6 months ago
This is our current website
We are online!!!!
Please go to https://www.nationaltreasure.tw/
# Proposal: WE ARE ALL LEE
Lee mingche arrested in China
No photos please
How can we help LEE?
What is "subverting the state"?
Watchout produced a website about martial law era in Taiwan
We want to use a similar structure to tell human right stories in China
Current progress:
We have a narratie writer
Collaborating with a human right activist in China
Collected many cases
Using plotdb to produce this interactive webpage
Today we want to finish this page
FE dev
Social media guru
Text worker
Graphic Designer
ppl who care about human rights in China
[short wikipedia intro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Ming-che)
# Proposal: vTaiwan
What is vTaiwan
When law meets tech
The law needs adjustment
Pass vTaiwan projects:
Corporate law amendment
Goal of vTaiwan:
A easy way for ppl to express thoughts
9/21 a forum discussion on UAV
small hackathons every wednessday here
# Proposal: billy
What have Audrey Tang done?
After a year being the Digital Minister, what have audrey "pushed"?
Disclaimer: I'm a staff member at the Digital Minister's office
Just finished an interview of audrey
There will be a livestreaming of audrey, please join and ask question
Time: 1pm
# Proposal: terix
This is my first time here
A very big pit
"Hagriculture hackathon"
There are a lot of problems re: argriculture that need help from hackers
11/25,26 hackathon
Working with Council of Argriculture, ministry of technology
Wu yin-ning, GM of Taipei arguiculture company
Audrey Tang
Fruit trees 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🍎🍐🍊🍇🍓🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳
# End of proposals
# Self-intro
* 2 keywords per person
Take open gov stickers, fans
Please say hello everyone together first!
# Happy Hacking!
One plate per person
# Autumn g0v grants kickoff
# jothon welcome
We are about to begin, please take a seat <3
Hello everyone I'm kirby <3
Next we are kicking off this season's g0v grants!
5 years?
My kid is also 5 years old
This is the first g0v project
Central government budget visualization
26 hackathons
2000+ participants
Some projects disappeared
We want to help! Hence the g0v grants.
This is the second round of g0v grants.
This is g0v grants team.
Welcome ipa: g0v grants Executive Director
5 years a young lady becomes mom of two kids
g0v grants is a super big "keng"
**No matter what gov does, g0v needs to continue**
g0v grants is about sustaining g0v projects
It's also about the community "supervising" the projects
So everyone please subscribe their github repo
Participate in discussion
Making g0v grants work is difficult
These are our funding partners ------>
Welcome Dr Peng of the WeatherRisk Inc
Why does a weather company support g0v?
Recently typhoons are people's concern
Is there a way to create better forcast with ppl power?
Typhoon forcast with AI?
The weather bureau here always says they're the best
But there are obvious problems
I also said to clkao that my company will open up weather data
In supporting g0v, also growing my company
Here I want to dig a big hole
Can we host a big data event
3000 ppl?
I invite everyone here to participate
Thank you.
this round of g0v grants is funding six projects
But who decides?
These are the 7 judges
Welcome Ptt founding admin Mr Du
Thank you
I appreciate this opportunity
Like g0v, Ptt started very grassroot
During Ptt's 22-year history
A lot of other platform died
But Ptt survived
(Ptt is Taiwan's most influencial Bulletin Board System)
I want to offer you some examples here
Also everyone please do not underestimate your project and yourself
1995 founding of Ptt
1997 founding of Yam (a Web portal and search engine)
Then I left Taiwan for the US
Helping to build a human genome database
You can see every major BBS in China originated from Ptt in Taiwan
Right now, Tencend is very big in Taiwan
Back in 1997, they were a very small company who just built QQ
Every big tech company right now started with a very small idea
2006 I joined MS Research
Researching search, big data, AI
2016 MS Research announced its strategy on AI
We think that the future of UX is conversational, chat bot
MS Research started with only 8 ppl
Joining ppl from other department
Finally becomes a company-wide strategy
Now, every company is focused on AI
Taiwan is at the backbone of the development of Information/Data Industry
Open is the only way for efficient [wide-spread] analysis
The data accumulated in the past 2 years is 90% of the data in all human history
What data is needed for the future society?
In Taiwan's context, we have medical data, smart city data
But a lot of the data is not open
We need more ppl to inspect if our city governance is complying the principle of open dataTo
Taiwan's universities are also ranking very high in the world in the field of AI
I hope everyone can get bigger muscles
Last week I participated in a precision medicine panel
We need the spirit of precision medicine in every field in Taiwan
Open data is the prerequisite of precision analysis
We just had a major black out & ppl are asking who are the biggest consumer of electricity?
We have to be careful of pseudo-science
**Civic tech is the precision medicine we need in Taiwan**
These are the six grantees
Some of them doesn't have logos yet (lol)
Now presentations by each project
How can we find the g0v projects?
# Project: YA0H: Yet Another g0v Hub
presenter: cassi
Hi I am cassi, my proposal is small but important for g0v.
The issues we wish to solve are:
(1) for the newbies of g0v hackthon to easily participate in hackthons
(2) it is difficult to find data
Now presenting prototype
We can view issues and edit meta data of each project on the website
(3) GitHub is better?
**g0v ambassedor** is a facebook page that we are sharing in g0v FB group
We wish that the this project can be introduce the different projects we are doing
What we need to do to make more ppl using the platform that we are developing? We need to collect more users' opinions to design a friendly and pratical project.
What are the shortcomings?
We need to insure more participation
We need to understand the forming of each project
Oh we need to reward the money to the project
[That's one black check right there lol]
So g0v is also about the real world (lol)
# Project: LostSAR-搜救
A tool to find lost ppl in the mountain
I was very surprised to get this grant actually
* find ppl in the mountain
* find ppl to find ppl in the mountain
There are a lot of ppl offering to help to install "beacons" in the mountains
But it's not only beacons
It's beacons + GPS + UAV searching
It doesn't have to be super fancy
Use cases:
18-20min >> 30min >> 40-60min
the battery can be used for 1-2 years
When accidents happen, drones can help us to find ppl
We have tested this solution in the field using ordinary drones we bought
For power consumption
The results: > 100m, decreased labour, long distance searching
We are at the stage of testing
We will give this solution to firefighters or search parties in the future
Join us on Facebook here goo.gl/HJ6A3w
dev, marketing, design, volunteer
Thank you.
Now another black big check <3
# Project: AgriNote - Your helper in the field 阿龜誌—農務紀錄好幫手
- tiny machines and software to help farmers
we are the winner of last time but the project is still going
This is a revolution about using technology in agriculture
A lot of ppl wanted to join, but they did not know how
This time is's AgriNote, helping farmers to document their process
last year: A sensnor in the field
We've build a dashboard for the farmers to view the data
Keys to applying data science for agriculture:
Microweather data, environ data, field record, plant growth recrod.
Last season we did a lot of research
but the farmers have problems using the platform, and the data is not very useful
and the data was not good enough for real, valuable analysis
Next stage we will deploy the sensors at a village
:user interface
:improve data
:field trials
Incentivize the farmers
Crop Models
We cannot just use foreign models
We are working with NTU and other experts
Taking the comments of farmers
work with School of agriculture , NTU,
and other experts
We wiil open-source this model
Please join us on Facebook
* Agri Hacking Day
* Open Hack Farm
**We strive to make data warmer for ppl**
Thank you turtles!
# Project: Taiwan Corporation Holding Relation and Environmental Social Responsibility
> 台灣企業集團母子公司關係與環境社會責任
by Ling, Green Citizen Alliance, etc
During DingXin group incident, we wanted to know what companies belonged to the group so we can boycutt them
During ETC incident, we also wanted to know what companies to boycutt
That's what we want to help with, to build a tool to show relations between companies and holding corporations
This tool will be useful for all kinds of social issues and activism.
Example as shown ->>>>>
This is an example
The network is more complicate than this.
We are an envornmental activist group
We want to make the holding corporations accountable for all its subsidiaries when it comes to environmental impact
This is our project: Transparent Footsteps
Aim: If I search a compnay in this map, we will find all the other business of the corp
This is an example of the website where we can see all the details of a holding corporation's environmental impact
The data that we are using is very complicated
These are some examples
We are inviting ppl to join us to tidy up the data that we found.
# Project: 享食雲 foodsaving.world
Using P2P to share food, avoid food wasting.
You must know that we waste a lot of food each day
In Germany, we have a website foodsharing.de
So our volunteers can see each day, which restaurants wishes to share their food
Food sharing Taiwan is a three-way cooperation
Provider, foodsaver, the consumer
We have a facebook group <3
Volunteers signing a legal agreement
we started in April of 2016
we have two public fridge
we just build foodsharing.tw
friends in Germany helped
we also have a map of Taiwan mapping foodsharing situations
we are building tools to facilitate foodsharing in Taiwan
We are also looking for cooperating busines and shops
Everything is on github and open-sourced
# Project: Taiwan Watch 美國國會台灣觀測站
A website to observe US congress (from tw)
We are Taiwan Watch
most of the members of this project are in the US
most of us also have experience of lobbying in US Congress
Is the US our ally?
The most common reaction is that the US is using Taiwan as a leverage
but International politics are natually about exchanging interest
do we really know what US Congress is doing about Taiwan?
Congress is where policies are born
Many of our group members have experiences in lobbying in US congress.
Observing Congress is the best way to examine US's Taiwan policy
Now: there are no fast and easy way to get realtime news about US Congress's decisions re: Taiwan
Now: more ppl in Taiwan are participating in politics
we want to lower the language barriers for Taiwanese
Taiwanese Americans
born in the US, cares very much about Taiwan & they can VOTE!
##grei#WEa lot of open gov websites in the US, but none of them are of a Taiwanese perspective
Taiwanese Americans can influence US congress decisions with their votes.
We want to put the voice of Taiwanese in US Congress
What to do?
## focus information / topical information re: US Congress & Taiwan-US relations
# Progress Report
# Project AgriNote
We have partiion the project to 3 parts and are progressing. We are interviewing the farmers and collecting their opinions and needs. We will discuss about these farmers' comments and develop from that.
# Project: JsonViewer
I realized that I don't have enough knowledge about open data
I have done some tests and now I would like to demo them
I tested on construction data released by Taipei Gov
I was planning to get geolocation, then get property ID, but that failed
Use of this kit does not affect your ability to use visual elements
# Project: What have Audrey done?
I am working for Au now.
I didn't know what to tell you for this progress report
Au wants the communication with government to be bi-directional.
Now Audrey's office is pushing for setting up "PO" (participation officers) in all central gov offices
Conclusion: information needs to be synced inside & out
Welcome criticism
# Project: Corporation Registration Assist Tool
We had progress on a corporation info search tool
Document generator
We are in the process of downloading the info of all companies and tidying up
Let's search for FoxConn
Thank you.
# Project: Amis moedict
This is our team ->
We want a webpage which can speak example sentences
這是我們新的設計 --->
網站右上方有更明顯的設計,告訴大家前往 Android/iOS 下載 app
# Project: itaigi
Hi, i am little grass. this is allen.
This is our Facebook page "itaigi"
We have an event recently called: walking on the street and learn Taiwanese
We found that a lot of written text on the streets written in inappropriate Taiwanese characters.
Ususally the street signs are not written in proper Taiwanese
For example, we had jelly during lunch today, but a vendor wrote it as "alegator oil" which is not properly written
Another example: a sign that says "Grandma can give you her shit"
Please send us photos of these signs, we will make them into cute pics and put them on our fan page.
Now I want to introduce you a popular phrase recently: 師傅 (shifu/seafood)
There are many ways in Taiwanese to say this phrase
We hope you use itaigi.tw to learn Taiwanese
This website can also speak to you in proper Taiwanese
for both individual phrases and a whole sentence
It's not perfect yet, but it's worth referencing
# Project: Jamnevisi (CrowdLaw)
Mohammad from Iran
# Project: CSR open data
Hi I'm Lee Zheng Bei
Today our progress is made by 3 engineers, 2 marketing ppl, also we collaborated with a g0v grants recipient regarind corporation environmental impact
We use google visual API to work on the data
We have initial result but more debugging is needed
We also used Django to build an initial platform
We will keep working on it
# Project: Lee Ming Che
No photos no videos please
No photos no videos please
No photos no videos please
So now I am an NGO player
What should we do as an NGO worker?
Is it about giving ppl knowledge? Knowledge is power.
Now you've recruited 2000+ ppl
Let's write an article to influence the world.
Doorbell rang...
A sudden visit
You are in a dark, humid room
"Do you want to coperate now?"
"What? I didn't do anything wrong!"
This scenario was adapted from a true story
"I am not going to sign anything!"
What can we do?
Waiting for hope
Waiting for friends and family's rescue
My story is published on the web
The story has not been ended at the moment.
It's a 6100+ script and 3 different ending
# Code for Japan: Hal Seki
工作坊實況照片 ->
* 工作坊、黑客松、與政府人員開會
* 地方組織寫的app
* 尋找地方的幼稚園
右邊這位是project leader ------>
她想解決自己遇到的問題 ----->
* 沒垃圾APP
* 企業fellowship
五分鐘要解釋Code for Japan真的很短
下週在日本有Code for Japan的大會,歡迎大家參加!
# 開放緬甸
Technical difficulties...
# Cofacts
This project is to clarify facts from rumours.
added 17 editors
already sent 8977 replies
added 184 new replies
We got a PR!!! <3
I have too many Chrome tags open
We also updated the statement of our chatbot
Added new arrows to our state diagram
In factchecking...
the former-president of NTU Dr Lee proved that pinching your fingers and cure hundred diseases
# 開放緬甸 take 2!
"Open Development Myanmar"
# Project: Transcribing China Gov't Bullshit
We finished 40% of all transcript today
Link is here: https://hackmd.io/c/ry2TPHV9W/%2Fs%2FBkkpi4uqb
It also work on smart phones
On the left you see all segments of videos from the courts of China
Thank you mg and (one other contributor) for copyediting
We also decided to add images to the transcript so it's more fun to read
One document would be all images because it's all prosecutor presenting evidence
Other document would be all text because ppl are talking a lot
We will keep working on it and ensure it's easy to reuse
# LostSAR - Drone-assist ppl searching
We need volunteers to deply beacons in to the mountains of Taiwan
There is a diaster prevention festival 9/23 afternoon in SYS memorial hall
National Disaster prevention Day and Events ------>
# Ronny's computer is dead...
# Here comes billy's computer <3
# Project: Deconstructing the Open Data Councils
Thanks for your contribution
We use a Google Sheet now to list all open datacouncils and council members
We want to add tags to all council members
Tagging would enable data visualization later
We are also working on the transcript of each meetings in each council
We hope you can keep contributing to this filling all the holes
# Moderator's apology
clkao: Thank you billy
# End of all presentations
We are 8 mins ahead of schedule
Please come to the front of the hall!
After the foto please move all the chairs to the sides.